1、UDC 625.282 -81 :佣1.4中华人民共和国国家标准GB 3367 叮1-3367 12.-86 铁路机车名词术语蒸汽机车术语和蒸汽机车零部件名称G I Qssary of terms for railway locomotive TerJm of steam.locomotive and terms创刊componentparts for steam locomotive 1986-03-03发布1986-12-01实施层家丰示准后7批准中华人民共和国国家标准铁路机车名词术语蒸汽机车零部件名称Glossary of terms for railllay loconiotive T
2、 p. rms o component parts for steam locomotive 本标准是对蒸汽机车零部件名称所作的规定。标准件1. 1 螺栓Bolt 1.2锥度螺栓Taper bolt 1. 3 螺柱(栽丝Stud 1. 4 螺丝螺钉)螺旋S crew 1.5止动螺钉Stop sctew 1. 8 定位螺钉顶丝S et screw 1.7 螺母(螺帽Nut 1.f 螺帽带螺纹的盖Cap nut 1. 9 螺撑Stay 1. 10 蝶形螺母Thumb nut / 1. 11 调整螺钉Adjusti吨(orRegulating) screw 1. 12 木螺钉Wood screw 1
3、., 13 圆销Pin 1. 14扁销F lat key 1. 15 开口销Cotter 1. 18锥销T aper pin 1. 17 钢钉R ivet 1. 18键Key1. 19 定位键Dowel key 1. 20 衬垫、衬套Liner 1.21 垫圈片、板)Washer 1. 22 密封垫条、片)Gasket 1. 23 衬套、轴瓦B ushing 1. 24 填料P acking 1. 25 填料盒S t uf fing box 1. 28 填料压盖Gland 1. 27 滚珠轴承Ball bearing 1. 28 滚柱轴承R oller bearing 1. 21 滚针轴承Ne
4、edle bearjng 1. 30 油杯油且Oil cup 国家标准局1-88-03 -03发布UDC 825.282-81 s1.4 GB 3387.12-88 1988-12-01实施21 1. 31 软袖堵Grease plug 1. 32 折页、钱链Hinge 1. 33 万向接头.Knuckle 1. 34 万向接头滑块Knuc kle bloc k I GB . 3, 36 7 .1 2,-86 1. 35、万向接头滑块销Knucle block. pin 1. 36 弹簧垫圈S pring washer 1. 37飞遮断阀S ht -off valve 1. 38放水阀B lo
5、w -off va.lve 1. 39截止阀S top valve 1. 40 止回阀Check valve 1. 41 排放阀Drain valve 1. 42 塞门Cock 1. 43截断塞门Cut -out cock 1. 44遮断塞门S hut -out coc k 1-.45 球阀Globe valve (or Ball valve) 1. 46 旋塞F a 1C et .1. 47套管、套筒Sleeve 1. 48 尾管Tailpiece 1. 49 弯头Elbow . 1. 50 管接头P ipe fitt ing 1. 51 活接头Union 1. 52 活接口U nion s
6、wivel 1.掷球接头Ball j oint 1. 54 管卡P ipe clam i 1. 55 管托P ipe bracket 1. 56 T形三通Tee 2 一般通用件2. 1 托,托架B racket 2.2 支架,支座Support 2.3座Seat2.4 底座pase 2.5辄架Yoke 2.6杆Rod(or Bar ) 2. 7 (细长)杆Stem 2.8 杠杆Lever 2.9 吊杆Hanger 2. 10链Chain2.11 支点Fulcrum 2. 12 吊链Dummy coupling hanger chain 2. 13 外皮(大面积)Jacket 2. 14 外皮(
7、小面积,形状复杂)Cas ing 2.15 -,球面垫Ball ring 22 ,.1、-2.16 软管Hose 2.17盖、罩Cover,Cap 3锅炉3. 1 锅炉Boiler 3.2 火箱F ire-b ox 3.3 外火箱Outside fi陀box3.4 外火箱顶板Roof sheet G B 3 3 6 7 1 2 8 6 3.5 外火箱后板Back head (or Back sheet ) 3.6 外火箱喉板Outside throat- sheet 3.7 外火箱侧板Outside firebox side sheet 3.8 内火箱1 n s i de fi r e bo
8、x 3.9 内火箱顶板Crown sheet 3. 10 内火箱后板Firebox back ,sheet 3.11 内火箱喉板Inside .t hroat sheet 3.12 内火箱侧板1 nside fi.rebox side sheet 3.四火箱管板Firebox tube sheet 3. 14 燃烧窒Combus t ion cha in be r 3.15 燃烧窒板Combustion chamber sheet 3. 16 底圈水圈)M ud-ring 3. 17拱砖Arch bric_k 3. 18拱砖管Arch气tbe3.19拱砖管清洗堵Arch-tube washou
9、t plug 3.20锅恫B oiler barrel course 3.21 第一节锅恫First course 3.22 第二节锅恫S econd/ course 3.23 第三节锅恫Third course 3.24 汽包Steam dome 3.25, 汽包月同S t eam dome barrel 3.26 汽包罩Dome casing 3.27 汽包孔补强板Dome liner 3.28 汽包顶盖Dome cover 3.29 汽包凸缘Dome flange 3.30 弯头连干燥管).0¥ypipe elbow 3.31 人孔Manhole 3.挝人孔罩Manholecasing
10、3.33 人孔补强板Manhole line r 3.34 主蒸汽管孔补强板Steampipe opening liner 3.35 锅腰托角铁Waist:-sheet angle 3.36 锅腰托角铁衬板Waist-sheet. angle liner 3.37 烟箱管板Smoke.box、tubesheet 3.38 烟箱嗣Smoke box shell 3.39烟箱桐板Smoke box -:ke 究3GB 3367.12.;_86 3.40 烟箱衬板Smokebox bottom liner 3.41 递热器座Feedwater heater seat 3.42 悯箱窥视孔补强板S m
11、okebox pee p hole liner 3.43 大烟管Flue 3.44 小烟管Tube 3.45 放水阀座B low -off valve seat 3.46 止回阀座Boilor check valve seat 3.47 蒸汽塔座Turret seat 3.48 安全阀座Saf et y valve f range 3.49 汽笛座.Whist le f range 3.50 螺撑Stay 3.51 固定撑Rigid staybolt 3.52 活动撑F lexi ble st aybolt 3.53 活动炉撑座Flexible staybolt sleeve 3.54 活动炉
12、撑帽F lexi ble st aybolt c a p 3.55 拉撑Brace 3.56拉撑足Brace foot 3.57 .拉撑头Brace end 3.58 丁形铁Boiler tee 3.59 角撑Gusset st ay 3.60 侧撑Side stay 3.61 横拉撑老式锅炉)Boiler cross brace 3.62 烟箱管板拉撑F ront t ube sheet brace 3.63 火箱后板拉撑Back head brace 3.64 辐射顶撑Radial stay 3.铺喉撑Throatbrace 3.66 锅皮B oile r j acket 3.67 石棉挡
13、圈石棉浆保持环)As best os ret aining ring 3.68 外卡带Boiler jacxet band 3.69 内卡带Lagging strap 3. 70 搭扣Overlap link 3.71 虹吸循环管虹呼管)Syphon 3.72 炉口Fire hole 3.73 节流堵:Choke pl g 3.74 吹臭器Soot blower 3.75 易熔塞Fusible plug 3.76 落堵易熔塞Drop. plug 3.77 洗炉堵Boiler wahout plug 4 凤动炉门4.1 炉门Firedoor 4.2 炉门框Firedoor frame 4.3 炉
14、门护板F iredoor shield 4.4 风缸o perat ing cylinder 24 、. 、GB 3367.12 -86 4.5 风缸盖Operat ing cylinde.r cover 4.6 风缸蹒辅Operating cylinder piston 4.7 风缸精铺头Operating .cylinder piston head 4.8,风缸精辅涨圈.Operating cylinder piston rl Q.g 4.9 风缸精销销(连接杆销)Ope rat ing c ylinder pist on pin 4.10连接杆风传动杆)Connect ing link
15、4.11 连接杆销Connect ing link pin 4.12 手动杠杆Hand lever 4. 13 手动杠杆座Hand lever bracket 4.14 手动杠杆顶销(支柱)Hand lever plunger 4.15 手动杠杆顶销弹簧Hand lever plunger spring 4.16 作用阀Operat ing vlve 4.17 作用阀体Operating valv body 4. 18作用阀杆Operat ing valve rod 4. 19、作用阀弹簧Operat ing valve s pring 4.2踏脚板Operating valve foot p
16、edal .协. 、J4.21 加煤机喉管撑架Stoker elevator pipe bracket (or Stoker discharge tube brac-ket ) 5 灰箱5. 1 灰箱Ashpan 5.2 灰箱吊Ashpan side support 5.3 灰箱风门Damper 5.4 风门卡齿D-amp_r rat chet 5.5 风门卡齿支Damper rat chet fulcrum 5.6 灰门Hopper door 5.7 灰门吊杆Hopper door hanger 5.8 灰门拉杆Hopper door pull rod 5.9 拉杆调整螺栓Connectin
17、g rod adjusting OOlt 5. 10 拉杆调整螺母Connecting rod adjusting nut 5. 11 拉杆调整框架Connecting rod adjusting frame 5.12 手把Handle 5.13 手把卡的(11-,均)陀Handle catch bracket 5. 14 手把卡齿销Han dle catch pin 5. 15 手把卡的销锁铁Handle catch pin lock 5. 16 均衡杠杆Equalizer lever 5. 17 螺栓销Bolt pin 5.18 作用轴Drive shaft 5.19 作用轴臂Dri ve
18、 shaf t le ve r 5.20 作用轴座Drive shaft f ulc rum 5.21 撒水管Sprinkling pipe 5.22撒水管手轮Sprinkling pi pe han d w hee 1 5.23撒水管手轮杆Sprinkling pi pe h9d w hee 1 bar 25 5.24撒jj(阀Sprinkling valve e 炉床6. 1 炉床Grate 6.2 炉健Gratebar 6.3 固定炉能Dead grate 6.4 活动炉健R ocker grate 6.5 齿式炉健Toot h grate 8.8 板式炉锺Plate grate J 8
19、.7 翻炉健Dump grate GB 33 6 7 1-2 -86 6.8、炉健连杆Gratebar connecting rod 6.9 炉健连杆销Gratcbar connecting rod pin 6. 10 侧梁Side fr,ame 6. 11 中梁Center frame 6. 12 中梁托Center frame support 6.13 摇炉杠Grate shaker lever 6.14 摇炉杠轴G rat e leve r shaft 6.15 摇炉杠座Grat e , lever fulcrum 6.16 手把Grate shaker handle 6.17 手把卡齿
20、Grate shaker handle lock 6.18 风动摇炉器P. neumat ic g rat e shake r 6. 19 挡板杠杆止板)Grat e leve r loc k 6.20 滑板S lide cover 6.21 动力杠杆P ower lever 6.22 螺钉座Bolt seat 6.23 连接杆风动摇炉器连接杆)L i nk lever 6.24 游动杠杆Float ing lever 6.25 手把拉杆连接摇炉器的杠杆)H an d 1 e I e v c r 6.26拉杆(前、后)P411 ro d ( f ront 、rear) 6.27 摇炉杠罩Gra
21、te lever cover 7 烟箱7. 1 烟箱Smoke box 7.2 烟箱大门Smoke box f ront 7.3 烟箱大门门框折页smoke box f ront hi nge 7.4 烟箱大门门框垫圈Smoke box f ront ri ng 7.5 烟箱小|、丁Smokebox door 7.6 烟箱小门折页SmOkebox door hinge 7.7 烟箱小门压卡封闭用)Smokebox door clamp 7.8 反射板Deflecting plate 7.9 火星网Spark arrester netting 7.10 双层火星网Duplex s park ar
22、res ter ne.t t ing 7.11 铁丝网Netting 2fi GB 3367. 12 8 6 7. 12前垂板Draft plat e 7.13 水平反射板Table plate 7.14 废气管或座)Exhaust pipe (or st and ) 7.15 废气通道Exhaust passage 7. 16 废气喷口Exhaust nozzle 7.17 废气喷口座Exhaust nozzle seat 7.18 外烟筒Smokestack (or Chnney ) 7. 19 烟筒座Smokestack base (or Chi.tlney base ) ,7.20 内
23、烟筒St ack e xt ension 7.21 裙筒Apron shell 7.22 送风器Blower 7.23 送风器管Blower pipe 7.24 送风器喷嘴Blower nozzle 7.25 送风器环Blower ring 调整阀及干燥装置8.1 调整阀Thrott le valve 8.2 调整阀体Thrott le valve body - 8.3 调整阀盖Thrott le valve box ca p 8.4 调整阀开闭曲拐Thrott!心valveoperating .crank 8.5 先开阀P i lot valve 8.6.主阀Main valve 8.7 主
24、阀座、Main valve seat 8.8 均衡辅辅Balancipg piston 8.9 均衡精精涨圈Balancingl piston ring 8. 10 提杆Lifting link 8.11 连接杆Crank iUni link 8. 12 传动曲拐Drive cr,ank 8.13 传动轴Drive shaft 8.14 杠杆支轴Lever fulcrum 8.15 杠杆传动用)Drive levr 8.16 填料箱Stuffing box 8.17 传动轴套筒Drive shaft sleeve 8. 18 凸轮轴Cam shaft 8.19 凸轮轴臂Cam shaft ar
25、m 8.20 调整阀手把Throt tle lever handle 8.21 手把座Han dle brac ket 8.22 手把杆Hand lever 8.23 手把握柄Handle grip 8.24 卡齿Latch 8.25 卡齿杆Lat ch link 826 卡齿握柄La t ch han dle 8.27 卡齿导框Latch guide , :!. 8.28 卡齿弹簧Latch spri鸣8.29 卡齿连接板Lat ch link plat e 8.30 扇形齿板Qua drant-8.31 拉杆Pull :-od 8.32拉杆导框Pull rod support GB 33
26、6 7 1 2 -8 6 8.33 补偿杠杆Compensating lever 8.34 调整阀外皮Thrott le valve casing 8.85 干燥管Drypipe 8.36 挡水板Water separator 8.37 汽水分离器Steam -water separator 过热器9. 1 过热器Superheater 9.2 过热箱Superheater header 9.3 过热箱连接管Superheator heater connector 9.4 过热箱饱和室Saturate d chamber 9.5 过热箱过热窒Superheater chamber 9.6 过热
27、箱座Superheater header support 9.7 过热管Super heater pipe 9.8 过热管弯头Superheater return bend 9.9 过热管卡Super heater unit support 9. 10 过热管保护板Superheafer unit shield 9. 11 过热管球接头Superheat e r ball j oint 9.12 过热管球形垫圈Superheat er. clamp ball washer 9. 13 过热管接头压盖Superheater unit clamp 9. 14 过热管安装螺栓Su per heat
28、er unit bolt 10 主蒸汽管及保温装置10.1 主蒸汽管Steam pipe 10.2 主蒸汽管球面垫S t eam pipe ball ring 10.3 主蒸汽管外皮S team pipe j acket 11 锅炉配件11 .1 水表Wat er gage 11 .2 水表架W at er gage bracket 11.3 水表玻璃Water gage glass 11 .4 水表玻璃框Water gage glass shield 11.5 71表蒸汽衍/at e r gage st eam ptpe 11 .6 水灰蒸汽阀W a t e r g ag c s t c a
29、 m va 1 ve 11 .7 水表蒸汽阀于轮Water gage steam valve hand wheel 11 .8 水表水阀Water gage water valve 11.9水表水阀于-轮叭aterg; age water valve hand wheel 11 .10水柱Water column 11 .11 水柱顶塞Vater column upper plug GB 3367. 1 2-86 11 .12 水柱汽阀座Wat er column steam valve seat 11 .11 水柱托Water column bracket 11 .14 水柱底塞Water
30、column bottom plug 11 .15 清洗堵体Cleanout plug body 11 .16 清洗阀Cleanout va,lve 11 .17 最低水位表示板Lowest water leve 1 plat e 11 .18 低水位警报器Low water alarm 11 .19 蒸汽塔Turret 11.20 汽压表Boiler pressure gage 11 .21 表灯Gage lamp 11 .22 安全阀Boiler safety valve 11 .23 安全阀体Safety valve body 11 .24 阀弹簧Valve spring 11 .25
31、弹簧压板S pring gland 11 .26弹簧盒Spring case 11 .27 调整螺丝Adj ust ing sc rew 11 .28 调整螺丝防松螺母A dj ust ing screw lock nut 11 .29 清音器M uffler 11 .30 安全阀底座Safety valve base 11 .31 铅封.S eal 12 给水装置注水器12.1 注水器1 nj ector 12.2 注水器体1 nj ect or body 12.3 注水器手把杠杆操纵手把)Inj ect or lever 12.4 杠t杆支杆Injector lever fulcrum b
32、ar 12.5 溢水阀Overflow valve 12.6 溢Ik阀导框Overflow valve guide 12.7 溢水管Ove rflow pi pe . 12.8 溢水管接头尾管)Overflow t ailpiece 1.2.9 迸水阀1 nlet valve 12.10.lt水阀隙-1 nlet val ve seat 12.11.lt水阀盖1 n le t v al ve c a p 12.12 偏心缸Eccentric disk 12.13 偏心缸轴Eccentric disk shaft 12.14 偏心Jit臂Eccentric disk arm 12.15 偏心缸审
33、Eccentricdisk cover 12.16 偏心At毕螺母Eccent.ric dis k cover nut 12.17吸/k1: L i f t i ng pi pe 12.18 版/k1:接头(J-r,管)Wat er t ai 1 pi ec e 12.19吸水峻嘴Lift ing nozzle 12.20 水阀Water valve 12.21 水阀陈Water valve seat 29 G B 3 3 6 7 l 2 8 6 , 12.22 水阀盖Water valve cap 12.23水阀杆Water spindle 12.24 水阀杆填料压盖Water spindl
34、e gland 12.25 水阀手轮Water valve handle 12.26 蒸汽管Steam pipe 12.27 蒸汽管接头(尾管)St.eam pi p t ailpi. ece 12.28 蒸汽阀Steam valve 12.29 蒸汽阀盖Steam valve p 12.30 蒸汽阀杆S t e am s pi n d 1 e 12.31 蒸汽阀杆导框Steam spindle guide 12.32 蒸汽阀杆填料压盖.s t e am s pi n d 1 e gl a n d 12.33 蒸汽喷嘴St eam nozzle 12.34 中间喷嘴Intermediate n
35、ozzle 12.35 第一混合喷嘴Firs t. combining nzzle . 12.36 第二混合喷嘴Secon d com bi Ili ng nozzle 12.37 送水喷嘴Deli very nozzle 12.38送水喷嘴套架Deli very nozzle holder 12.39送水止回阀Delivery check valve 12.40 .送水管Deli very pipe 12.41 送水管接头尾管)De li ver y t ai l.pi ece 12.42 紧急阀Emergency valve 12.43 注水器托架Inj ector bracket 12.
36、44拉杆Pull rod 13 锅炉止固阀13.1 锅炉止回阀Boiler check valve 13.2 止回阀休Check valve body 13.3 止回阀座Check val ve seat 13.4 止回阀盖Check valve cap 飞/13.5 止因阀杆Check valve spindle 14 递热器14 1 递热器14.2 喷水阀14.3 il昆合室14.4 节制阀14 ,.5 浮球15 冷水泵r fk hm aa 白山heheck rvgau ei吐nva剖川.mJbwyum川、吨da1tl 挡F且mM吨啤,1J4mt币。剖FrECch EA 15.1 冷水泵C
37、entrifugal cold water pump 15.2 汽轮盘Tur bi ne dis k 15.3 汽轮盖Turbine cover 15.4 汽轮叶片Turbine vane 15.5 汽轮叶片盖板Turbine vane cover 30 15.6 制动盘Brake disk 15.7 主轴Main axle 15.8 水轮,1 mpeller 15.9 滤水网Wat er strainer 15.10 水泵体Water pump body GB 3 3 6 7 1 2 -86 16 热水泵16 1 热水泵Reciprocating hot water pump 16.2 吸水
38、阀S uct ion valve 16.3 输水阀Delivery valve 飞15.4回动阀Reverse valve 16.5 排水阀接头!Drain cock jint 16.6 热水泵托架Hot wat er pump bracket 17 锅炉放水阀17.1 放水阀Blowoff valve 17.2 放水阀体Blowoff valve body 17.3 放水阀盖B lowoff val ve ca p 17.4 阀弹簧V al ve s pr i ng 17.5 下板阀Plate valve 17.6 上板阀Appli c at i on val ve 17.7 放水阀手把Bl
39、owoff valve handle 17.8 放水阀手把轴Blowoff valve handle shaft 18 鸣号装置18.1 汽笛Whistle 18.2 汽笛体Whistle body 18.3 汽笛阀体Whistle valve body 18.4 汽笛阀杆Whistle valve spindle 18.5 汽笛拉杆支架赂Whist le lever bracket seat 18.6、支架Bracket 18.7螺堵川ug18.8 风喇叭Pneu phonic hor n 18.9 警钟Bell 18.10 钟锤Bell clapper 18.11 鸣钟器Be l1 rin
40、ger 19 机械部汽缸、汽室19.1 j气缸C ylinder 19.2 汽缸套Cylinder bushing 19.3 汽缸前盖F ront c _y li nde r head 19.4 汽缸后盖Bac k c yli nder hea d 19.5 汽缸盖栽丝(螺栓)r linder head stud 19.6 汽缸鞍Cylinder saddle 31 GB 3 a 6 7 1 2 -86 19.7 汽窒Valve chest 19.8 汽室套Valve chest bushing 19.9 汽窒端套Valve chest end. bushing 19.10 汽室中间套Val
41、ve chest, ini d dle bushing 19.11 汽室前盖Front steam chest head 19. t 2 汽室后盖B ack steam chest .head 19.13 汽室盖栽丝螺栓).Steam chest head stud 19.14 上导框Upper. valve crosshead guide 9 .15 下导框Bottom valve crosshea d guide 19.16 挡盖Retainer 19.17 冲洗堵Washout plug 19.18精蜻杆填料圈Piston rod packing 19.19 填料弹簧Pckng spri
42、ng 19.20 填料圈箍Packing holder 19.21 填料挡圈Packingretaining ring 19.22 填料压盖Pis t on rod glan d 19.23 阀杆填料圈Valve st em packing 19.24 阀杆填料压盖Valve stem gla nd 19.25 汽缸外皮C ylinder casing 19.26 前盖外皮Front head cover 20 进风阀20.1 进风阀Air inlet valve 20.2 进风阀体Air inlet valve body 20.3 空气阀Air valve 20.4 空气阀杆Air valv
43、e s t em 20.5 空气阀休Air valve body 20.6 空气阀弹簧Air valve spring 20.7 空气阀弹簧RiAir valve s pr ing s eat 20.8 空气阀弹簧压盖Air valve spring holder 20.9 蒸汽阀Steam val ve 20.10 蒸汽阀休Steam valve body 20.11 蒸汽阀弹簧S t eam valve spri ng 20.12 蒸汽阀弹簧Wi.Steam valve spring cap 20.18 空气滤尘网Air strainer 21 旁通阀21 .1 旁通阀8y- pass v
44、alve 21.2 旁通阀盖By-pass valve cover 21.3 旁通阀幡辅By-pass valve pist on 21.4 旁通阀精辅杆B y- pass valve pis ton rod 21 .5 旁通阀蒸汽筒B y- pass c ylin der 21.6 旁通管By-pass pipe 21 .7 进风管Air iJllet pipe GB 3367. 12. .,.-86 21 .8 旁通阀堵By-pass plug 22 汽缸精精及十字头22.1 汽缸精鞠Cylinder piston 22.2 汽缸精鞠涨圈Cylinder ring 22.3 汽缸精蜻涨圈弹
45、簧,Cylinder ring spring 22.4 汽缸蜻蜻杆Cylinder piston rod 22.5 暗暗杆螺母Piston rod nut 223 十字头C rosshea d 22.7 十字头扁销C rosshea d key 22.8 十字头圆销C rossh ea d pin 22.9 双开口销D uplex cot t er 22.10 十字头圆销螺母C rosshea d pin n ut 22.11 十字头锥套Crosshead taper sleeve 22.12 连接杆销Cr臼shea d link pin 22.13 滑靴(双滑板式)C ros s hea d
46、 shoe 23 滑板23.1 滑板Guide 23.2 多滑面(王宁、1:于:)滑板Multiple bearing type guide 23.3 滑板调整垫板Adj U$ ting plate M 摇杆及连杆24.1 摇杆Main rod 24.2 摇杆铜套M ain rod br as s bus.hing 24.3 双列被针轴承Duplex needle bearing 24.4 袖盒o i1 ce llar 24.5 连杆Side rod 24.6 肘销Knuckle pin 24.7 肘销螺母Knuc kle pin nut 25 动轮及曲拐销25.1 主动轮Main drivi
47、ng wheel 25.2 主与J)轮JL、Main driving whcel center 25.3 主动轮箍M ain driving whee) t ire 25.4 主动轴Main driving axle 25.5 轴键Ax.le key 25.6 主曲拐销Main crank pin 25.7 偏心曲拐Eccentric crank 25.8 圆键Round key 25.9 均重块Coun ter balance 25.10 他动轮Driving wheel 25.11 他动轮心DrJving wheel center 25.12 他动轮箍Driving wheel tire
48、33 . 25.13 他动轴D ri ving axle 25.14 他曲拐销C rank pin GB 3367 .12 86 25.15 他曲拐销挡圈Crank pin retainer 25.16 他曲拐销挡圈螺栓Crarik pin retainer bolt 26 阀动装置. 26.1 汽阀Dist ri bution valve 26.2 特洛菲莫夫汽阀Trofiem.of dist ri but iOll valve 26.3 冕形螺母Crown nut 26.4 阀休Valve body 26.5 挡盘R etain pan 26.6 导套Guide sleeve 26.7 .
49、阀杆Valve st em 26.8 偏心杆Eccentric rod 26.9 轴承盖Reating cap 26.10偏心杆与Jj牙板销Eccentric rod and reverse-link pin 26.11 合并杆Combinat ion lever 26.12 合并杆臂Combinat ion lever arm 26.13 合并杆弯臂Combinat ion lever bend arm 26.14 合并杆与连接杆销Combination lever and crosshead link pin 26.1-6 合并杆与半径杆销Combination lever and radius rod pin 26.16 合并杆与阀十宁头销Combination )ever and valve c
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