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GB 7916-1987 化妆品卫生标准.pdf

1、1 总则中华人民共和国国家标准化妆Cl 口口卫生标Hygienic standard for cosmetics 准UDC 668. 58 613 . 49 GB 79168 7 1. 1 JJ向广大消费者提供符合卫生要求的化妆品,确保化妆品的卫生质量和使用安全,加强化妆品的lt.监督管理,保障人民身体健康特制定本标准。1. 2 化妆品系指涂、擦、散布于人体表面任何部位(如表皮、毛发、指甲、口唇等)或口腔粘膜,以达到清洁、护肤、美容和修饰目的的产品。1. 3 在国内从事化妆品生产、销售都必须遵守本标准。进口化妆品也必须符合本标准的规定。1. 4 地、市以l:(含地、市)11生防疫部门负责对辖区

2、内的化妆品生产实行卫生监督;县以上(含县)卫生防疫部门负责对所辖区内的化妆品销售实行卫生监督。1. 5 在卫生部下设“化妆品安全性评审组”,负责对全国化妆品安全性的有关重大和疑难问题进行评审。其舟、j(机构负责受理进口化妆品原料及化妆品产品的注册、登记、审查等事宜。2 化妆品卫生标准2. 1 般要求2. 1. 1 化妆品必须外观良好,不得有异臭。2. 1. 2 化妆品不得对皮肤和粘膜产生剌激和损伤作用。2. 1. 3 化妆品必须无感染性,使用安全。2. 2 对原料的要求2. 2. 1 禁止使用表2中所列物质为化妆品组分。2.2.2 凡以表3至表6中所列物质为化妆品组分的,必须符合表中所作规定。

3、2. 2. 3 凡使用两种以上表3至表6中所列物质为化妆品组分时,必须符合如下规定2具有同类作用的物质,其用量与表中规定限量之比的总和不得大于1。2. 3 对产品的要求2. 3. 1 化妆品的微生物学质量应符合下述规定: 眼部、口屑、口腔粘膜用化妆品以及婴儿和儿童用化妆品细菌总数不得大于500个ml或500个So 其他化妆品细菌总数不得大于1000个ml或1000个g, 每克或每毫升产品中不得检出粪大肠菌群、绿腋杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌。2. 3, 2 化妆品中所含有毒物质不得超过表I中规定的限量。中华人民共和国卫生部198705 28批准1987 10

4、 01实施( GB 7 91 6 8 7 表1化妆品中有毒物质限量1i毒物质限量,ppm备It ,i; 铅以告tit) 畔(以呻计)甲醉OOM O 含有机防腐剂的眼部化妆品除外(见表的吉乙酸铅的染发剂除外(见者的2. 4 化妆品包装材料必须无毒和清洁。2. 5 化妆品标签上应用中文注明产品名称、生产企业、产地,包装上要注明批号。对含药物化妆品或可能引起不良反应的化妆品尚需注明使用方法和注意事项。2. 6 对演员化妆品的某些特殊要求另订。3 化妆品的卫生检验和监督3, 1 对化妆品卫生指标的检验按(GB79!7.l7917.487)化妆品卫生化学标准检验方法和(GB7918.l 7918. 5

5、87)(化妆品微生物标准检验方法进行。3, 2 对化妆品原料和产品的安全性评价按GB791987(化妆品安全性评价程序和方法进行。3, 3 化妆晶监督部门有权派员到所辖区化妆品生产厂检查生产过程的卫生情况以及抽样检查产品的卫生质量。3. 4 监督人员抽检的样品,必须立即贴上封条,并贴标签注明采样地点、日期、采样人和其他有关事项。3, 5 监督部门应有计划地对化妆品生产和销售的E生管理和产品的安全卫生问题进行不定期的检查。GB 7 9 1 6 8 7 表2化妆品组分中禁用物质Ii j 立r. 称英)-:澳苯乙革)5甲基乙内国li11氯乙炕氯化乙烯)氯乙烯氧化乙快)一I胶-lfl双眼及其盐类9ol

6、 - 23456 11111 789 二硝基革勘司分异构体5 5-苯基1眯略嗣工苯沙嚓20 1 1 二辫基33 (3甲基硫代亚丙基):香豆章二甲亚讽-234667 2222222 D;,炕一氯N杨毗革胶澳N水杨院苯胶e甲基甲酷胶氢速简醇革拉林且其挝类28 二次亚磷酸55异内基2,2二甲基联单:4.4 基酣 oxalylbi( imtnoethylono) b ( (。chloobon,yl)dtcthylammonium- g. ambenomrnm chlo.,dc ethionamide份(2othylt,ontcotinthioamido;胁othylisonicotinic thioa

7、mido 12-othyl-4 thiocatbamoylpyt idine ) 3 -ethyl-5 , 6 , 7 , 8 tettahydto 5,6,8,8一tettamethyl-2-acetonaphthalene (acetyl ethyl tettamethyl tettalin, AETT) (2 acetoxyethyl) tttmethylammoniom (acetylcholine) and its salts 。ctodttne门,5-0imethylhexylam1ne12 amioo-6 methylheptane) and its salt

8、s I, 3 dimethylpentylamine and its salts dtoxethedtin (I (3, 4-0ihydtoxyphenyl)-2-ethylamino I ptopanol) and its salts xyltdtnes, thett isomets, salts and halogenated and solphonated dettvattves 2 , 3-0ichloto 2 methylbutane catbon disulphide 。,。-OtacetylN allyl-N-normotpntne 5(,-dibtomophenethyl) 5

9、-methylhydantoin dichlotoethanes (ethylene chlotides) dtchloroethylenes (acetylene chlotides) dt盯1ethylamtnemetfotmin (I, l-ne (, 3, 4, 6, 7, llb-hexahyd3-i,obutyl 9, 0-0imethoxy-2H benohZn-2 one) and it lt succ1non1tr1le 1 butyl 3 (N-o-l-benzopyran-3-yl) acetate and salts of the acid barbtturates G

10、B 7916-87 续表2I) 称称I 立名英文名57 58 巴d(巴豆袖)贝虹林及Jt盐类59 匹赈氮酣且其盐类60 f白头碱且其盐类123 666 h.氯乙皖li.氧IV.硝酸基高铁酸碱金属盐11: 1澳镀456 666 J、氯代革(1,2,3,4,5,6六氯环己炕)六氯乙皖;,甲澳钱67 比他维林68 Y1托卡闵且其故类90123 67777 贝壳格(美解眠及其盐类贝那替秦( i1l1 F碱且具盐类和衍生物天仙子胶及宾盐类和衍生物E;仙子的叶、种于、粉末和草药制剂74 Jc机哑硝酸盐类(亚硝酸俐除外)75 76 本防己苦毒章(印防巳毒素)匹鲁F品及其盐类7890 7778 毛果芸香且真草

11、药制剂月桂树籽油2甲基庚胶皮冀盐类8申氧补骨脂章(天然精袖中规定量除外If 1氨瞟岭81 82 fl革胶类且其同分异构体、盐类以及卤化相磺化衍生物r Ir革躏r服83 84 ljl乙礁嗣及其盐类c1otoo (o) pne (pnnepal alkalo1d of aconitum napcllo L. ) and its salts pentachlo1oethane alkaH pentaeyannitn,1ylfe11ate (2 ) pcntamethon1um b1omide (N, N一pentame由yknebi( tdmethylammonium) b1omide)

12、 1,2,3,4,5,6 hexaehlo1ocyelohexane (BllC ISO) hexaehlo1oethane hexamethontom b1omide (N ,N hexamethylenebi (t!imethylammenium) b1omide) btetamivenne静(2-Xsalen)except for normal content tn the natural essence used methotrexa饵(N1- (2,4-ne 们,6bts ( 2-t。I)and its咀!”capecacuanha brot and related pee臼)(ro

13、o,powder and galenica! preparation,) cophaehne and altve noscapine费(( ) I刊,7-e curanU1n1 amyl ntrit田3-nopropy! ennamato odoros1de doxy!amino (2 (2-toly! I, 3, 2-dioxaborinane) ea ta lase warfarin and tts salLl (3-(acetonylbenzyl)-4 hydroxyeaumadn) toxic pharmaceuti咀ls( 1oxic pharmaceuticals used for

14、 th町apcuticpurp。control!国bythe Drug Admini1ration Law of the Peo明les Republic of China) strophanthin白,theiraglucones and ther ree add ) its salts, derivatives and salts of曲曲ederivatives ci1chocaine (2 butoxy-N-(2-ch!orophenyl) totrahydro-3 methyl 4H 1, 3 thi臼ine4-0ne 1, !-dioxide) bendrof!umethiazid

15、e ( 3-ben,yl-3, 4-dihydtne7-sulfonamide 1 , 1-dimude and its detivaliv国antibioti臼nitrofurant。in(1 (5 nitro-2 furfurylideneamino) hydantoin) fura,olidone (3 (5 nitro-2-furfurylideneamino) 2 oxazolidinone) thalidomide (N (2 ,6-dicxopiperid 3-yi) phthalimide) and its四Itsphenothiazine ( dibenzoparathiaz

16、ine 1 thiodiphenylamine) o-phenylenediamine and its回Itscoumetaroi ( 3, 3(2 methoxyethylidene) bis (4-hydroxycoumarin) anihne, its睡l饱andIts halogenated and sulphonated d盯tvat1vesben,ene ben,imida,ol 2(3H)-0ne cobalt ben,enesuiphonate benzatrop1ne (tropine ben,hydryl ether; 3 ( diphenylmethoxy) tropan

17、e) phenmetra,ine (3 methyl 2 phenylmorpheline)its denvatives and salts phonacemide”(1 (2 phenylacetyi)urea) /f号185 186 187 188 189 190 I 91 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 l民I书苯市工闸苯r田先腺苯内香豆醇革环丙胶且具盐文苯海拉明及其盐类4革基J3烯2嗣辈丙氨醋名革扎明优卡因时及其盐类2在咯澳镀非那工醇非诺嗖嗣非尼拉朵育亨宾且其盐类4叔

18、丁基萃酣4叔r基邻苯二酣盘盐类放射性物质苦味酸(2,4,6三硝基辈酷傲和敏盐类脐脐的衍生物以及它们的盐类帕拉来松依索庚嚓及其盐类环美酷及其盐类环磷酸胶及其盐类环拉氨酶环香豆章称GB 7 91 6 - 8 7 续表2英)( 名称phenndione ( 2一phenyhndan1, 3-dione) ethylphenacemide ( 1-(2-phenylbuty,yl) uea) phenp,ocoumon餐(4hydroxy 3 (1 phenylpropyl) coumar.n) tranylcypromine (DL-tran 2 phenylcyclopropylamne) and

19、 ts sal diphenhydramine (2-diphenylmethoxy N ,N dimethylaminc 1dimedrol)and its sal 4 phenylbut-3-en 2 one phenprobamato (3-phenylpropyl carbamate) benutmine (euca,ne B; benzoate of 2, 2, 6 tnmethyl 4 piperidinol) and its salts benzdonium bromide ( J, !-diethyl弘hydts dertvativ田andthetr salts paramet

20、hasone (6 fluoro-16methylpregna 1 , 4 diene 11, 17, 21-triol-3, 20-dione) ethoheptaz,ne ( 4-carbethoxy-1-methyl-4 phenylhexamethylenimine) and its salts cyelomenol (2-cyelohexyl-3,xylenol1 2 cyclohexyl 3, 5-dimethylphenol) and its四ltscyclophosphamide 。bis(2-chloroethyl)aminotetralydro-2H-1, 3, 2-0xa

21、zaphesphorine 2-0xide) and its 国ltscyc!arbamate ( l, 1 bis (phenylcarbamoyl。xymethyl)cyclopentane) cycl皿oumarol(3,4-dihydro-2-methoxy 2 methyl 4 phenyl-2H, SH ,pyrano (3, 2-c) ( 1 )benzopyran-5 one) GB 7 91 6 8 7 续表2fi号中文1. 称英丈名称epnephrine (3, 4-dhydroxy一methylamtnomethylben,ylakohol; adrenaline) al

22、kyne alcohol, their and ethe ntroderivative of carba,ole ub,ance wth androgenC effect adoni L and it. preparabon imperatorin (9- (3-methylbut 2-enyloxy) furo (3, 2-g) chromen 7 one) aconllum napellu L. (leave,rocts and preparation) oleandtn pentaerith,.tyl tetranllrate (pentaerythntol tetr

23、anllrate) poldtne metilulfate帮(2ben,ilyloxymethyl 1, 1 d1methylpyrrolidtn1um methooulfate) mecamylamine (3 methylaminotsobornane) methepta,ine ( 4四rbomethoxy1 , 2-eide and denvatives cnlchicum autumnale L. and Its galeni国lpreparation choline .alts and their eters, e. g ch。linechlo,.de铃(2hydroxyethyl

24、 )-t,.methylammon1um chloride) methylphenidate (methylphenyl 2 piperid 2 ylacetate) and its阻Itpipradrol (piperld 2 ylbenzhydrol) and its alts haloperid时(4 4 (p-chlorophenyl) -4-hydroxypiperidino -4 -fluorobutyrophcnone) 2 I I 肾一腺素212 213 214 215 216 快醇类以及I门的酣类、自盖类咔吨的硝基衍生类fl if雄激素效应的物质侧盘盏花及民制剂欧前胡内酣21

25、7 欧头属叶f、根和草药制剂)218 219 220 欧真竹桃民季戊四醇四硝酸酣泊尔定甲硫酸盐221 222 芫加明(3甲氨基异族皖美庚嚓且其盐类223 莞索庚嚓及其盐类224 美沙毗林及其盐类225 美非氯嚓及其盐类226 美索巴奠227 228 莞替拉圄美哥辛及其醋类229 230 231 232 秩水仙碱(秋水仙章)及其盐类和衍生物欣在仙糖试及其衍生物秋水仙且其草药制剂胆碱盐类及官们的酣类,例如氧化胆碱233 顿醋甲醋及其盐类234 235 喉萃甲醇及其故类氟呱啦醇19 j于号236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249

26、250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 2GB 7 91 6 - 8 7 续表2 氟,JIi.嗣氟苯乙枫氟尿嘈院中)( 称费、E甲基双(兰甲镀盐类B例如s十短澳镀氧氟酸且真正盐,络合物以且氢氟化物在3化妆品组分中限用物质表中的氟化合物除外)洛v!林(山檀菜碱)且其盐类毒芹碱毒芹.要(果实、粉末和草药制剂毒扁豆碱(依包林且其盐类毒扁豆毒性中药(凡是中华人民共和国药政法规定管制的毒性中药品种及其制剂和毒性成分提取物表3化妆品组分中限用物质表内用于头发用品的斑萤町除外除虫菊且其草药制剂疫苗、毒草或血清版乙晓及其盐类骨化醇和胆骨化醇(维生章口2和D,) 锁盐类(除硫酸锁

27、,表3中的硫化钮及表6中着色剂的不溶性领盐,包淀和颜料外洋地黄戒和紫花毛地黄的各种异试类保泰松氨基己酸及其盐类氨基I,2双忡,甲氧苯蓦)乙醇及其盐类4氨基在杨酸及其盐类N (3氨甲酷基3.3二苯丙基)N, N二异丙基甲基镀盐类例如:硕异丙米特英文4气称fluani,ono 忡fluo,4 4 (伽mothoxyphenyl)pipe,azin I yl buty,ophenone) fluo,eone (ethyl p.fluo,ophenyl ulfone) fluo,ou,aed (5 fluo,ou,acil) dccamethy!enebis (tnmethylammontum) sa

28、lts, e g decamethonium bomde hyd,ofluo,;c acid, it no,mal salts, ts complexes and hyd,ofluo,;d with the exception those sven n annex 3 lobeHne椅(2(hyd,oxyphenethyl) I methyl-6 phcnacy!pipe,;dine) and salts con11ne c1cuta v泣saL conium maculatum L (fruit,powde,galenical PPRations) edne o phys咀tigmneand

29、 阳咀Itsphys田tigmavenen咽umbalf toxe fradttonal chin田emedicines (toxic Uadtional chnese medicnes conuolled by the drug admin8Uation law of the People s Repubhc of Chna, with the exception of canthandes tincture I旭tedn annex 3 py,eth,um album L and its galenical pepa,ations vacencs toxins o serums guane

30、thidine佬。2(I azacyc!ooctyl) ethyl) guanidine) and salts es皿aleferolandcho!ecalciferol ( vtamms D, and D, ) banum salts, with the exception of barium sulphate, banum sulphide under the conditions laid down in annex 3, and lakes, salts and ptgments Pepared f,om the colounng agen也ltstedwith the referen

31、ce ln annex 6 d鸣ita!ineand all h吐白回id国ofdigitalis pu,purea L. phenylbutazone ( 4 butyl-2, 2-diphenyl 3, 5 pyrazolidinedione) amtno回prowacid (6-aminohexanotc acid) and its salts 2 amin!,2二。is( 4-methoxyphenyl) ethan。land its salts 4-amin咽alicylicacid and its salts N【3吃arbamoyl-3,3-diphenylpropyl) N ,

32、N diisopropylmethylammontum salts,e g opropamide iodide餐GB 7 9 1 6 8 7 续表2序号中称名丈名259 氨苯喋院(兰氨喋岭且其故类260 串在破I腺261 262 263 261 铃兰毒试格列环脏格鲁米特且其在k类幸尔暨氯丙硫且直)及其盐类265 266 呻且呻化合物盐酸拧锥酸柯在定盐267 奠诺革宗268 269 莫非保松铅和铅化舍物(表6化妆品用着色剂中用T染发剂的醋酸铅除外)镶且镀化告物钝和饨的化告物氧化乙烯烟碱(尼古丁)及其盐类270 271 272 273 271 起嚓275 ( 4 ( 4起基3腆萃氧基)息,5二腆苯

33、基乙酸及其盐类3控基4革基萃甲酸2二乙氨乙醋及;t盐类起芬利定及真盐类276 277 278 4控基3甲氧基肉桂醇的萃甲酸醋天然精泊中的规定含量除外):II英本生物碱类及其盐类烯丙基芥子油(异硫氨酸烯丙醋烯丙吗啡及其盐类和隧类279 280 281 282 Z一(4烯丙基2甲氧苯氧基)N, N二乙基乙院胶皮其盐类英文称tnamterene ( 2, 4, 7 -tnam1no6phenylpteridine) and its alts earbutamide ( N ( butylearbamoyl) sulfantlam1de 1 I buty 1-3-sulfantly I urea )

34、convallatoxin glyeyelam1de 。-e) lead and its compounds, with the exception of lead acetate listed in annex 6 beryllium and its compounds thallium and its compounds ethylene oxide nicotine (3- (l -methyl-2 py盯olidyl)pyridine) and its salts hydroxyzine ( 2 2 4(p-chlorc-phcnylbenzyl) -1-pipcrazinyl) ct

35、hoxy ethanol(4 (4 hydroxy-3 iodophenoxy) -3, 5-dlodophcnyl) acetic actd and its咀Its2-dicthylaminoethyl 3 hydroxy-4-phcnylbenzoatc and its salts 。xphen盯idinc (ethyl田tcrof I (i!-hydroxyphcnethyl) 4 phcnylppcridine4国内oxylicacid) and its抽Itsbenzoatcs of 4-hydroxy 3 methoxyclnnamyl alcohol except for nor

36、mal content in natural esscnccc used rauwolfla serpcntlna alkaloids and their阻Itsallyl isothlocyanatc nalorph1ne(N-allylnormorph1nc1 N allyl-N d田me由yhnorphin叶,its回ltsand ethers 2- ( 4 allyl 2-methoxyphcnoxy) -N, N-diethylacetamidc and Its咀lts21 GB 7 91 6 8 7 续表2j于号中称立名英文名称283 晒和晒化合物(表3化妆晶组分中限用物质表中用于

37、头发制品的二硫化晒除外)284 铭、铅酸且真盐类285 麻黄碱旦真盐类286 麻醉药类(凡是中华人民共和国药政法规定管制的麻醉药品品种)287 附瞠288 烧基二硫代碳酸的盐类289 2荼酣290 茶胶和2荼胶及它们的盐类291 3 ( 1荼基)4控基香豆章292 荼甲吨啡及其盐类293 曼陀罗及其草药制剂294 黄花夹竹桃试提取物295 黄梅章(黄梅脑296 NS氯苯略目量2基乙酷胶297 氯苯噬胶298 氯299 氯磺丙廓300 301 氯略抄宗2氯,6甲基晴晓4号基二甲基胶302 氯非那胶303 氯萃抄明304 305 306 氯乙炕氯乙烯氯嗖嗣307 氯鼠嗣308 斑萤(表3化妆品组分

38、中限用物质表所列仅用于头发用品的斑盖面除外309 斑盖章(表3化妆品组分中限用物质表所列仅用于头发用品的斑量商中所吉斑萤章除外)替法瞠啡及其盐类310 selenium and its compounds, with the exceotton of selenium disulphide listed in annex 3 chromium,chromic aed and its salt叶chlorophenylsulfonyl)3-propylur国chlor,oxa,one ( 5-chlorobenzoxazohn。ne)2-chloro-6-methylpy由nldin4 yldi

39、methylamine ( crimidine ISO) clofenamide ( 4 chloro 1 , 3 benzened1Sulfon amide) chlorphenoxamlne (2-(1-(p-chlorophenyl) 1 phenyle由oxyN,N-ne(! benzhyd,yl 4 methylp1pe,az1ne) and !IS salts xylometazoline僻(2-(4-te1-butyl-2,6-dimethylbenzyl) 2 1m1dazohne) and its salts metaldehyde aecolinc (methyl 1, 2

40、, 5, 6-teUahyd,o-l methylnicotinato) oesuogens tellu1um and its compounds psychoUopic dugs (psychoUopic dugs conuolled by the lliug AdminisUation Law of the Pe。pies Republic of China) cadmium and its compounds cuae and cu,anne acenccouma,ol (3 (2岳阳tyl1 (,rni1ophenyl) ethyl 4hyd(odiumdecivative of N-

41、chloco1-toluene,ulfonamide trihydcate) l 6 6甲基香豆章6-methylcoumacin 0. 003 用于口腔产品17 甲醇methanol 。.2 18 过氧化氢hydrogen peroxide 12 (以过氧化氢计)用于美发产品青有“过氧化氢”,避(40volume) 免与眼部接触,如果接触进入眼内应即冲洗19 亚硝酸俐sodium nitrite 0 2 用作抑制剂,不能与形成亚硝酸胶的仲胶和叔胶物质合用20 间,对苯二肢m and -皿licylate)一10碳烯酸g盐undec-10咱noicacids 类,醋类,酷胶,单和回It目,因t

42、ers,the amide, the mone-and bis-2 双(2挥乙基酷胶0.2(酸和它们的磺基丁二酸(2-hydroxethyl) amides 盘类and their su!pbosuccin ates 用于使用后清洗掉产I十二镜基服乙酸1-dodecy!guanidinium o. 5 3 晶盐ac巳.tateO. I 用于其他化妆品6, 6-二澳4.4二氯6, 6-dibrome-4, 4-2,2亚甲基二苯dicho-2.2- 4 O. I 醋(澳氯双酣)metby!ene-diphenol ( bromochlorophen) 5 3,4二氯韦醇3, 4-dich!orob

43、en,yl 0 15 alcohol 6 2.4二氯韦醇2, 4-dichloroben,yl 0 15 alcohol dichlorophen (INN) (2, 7 双氯酷2 -methyknebis ( 4-。.2 啻有“双氯酌”chlorophenol) 8 2. 4二氯3,5二甲2, 4-dicbloro-3, 5-。.1 萃酷xylenol 6乙酸氧基2.4二6-acetoxy-2, 4-9 甲基m二嗨惋(二dimethyl-m-dio-xane 0 2 甲克生(dimethoxane) 3. 3二澳4.4六3, 3 -Oibromo-4, 4- 亚甲基二氧代二韦hexameth

44、ylene dioxy-diben,amidine 10 眯(二漠六睐)和其盐O. I 类(包括起基乙硝酸(dibromohe-xamidine) 盐)and its困Its(including isethionate) dibromopropamidine (INN)(4,4- 二澳丙眯且其盐类( trimethylenedioxy) bis 1 1 O. I (包括经乙磺酸盐)( 3-bromoben,amide) ) and its salts (including isethionate) 30 序号物质名称2. 6二乙酷基J,2. 3, 9b一四氢7,队二琵8,9b二甲基二12 苯并

45、映哺13:二嗣(地衣酸)和真盐类(包括铜盐)2, 2 二硫代双(113 氧代毗睫)句二水合硫酸镜加成物1 2二澳24二氧14 丁炕15 4,二甲基斗,3a罪略炕山梨酸(六2.4三16 烯酸)及其盐类17 山梨酸酶类18 二氯卡班(3,4,二氯均二菲睬)N (二氯甲基硫代)环19 己4烯1,2二竣基戳亚胶卤卡班(4. 4 二氯20 3 ( 氟甲基均二苯廊21 4氯生(2,4.4二氯2挥基一苯基醋22 水杨酸及其盐类23 无机亚硫酸盐类和硫酸氢盐GB 7916-87 或表4英文名称化妆品中最大允许浓度,%2, 6-diacetyl-l, 2, 3, 9b-tetrahytydro-7, 9-dih

46、ydroxy-8, 9b-dime-thyldibenzolfuran-1, 3-。.2 dione (usnic acid) and its salts (including the copper阻It)2 .2- dithiobis (pyridine 1-oxid时,addition product with 0.5 magn国iumsulphate trihydrate 1, 2-dibrono-2, 4 -。.1 dicyanobutane 4,4- dimethyl-I, 3-0. I oxazolidine sorbic acid (hexa-2, 4-。.6(酸计),如以山梨酸

47、醋类混合,dienoic acid) and its 其最大浓度仍为salts o. 6(酸)esters of sorbic acid (hexa-2, 4-dienoic 同16acid) tricl目前ban(INN)日,4.4trichl回国0 2 arbanilide) N (trichloromethyl-thio)cyclohex-4- hydrogensulphltes 限用范围和必要标签上必要说明条件不可用于防晒化妆品中仅用于用后清洗掉产品中,成品的pH不得低于6除香搜外,;2岁以下一岁以下儿童禁用儿童用品禁用31 GB7916 87 续表4序号物质名称英文名称化妆品中最大限

48、用范围和必要标签上必要说明允许被度%条件hexachlophen(INN) 禁止在二岁以下儿童含有“六氯酣”,三岁六氯酣(2, 2 -methylene bis O. I 用品和个人卫生用品24 日,4,6-t-2-5一氯2If!莓,异唾metbylisotbia阳l-3理3(211),慰藉2-(2H) 4踊e酣睡2愉59 甲莲理酷精品(2H)藕酷时nylisoth扳回l-38岳母在与寒化鳞2是硝酸臻的(2H)-ne w描E混合物magne串阳mchloride and magnesium nitrate 1-(4饥事E悲筑基)-1-I ( 4叩chlo吏ophenoxy)60 咪喃1年串串问,3二1-(乱mida:lOl-l-ylJ3, o. 5 取了婉2明握自3-dimethy!butan懵2-one在军仅愚于lJ

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