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1、2001年英语专业八级真题答案真题 120PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. while listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but yon will need them to complete a gap-filling task afte

2、r the mini-lecture. when the lecture is over, yon will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.听力原文The World Bank is one of the major channels through which the development aid is pass

3、ed from the industrial west to the poor and developing nations of the world. Its scale of operations is vast, which is why its lending program exceeds 7 billion a year and its work force numbers about 4,500. In the last decade important changes have taken place in the size of the banks operations an

4、d in its emphasis of the lending policies. What immediately strikes anyone looking at the lending figures over the past ten years is the tremendous expansion in the banks loan program. This has increased from 1 billion to nearly 7 billion. The figure includes hard loans which are made at current rat

5、es of interest and soft loans which are allocated to poor countries at concessionary rates and usually channeled through the banks affiliatethe International Development Association. In deciding the emphasis of its lending policy, the bank has had to take into account the population explosion which

6、is occurring in many poor countries of the world. It is a fact that the fertility rate of poor countries is often very high. This is one of the main reasons for these countries remaining poor. Unfortunately, wide-ranging contraception programs do not usually reduce this rate because there is a stron

7、g and deeply rooted tradition among people in these countries to have big families. What the Bank discovered was that there was a link between economic and social development on the one hand, and reduction of fertility rate on the other. Thus, by improving basic health service, by introducing better

8、 nutrition, by increasing literacy, and by promoting more even income distribution in a poor country, a lower and more acceptable fertility rate would be achieved. This advance in thinking persuaded the bank to change its overall lending strategy. While previously it had concentrated on the big infr

9、astructure projects, such as dams, roads and bridges, it began to switch to projects which directly improve the basic services of a country. There was a shift, if you like, from building dams to digging waterholes to provide clean water. A second reason for the changes in the approach was that the b

10、ank had learned a bitter lesson from the project financed in the 1960s. Many of its major capital investments have scarcely touched the lives of the urban and rural poor. Nor had they created much employment. The projects did not have the trickle-down effect they had in industrialized countries. Ins

11、tead, the huge dams, steel mills and so on were left as monuments to themselves. This redirection of its lending has meant that the bank has tended to support labor-intensive activities rather than capital-intensive ones both in rural and urban areas. There is a better chance in the first case that

12、its funds will benefit the bottom 40% of a countrys population. The bank is also looking at ways of stimulating the growth of small businesses in many developing countries, since this would create employment opportunities for people with low incomes. Being such a big and obvious target, the bank has

13、 often come under fire. For example, its officials have been taken to task for using the Concord Supersonic Aircraft so frequently, about 500 times in one year. Also the large growth in the organizations personnel has not pleased some critics. A more substantial criticism has concerned the banks pol

14、icy of setting annual targets for lending to specified countries. This could lead to a deterioration in the quality of loans, some say. One former bank official has said, rather than encourage growth for its own sake, the bank should begin to think of itself less as a foreign aid agency and more of

15、a financial deal maker combining official with private resources for its specific purposes. Finally, some people maintain that the impact of the projects funded by the bank has been modest. When one looks around the world at regions or countries that have successfully transformed to industrial statu

16、s, it seems that one should beware of overestimating the banks impact. Take Hong Kong as an example. Its changes have come about as a result of a trade offensive. The purpose has been to flood western markets with iow price goods made by capitalist methods of production. The example seems to indicat

17、e that some regions can prosper without the banks aid as well. 第1题:参考答案:A答案解析:第2题:参考答案:C答案解析:第3题:参考答案:D答案解析:第4题:参考答案:D答案解析:第5题:参考答案:C答案解析:听力原文W: Well, it seems quite common, actually. Lots of people in Australia are now traveling and taking time off. And when I was traveling, I met so many people do

18、ing the same thing. M: Yeah, yeah, so where did you start off? W: Well, I went to New Zealand first. Urn, and I got a job in a computer company as a secretary. And I worked there for four months. M: Really? You can do that, can you? I mean its possible for anyone to get a job in New Zealand without

19、being a New Zealander? W: No. Not everybody. Only Australians and New Zealanders can exchange either. You know you can work in either country. M: Right, yeah. W: So that was easy. I worked there for four months and raised enough money for the rest of the travels really, so from there, I went to Indo

20、nesia, and traveled around the different islands of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, China, Nepal and India. M: What about in Indonesia? What did you do? Did you fly mostly between the Islands? W: Um, I did a bit of that and boats, mainly local boats between the islands. M: What about Singa

21、pore? People say its very, very modern, but because its too modern, its rather boring. Did you find that? W: Um, well, its difficult so say, really. It has different attractions, you know, the Chinese, Malay and Hindu communities are there. It has its own culture and custom, very different from the

22、others, and its a great big shopping center, and I really enjoyed it from that point of view. And it was very clean. M: And after that, you said you went, what, to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and then China? Thats a great country to travel in, isnt it? W: Well, it was. Yeah. And it was fabulous, i

23、t really was. You havent been there, then? M: No, I havent. I mean its very big, isnt it? Did you. ? W: Yeah, I only had one month traveling in ChinA. That was too short for such a vast country as China. I thought I didnt have enough time, so I sacrificed a lot of places and did the main tours round

24、, really. I went to Beijing, the capital, Kaifeng, Yinchuan and Tibet. M: Wow, how exciting! You said after Beijing, you went to. ? W: That was Kaifeng, in central Chinas Henan province. Its a charming city and has got a lot to look around, like temples and pagodas, very traditional. M: Um, um. W: W

25、hat fascinated me when I was there was that some Jews went to live in Kaifeng many years ago. As early as the 16th century, there were Jewish families there. They had their Saint God and the Five Books of Mezuzas. Even today, several hundreds descendents of the original Jews still live in Kaifeng. M

26、: Really? Ive never heard of that. And, where did you go after Kaifeng? W: I went northwest to Yinchuan, the provincial city of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. M: Is this the place where there has always been a shortage of water? W: No, no. On the contrary, it has got an abundant supply of water beca

27、use it is near the Yellow River. In this sense, Yinchuan has a favorable geographical position in otherwise harsh surroundings. M: What did you see there, then? W: Ningxia was once the capital of the Western Xia during the llth century. So outside Yinchuan, you could still see the Western Xia Mausol

28、eum where the kings of the kingdom are buried. The tombs are pretty scattered in a big area at the foot of the Helan Moutain. And inside the city there is a famous mosque in the architectural style of the Middle East. Its really a place worth visiting. You get to know something about Chinese Moslems

29、. M: Eh ., that sounds really interesting. Where did you travel after that? W: I was lucky enough to get into Tibet and that was brilliant. M: Yeah? What was the most interesting place you visited, do you think? W: Well, I think actually Tibet was the most fascinating and exciting. Ive never been an

30、ywhere so different. The people there are wonderful, the clothes they wear, the food they eat. M: And you said you went to Nepal as well. W: Yeah. That was sort of an easier version of Tibet really. There are a lot of Tibetans there, as well as other tribes and Nepalese. So, that was good because I

31、went trekking in Nepal. You should do that. M: How long did you trek for? W: Oh, I only did a short one, only for a week. I was lazy. M: Was it very tiring? W: No, it wasnt actually. I mean you just say you are on the pace and dont push yourself too hard. That would be a stupid thing to do. You dont

32、 have to walk very far. Um, so that was great. M: So how did you feel after all this traveling? How did you feel to stop traveling? I mean you are on the move alone for month and month, and suddenly you are here and not traveling anymore. How does it feel? W: Oh, I was ready to stop anyway. You got

33、pretty sick wearing the same clothes and washing them in different hotels. I never stay in the same place for longer than two days and things. I was ready to stop. I dont think I could keep doing it. I mean that Ive met people who have been traveling for two or three years. I couldnt do it. M: Yeah,

34、 yeah, maybe its something I should try after this. W: Well, I think you really should. 第6题:参考答案:B答案解析:第7题:参考答案:D答案解析:第8题:参考答案:B答案解析:第9题:参考答案:C答案解析:第10题:参考答案:A答案解析:SECTION B In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the corre

35、ct answer to each question on your ANSWER SHEET.听力原文Mike Tyson could sign a deal by Friday to face either Germanys Shuhs or Denmarks Brian Nelson here on August 21st in the Heavyweight first fight since his release from jail. The former world heavyweight champion was released on Monday after four mo

36、nths behind bars for assault in the wake of a traffic accident last August. His deal with Show Time makes August come back lightly. August 21st is certainly a day we are looking at, Show Times boxing director Jim Larken said, Hopefully in the next few days, well have something concrete. Nevada boxin

37、g officials revoked Tysons license for more than a year after he bit the Evanda Holyfields ear in June, 1997. But they planned no action on Tyson because the license they granted him to fight does not expire until the end of the year. That came before the assault charges have been heard and with a v

38、ictims support. 第11题:参考答案:C答案解析:第12题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文The United States has begun to review Russian documents about the life and death of former President John F. Kennedy and expected to release them once the review is complete, the White House said on Monday. The documents which Russia gave the Unite

39、d States on Sunday could be a particular interest because Kennedys assassin Lee Harvey Oswald lived in the former Soviet Union for several years before he returned to the United States and was arrested for killing the former President on November 22nd, 1963. Russian President Boris Yeltsin surprised

40、 US president Bill Clinton on Sunday when he turned over what was described as the results of an exhausted search of Russian government, military and private archives for papers about Kennedy and his assassination. 第13题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文Hong Kongs unemployment rate has remained stable at 6.3% in the p

41、ast three months, as business conditions have improved in the last month. Figures indicated that from March to May this year the size of the labor force was provisionally at 3,462,000 while the number of unemployed people stood at 216,000. The number of cases of insolvency, sensational business and

42、retrenchment and the number of workers affected by these cases as recorded by the Labor Department have shown a climbing trend in recent months. From March to May 1999,78 such cases involving 3,882 workers were recorded as compared to 93 cases affecting 5,220 workers for the three months from Decemb

43、er 1998 to February 1999. Figures for the period from March to May 1999 when compared with those from February to April 1999 show an increase in the unemployment rate mainly in the renovation maintenance, whole-sale and retail and transport sectors, which have offset the decrease seen in the constru

44、ction, import and export and financing sectors. 第14题:参考答案:C答案解析:第15题:参考答案:C答案解析:SECTION C In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your ANSWER SHEET.第16题:参考答案:symbolic详细解答:第17题:参考答案:cri

45、terion详细解答:第18题:参考答案:reporters详细解答:第19题:参考答案:format详细解答:第20题:参考答案:disadvantage详细解答:第21题:参考答案:competence详细解答:第22题:参考答案:competence详细解答:第23题:参考答案:verbal详细解答:第24题:参考答案:nature详细解答:第25题:参考答案:personal或specific详细解答:PART IV PROOFREADING & ERROR CORRECTION (15 MIN) Directions: Proofread the given passage. The

46、 passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way: (1)For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end o

47、f the line. (2)For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a sign and writet 第26题:参考答案:将in改成with。详细解答:feeling用作可数名词时表示“情感”、“感情”、“心情”,如with mixed feelings表示“怀着矛盾的心情”,用作不可数名词时表示“激情”、“态度(尤其是那种缺乏理智的态度)”,例如play the piano With great feeling表示“满怀激情地弹奏钢琴”。in与 feeUng的搭配是不成立的。第27题:参考答案:将inc

48、reasing改成increasingly。详细解答:increasing作为动词转化而来的形容词,表示“渐增的”,“越来越多的”,其修饰的名词,如number,unemployment等,一般要具有可增长、增多的语义属性。显然,topic(话题)本身不具有这个属性,故 increasing不可修饰topic。这时,我们应该考虑用increasingly这一副词来修饰favorite,意思上讲得通, 即“越来越受人喜爱的”。试比较:increasing student number与the increasingly friendly service,前 者表示“不断增长的学生人数”,后者表示“越发友好的服务

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