1、中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫行业标准SN/T 0306.3-2006 出口烟花爆竹检验规程第3部分:朱型烟花交收检验Rules for the inspection of export fireworks and firecracker一Part 3: Batch test for display fireworks 2006-01-26发布中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局2006-08-16实施060831000145 前SN/T 0306(出口烟花爆竹检验规程分为五个部分:一一-第1部分z总则;一一第2部分z玩具烟花爆竹交收检验;二一第3部分E大型烟花交收检验;一-第4部分:安全性检
2、验g一一第5部分:型式试验。本部分为SN/T0306的第3部分。本部分的附录A、附录B、附录C、附录D为规范性附录。本部分由国家认证认可监督管理委员会提出并归口。本部分起草单位z中华人民共和国湖南出入境检验检疫局。本部分主要起草人z刘劲彪、谭爱喜、罗武、范晓林、邓年祥。本部分系首次发布的出入境检验检疫行业标准。SN/T 0306. 3-2006 I SN/T 0306. 3一20061 范围出口烟花爆竹检验规程第3部分:大型烟花交收检验SN/T 0306的本部分规定了出口大型烟花的抽样、检验、检验规则和评定准则。本部分适用于大型烟花的成品批检验验收和抽查,必要时对未成箱的大型烟花也可实施检验。
3、2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过SN/T0306的本部分的引用而成为本部分的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本部分,然而,鼓励根据本部分达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本部分。SN/T 0306. 1一2006出口烟花爆竹检验规程第1部分:总则SN/T 0306. 2一2006出口烟花爆竹检验规程第2部分:玩具烟花爆竹交收检验3 术语和定义3. 1 3.2 3.3 SN/T 0306. 1确立的以及下列术语和定义适用于SN/T0306的本部分。筒口炸burst on the top
4、 of tube 弹体在筒口爆炸的现象。点火中断igniting fail 点火后未将发射药点燃的现象,又称瞎火。传火中断igniting break 弹体发射升空后未将弹体内爆药点燃的现象,又称哑弹。4 抽样4. 1 抽样方案按SN/T0306. 1-2006的5.2.3.2和本部分附录A和附录B确定共同检验项目的抽样方案n/ Ac,ReJ和燃放检验的抽样方案【nl,n2/ ACl ,Rel ; AC2 , Re2 。当采用的抽样方案的样本量等于或大于批量时,则执行100%检验。4.2 抽样方法4.2.1 第1次抽样首先对照申报的品名、含量、箱数等与实际堆存产品的情况,核对相符后,开始第1次
5、抽样,其步骤:分段随机抽取以箱为单位的样品,从己抽出的样品箱中,逐箱开启。先以层或包(盒)等单位,分层或包(盒)抽取规定的包或盒样本;再从包或盒中,以个(支)为单位抽样,组成按4.1所规定的方案执行。4.2.2 第2次抽样若第1次抽样燃放检验不能得出评定结果,按4.2. 1规定进行第2次抽样,组成燃放检验的样本量问。1 SN/T 0306. 3-2006 5 检验5.1 检验流程抽样后,逐个检查样品,按图l规定的流程进行检验和评定。样品箱5.2 检验项目按SN/T0306. 1- 2 5. 3 检验方法共同检验项目的5.4 单项检验结果评定按附录A、附录B确定的6 综合评定与不合格处置6.1
6、综合评定6. 1. 1 一个样品同时存在几种缺陷时,以最重的缺陷计算,且只作为一个不合格品统计。6.1.2 检验时,一旦发现致命缺陷,则判定该批产品不合格。6. 1. 3 各单项检验结果,如有一项不合格,则判定该批产品不合格。SN/T 0306. 3-2006 6.2 不合格处置6.2. 1 在检验过程中,一旦发现有缺陷的烟花爆竹,均应剔除。6.2.2 含有不可修复致命缺陷的不合格批,不允许再次提交检验。6.2.3 除6.2.2规定外的不合格批,经返工后可再次提交检验;检验仍不合格,不得再提交检验。3 SN/T 0306. 3-2006 附录A(规范性附录)缺陆类别划分A. 1 共同性检验项目
7、的缺陷类别划分见表A.10表A.l共同性检验项目的缺陆类别划分序号检验项目缺陷国际危规标记或爆炸标志漏、错写(贵的。警句错误。1 外包装品名、货号、规格、含量、暖头、批号、工厂代号、字体颜色、安全注意事项等不清晰或按规定未有者。重量超出口规定。招标、简标安全用语错误。盒内可见漏药量超出口规定。包内产品数量不对。2 内包装招标、筒标与产品名称不相符。封装质量不符合市场规定。各种标志欠清晰。无返工价值的重霉变。元招标或简标、无使用说明,印刷错误或产品不符。浮药超规定,简体开裂。产品结构严重变形,锈蚀。外观与规格尺寸招标或筒标损坏,文字不清晰、遮盖。3 规格极限尺寸、杆抨的平直度与硬度不符合出口规定
8、。招标护引纸等与主体粘贴不牢、不正,颜色不鲜艳。露头露脚、包头包脚、露白。轻度霉变与脏污。规格尺寸超公差,但未达极限值。按出口规定应安装底座(插座)而未安装者。4 底座(插座)稳定性、牢固性检查不符合出口规定。不能承受喷火或升空的冲击力。不牢固。5 底塞漏出塞泥,药物超出口规定。部件脱落。6 部件安装部件牢固性不符合规定(不包括引火线和底座)。漏药。7 引火线安装不!牢固、霉变、破损。外观不整洁、不坚挺、不干燥、藕节。4 缺陷类别a2 b c a2 b c al a2 b c a2 b al b al a2 a2 b c SN/T 0306. 3-2006 A.2 燃放检验项目的缺陷类别划分见
9、表A.2。表A.2燃放检验项目的缺陷类别划分产品类别缺陷缺陷类别炸筒、散筒。al 手持产品速燃、爆燃。冲底、地面(插地)产品倒筒行走。a2 喷花类喷射高度大于规定。中断、冲筒、熄引。b 燃放效果、时间、亮珠着火数不符合规定。中断、熄引。炸筒、散落部件。al 速燃或爆燃。旋转类冲底、冲头。a2 引燃主体时间不符合出口规定。中断、熄引,燃放时间、效果不符合规定。b 平飞、急炸。al 发射极限偏斜角大于出口规定。冲底。a2 火箭类倒筒。低炸。升空高度小于规定。中断、冲筒、熄引、火险。b 燃放效果、亮珠着火数不符合规定。炸筒、冲底、倒筒(插地产品)。al 亮珠发射.距离及高度不符合。燃放效果、亮珠着火
10、数不符合规定。b 吐珠类中断、熄引。亮珠发射时间间隔(含快速连发)不符合规定。c 吐珠数不符合规定。炸筒、低炸。al 多发产品散筒、倒筒。发射极限偏斜角大于出口规定。a2 地面礼花类冲底。火险。中断、熄引、冲筒。b 燃放效果、发射高度不符合出口规定。膛炸、筒口炸、低炸、火险、瞎火、哑弹。al 礼花弹类熄引、发射高度、燃放效果不符合规定。b al 组合类包括参加组合的各类产品的al和a20a2 包括参加组合的各类产品的严重缺陷。b 5 SN/T 0306.3一2006附录B(规范性附录)抽样方案表B.l 共同检验项目抽样方共同检验项目抽样方案290 批量范围N 样c Ac Re 250 1 。5
11、1500 2 5013 200 2 3 3 20135 000 3 4 35 001500 000 5 6 500 001及其以上7 8 B. 2 燃放检验项目抽样方案B. 2.1 吐珠类、组合类、旋转表B.2燃放礼花类)批量范围N c AC1 ,Rel / Ac, , Re, 1 2 91500 0,2/ 1,2 5011 200 0 ,3/ 3 ,4 120110000 1, 3/ 4,5 10 00135 000 32 / 32 1, 3/ 4 ,5 2,5/ 6,7 35 001500 000 50 / 50 2 ,5/ 6 ,7 3 ,6/ 9 ,10 500 001以上80 / 8
12、0 3 ,6/ 9 ,10 5 ,9/ 12 ,13 B.2.2 喷花类产品燃放检验抽样方案按表B.3确定。6 B. 2. 3 批量范围N 290 911 200 1 20110 000 10 00135 000 35 001500 000 500 001以上批量范围N 290 911 200 1 20110 000 10 00135 000 35 001500 000 500 001以上SN/T 0306. 3-2006 表B.3燃放检验项目抽样方案表(喷花类)缺陷类别样本量b C l/n, ACl ,Rel / A勺,Re,ACl ,Rel / Ac, ,Re, 3 0 ,1 1. 2 1
13、, 3/ 4 ,5 2 ,5/ 6,7 3 ,6/ 9 ,10 5 ,9/ 12 ,13 7 ,11 / 18 ,19 类别c ACl ,Rel / Ac, , Re, 0 ,1 0 ,2/ 1,2 0 ,3/ 3 ,4 1,3/ 4,5 2 , 5/ 6 , 7 3 . 6/ 9 ,10 7 SN/T 0306. 3-2006 C.l 外包装检验附录C(规范性附录)共同检验项目检验出口烟花爆竹外包装检验,以成箱为主,必要时可检验半成品包装。抽样前,检查全批外包装的外形、结构、字体大小、颜色及脏污情况是否符合出口规定要求,并应具有出口危险货物包装容器性能检验结果单),然后抽样逐个目测检查样品:
14、a) 品名、货号、含量、暖头、标志、工厂代号、批号、质量等是否正确、清晰,安全注意事项是否完整;b) 包装箱是否破损和箱内产品有无松动;c) 包装完整性是否符合规定。C.2 内包装检验C. 2.1 检测用具天平(精度0.001g)o C.2.2 封装的正确性检验a) 招标、筒标有无破损,安全用语是否正确;b) 封装质量是否符合要求;c) 包内封装样品数量是否准确。C.2.3 包(盒)内可见漏药量检测用精度为o.001 g的天平称量。C.3 外观检验C. 3.1 检测用具a) 放大镜;b) 检验工作台。C.3.2 检测步骤a) 招标、筒标、护(固)引纸是否已帖贴牢固、端正;是否露头露脚、露白、包
15、头包脚(特殊者除外hb) 样品是否发生变形、霉变(放大镜检查)、筒体开裂和有无浮药;c) 使用说明书是否正确,它包括品名、含量、制造厂名(或产地)、批号、产品性能,还包括使用方法与场所、时间、注意事项、躲避方法等。C.4 规格检验C. 4.1 检验用具a) 卷尺;b) 卡尺(精度不小于0.1mm)。C. 4. 2 外形尺寸检验C. 4. 2.1 长度检验用卷尺或卡尺分别从互相垂直的两方向量取样品两端面距离,取其平均值为检验结果。读数精确到0.5 mm。长度等于或大于100mm以上者,允许偏差为士2%;长度在100mm以下者,允许偏差为土3%。SNjT 0306. 3-2006 C.4.2.2
16、外径检验对柱形样品用卡尺分别从上、中、下各部量取外径,取其平均值为检验结果;其他形状的样品,用卡尺或卷尺测量,样品转动90。后,重复上述检验,取其平均值为检验结果。上述各读数精确至0.5mm, 其外径允许偏差为:1:5%。c. 4. 3 火箭杆抨平直度测定c. 4. 3.1 检验用具按SN/T0306. 2-2006的C.4.3.1执行。C.4.3.2 检测方法把火箭飞行稳定杆放在测定板上,予以转动一周,测量其中拱起的最大高度,是否超过出口规定。c. 4. 4 火箭杆抨硬度测定C. 4. 4.1 检验用具同C.4. 3.1。C.4.4.2 检测方法将火箭稳定杆尾部夹于测定板上,测量火箭筒顶端的
17、下垂距离,除以火箭全长,所得之商是否小于出口规定。C.5 底座检验C.5.1 检验用具a) 倾斜角测定板;b) 卡尺(精度不小于0.1mm); c) 硅码;d) 秒表(精度不小于O.1 s)。C. 5. 2 安装底座检验:用卡尺检查筒长与外径,如筒长等于或大于外径三倍者,应安装底座(插座)。C. 5. 3 牢固性检验在倒垂的主体上加挂出口规定重量的硅码,固定底座,1min后,底座应不与主体分离。C. 5. 4 平稳性检验将样品直立放置在用硬木板制成的与水平成出口规定角度的斜面上,样品不应倾倒;样品旋转90。后,重复上述试验,也不得倾倒。C.6 底塞牢固性检验C. 6.1 检验用具a) 硬质木板
18、(厚30mm以上,长为样品宽的1.5倍hb) 天平(精度O.001 g)。C. 6. 2 检验方法将主体(安装底座的产品不摘除底座)呈水平状固定,从400mm高处,向厚度为30mm以上的硬质木板自由落下,每个样品重复三次,观察底塞是否开裂、漏出药物。其漏出药量用0.001g精度的天平称量。C.7 部件安装牢固性检验C. 7.1 用具硅码。9 SN/T 0306. 3-2006 c. 7. 2 检验方法在倒垂的主体上加挂规定重量的硅码,固定部件,1min后,部件应不与主体分离。操作如下:a) 手持部分和插座,应加挂出口规定重量的硅码;b) 其余各种驱动装置、转轴、尾翼、旋翼、稳定杆等部件,应加挂
19、250g重量的硅码。C. 7. 3 大型礼花弹部件安装牢固性检验a) 吊线与提环应牢固安装在弹顶正中处。吊线长度应以能将弹体放到发射筒底为度。吊线强度应能承受礼花弹自重一倍的力。b)发射药盒应密封-理醺疆霸蘸跑回回圃E噶圄醋裂、漏药。C. 8 引火线检验C. 8. 1 检验用具a) 放大镜;b) 硅码。C. 8. 2 外观检验a) 检查样品是否整洁干燥;b) 检查样品是否破损和漏药;c) 检查样品是否霉变(用放C. 8. 3 引火线牢固性检验样品主体倒垂提起,10 iIl,引火线不脱落。D.l 号*时间检验用两块秒表进行引引火时间(计算精确到O.D.3 主体燃烧时间的测定试验方法同D.1。D.
20、4 发射偏斜角的测定圆圈直径与发射点构成允附录D(规范性附录)燃肢检验SN/T 0306. 3-2006 检查结果有效,取平均值为效,需取样重新测定。发射高度在10m以下,测高偏发射点同一垂线上,调节11 SN/T 0306. 3-2006 Preface SN/T 0306 Rules for the inspection of export fireworks and firecracker consists of the following five parts: 一一一Part1: General; 一一一Part2: Batch test for Consumer fireworks
21、 and firecracker; 一-Part3: Batch test for Display fireworks; 一一一Part4: safety performance test; 一一一-Part5: tpe test. This section is the third part of SN/T 0306. Addendum A、AddendumB、AddendemC and Addendum D in this part are normative addendum. The explanation and revision ofthis standard was superv
22、ised by CNCA:. The drafing of this part was Hunan Entry and Exit Test and Ouarantine Bureau. Draftsmen of this part: Liu J inbiao, J iang zicheng , Tan aixi , Zhang guanghui , Deng nianxiang. This part is the first issue of Entry and Exit inspection and Ouarantine Industrial Standard. Note: This Eng
23、lish version , a translation from the Chinese text , is solely for guidance. 12 SNjT 0306. 3一2006Rules for the ins阳记:tionof expo忱fireworks and fi recrackers一Part 3: Batch test for display fi reworks 1 Scope This part sets forth guidelines for export display fireworks sampling , inspection , inspecti
24、on guide lines as well as assessing criterion. This part is applicable not only for the test of batches of finished display fireworks, but also for the items not packaged when it is needed. 2 Normative Reference These following normative references are cited as part of articles in this part. For dat
25、ed refrences , their following revision sheet and revision edition are all not applicable to the part of this standard , but to encourage the assetients on this part to study whether the latest edition of this document can be used. For undated references , their latest edition are all applicalbe to
26、this part of stanard. SN/T 0306. 1-2006 Rules of the inspection of export fireworks and firecracker Part 1: General SN/T 0306. 2一2006Rules of the inspection of export fireworks and firecracker Part 2: Batch test for the Consumer fireworks and firecracker 3 Definition and nomenclature SN/T 0306. 1 an
27、d the following definition, nomenclature are applicable for this part. 3. 1 burst on the top of tube The phenomenon of main body bursting on the top of tube. 3.2 igniting fail A meaning of having propellant charge without being ignited after igniting , also can be called dud burning. 13 SN/T 0306. 3
28、-2006 3.3 igniting break A meaning of having break charge without being ignited after the shell launching out to the air , also can be called dud shel l. 4 Sampling 4. 1 sampling plan To fix the com阿lontest 4.2 Sampling method 4. 2. 1 The fi rst sampl At first , compare pract then begin the first in
29、g plan 川,门2/Ac,, A and B in this part. : then the 100 % test should be used. e, package , and cartons , raw at random the samples with the unit of carton , and unpack the samples one by one. Then draw packages and boxes sam ples with the unit of Iayer or package; at last draw samples with the unit o
30、f item from the package or box according to 4. 1 cheme. 4.2.2 The second sampli If assess ing results of d sampling according to 5 Test 5. 1 Test procedure After sampling , examine 14 pling , than do the second test. 5.2 Test items Implement according to 5.3 Test method See addendum C in this pa the
31、 performance test method. Sample ca口on5.4 Results assessing for the single test Assess the single test results according to Addendum A and B. 、hSN/T 0306. 3-2006 ems and see addendum D for 15 SN/T 0306. 3-2006 6 Synthetically assessing and handling for nonconforming 6. 1 Synthetically assessing 6. 1
32、. 1 One sample with several defects should be assessed according to the most severe defect and calcaculated only as one rejected product. 6. 1.2 Once criticaf defect is found during test ,the whole batch should be rejected. 6.1.3 For the single test results , if one item in the results is nonconform
33、ing and the whole batch is assessed as nonconforming. 6. 2 Handling for nonconforming 6.2. 1 Once fireworks and firecracker with defects are found during test , the said products should be eliminated. 6.2.2 As soon as batches containing irreversible critical defects are rejected , they cant be resub
34、 mitted for acceptance test. 6.2.3 With the exception of item 6. 2. 2 , rejected batches which are still not up to the standard af ter they have been repressed or reinspected cant be resubmitted. 16 SN/T 0306. 3-2006 Addendum A CNormative addendum) Classification of defect categories A. 1 The defect
35、 categories classification of mutual inspection item is in Table A. 1. Table A. 1 Defect categories classification of mutual inspection item No Test item Defects Lacking or wrongly writing (sticking) international danger mark or explosion mark. Wrong warning statement. 1 outer wrapping Product name.
36、 item No. specification. package. mark. batch No. factory code. letter color. safety note and so on is unclear and 门1issed.Weight exceeding exporting stipulation. Safety statement of label and tube label is wrong. The visible leaking powder in the box exceeding expo叫ngstipula-tion. 2 inner wrapping
37、Product count of a package is wrong. Product name in the label and tube label is consistent. Wrapping quality not complying with market requirement. AII kinds of marks werent clear enough. Serious mildew which is not worth reprocessing. No label or tube label. no instruction. wrong printing or not c
38、ompl-ying with product. Excessive amounts of explosive. Tube cracking. Product structure seriously deforming. becoming rusty. Damage of label or tube label. characters are not clean or covered. 3 appearance and specifi- Maximum specification dimension. stick straightness or rigidity not cation dimen
39、sions conforming to exporting stipulations Label. tube label and touch paper are affixed crookedly and loosely. color is not bright. Improper label placement of label exporting one or both ends of the product. Label covering one or both ends of product. Minor mildew or dirt. Specification dimensions
40、 exceeding deviation. but not up to the lim-ited size. No base which shall be fixed according to exporting guideline. 4 base Stability or strength not complying with exporting guidelines. Cant stand the spit fire and wallop of the aerials. Defect category a2 b c a2 b c a1 a2 b c a2 b 17 SN/T 0306. 3
41、-2006 No Test item 5 I plug Table A. 1 (continued) Defects Not strong. Leaking plug mud and the leaking explosives exceeding exporting guidelines. Component detached. 6 I components installation 7 I fuse A.2 Product category fountain spmner rocket 18 Blowout, disi Dud burning , tube blowout ,dud fus
42、e. Flight angle of Bottom - end Topple一over.Low altitude ignition Dud burning , tube blowout, dud fuse , fire hazard. Displaying effects, star ignition amount not complying with guideline fuse. r movlng. Defect a1 b a1 a2 a2 b c Defect a1 a2 b a1 a2 b a1 a2 b SN/T 0306 . 3-2006 Table A. 2 Ccontinued
43、) Product category Defect Defect categ Blowout, bottom - end blowout, topple一over(inserting ground product). Range and height of star detonation not complying with guidelines. Displaying effects, star ignition amount not complying with guideline. a1 b candles Dud burning and 、i-飞也户 雪中L年a气次世千二111八,飞?
44、翠-二、面咽、i-曲-、 , c -Amount of stars Blowout, lowal a1 round-Iaunc Launching angle of deflection greater than a2 hed aerial Bottom - end blowout. shells Fire hazard. 圃,b shells a1 b tion. combination Including all a1 and a2 of used products. M-d-b 19 SN/T 0306. 3-2006 Addendum B (Normative addendum) Te
45、sting reginme B. 1 mutual inspection items sampling plan mutual inspection items sampling plan is ascertained according to B. 1 Table B. 1 mutuaJ inspection items sampJing pJan Defect category Batch count range Sample count b N n Ac Re 2-50 2 。51-500 5 。501-3200 13 1 2 3201-35000 20 2 35001-500000 3
46、2 2 3 500001 50 3 4 一B. 2 display test items sampling plan c Ac Re 。1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 B. 2. 1 Display test items sampling plan of roman candle、combination、spinners、batteryare ascer tained according to B. 2. Table B.2 displatest items sampling plan ( roman candle、combination、spinners、battery) Defec
47、t category Batch count range Sample count b c N n, /n2 Ac, ,Re, / A ,Re理Ac, ,Re, / A ,Re2 2-90 3 。2 91-500 8/8 0,1/0,1 0,2/1 ,2 501-1 200 13/13 0,2/1 ,2 0,3/3 ,4 1201-10000 20/20 0,3/3,4 1,3/4,5 10 001-35 000 32/32 1,3/4,5 2,5/6,7 35001-500000 50/50 2,5/6 ,7 3,6/9 ,10 500001 80/80 3,6/9 ,10 5,9/12 ,
48、13 B. 2. 2 Display test items sampling plan of fountain is ascertained according to B. 3 . 20 SN/T 0306. 3-2006 Table B.3 displatest items sampling plan Cfountain) Defect category Batch count range Sample count b c N n, /n2 Ac, ,Re, / AC2 ,Re2 Ac, ,Re, / AC2 ,Re2 2-90 3 0,1 1,2 91-1 200 13/13 0,2/1,
49、2 1,3/4,5 1201-10000 20/20 0,3/3,4 2,5/6,7 10 001-35 000 32/32 1,3/4,5 3 ,6/9,10 35001-500000 50/50 2,5/6,7 5,9/12,13 500001 80/80 3,6/9,10 7 ,11/18,19 B. 2. 3 Display test items sampling plan of shells and rockets are ascertained according to B.4. Table B.4 displatest items回mplingplan Cshell and rocket) Defect category Batch count range Sample count b c N n, /n2 Ac, ,Re, / A ,R Ac, ,Re,
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