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1、翻译二级口译综合能力2003年12月答案真题 120Part Listen to the short passages and then decide whether the corresponding statements below are true or false. After hearing a short passage, blacken the circle of True on the answer sheet below if you think the statement is true, or blacken the circle for False if it is f

2、alse. There are ten questions in this part of the test, two points for each question.第1题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文 In a series of radio broadcasts, Arnold Schwargenegger, the actor-turned-candidate-for-governor, staked out some middle ground on social issues, taking positions that might alien ate his conserva

3、tive fellow Republicans but match the views of a majority of Californians. 隐含事实的找寻和推断。 原文在谈及Arnold Schwargenegger所采取的立场时说“alienate his conservative fellow Republilcans”即“疏远了他那些保守的共和党派同伴”,由此可推断Arnold Schwargenegger应该是共和党而不是民主党。因此,题干的说法是错误的。 解题关键 1) 理解关键词含义,如原文中alienate的意思,2) 对重要信息作出正确推断,比如能推断出原文中fell

4、ow(同伴),表明Arnold Schwargenegger的党派关系。第2题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文 Early onset of depression in children and teens is increasingly common. Depressed adolescents are at high risk for school failure, social isolation, promiscuity, self-medication, and even suicidethe third leading cause of death among 15-to 24-y

5、ear-olds. 因果关系的判断。 原文讨论青少年消沉沮丧的问题时说“Depressed adolescents are at high risk for school failure, social isolation.”即“消沉沮丧的午轻人会面临巨大的危险,如学业失败,与社会隔绝等”,由此可判断,消沉沮丧是因,而学业失败,与社会隔绝等是果。题干因果关系倒置,因此是错误的。 解题关键 在没有明显信号词提示的情况下,迅速对上下文语义逻辑关系作出判断,如对上面句子中信息的逻辑关系作出判断。第3题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文 Cheliean sea bass is a snow-white

6、, flaky delicacy in restaurants in the United States, Japan and Europe. Environmentalists have warned that over-fishing and poaching could cause it to vanish from the coasts of Antarctica. 语法理解。 通过原文“over-fishing”可判断Cheliean sea bass可能是鱼类,且原文提出对该物种的过度和非法捕捞“could cause it to vanish”与题干“might have alr

7、eady become extinct”意思不能吻合,前者表示对未来预测的一种可能性,而后者则表示对已发生情况的判断。因此,题干的说法是错误的。 解题关键 正确理解语法概念。第4题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文 In western Sweden, a five-year-old girl was abducted and stabbed to death last week by an inmate from a psychiatric institute who was able to come and go at will in part because the cost of loo

8、king after such patients in this cradle-to-grave welfare state is becoming too high. 语义推理判断。 本题要求从上下文语境中进行推断。原文谈到在这个从生到死都享受福利的国家,看护费用过高是导致精神病人能随意进出医院的部分原因,而这种病人随意出入医院又造成了5岁儿童的惨死。由此可推断,该国的福利制度已经不能令人满意,不再有效了。因此,题干的说法是正确的。 解题关键 能够凭借信号词对语义关系作出正确判断,如可根据原文中be cause对语义关系作出因果关系的判断。第5题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文 While

9、women make up half the 325 million people in the Middle East and North Africa, and in some countries as many as 63 percent of university students, they comprise only 32 percent of the labor force, according to a World Bank report released on the eve of its annual meeting with the International Monet

10、ary Fund. 数字信息的找寻和判断。 本题要求对妇女在各领域内的构成人数进行判断。将题干与原文进行对比可知,原文中说妇女在劳动力中占32%,而非题干中所言占大学生人数的32%,因此,题干的说法是错误的。 解题关键 迅速对数字及其相关信息作出反应和判断。第6题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文 The United States on Tuesday vetoed a UN Security Council resolution, backed by Islamic and nonaligned nations, demanding that Israel back off its thre

11、at to deport the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. Eleven Council members voted in favor of the measure, while Britain, Germany and Bulgaria abstained. 逻辑关系的识别和判断。 关于联合国的这项议案,原文“Eleven Council members voted in favor of the measure, while Britain, Germany and Bulgaria abstained.”句中信号词while表明了其前后内容的对比

12、,该词前面的内容是赞成(in favor of),但后面的三个国家都对该议案持否定态度。因此,题干的说法是错误的。 解题关键 根据信号词对原文语义关系作出正确判断,如原句中while表明了其前后内容的对比。第7题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文 Toyota Motor, having topped Daimler-Chryslers American unit in sales for the first time last month, may be poised to dethrone Ford Motor as the worlds second-biggest automaker w

13、ithin two years. It has gained market share since the 1970s, in part by improving the quality of the vehicles it makes. That is reflected in higher customer satisfaction ratings and fewer defects. 因果关系的判断。 原文中谈到Toyota Motor公司有可能在两年内位居世界汽车生产第二大厂家时,认为该公司自从20世纪70年代以来市场份额逐渐扩大的部分原因是“improving the quality

14、 of the vehicles it makes”,即“提高其所生产汽车的质量”,该因果关系通过信号词“by”表明,而题干混淆并歪曲了这一因果关系,因此其说法是错误的。 解题关键 根据信号词对原文语义关系作出正确判断,如原句中by表明了其前后内容的因果关系。第8题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文 In Jerusalem, where responding to terror attacks has become a grim medical specialty, Dr. David Applebaum was known as the first man on the scene. He

15、spent years dashing to the bomb sites to treat the wounded, and was an innovator in emergency medical services that are called into action all too often in the city. 语义推理判断。 通过原文“emergency medical services that are called into action all too often in the city”及“In Jerusalem, where responding to terr

16、or attacks has become a grim medical specialty”可推断急救服务在Jerusalem频频需要的原因是该城不断遭受恐怖袭击。由此可知,题干的说法是正确的。 解题关键 在没有明显信号词提示的情况下,迅速对上下文语义逻辑关系作出判断。第9题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文 The Chinese currency, the yuan, is not a free-floating currency like the Japanese yen but is pegged to the US dollar. Its value is therefore ess

17、entially unchanged. Beijing is not expected to change this system in the near term, in part because officials there fear that a move now towards free-floating currency could destabilize the countrys economy and financial system. 因果关系的判断。 根据原文第一句“The Chinese currency, the yuan, is not a flee-floating

18、 currency like the Japanese yen but is pegged to the US dollar.”可知中国货币不是自由浮动的,随美元浮动,而日元是自由浮动的,因此可以推测该货币不随美元浮动,这与题干中说日元随美元浮动不符;而且原文最后句说到“.officials there fear that a move now towards free-floating currency could destabilize the countrys economy and financial system.”即“中国官员担心调整人民币使之逐渐成为自由浮动货币的举动会使中国的经

19、济和财政体系动荡”,由此可见,可能使中国经济和财政体系动荡的原因是举动(move),而不是自由浮动的货币制度(free-floating currency)。题干中说日元作为自由浮动货币会引起该国经济和财政体系的动荡,误解歪曲了原文的因果关系,因此共说法是错误的。 解题关键 正确识别句子成分是解此题的关键。第10题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文 Ben Glisan Jr., a former treasurer of Enron, has pleaded guilty to a federal charge that he committed securities and wire fra

20、ud, making him the highest-ranking former Enron executive to admit wrongdoing in the accounting scandal that drove the energy company into bankruptcy. 特定信息的找寻和判断。 原文中提到Ben Glisan的身份时使用的是“former Enron executive”即“Enron公司前任执行总裁”而非题干中所言的现任总裁,由此可见,题干的说法与原文不符,因此是错误的。 解题关键 主要信息的修饰成分,如定语等经常成为考查目标,因此要对该句中的f

21、ormer多加留意。Part Listen to the following short passages and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each passage by blackening the corresponding circle. There are ten passages in this part of the test, with one question each, which carries two points.第11题:参考答案:C答案解析:听力原文 As Chinas

22、 vast interior gets richer, Grenda Lee, Coco-Colas Shanghai-based director of external affairs, finds herself dreaming about tapping the countrys rural market. Chinese peasants account for roughly 70 percent of Chinas 1.3 billion people, but on average each drinks only three Coke products a year. Th

23、at compares with some 60 drinks consumed annually in Shanghai and Beijing, 150 in Hong Kong and 420 in the United States. With so many customers at stake, potential profits take on epic scale. 数字信息的找寻和判断。 题干要求将原文中提到的国家地区按可口可乐的消费量进行排序。原文中提到人均一年可口可乐的消费量时给予了明确的数字信息,即中国农村为每人3罐,上海和北京为每人约60罐,香港是150罐,而美国是4

24、20罐。由此可见,选项c的说法符合原文,是正确答案。 解题关键 迅速对数字信息作出反应和判断是解题的关键。第12题:参考答案:C答案解析:听力原文 With fractional ownership the participants actually own a percentage of a jet plane, super-yacht, Old Master painting or a second home, not just the right to use it for a specified amount of time. They enjoy all the benefits o

25、f ownership without paying an astronomical price for something they use only occasionally. And, they are able to afford a bigger, better yacht, helicopter or home than they could have bought outright. 语义判断推理。 从原文第一句给fractional ownership的定义可知,这种所有权是指对某些昂贵物品享有部分所有权,而不是指“the right to use it for a speci

26、fied amount of time”即在某一特定时间内使用该物品的权利。由此可知,选项c将部分所有权等同于时间共享的概念是错误的。因此,选项c是正确答案。 解题关键 定义一般由被定义对象所属的类别及主要特征构成,听时要对这几部分内容多加留意,并可做适当的笔记。本题考查被定义对象的主要特征。第13题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文 The evolution of technology is showing no signs of maturing whatsoever. If you look at nanomaterials or photonics, carbon nanotubes,

27、 all the things that are going on in new types of energy, environmentally better materialstheres no shortage of new technology coming. It is nowhere near maturity. Certainly, theres consolidation among business models and competitors, but it doesnt have the telltale signs of a mature industry where

28、theres no innovation. 主旨题。 题干要求找出本段关于技术发展的要点内容。根据原文可知技术的发展已不再展示出什么成熟的迹象。在没有出现太大变革的情况下,纳米材料、光子学等对环境有利的新能源材料出现了,新技术的出现不一定非与成熟的工业相伴出现。由此可见,只有选项a的内容与原文相符,因此,该项是正确答案。 解题关键 综合理解语句内容是解题的关键。第14题:参考答案:C答案解析:听力原文 Parkinsons disease can cause a weird variety of different symptoms in different people. The two m

29、ost common are uncontrollable shaking on the one hand, or rigidity on the other. Balance problems are also frequent. The stranger symptoms can include difficulty going through doorways and deciding what to eat for dinner. 事实细节的找寻和判断。 原文第一句谈到“Parkinsons disease can cause a weird variety of different

30、symptoms in different people.”即“帕金森症(震颤性麻痹症)在不同的人身上会表现出各种不同的症状。”由此可见,选项c的说法与原文相符,因此,该项是正确答案。 解题关键 掌握词性变化带来的句子结构的改变,如原文中使用variety,题干中使用了vary。第15题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文 The global steel industry is in a mess. Overcapacity and weak demand have hurt producers. In 2002, 847 million tons of steel was produced,

31、but consumption was only 765 million tons. Steel makers have responded by consolidating. Last year in Europe, for example, Arcelor, the worlds biggest producer, was formed from a three-way merger of Spains Aceralia, Frances Usinor and Arbed, a Luxemburg-based company. 语义的推理判断。 根据原文“Overcapacity and

32、weak demand have hurt producers.”即“过度的生产能力和疲软的需求使牛产者受挫”及“In 2002, 847 million tons of steel was produced, but consumption was only 765 million tons.”由此可见,从前一句的说明和后一句中的数字对比可推断出世界钢铁消费锐减。因此,选项 b的说法是正确的。 解题关键 将文中有关信息归类并做出判断有助于正确解题。如将原文 weak demand, only 765 million tons归类可发现它们与选项中drastic cut同类。第16题:参考答案

33、:B答案解析:听力原文 In any movie theater any summer, you can practically hear the atrophying of brain cells. Summer pictures dont insult the audiences intelligence so much as they ignore it, playing instead to the mass-market inner child. But with most big films serving as a form of popcultural potty traini

34、ng, theres a grand void to be filled for viewers who have not sent their brains to summer campwho want the occasional film to speak to their inner grownup. 观点态度的判断。 根据原文可知夏季影片会带来“the atrophying of brain cells”即“脑细胞的萎缩”;而且最后一句表明观众心声时说“viewers who have not sent their brains to summer campwho want the

35、occasional film to speak to their inner grownup”即“看夏季电影并不用费脑子,可观众有时也想看看那些能引起内心思考的影片”,由此可见,选项b的说法与原文相符,因此,该项答案是正确的。 解题关键 理解关键短语背后的含义并由此对文章的观点作出判断是解题的关键,如理解原文中两处表示委婉的否定态度的说法:the atrophying of brain cells 和 speak to their inner grownup。第17题:参考答案:C答案解析:听力原文 Political tourism first took off in the

36、 1980s, when activists, angry at the United States for propping up Central American dictators, began flocking to countries like Nicaragua and Honduras to see the result themselves. Groups such as the London-based Nicaragua Solidarity Network were only too happy to accommodate them. After returning h

37、ome, activist tourists tended to take like-minded compatriots back to the region to express solidarity with a movement, act as international observers or simply educate foreigners on the consequences of cold-war policies. 主旨题。 原文第一句提出“Political tourism first took off in the 1980s.”而后面的各句都是支持性细节,分别从原

38、因、状况和结果等方面进一步介绍说明这种新兴的旅游形式。因此,恰当概括原文中心思想的选项c的内容是正确的。 解题关键 正确识别中心句与支持性细节的关系。第18题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文 Human cloning involves creating an embryo out of a cell taken from a fully developed human being. Reproductive cloning means growing an embryo into a second, genetically identical human being. Therapeutic

39、 cloning, by contrast, means using an embryo as a source of stem cells for the person who supplied the originally cell. The theory is that stem cells with DNA identical to yours would be more likely to develop successfully into re placement parts for you. Brain cells for people with Parkinsons are t

40、he most promising example, but ultimately even severed limbs might grow back this way. 语义的判断和推理。 原文讨论的主题是therapeutic cloning(用于治疗的克隆技术),根据原文可知克隆可用于繁殖和治疗,用于治疗的克隆细胞可作为stem cells(干细胞),由于它与原供应体的DNA一样,所以可以成功用于原供应体的移植。克隆技术对帕金森症的治疗有广阔的前景。由此可见,只有选项a的说法与原文不符,因此,该选项是正确答案。 解题关键 抓住原文中的关键词作出正确的推断,如therapeutic(治疗

41、的)与选项a中research(研究)意思相左。第19题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文 The disappointing ministerial conference that concluded in Cancun, Mexico in September will have many ramifications, but sadly the most significant of them will be its impact on poor countries. A more open and equitable trading system would provide them w

42、ith an important tool in alleviating poverty and raising their levels of economic development. 语义理解判断。 原文第一句提到Cancun部长会议结果颇多,但其中最重要的是对贫困国家产生的影响。接着在第二句点明更开放更公平的贸易制度将对这些国家产生巨大帮助。由此可推测,更开放更公平的贸易制度应该是这次会议的议题。因此,选项b的内容与原文相符,是正确的。 解题关键 正确推断主题是本题的关键。第20题:参考答案:D答案解析:听力原文 It takes only a trip on the busy but

43、 rutted highway that leads north from here to understand how a huge swath of the Amazon jungle could have been razed over the course of just a year. Where the jungle once offered shelter to jaguars, parrots and deer, the land is now increasingly being cleared for soybeans, Brazils hottest cash crop.

44、 语义判断推理。 原文描述了亚马逊热带雨林一年来经历的巨大变化。最后一句具体指出这片土地曾经是各种动物的栖息地,而现在却被人量开垦用来种植经济作物。从我们对环境保护的背景知识可推测,这种变化应该是破坏性的。由此可知,选项d的内容与原文意义相符,因而是正确的。 解题关键 对环境保护的背景知识有助于正确解题。Part Listen to the following longer passages and then choose the best answer to each of the questions by blackening the corresponding circle. You m

45、ay need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are 20 questions in this part of the test, two points for each question. Passage One听力原文21-25 In early September, Trinidads state-owned sugar company made all of its 9,200 employees redundant. Though most are Indo

46、-Trinidadians and supporters of the islands truculent opposition party, there were no protests. The workers got redundancy pay totaling 115 million dollars, the offer of retraining, and the chance to continue growing cane as independent farmers in plots on the companys 31,000 hectares of farmland. T

47、rinidad, booming on oil and gas, has plenty of new jobs. Jamaicas stagnant economy is another story. The government privatized its sugar factories in 1994, but agreed to take them back four years later. Hit by floods and droughts, this years sugar crop was a disaster. A shutdown might be greeted wit

48、h riots by the 7,000 sugar workers and 8,000 cane farmers of the country. Barbados, prosperous and stable, has a different problem. Its neat cane fields are far more attractive to tourists than the eroded scrubland of Antigua, which stopped growing sugar 30 years ago. 第21题:参考答案:D答案解析:听力原文What is the most appropriate title for the passage? 主旨题。 给文章定合适的标题,需要选项中关键词恰当概括原文。选项a中,future的内容,本文没有涉及;选项b中unemployment的内容只在原文谈到Trinidad和Jamaica这两个国家的情况时有所涉及,因此并不能概

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