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GB 50548-2010 330kV--750kV 架空输电线路勘测规范.pdf

1、EJ 中华人民共和国国家标准UDC GB 50548 - 2010 330kV 750kV架空输电线路勘测规范Code for investigation and surveying of 330k V -750k V overhead transmission line 出。阿1130肘架空输电线路勘测规范P 实施el闹剧对叫树叫必咀阴阳机却怕2010 -12 -01 发布2010 - 05 _; 31 S/N: 1580177.460 联合发布中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局 统一书号:1580177 460 定价:53.00元91115801 7117

2、46006 中华人民共和国国家标准330kV 750kV架空输电线路勘测规范Code for investigation and surveying of 330kV750kV overhead transmission line GB 5,0548 - 2010 主编部门:中国电力企业联合会批准部门:中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部施行日期:2 0 1 0 年1 2 月1 日中国计划出版社2010北京中华人民共和国国家标准330kV -750kV架空输电线路勘测规范GB 50548-2010 女中国电力企业联合会主编中国计划出版社出版(地址:北京市西城区木樨地北里甲11号国宏大厦C座4层)(邮

3、政编码:100038 电话:6390643363906381) 新华书店北京发行所发行世界知识印刷厂印刷850 X 1168毫米1/32 9.5印张244千字2捕页2010年10月第1版2010年10月第1次印刷印数1-20100册* 统一书号:1580177 460 定价:53.00元中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部公告第633号关于发布国家标准(330k V -750k V 架空输电线路勘测规范的公告现批准(330kV750kV架空输电线路勘测规范为国家标准,编号为GB50548-2010,自2010年12月1日起实施。其中,第1. O. 4、3.3.2、3.4.6、12.1. 1、12.2



6、联合会负责日常管理,中国电力工程顾问集团中南电力设计院负责具体技术内容的解释。在执行过程中,请各单位结合工程实践,认真总结经验,如发现需要修改或补充之处,请将意见和建议寄交中国电力工程顾问集团中南电力设计院(地址:湖北省武汉市武昌区民主路668号.邮政编码430071;电子信箱:war耶hengzucsepdi. com) ,以供今后修订时参考。本规范主编单位、参编单位、主要起草人和主要审查人:主编单位:中国电力工程顾问集团中南电力设计院参编单位:中国电力工程顾问集团公司中国电力工程顾问集团东北电力设计院中国电力工程顾问集团西北电力设计院北京国电华北电力工程有限公司中国电力工程顾问集团华东电力

7、设计院中国电力工程顾问集团西南电力设计院北京洛斯达数字遥感技术有限公司广东省电力设计研究院山西省电力勘测设计院主要起草人:王圣祖石克勤艾传井刘德平熊海星王中平(以下按姓氏笔画为序)马领康尹亮代宏柏张小望刘富亭吴刚别传炎李伟强陈亚明尚思良胡长权饶贞祥胡昌盛委俊庆姚鹏贾剑高福山陶李曹卫羔梁水林彭玉环程正逢曾伟雄主要审查人:吴军帅王疆、蔡永兰宋俊方锐程小久尹镇龙王力刘厚健史荣文陈东乾唐辉明刘小青郑勇锋吕健春李邱林孔祥元朱伟卢晓东王爱平王建民李纪人黄伟中马志坚傅春衡姜力杨爱丽 2 目次l总则f.( 1 ) 2 术语和符号( 2 ) 2. 1 术语(2 ) 2. 2符号(5 ) 3 基本规定( 7 )

8、3.1 测量(7 ) 3. 2 岩土工程勘察(8 ) 3. 3 工程水文勘测h.( 9 ) 3.4 工程气象勘测u4 可行性研究阶段测量( 1 1 ) 4. 1 一般规定门1) 4. 2 室内工作(1 1 ) 4. 3 现场工作门幻4.4 提交的成品资料( 12) 5 初步设计阶段测量(1 4 ) 5. 1 一般规定(1 4 ) 5. 2 室内选择路径方案(14) 5. 3 现场选择路径方案(14) 5.4 航空摄影( 1 5 ) 5.5 GPS主控网的建立及GPS航测外控(1 9 ) 5. 6 像片调绘( 2 5 ) 5. 7 航片扫描( 2 6 ) 5. 8 空中兰角测量( 2 7 ) 5

9、. 9 建立路径兰维数字模型门0) 1 5.10 三维数字模型路径优化门的5.11 提交的成品资料( 3 1 ) 6 施工图设计阶段测量u 6. 1 一般规定( 32) 6.2 选线测量门川队3定线测量( 34) 6. 4 桩间距离和高差测量(3 7 ) 6. 5 平面及高程联系测量(3 8 ) 6. 6 平面及断面测量 6. 7 交叉跨越测量 6.8 定位与检验测量(45) 6.9 塔基断面及塔位地形测量( 47) 6. 10 房屋分布图测量7) 6.11 塔位坐标测量们6.12 林木分布测量(49)6.13 接地极极址测量川6.14 提交的成品资料 7 可行性研究阶段岩土工程勘察( 52)

10、 8 初步设计阶段岩土工程勘察( 5 3 ) 9 施工图设计阶段岩土工程勘察( 5日9.1 一般规定( 5 5 ) 9. 2 平原与河谷地区勘察(5 6 ) 9. 3 山地丘陵区勘察(57) 10 岩士工程勘察方法刊们10. 1 工程地质调查(58) 10. 2 遥感解译(5 9 ) 10. 3 工程物探.(59) 10.4 勘探与测试刊川口特殊岩土分布区岩土工程勘察2) 2 11. 1 湿陷性黄土(6 2 ) 11. 2 冻土2 ) 11. 3 软土( 64) 11. 4 膨胀岩土U11. 5 红教土.刊们11. 6 填土川7) 11. 7 风化岩与残积士川们11. 8盐渍士刊们11. 9

11、混合土( 70) 12 特殊地质条件岩土工程勘察(7 1 ) 12.1 岩溶与洞穴(7 1 ) 12.2 滑坡( 72) 12. 3 崩塌与倒石堆(7 3 ) 12.4 冲沟( 74) 12.5 泥石流( 7日12. 6 地震液化(7日12. 7 采空区( 7 6 ) 13 原体试验(78) 13. 1 一般规定(78) 13. 2 基桩原体试验(78) 13. 3 锚杆基础和原状土基础试验(7 9 ) 13.4 原体试验成果编制( 79 ) 14 基坑检验15 岩土工程勘察成果(8 1) 15.1 一般规定15. 2 可行性研究阶段 15.3 初步设计阶段.山川15.4 施工图设计阶段 16

12、 可行性研究阶段工程水文勘测(84) 3 16.1 一般规定(84) 16.2 勘测内容深度与技术要求U16.3 勘测成果们17 初步设计阶段工程水文勘测(88) 17.1 一般规定.0(88) 17.2 勘测内容深度与技术要求(8 8 ) 17.3 勘测成果UM 施工图设计阶段工程水文勘测18.1 一般规定18.2 勘测内容深度与技术要求(94) 18. 3 勘测成果(9 6 ) 山水文查勘(97)19.1 一般规定7) 19.2 人类活动影响调查7 ) 19.3 洪涝调查创刊.4河床演变调查们叶19. 5 冰情及河流漂浮物调查(100)19. 6 特殊地区水文调查(101) 19.7 水文

13、测验(101)m 水文分析计算(102)20.1 一般规定(102)20.2 天然河流设计洪水(103) 20.3 水库上下游设计洪水(104)20.4 溃堤溃坝洪水门04)20. 5 冰情洪水(105)20. 6 特殊地区洪水(105)20. 7 设计洪水位.(1 05) 20.8 设计流速(106)20.9 滨海、河口水文分析计算(107) 4 21 河(海)床演变分析(114)21. 1 一般规定(114)21. 2 河床演变分析(114)21. 3 海床演变分析(115)22 可行性研究阶段工程气象勘测(117)22.1 一般规定(117)22. 2 勘测内容深度与技术要求(117)2

14、2. 3 勘测成果(118)23 初步设计阶段工程气象勘测(119)23.1 一般规定(119)23.2 勘测内容深度与技术要求(119)23. 3 勘测成果.(1 20) 24 施工图设计阶段工程气象勘测(122)24. 1 一般规定(122)24. 2 勘测内容深度与技术要求.24.3 勘测成果(122)25 气象调查25.1 一般规定(123)25.2 大风调查(四川25. 3 覆冰调查(124)25. 4 主导风向调查(126)25. 5 专用气象站与观测26 气象分析计算(128)附录A拥挤地段平面图样图(130)附录B通信线危险影响相对位置图样图(131)附录C变电站或发电厂进出线

15、平面图样图(132)附录D测量标桩规格及埋设尺寸附录E平行接近线路相对位置平面图样图(134)附录F输电线路平断面图(135)附录G平面图、断面图符号表附录H交叉跨越断面分图样图附录J交叉跨越平面分图样图附录K塔基断面图样图.附录L塔位地形图样图附录M房屋分布图样图附录N塔基水文条件一览表附录P设计风速计算.附录Q设计冰厚计算本规范用词说明引用标准名录.附:条文说明 6 Co口tents1 General prOV1SlOns . ( 1 ) 2 Term and symbols 2.1 Terms . ( 2 ) ( 2 ) 2.2 Symbols ( 5 ) 3 Basical requi

16、rements . 3. 1 survey . ( 7 ) ( 7 ) 3. 2 geotech1ical investigation ( 8 ) 3. 3 engineering hydrological i口vestigationand surveying ( 9 ) 3. 4 engineering meteorological investigation, and surveying ( 10) 4 Survey of feasibility study stage (1 1 ) 4. 1 General requirements ( 1 1 ) 4. 2 ()ffice work (

17、 1 1 ) 4. 3 Field work . (1 2) 4.4日nishedproduct submitted ( 1 2 ) 5 Survey of preliminary design stage ( 14) 5. 1 General requireme丑ts. (10 5. 2 Route selection plan indoor (14 ) 5. 3 Route selectio日planoutdoor (1 0 5.4 Aerial photography (1 5 ) 5. 5 Establishment of GPS control network and GPS fie

18、ld control point . (1 9 ) 5. 6 Photo an口otatlOn(2 5 ) 5. 7 Aerial photo scanning ( 2 6 ) 7 5.8 Aerotriangulation (2 7) 5. 9 Establishment of 3D digtal route model ( 30) 5. 10 Optimization of 3-D digtal route model ( 30) 5. 11 Finished product submitted . (31) 6 Survey of working drawing design stage

19、 ( 3 2 ) 6. 1 General requirements ( 3 2 ) 6. 2 Route selection survey 6.3 Straight line location survey 6. 4 Survey of distance between two stakes and difference of elevation ( 3 2 ) (3 4) ( 37) 6.5 Plane and elevation connection survey .( 38) 6.6 Plane and section survey (40) 6. 7 Cross survey ( 4

20、3) 6.8 Positioning and test survey ( 4 5 ) 6. 9 Section survey of tower foundation and topographic survey of tower position ( 47) 6. 10 House distribution survey (47) 6.11 Tower coordinate survey ( 48) 6. 12 Forest distribution survey . (49) 6. 13 Grounding electrode positioning survey ( 49) 6. 14 F

21、inished product submitted ( 5 0 ) 7 Geotechnical investigation of feasibility study stage ( 52) 8 Geotechnical investigation of preliminary design stage . ( 5 3 ) 9 Geotechnical investigation of working drawing design stage . ( 5 5 ) 9. 1 General requirements ( 5 5 ) 9. 2 Investigation for plain and

22、 river valley ( 56) 8 9.3 Investigation for mountain and hill ( 57 ) 10 M巳thodof geotechnical investigation ( 58) 10. 1 Engineering Geological Survey ( 58) 10.2 Remote sensing ( 59) 10.3 Geophysical exploration . (59) 10.4 Exploration and testing ( 60) 11 Geotechnical investigation for special litho

23、logy ( 62) 11. 1 Collapsible loess ( 62) 11. 2 Frozen soil ( 6 2 ) 11. 3 Soft soil (6 4) 11. 4 Swelling soil and rock . (6 4) 11. 5 Red clay ( 66) 11. 6 Fill巳dground ( 67) 11. 7 Weathered rock and residual soil . (68) 11. 8 Saline soil ( 6 9 ) 11. 9 Mixed soil ( 70) 12 Geotechnical investigation for

24、 special geologic condition ( 7 1 ) 12. 1 Karst and cave ( 7 1 ) 12.2 Landslipe ( 7 2 ) 12.3 Avalanche and collapse heap ( 73) 12.4 Gully ( 74) 12.5 Debris flow ( 7 5 ) 12. 6 Seismic liquefaction ( 75) 12. 7 Mined out space ( 7 6 ) 13 Prototype test ( 78) 13.1 General requirements (78) 13.2 Prototyp

25、e test for pile foundation (78) 13. 3 Anchored foundation and shallow foundation test ( 7 9 ) 9 13.4 Result reporting for prototype test ( 7 9 ) 14 Foundaion pit proving ( 80) 15 Result of geotechnical investigation ( 8 1) 15. 1 General requirements ( 8 1) 15.2 Feasibility study stage ( 8 1 ) 15. 3

26、Preliminary design stage ( 8 2 ) 15.4 Working drawing design stage ,. (82) 16 Engineering hydrological investigation and surveying of feasibility study stage ( 84) 16.1 General requirements (84) 16.2 Contents and technical requirement ( 85) 16. 3 Outcome . (86) 17 Engineering hydrological investigat

27、ion and surveying of preliminary design stage ( 88) 17.1 General requirements ( 88) 17.2 Contents and technical requirement ( 88) 17.3 Outcome ( 9 3 ) 18 Engineering hydrological investigation and surveying of working drawing design stage ( 94) 18. 1 General requirements (94) 18.2 Contents and techn

28、ical requirement ( 94) 18.3 Outcome ( 9 6 ) 19 Hydrological investigation and surveying ( 97) 19.1 General requirements.飞(9 7 ) 19.2 Impact of human activity ( 97) 19.3 Flood and waterlogging . (98) 19.4 Riverbed evolution ( 9 9 ) 19.5 Ice and river float y . (100) 19.6 Specific areas (101) 10 19. 7

29、 Hydrological survey (101) 20 Hydrological analysis and calculation (102) 20. 1 General requirements (102) 20.2 Natural river design flood (103) 20. 3 Design flood about the upper stream a口ddownstream of the reservoir (104) 20.4 The dike-breach and dam-break design flood (104) 20. 5 Ice flood (105)

30、20. 6 Special area design flood (105) 20. 7 The design flood stage (105) 20. 8 The design flow rate . (刊的20. 9 The hydrological analysis about the coastal and river mouth area.飞(107)21 The evolution analysis of the river (sea) bed (114) 21. 1 General requirements (114) 21. 2 Analysis of the evolutio

31、n of the river bed (114) 21. 3 Analysis of the evolution of the seabed (115) 22 Engineering meteorological investigation and surveying of feasibility study stage (117) 22. 1 General requirements (117) 22. 2 Content and technical requirement (117) 22. 3 Outcome . (118) 23 Engineering meteorological i

32、nvestigation and surveying of preliminary design stage (119) 23. 1 General requirements (119) 23.2 Content and technical requirement (119) 23.3 Outcome (120) 24 Engi口eeringmeteorological investigation and surveying of working drawing design stag . . . . (122) 11 24. 1 General requirements (122) 24.

33、2 content and technical requirement (122) 24. 3 outcome . (122) 25岛1eteorologysurvey (123) 25. 1 General requirements (123) 25.2 Strong wind (123) 25. 3矶Tireice covering . (124) 25.4 Predominant wind direction (126) 25. 5 Meteorology special-purpose station and observation (126) 26 Meteorological an

34、alysis and calculation (128) Appendix A Planimetic map in crowded area (130) Appendix B Relative position sampl巳sof communication . line risk influence (131) Appendix C Plan legend for substation or power plant lines in and out (132) Appendix D Survey stake standard and embedding slze (133) Appendix

35、 E Relative position plan samples of parallel proximity line (134) Appendix F Plan and section samples of transmission lin巳?.(135)Appendix G Symbol list of planemetric and section plan (136) Appendix H Intersection and cross section plan (141) Appendix J Intersection and crossing planemetric plan (142) Appendix K Tower foundation section plan (144) Appendix L Tower position topographic map (145) Appendix M House distribution map (146) 12 App巳ndixN The schedule of hydrological condition about pole tower (147) Appendix P The calcul

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