1、ICS. 25.040 N 10 画画中华人民共和国国家标准化指导性技术文件GB/Z 29619.6-2013 测量和控制数字数据通信工业控制系统用现场总线类型8:INTERBUS规范第6部分:应用层协议规范Digital data communication for measurement and control一Fieldbus for use in industrial control systems-Type 8: INTERBUS specification一Part 6: Application Layer Protocol specification (IEC 61158:200
2、3 , MOD) 20日-07-19发布2013-12-15实施也在防伪饲霎F心434、丐,甲动作下个状态触发该状态转换的事件或条件= 该转换的动作发生以后的下一个满足上述事件或条件时发生的动作。这个动作状态始终是在事件或条件下发生的表示右边的项目值取代左边的项目值。如果右边的项目值是一个参数,这个参数来自一个输入事件的原语。xxx表示一个参数名。例如:例如:Identifier : = reason 表示reason参数的值赋值给名为Identifier的参数。xxx表示固定的值。Identifier ,= abc 表示将值abc赋值给一个名为Identifier的参数。表示左边的项目值等于
3、右边的项目值。表示左边的项目值大于右边的项目值。动作状态i / Intia、ttreq&ApContextTest= Tn蛇& & ApExplicitConnection= True = EST. req FalApduBody : = Establish-CommandPDU Sl CLOSED or REQ EST. req FalApduBody : = Establish-RequestPDU or EST. req FalApduBody : = Establish-Request2PDU 36 -一-一G/Z 29619.6-2013 表4(续)拌当前状态事件或条件下一个=动作状
4、态Initiate. req & ApContextTest=True &ApExplicitConnection= False S2 CLOSED = REQ EST. req FalApduBody , =NULL / / / 、FW7如P/c吨Test= False 、/ / Ter四inat曹.ind CLO$ED S3 CLOSED LocallyGenerated ,= True , TerminateIdentifier=FAL飞ReasonCod曰,= Cohtext error Terminate. req S4 CLOSED = CLOSED (nQ actions tak
5、en) 飞FAI.service. primitive Terminate / S5 CLOSED 二 Temmte.lrld CLOSED Locttl1yGenerated ,= True , TerminateMentifier , =FAL. ReasOnCode ,= User error Terminate. req = Abort. req S19 REQ Originator, = TerminateIdentifier of Terminate. req , CLOSED ReasonCode , =ReasonCode of Terminate. req ResetArep
6、 37 G/Z 29619.6-2013 表4(续)事件或条件下一个# 当前状态=动作状态FAL service. primitive Terminate. req = Abort. req Origina tor : = F AL ReasonCode : = U ser error S23 REQ CLOSED Terminate. ind LocallyGenerated : = True. TerminateIdentifier : =FAL. ReasonCode : = U ser error ResetArep Initiate. rsp( + ) = EST. rsp( +)
7、FalApduBody : = Establish-AffirmativePDU S24 RSP OPEN or EST. rsp( +) F alApd uBody= Establsih-ResponsePDU Initiate. rsp( - ) = EST. rsp(一) FalApduBody : = Establish-NegativePDU S25 RSP or CLOSED EST. rsp( -) FalApduBody= Establsih-ErrorPDU ResetArep Terminate. req = Abort. req S26 RSP Originator :
8、= Terminateldentifier of Terminate. req. CLOSED ReasonCode : = ReasonCode of T ermina te. req ResetArep 38 -一# 当前状态S30 RSP S31 OPEN S36 OPEN GB/Z 29619.6-2013 表4(续)事件或条件=动作FAL service. primitive Terminate. req = Abort. req Originator : = FAL , ReasonCode : =User error Terminate. ind LocallyGenerated
9、 : = True, Terminateldentifier : =FAL , ReasonCode : = U ser error ResetArep ConfirmedService. req & & ConfirmedServiceCheck= True & & OutstandingServicesRequestingCounter NegotiatedMaxOutstanding-ServicesRequesting & & InvokeldExistent= False & & PDU length N egotia ted MaxPd uSizeSending & & Reque
10、stedServiceSupportedTest= True = CS. req FalApduBody : = ConfirmedSend-CommandPDU Or CS. req FalApduBody : = ConfirmedSend-RequestPDU UCS. req FalApduBody : = UnconfirmedSend-CommandPDU 。rUCS. req FalApduBody : = UnconfirmedSend-PDU 下一个状态CLOSED OPEN OPEN 39 G/Z 29619.6-2013 # 当前状态S37 OPEN Unconfirme
11、dService. req 表4(续)事件或条件=动作& & U nconfirmedServiceCheck = T rue & & PDU length :0( NegotiatedMaxPduSizeSending & & RequestedServiceSupportedTest= True E& ImmediateAcknowledge= True = UCA. req /习/ / FalApduBody ,= UnconfirrnedAcknowledgedSend-CommandPDU 才飞UCA叫S38 OPEN S39 OPEN、S40 OPEN 40 / / FalApdu
12、Body : = UnconfirmedAcknowledgedSend-RequestPDU AR_ASE service reque!lt E& ArServiceCheck= True & & RequestedServiceSupport日dTest=Tru= ArFspmService 注:从FAL用户直接访问FSPM提供了这个状态。ArFspmService功能产生了一个在本子段后面定义的FSPM原语。Terminate. req = Abort. req Originator : = Terminateldent山erof Terminate. req:; ReasonCode
13、: = ReasonCode of Terminate. req / ResetArep Faulty, unkrtown or not-allowed F AL service. primive = Abort. req Abortldentifier : = FAL , ReasonCode : = User error Terminate. ind LocallyGenerated : = True , TerminateIdentifier : = FAL , ReasonCode : =User error ResetArep / / 下一个状态OPEN OPEN CLOSED CL
14、OSED GB/Z 29619.6-2013 表4(续)# 当前状态事件或条件=动作下一个状态ConfirmedService. rsp &. &. ConfirmedServiceCheck= True &. &. InvokeldExistent= True &. &. SameService= True &.PDU length运NcgotiatedMaxPduSizeSending= CS. rsp /hu uu1J/L /N fJE fJnr/ /。FalApduBody : = ConfirmedSend-AffirmativePDQ S54 CS. rsp FaTApduBody
15、 : = ConfirmcdSend-NegativePDU OPEN or CS. rsp FalApduBody : = ConfirmedSend-ResponsePDU ()utstandingServicesRespondingCount巳r: = Outstal1dingServicesRe spondingCounter-l 注意:必须另外提供一个协议方法用于决定是使用ConfirmedSencl-Affirma tivePDU还是ConfirmedSend-NegativePDU. 、/ / / / cfirmedService. rsp &. &. ConfirmedServ
16、iceCheck = T rue &. InvokeldExistent= False / / -/ / / / / = Abort. req ( Originator : =FAL, ReasonCode : = lnvokelD-error-response S55 OPEN CLOSED Terminate. ind LocallyGenerated : = True, Terminateldentifier : =FAL , ReasonCode : = InvokelD-error-response ResetArep 41 飞GB/Z 29619.6-:2013 表4(续)当前状态
17、事件或条件下一个# =动作状态ConfirmedService. rsp & & ConfirmedServiceCheck= True & & InvokeldExistent= True & & SameService= False = Abort. req Originator : =FAL , ReasonCode : = Service-error S56 OPEN CLOSED Terminate. ind LocallyGenerated : = True , Terminateldentifier : = F AL , ReasonCode : = Service-error
18、ResetArep 表5AP-Context状态机接收方状态转换当前状态事件或条件下一个# =动作状态Abort. ind R6 CLOSED = CLOSED (no actions taken) Faulty or unknown AR_FSPM service primitive = R7 CLOSED Abort. req CLOSED Originator : =FAL , ReasonCode ,= AR ASE error AR_FSPM service primitive Abort. ind = R8 CLOSED Abort. req CLOSED Originator:
19、=FAL , ReasonCode : = Connection State Conflict 42 -一# 当前状态R9 CLOSED RIO CLOSED Rll CLOSED R12 CLOSED 表5(续)事件或条件=动作EST. ind & FalApduBody=not allowed , unknown or faulty FAL PDU = Abort. req Originator : = FAL , ReasonCode : = F AL PDU error EST. ind & & (FalApduBody= Establish-CommandPDU 1 1 FalApd
20、uBody= Establish-RequestPDU 11 FalApduBody= Establish-Request2PDU) & & ApContextTest= True & & MaxFalPduLengthTest= True & & ServicesSupportedTest= True = NegotiateOutstandingServices , Initiate. ind EST. ind & & (FalApduBody= Establish-CommandPDU 11 FalApduBody= Establish-RequestPDU 11 FalApduBody=
21、 Establish-Request2PDU) & & ApContextTest= False = Abort. req Originator : =FAL , ReasonCode : = AR error EST. ind & & (FalApduBody= Establish-CommandPDU 11 FalApduBody= Establish-RequestPDU 11 FalApduBody=Establish-Request2PDU) & ApContextTest= True & & MaxFalPduLengthTest= False = or EST. rsp(一) F
22、alApduBody : = Establish-NegativePDU , ErrorCode : = Max-Fal-Fdu-Size-Insufficient EST. rsp(一) FalApduBody : = Establish-ErrorPDU , ErrorCode : = Max-F al-F du-Size-Ins ufficient GB/Z 29619.6-2013 下一个状态CLOSED RSP CLOSED CLOSED 43 飞GB/Z 29619.6一2013表5(续)事件或条件下一个# 当前状态=动作状态EST. ind &. &. (FalApduBody=
23、 Establish-CommandPDU 11 FalApduBody= Establish-RequestPDU 11 FalApduBody= Establish-Request2PDU) &.&. ApContextTest= True &. &. MaxFalPduLellthTest= True &. &. Service:;SupportedT est = F alse V! R13 CLOSED T.rsp(一) CLOSED /扩FalApduBody : = Establish-NegativePDU , ErrorCode : = Service-Not-Supporte
24、d 、or 卫ST.rsp(一) FalApduBody : = Establish-EqorPDU. ErrorCode : = Srvice-Not-Support时/ EST. cnf(十)&. &. (FalApduBody= Establish-AffirmativePDU 11 FalApduBody= EstabUsh-ResponsePDU) R14 REQ &. &. ApExplicitConnectin=rue OPEN = lnitiate. Cflf( +川 、,/ / / EST. tnf(十& & FalApduBody=呐ULLREQ ApExplicitCOQ
25、!Jfftion= False OPEN R15 = Initiate. cnfC +) EST. cnfC -) &. &. (FalApduBody= Establish-NegativePDU 11 FalApduBody= Establish-ErrorPDU) &. &. ApExplicitConnection= True = R16 REQ CLOSED Initiate. cn(一) ErrorCode : = Errorcode of EST. cnf(一)ResetArep 44 -卢一GB/Z 29619.6-2013 表5(续)# 当前状态事件或条件下一个=动作状态ES
26、T. cnf( -) & FalApduBody=NULL &8ApExplici tConnection = False = R17 REQ Initiate. cnf(一) CLOSED ErrorCode : = Errorcode in EST. cnf RetArep /A/=/H/予f个且tmj 山dL 、/ 、 / nate. ind ocallyGenerated : = LocallyGenerated of Abort. ind , R18 REQ Terminateldentifier : = Originator of Abort. ind. CLOSED Reason
27、Code : = ReasonCode of Abort. nd ResetArep Faulty or unknwn AR_FSpM service primitive Abort. req 。riginator:立FAL, Reason臼de:=A凡ASEerror R20 REQ = Terminate. ind CLOSED LocallyGenerated : = True , Terminateldentifier : = F AL , ReasonCode : = AR ASE error 、,、l EST. cnf & & AR_FSPM servce. primitive A
28、bort. req Originator : = FAL , ReasonCode : = Connection State Conflict R21 REQ CLOSED Terminate. ind LocallyGenerated : = True, Terminateldentifier : =FAL , ReasonCode : = Connection State Conflict ResetArep 45 、GB/Z 29619.6-2013 表5(续)拌当前状态事件或条件下一个=动作状态EST. cnf &13,FalApduBody= 口otallowed , unknown
29、 or faulty FAL PDU = Abort. req AbortIdentifier : = FAL , ReasonCode : = FAL PDU error R22 REQ CLOSED Terminate. ind LocallyGenerated : = True , TerminateIdentifier : =FAL , ReasonCode : =FAL PDU error ResetArep Abort. ind = Terminate. ind LocallyGenerated : = LocallyGenerated of Abort. ind , R27 RS
30、P TerminateIdentifier : = Originator of Abort. ind , CLOSED ReasonCode : = ReasonCode of Abort. ind ResetArep Faulty or unknown AR_FSPM service primitive = Abort. req AbortIdentifier : = F AL , ReasonCode : = AR_ASE error CLOSED R28 RSP Terminate. ind LocallyGenerated : = True , TerminateIdentifier
31、: = FAL , ReasonCode ,= AR ASE error ResetArep 46 -卢GB/Z 29619.6-2013 表5(续)# 当前状态事件或条件=动作下一个状态AR_FSPM service primitive 一一Abort. req Originator : =FAL , ReasonCode : =State Conflict with AR_ASE R29 RSP Terminate. ind LocallyGenerated : = True , Terminateldentifier : = AP _ASE , ReasonCode : = Connec
32、tion State Conflict with AR_ASE CLOSED ResetArep OPEN CS. ind &- &- (FalApduBody= ConfirmedSend-CommandPDU 11 FalApduBody= ConfimredSend-RequestPDU) &-&. PDU length :;( NegotiatedMaxPduSizeReceiving &-OutstandingServicesRespondingCounter NegotiatedMaxOutstanding-ServicesResponding &. &. InvokeldExis
33、tent= False &- &- IndicatedServiceSupportedTest= True = NegotiatedMaxPduSizeReceiving = Abort. req Originator : =FAL , ReasonCode : = PDU-size R42 OPEN CLOSED Terminate. ind LocallyGenera ted : = T rue , Terminateldentifier : = FAL , ReasonCode : = PDU-size ResetArep 47 GB/Z 29619.6-2013 表5(续)、# 当前状
34、态下一个状态事件或条件=动作R43 OPEN CS. ind &. &. (FalApduBody= ConfirmedSend-CommandPDU 11 FalApduBody= ConfimredSend-RequestPDU) &.&. PDU length NegotiatedMaxPduSizeReceiving &. &. OutstandingServicesResponding注Negotia tedMaxOu ts tanding-Services Responding 一一Abort. req 、CLOSED R44 OPEN / Originator : = FAL ,
35、 ReasonCode : = Max-services-overflow CLOSED 48 Terminate. ind LocallyGenerated : = True , Terminateldentiier : =FAL , ReasonCo句:= ly1.ax-Serv时s-(verflowResetArep CS. ind &. &. (FalApduBody= ConfirmedSend-CommandPDU 11 FalApduBody= ConfimredSend-RequestPDU)勺/&. PDU length NegotiatedMaxPduSizeReceivi
36、ng斤/&.&. ts叫时e川d叩ndingCo叫二 Abort. req Originator : =FAL , ReasonCode : = InvokeID-error-request Terminate. ind LocallyGenerated : = True , Terminateldentifier : = FAL , ReasonCode : = InvokeID-error-request ResetArep GB/Z 29619.6-2013 表5(续)# 当前状态事件或条件=动作下一个状态CS. ind &. &. (FalApduBody= ConfirmedSend
37、-CommandPDU 11 FalApduBody= ConfimredSenRequestPDU) &.&. PDU length NegotiatedMaxPduSizeReceiving &. &. OutstandingServicesRespondingCounter NegotiatedMaxOutstanding / /t5ort. req OPEN 1/。咆inator: = FAL , 1/ / / / ReasonCode : = Feature-not-supported /1价./ I I勺/川CLOSED 26 、Lt r o p ,叩4 YEA+ ,eA旧-m?N
38、 VdJ-M =. 创PAJd户扫旬,山=ar/ rhp、(阳旧妃dl明四n尸Ua口U-IVdnM 比HMmmMacra nunuPLL mbTR VE-PL T R,esetArep UCS. ind R46 8&. (FalApduBody= UllconfirmedSend-CmmandPDU 11 FalApduBody=UnconfmredSend-PDU勺&. &. PDU length NegotiatedMaxPduSizeReceiving 、&.&. TndicatedServiceSupportedTest= True OPEN OPEN YJ=与气 L nconfirm
39、edService. ind , , 二飞、| UCS浏&.&. (Fal,电pduBody=UnconfirmedSend-CommandPDU 11 FalApduBody=UnconfimredSend-PU勺&. &. PDU length NegotiatedMaxPduSizeReceiving = / / R47 OPEN Abort. req Originator : =FAL , ReasonCode : = PDU-size CLOSED Terminate. ind LocallyGenerated : = True , TerminateIdentifier : =FA
40、L , ReasonCode : =PDU-size ResetArep 49 飞、,GB/Z 29619.6-2013 表5(续)事件或条件下一个# 当前状态=动作状态UCS. ind & (FalApduBody= UnconfirmedSend-CommandPDU 11 FalApduBody= UnconfimredSend-PDU) 8& PDU length王三N egotia tedMaxPd uSizeRecei ving & & IndicatedServiceSupportedTest= False = Abort. req Originator : =FAL , R48
41、 OPEN ReasonCode : = Feature-not-supported CLOSED Terminate. ind LocallyGenerated : = True , 丁erminateldentifier: = FAL , ReasonCode : = Feature-not-supported ResetArep Abort. ind = Terminate. ind LocallyGenerated : = LocallyGenerated of Abort. ind , R49 OPEN Terminateldentifier : = Originator of Ab
42、ort. ind , CLOSED ReasonCode : = ReasonCode of Abort. ind ResetArep EST. ind & & (FalApduBody= Establish-CommandPDU 11 F alApduBody= Establish-RequestPDU 11 FalApduBody= Establish-Request2PDU) = Abort. req ( Originator : =FAL , ReasonCode : = Connection-State-Conflict R50 OPEN CLOSED Terminate. ind
43、( LocallyGenerated : = True , Terminateldentifier : = FAL , ReasonCode : = Connection-State-Conflict ResetArep 50 111二FGB/Z 29619.6一2013表5(续)# 当前状态事件或条件=动作下一个状态Faulty or unknown AR_FSPM service primitive = Abort. req Originator : =FAL. ReasonCode : = AR_ASE error R51 OPEN CLOSED Terminate. ind Local
44、lyGenerated : = True. Terminateldentifi曰:=FAL.ReasonCode : = AR_ASE error ResetArep Not-allowed AR_FSPM service primitive = Abort. req Originator : =FAL. ReasonCode : = Connection-State-Conflict R52 OPEN CLOSED Terminate. ind LocallyGenerated : = True , Terminateldentifier : =FAL. ReasonCode : = Con
45、nection-State-Conflict ResetArep Valid AR_FSPM Send Service primitive (one of CS, US. UCA) &. &. FalApduBody= not-allowed , unknown or fauty FAL PDU & & Ar AccessSupported = F alse = Abort. req Originator : = AP _ASE , ReasonCode : = FAL-PDU-error R53 OPEN CLOSED Terminate. ind LocallyGenerated : =
46、True , Terminateldentifi曰:= FAL , ReasonCode : = F AL - PDU-error ResetArep 51 飞. GB/Z 29619.6一2013表5(续)# 当前状态事件或条件=动作A叮态-状下R54 OPEN UCA. ind &.&. ArAccessSupported=True E&. (FalApduBody= UnconfirmedAcknowledgedSend-CommandPDU 11 FalApduBody= UnconfirmedAcknowledgedSend-RequestPDU) &.&. PDU length NegotiatedMaxPduSizeReceiving OPEN = U nconfirmedService. in.d UCA,i山nd二 &瞅缸ArA阳t仅优E倪e臼ess臼呻由SSl山S缸Sup阳p阴O阳叫d=叮呗rue旷I览e&.&. 卢d¥alA句pd由uB阮od句y=.Uncoonfi巾f白irmedAcknoow圳l吨ed挡S坠如灿E町en叶l|川FalApduBody=Un
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