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1、翻译三级笔译实务模拟11答案模拟 120Section English Chinese Translation Translate the following two passages into Chinese .第1题:参考答案:根据英国环境、交通及区域部于1998年5月公布的研究报告,减少沿海水域与河流的污染,保证供应安全用水,乃是广大公众在环保方面的当务之急。 在英国,向水中倾倒任何东西,都需征得有关管理部门的同意。在英格兰和威尔士,环境署控制水污染的主要方法是监控一切流入地下水及内陆和沿海水域的废水,包括污水。环境署存有公开的记录,记载着水质、排放许可、授权单位、监督情况等事项。申请排

2、放许可者如对环境署的决定不满,有权上诉,大都由计划督察团接受处理,督察团是部属的一个执行机构。在苏格兰,是由苏格兰环保署(SEPA) 负责监控,上诉大都由驻苏格兰办事处接受处理。在北爱尔兰,水污染由环境与遗产局负责监控。 1997年,在英格兰和威尔士共发生4717起超过许可限度的排污事件,其中有一些是水公司的过错,它们排放了未经充分处理的污水。这些违规行为绝大部分都没有对环境造成重大危害。然而,环境署也的确将65起违规事件送上法庭,其中6l起环境署胜诉,判处的罚款自440镑至12000镑不等,还有一起判处败诉方两个月徒刑。在苏格兰,1997年共发生污染事件2734起;苏格兰环境保护署对情节严重

3、者均予起诉。 1997和1998年,政府实行法定环境质量标准,涉及水中33种物质。新规定使得关于在水中发现的几种最危险的污染物的标准第一次具有法律效力。 在英国,96人口的住宅与下水道系统相连,污水处理厂能为80以上的人口服务。在英格兰和威尔士,水工业承诺在十年间将投资约110亿英镑,以改善水质。逐步提高工业废水处理标准,采取新措施以治理农业造成的污染,预计将会进一步提高水质。在苏格兰,三个给水排污管理局负责给水和排污的事宜,分管全国的北部、东部和西部地区。详细解答:采分点解析 1reliable water supply保证供应安全用水。 分析 基本素质采分点。 reliable adj.

4、可靠的,可信赖的,water supply n. 给水,自来水,供水系统。可信赖的供水系统。根据前文提到的ensuring(保证),所以后面翻译成“保证供水安全”比较符合汉语表达方式。 2top environmental priorities for the public广大公众在环保方面的当务之急。 分析 用词选词采分点。 top priority指“应予最优先考虑的事”,在这里翻译成“当务之急”更好。 3In England and Wales the Environment Agencys principal method of controlling water pollution

5、is through the regulation of all effluent discharges, including sewage, into groundwater, and inland and coastal waters在英格兰和威尔士,环境署控制水污染的主要方法是监控一切流入地下水及内陆和沿海水域的废水,包括污水。 分析 理解结构采分点。 介词短语including sewage(包括污水)插入语成分,用于解释说明排放的废水都包含哪些种类,因此在翻译的时候可将其放在最后进行解释。先把“. discharges, into groundwater and inland and

6、 coastal waters”翻译成“排人地下水及内陆和沿海水域的废水”,然后再进一步解释说明这些废水包括sewage(污水)。 4Applicants for consents to discharge have the right of appeal if they are dissatisfied with the Agencys decision; most of these appeals are dealt with by the Planning Inspectorate, an executive agency of the DETR. 申请排放许可者如对环境署的决定不满,有

7、权上诉,大都由计划督察团接受处理,督察团是部属的一个执行机构。 分析 理解结构采分点。 本句是由两个分句组成,译成汉语时可采用合句法组成一个句子。an executive agency of the DETR是作为planning inspectorate的同位语来进一步解释说明这一部门是隶属于DETR。 5In Northern Ireland the Environment and Heritage Service is responsible for controlling water pollution在北爱尔兰,水污染由环境与遗产局负责监控。 分析 基本素质采分点。 Environm

8、ent and Heritage Service表示一个机构,其中的Service应翻译成“局”。 6In 1997, there were 4,717 cases in England and Wales of discharges exceeding their consented limits, including a number of offences by water companies discharging insufficiently treated sewage. 1997年,在英格兰和威尔士共发生4,717起超过许可限度的排污事件,其中有一些是水公司的过错,它们排放了未经

9、充分处理的污水。 分析 选词用词采分点。 insufficiently treated指“处理不充分,处理不当的”,这里要翻译成“未经充分处理的”。offence不译成“冒犯”,而这里指的是“过错”。 7However, the Environment Agency did bring 65 cases to court, of which 61 were successful, resulting in fines ranging from 440 to 12,000 and one prison sentence of two months. 然而,环境署也的确将65起违规事件送上法庭,其

10、中61起环境署胜诉,判处的罚款自440镑至12000镑不等,还有一起判处两个月徒刑。 分析 选词用词采分点。 bringto court,把送上法庭。短语result in省译。successful不宜翻译成“成功”,为了使句子更通顷,应译成动词“胜诉”。 8In England and Wales,the water industry is committed to an investment programme of some 11,000 million over ten years for improvements to water quality. 在英格兰和威尔士,水工业承诺在十年

11、间将投资约110亿英镑,以改善水质。 分析 理解表达采分点。 采用省译的方法省译programme。Some指“大约”。 9Progressively higher treatment standards for industrial waste effluents and new measures to combat pollution from agriculture are expected to bring further improvements in water quality逐步提高工业废水处理标准,采取新措施以治理农业造成的污染, 预计将会进一步提高水质。 分析 理解结构采分点

12、。 原句的主语是两个并列的名词性短语higher treatment standards for industrial waste effluents and new measures to combat pollution from agriculture, 可以翻译成动宾结构作主语,译为“逐步提高工业废水处理标准,采取新措施以治理农业造成的污染”。其中要增加动词“提高”和“采取”,谓语部分的improvement转译成动词“提高”。 10In Scotland, responsibility for the provision of all water and sewerage servi

13、ces lies with three Water and Sewerage Authorities, covering the north, east and west of the country. 在苏格兰,三个给水排污管理局负责给水和排污的事宜,分管全国的北部、东部和西部地区。 分析 选词用词采分点。 lie with是当“属于的权利”讲,在此译成由负责即可。cover在这里不译成“覆盖”因为其逻辑主语是“给水排污管理局”,所以,用“分管”更好。Section Chinese-English Translation Translate the following passage int

14、o English .第2题:参考答案:At present, the Chinese people are working hard to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. Not long ago, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China set the main targets for Chinas economic and social development from

15、 2006 to 2010, of which the principal economic target is to double the 2000 per-capita GDP by 2010 on the basis of optimizing the economic structure, increasing economic returns and reducing consumption; and enhance substantially the resource utilization ratio, and by 2010 reduce the 2005 per-unit G

16、DP resource consumption by around 20 percent. To attain this target, China, guided by the Scientific Outlook on Development with people first, overall coordination and sustainable development at the core, will promote the overall development of its economy, politics, culture and society. While seeki

17、ng development by relying primarily on its own strength, China will stick to the policy of opening-up, engage in extensive international economic and technological cooperation, and share with all other countries the fruits of mankinds civilization. China respects and gives consideration to others in

18、terests, works with other countries to solve the disputes and problems cropping up in cooperation, and strives to achieve mutual benefit, win-win and common development. While abiding by its international obligations and commitments, China actively participates in international systems and world aff

19、airs, and endeavors to play a constructive role. China gets along with all other countries equally and develops friendly relations with them on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.详细解答:采分点解析 1小康社会a moderately prosperous society。 分析 基本素质采分点。 “小康社会”为时事词汇。 2前不久,中共十六届五中全会提出了2006年至20

20、10年中国经济社会发展的主要任务,其中经济发展的主要目标是:在优化结构、提高效益和降低消耗的基础上, 现2010年人均国内生产总值比2000年翻一番;资源利用效率显著提高,2010年单位国内生产总值能源消耗比2005年降低20左右。Not long ago, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China set the main targets for Chinas economic and social development from 2006 to 2010,

21、 of which the principal economic target is to double the 2000 per-capita GDP by 2010 on the basis of optimizing the economic structure, increasing economic returns and reducing consumption; and enhance substantially the resource utilization ratio, and by 2010 reduce the 2005 per-unit GDP resource co

22、nsumption by around 20 percent. 分析 理解结构采分点。 原文中的“其中经济发展的主要目标是”翻成定语从句“of which the principal economic target is.”使得句子结构紧凑。原文中“在优化结构、提高效益和降低消耗的基础上”可以翻成介词短语on the basis of optimizing.作状语。下面三部分“实现2010年人均国内生产总值比2000年翻一番;资源利用效率显著提高,2010年单位国内生产总值能源消耗比2005年降低20左右”可以翻译成三个并列的动词不定式短语,分别使用动词double, enhance和redu

23、ce。而“翻一番”即是较之原来两倍之意,因此翻成double the 2000 per-capita GDP by 2010。 3中共十六届五中全会the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China。 分析 基本素质采分点。 中国共产党的代表大会有其固定译法。 4人均国内生产总值per-capita GDP。 分析 基本素质采分点。 “国内生产总值”为常见的时事词汇。 5为了实现这个目标,中国将坚持以人为本、全面协调可持续的科学发展观,推动经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社

24、会建设全面发展。To attain this target, China, guided by the Scientific Outlook on Development with people first, overall coordination and sustainable development at the core, will promote the overall development of its economy,politics,culture and society 分析 理解结构采分点。 原文中第一个分句“坚持以的科学发展观”是中国的指导方针,在这个指导方针指导下进行

25、一系列的活动,所以这部分可以译成过去分词短语作定语,即“guided by the Scientific Outlook on Development with people first, overall coordination and sustainable development at the core”。 6和平共处五项原则the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence。 分析 基本素质采分点。 “和平共处五项原则”为常见时事词汇。 7在主要依靠自身力量发展的同时,中国坚持对外开放,广泛开展国际经济技术合作,与世界各国共同分享人类文明成果;尊重和

26、照顾他国的利益,与各国共同解决合作中出现的分歧和问题,努力实现互利共赢和共同发展;信守国际义务和承诺,积极参与国际体系和国际事务,努力发挥建设性促进作用;在和平共处五项原则的基础上与各国平等相待,积极发展与各国的友好关系。While seeking development by relying primarily on its own strength, China will stick to the policy of opening-up, engage in extensive international economic and technological cooperation, a

27、nd share with all other countries the fruits of mankinds civilization. China respects and give consideration to others interests, works with other countries to solve the disputes and problems cropping up in cooperation, and strives to achieve mutual benefit, win-win and common development. While abi

28、ding by its international obligations and commitments, China actively participates in international systems and world affairs, and endeavors to play a constructive role. China gets along with all other countries equally and develops friendly relations with them on the basis of the Five Principles of

29、 Peaceful Coexistence. 分析 理解结构采分点。 该句是一个长句,可以用断句法,分译成四个独立的句子。第一个分句“中国坚持对外开放,广泛开展国际经济技术合作,与世界各国共同分享人类文明成果”译成简单句“China will stick to the policy of opening-up, engage in extensive international economic and technological cooperation, and share with all other countries the fruits of mankinds civilization.”在翻译第二个分句“尊重和照顾他国的利益,与各国共同解决合作中出现的分歧和问题,努力实现互利共赢和共同发展”时要增加主语“China”,为了避免与上句动词的重复,这里的“努力”可选用“endeavor”。第三个分句中的“信守国际义务和承诺”可译成分词短语,用连词 while。“在和平共处五项原则的基础上”依旧译成介词短语。“照顾”实际的意思是“考虑,充分考虑”,所以,译成“give consideration to”。更多试卷请见麦多课文库

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