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GB T 16559-2010 船舶溢油应变部署表.pdf

1、ICS 03.220.40;47.020.01 R 09 道国中华人民主t./、和国国家标准GB/T 16559-2010 代替GB/T16559-1996 船舶溢油应变部署表岛iusterIist for shipboard oil spillage 2010-11-10发布2011-03-01实施数饲肪伪中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局中国国家标准化管理委员会发布GB/T 16559-2010 目。昌本标准代替GB/T16559-1996(船舶溢油应变部署表。本标准与GB/T16559-1996相比主要变化如下:一一新增了溢油的术语和定义(见2.5); 一一重新划分船舶溢油应变部署表

2、的使用方法,将其分为油船与非油船,并将油船的货油与船用油合并为一张表格(见表1和表2); 一一表l和表2编号一栏空出,由船舶根据实际配员情况进行填写;一一表1和表2中删除1996版的政委、报务员、管事与电机员四个岗位及职责;一一明确船长可根据实际情况调整岗位职责(见3.5)。本标准由中华人民共和国交通运输部提出。本标准由交通运输部航海安全标准化技术委员会归口。本标准起草单位:山东海事局、中国海事局烟台溢油应急技术中心、大连海事大学、中国海运(集团总公司、中远集团青岛远洋运输公司。本标准主要起草人:袁柱瀚、张硕慧、韩龙、张勇、费珊珊、吴成明、刘正江。本标准所代替标准的历次版本发布情况为:一一-G

3、B/T16559-19960 I GB/T 16559-2010 船舶溢油应变部署表1 范围本标准规定了当船舶发生溢油时,全体船员应急反应岗位和职责。本标准适用于150总吨及以上的油船和400总吨及以上的非油船。其他船舶及海上设施等可参照执行。2 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本标准。2. 1 油船oil tankers 建造为或改建为主要在其装货处所装运散装油类的船舶,并包括全部或部分装运散装货油的兼装船。还包括全部或部分用于装载散装油类货物的载运有毒液体物质船舶1)(NLS tanker)和任何气体运输船2)。2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 非油船ooo-oil tankers 上述油船以

4、外的其他船舶。货油cargo oil 油船中作为货物载运的原油和成品油类。船用油types of oil used 00 board 用于或拟用于船舶操作或推进的短类矿物油,包括润滑油以及它们的残余物。溢油oil spillage 油船和非油船装载的货油和船用油发生或有可能发生溢出舷外或溢漏入水的情况。3 要求3. 1 对于油船,发生货油和/或船用油溢油时,使用油船溢油应变部署表,见表1。3.2 对于非油船,在发生船用油溢油时,使用非油船溢油应变部署表,见表2。3.3 表中编号栏可根据实际船员人数编排。3.4 表1或表2应张贴在驾驶台、机舱,以及餐厅等公共场所。3.5 船舶实际配员与表中有不同

5、时,可按实际配员对表中所列职责进行调整za) 船上有本表中没有的岗位,可在表后空白处依次填写,并由船长布置这些人员在溢油应急反应中的职责;b) 船上没有表中所列人员,船长应将其职责重新分配给他人;c) 发生溢油、且本表的安排不适用于现场应急反应时,船长有权根据实际情况调整岗位职责。1) 参见MARPOL附则E中的定义。2) 参见SOLAS第II-1/3. 20条中的定义。1 GB/T 16559-2010 表1油脂溢油应变部署表Muster list for shipboard oil spillage( Oil tanker) 溢泊报警信号:.一一总指挥z船长集合地点:主甲板Spillage

6、 alarm signal: .一一Commander:Master Assembly Place:Main deck 货泊Cargo oil 职务lcJ 应变岗位Rank Designated 职责location Duty 船长驾驶台Master Bridge Commander 船用油Types of oil used on board 应变岗位Designated location 职责Duty 驾驶台Bridge 总指挥Commander 大副Chief Officer 溢汹现场现场指挥,协助船长做好溢泊现场指挥工作On-scene commander, assist 1溢油现场th

7、e Master to organze the oill On-scene spill removal and clean-up operatlOn on-scene 协助轮机长做好溢油现场指挥工作Assist the Chief Engineer to org缸咀zethe oil spill removal and clean-up operation on-scene On-scene 二副Second Officer 采取应急措施,控制有关阀门、管线/做好现场记录,防驾驶台值班,协助船长做好应急反应记录/采取应急措施,防止溢泊扩散,回收清除溢泊货泊控制窒/1止溢油扩散,回收清除溢泊i

8、I:-.-._, v_. ,_,_ .1驾驶台/溢泊溢泊现场1 Take em缸gencymeasur臼皿dl1 . -1现场Cargo oil controll control valves and pipelines 1 I . . I Bridlle rm or on-sce- 1 conceroed, responsible for 1 lon-scene keeping a record , prevent出elspill from spreading, and remove and clean- up the spll Keep watch on the bridge, ne or

9、 1 assist the Master to keep a record , and take emergency m四sures,prevent the sp让lfrom spreading, and remove and clean-up the spill ld盯回回-wu比三刊创提供消防器材,艇长,指挥放艇,防止溢泊扩散,回收消除溢泊提供消防器材,艇长,指挥放艇,防止溢油扩散,回收清除溢油溢油现场/回IPrepare fire extinguishing 1溢油现场/回IPrepare fire extinguishing 收艇现场I equipment and m由由ls,1收艇现

10、场1 equipment and materials , On-scene or让11comtnand the lifeboat Party, in 1 On-scene or in 1 comtnand the lifeboat Party, in the lifeboat 1 charge of oil spill removall the lifeboat 1 charge of oil spill removal operation, prevent the spill from spreading, and remove and clean-up the spill operatio

11、n, prevent the spill from spreading,皿dremove and clean-up the spill 水手长Boatswain 提供消污器材,协助指挥放II提供清污器材,协助指挥放艇,防止溢泊扩散,因收清除II艇,防止溢汹扩散,回收清除溢泊现场/回|溢汹|溢泊现场/回|溢汹收艇现场I Prepare clean-up equipment I收艇现场I Prepare clean-up equipment On-scene or in 1 and materials , assist to 1 On-scene or in 1 and materials , a

12、ssist in the lifeboat loperate lifeboat, prevent the I the lifeboat I operating lifeboat, prevent the spill from spreading, and remove and clean-up the spill spill from spreading, and remove and clean-up the spill 2 职务Rank Carpenter 水手1Sailor 1 水手2Sailor 2 表1(续)货泊Cargo oil |飞|应变岗位Name I Designated 职

13、责location Duty 测量有关舱室,检查甲板疏水孔,关闭有关通道,防止溢泊扩散,回收清除溢泊Sound the depth of banks |川ecks叫s.On-scene shut-up all passages conce-rned. prevent the spill from spreading. and remove and clean-up the spill 驾驶台驾驶台值班Bridge Keep watch on the bridge 驾驶台值班/防止溢泊扩散,驾驶台/溢泊|回收清除溢油现场I Keep watch on the bridge. GB/T 16559

14、-2010 船用油Types of oil used on board 应变岗位Designated 职责location Duty 测量有关舱室,检查甲板疏水孔,关闭有关通道,防止溢泊扩散,回收清除溢油溢汹现场Sound the depth of banks concerned. check scuppers. On-scene shut-up all passages concer-ned. prevent the spill from spreading. and remove and clean-up the spill 驾驶台驾驶台值班Bridge Keep watch on the

15、 bridge 驾驶台值班/防止溢泊扩散,驾驶台/溢泊|回收清除溢泊现场I Keep watch on the bridge. Bridge or on- I prevent the spill from I Bridge or I prevent the spill from scene spreading. and remove and I on-scene clean-up the spill spreading. and remove and clean-up the spill 艇员,放艇二随艇下。防止溢II艇员,放艇,随艇下。防止溢溢汹现场/回l油扩散,回收清除溢油l溢泊现场/回|

16、泊扩散,回收清除溢泊水手3I I收艇现场I Deploy lifeboat to act as the I收艇现场I Deploy lifeboat to act as the Sailor 3 I I On-scene or in I crew of lifeboat. prevent the I On-scene or in I crew of lifeboat. prevent the 水手4Sailor 4 轮机长Chief Engineer the lifeboat I spill from spreading. and I the lifeboat I spill from spr

17、eading. and remove and clean-up the spill remove and clean-up the spill 艇员,放艇,随艇下。防止溢II艇员,放艇,随艇下。防止溢溢油现场/回|泊扩散,回收清除溢油|溢泊现场/回|泊扩散,回收清除溢泊收艇现场I Deploy lifeboat to be the I收艇现场I Deploy lifeboat to be the crew On-scene or in I crew of lifeboat. prevent the I On-scene or in I of lifeboat. prevent the spil

18、l the lifeboat I spill from spreading. and I the lifeboat I from spreading. and remove remove and clean-up the spilll I and clean-up the spill 轮机部指挥/现场指挥,协助轮机部指挥/协助大副做好II ,_ . ,1船长做好溢泊现场指挥工作l溢泊现场指挥工作|机舱/溢油|机舱/溢泊现场I:-U :.-: , 1: ,_,.u , -I Command Engine Department/ I Command Engine Department/ I现场E

19、EnlZine Room I - - -g- - -.-, I 】画Assistthe 1_ 1Vn-mm缸lder.asslst Chief Officer to I Engine Room I . I -g I the Master to organize the oil organize the oil spill removal I or on-scene I I spill removal and clean-up and clean-up operation on-scene or on-scene operatlon 0旺scene3 GB/T 16559-2010 表1(续)编

20、号No. 职务Rank 船用油Types of oil used on board 货油Cargo oil 姓名应变岗位Designated location 职责Duty 应变岗位Designated location 职责Duty 大管轮Second Engineer Name 管理机舱设备/防止溢泊扩管理机舱设备/防止溢汹扩ny -I 叫叫Eep-1 nrGol n,d l凹dmmi耳陆P、ZA问町恤响川im除m叫如清EKHU战-mHdu皿m咽m.mf乱地阳凡中山场时现m油b恤时四晰地问刮V盲LOmb叩阳创性叩VA,口plmEC omd HWdmm um啊-PLMP-A勘UMdm除皿叮叮

21、四清口出四收旧tdHE盹m四.叩散M阳吨位场m四川05油Rm溢e时叫-mnrM抽gbo机b创二管轮Third Engineer R|control valves and pipelines ooml I concerned. keep a record, or on-scene I prevent the spill from spreading, and remove and clean-u p the s pill 溢泊现场溢,f 舱时场-m机现hu除m,m清PUJ收时因mSRU- !i EKKRJunr扩-mmu泊bjutt口p注组副u止油mm防溢阮叩YM采取应急措施,控制有关阀门、管线

22、,做好现场记录,防止溢油扩散,回收清除溢泊。泊iTake emergency measures , 三管轮Fourth Engineer On-scene 马除出hd艇清四川a作收叩础tF操回mhP-M川下散创山m艇扩如肌叩耐川MMtmu魁atZA。而ELL0r放LU町mi助A油利-P山协达溢血m叩回-mv 高句。现MMm巾自:f泊艇md溢收。由马除mKM艇清四川作收叩础V操回rhDAVM 下散创山m艇扩Mm叩随蛐MU配mww且也hup41nv命EOlr放h町咒i助4泊,科,F山协达溢血m叩回m,JVA 场fO吼现Mmlm两MM,、-dp&且泊艇Md溢收。由remove and clean-u

23、p the spill remove and clean-up the spill 泵浦员Pumpman 泵舱管理泵浦,开关阀门防止溢泊扩散,回收清除溢油Ptevent the spill from spreading, and remove and clean-up the spill 机工长Chief Motorman Pumproom t溢油现场Maintain pumps operation, I =、l飞Jn-sceneopen and shut up valves 提供清污器材,防止溢油扩散,回收清除溢泊Prepare clean-up equipment and material

24、s, prevent the spill from spreading, and remove and clean-up the spill 机工1Motorman 1 溢泊现场提供清污器材,防止溢油扩散,回收消除溢油Prepare clean-up equipment I溢泊现场and materials, prevent the I On-scene spill from spreading, and remove and clean-up the spill 机舱有丑un咽dnu管m出轮SM管-ME大四助,回协U班备忧立值设川m舱舱呵mv机机VNEm O O R e n 舱叨机hu理由-

25、m管阴山轮tm管d川大创b助四协dm川MW电班备WE值设叫舱舱呵机机Ln出4 machinery operation On-scene Engine Room machinery operation GB/T 16559-2010 表1(续)编号No. 职务Rank 货泊Cargo oil 船用油Types of oil used on board 姓名应变岗位Designated location 应变岗位Designated location 职责Duty 职责Duty Name 机工2Motorman 2 34呻吨EJUWW 散Umhr日MV6t油川叫削溢刑川川止mA吨仙也巾时吁,dPA

26、泊dm叫班溢础伊m值除叶s-H舱清呵mh机收VN扭扭泊m05 溢Rm,JC 坠Aaes岛用nLA场.咱创机现Em泊hMd溢们a可止阳肌vhk川dE口彷泊严JMm作溢hm卧工除m吨始时峭士此EE-FLe z坷啤V助散阳山m协扩必叩陀场盯Mm 溢mm/P-1A 舱m4泵LUm机工3Motorman 3 除L叩清Jm即t1l uu叫C回m,四散川吧扩m-m油Jmm溢川,回川川止泊忻州川叫防溢n口吨出回m,EA 场。创现陇町mU曰:f油艇Md溢收OJm除叩清mmtEi MM们gdpEM回mdjbm 结目nu电产!口&事uim泊kmu溢MM讪止泊NJ叫防溢阶吨出回-m/r 场。现Mmj伽泊随叫川山溢收仙

27、也机工4Motorman 4 除也叩CE 清mmPIMU叫C回咽,回TAqc 散川四扩叩m泊km溢旧时油止油MJ叮叮防溢LU吨由回-m/r 汤。的现阳町lm付mvprI油艇叩叶溢收仇川出除4叩清mElHM扪LVQO-umJ町,m散川吧扩叩阳泊-mm溢旧,以汕止油MJ叫防溢n口吨出回m/r 场ou现脱mLmuuDrI 泊脏Md溢收。由大厨Chief Steward 检查厨房火源,关闭所有无关进风口/防止溢油扩散,回厨房/溢泊|收清除溢泊检查厨房火源,关闭所有无关进风口/防止溢泊扩散,回l收清除溢泊厨房/溢油现场I:-:. . I I Check fire hazard in the I现场Gal

28、lev or I 气JI Galley. shutup all unessentiall Galley or on-Check fire hazard in the Galley, shut-up all unessential air intakes, prevent the spill from spreading, and remove and clean-up the spill on-scene air intakes, prevent the spilll scene from spreadir毡,and remove and clean-up the spill 二厨/服务员Se

29、cond Cook/ Steward 溢油现场防止溢泊扩散,回收清除溢泊防止溢泊扩散,回收清除溢泊Prevent the spill from spreadi ng, and remove and clean-up the spill On-scene 场时现民泊同溢。-P JU斗阿lmQMFL Uuhm d问mnm 也ntdn mm.m e,E 斗哩阳EEt 医生Doctor 溢油现场场时现四泊问溢。如生hbmETUi 品E-u药担土门明由此承呻lmJmtw副四S吁l疗大白盯Wdm医由且巾川出1肌情且0、川t咀酌生F11Jm川带医责mM盯比携元职。盯出携带急救医疗器械、药品,如无医生,由大副

30、承担医生职责Carry out first-aid. The Chief Officer should take over the duty if no doctor on board On-scene 5 GB/T 16559-2010 表1(续)货泊Cargo oil 船用油Types of oil used on board 编号职务姓名应变岗位应变岗位No. Rank Name Designated 职责Designated 职责location Duty location Duty 防止溢泊扩散,回收清除防止溢泊扩散,回收清除实习生溢油现场溢泊溢泊现场溢汹Prevent the sp

31、ill from Prevent the spill from Cadet On-scene On-scene spreading, and remove and spreading , and remove and clean-up the spill clean-up the spill 船名z船长2制表:日期z年一一月日M/V(T): Master: Lay down: Date: 6 G/T 16559-2010 表2非油船溢油应变部署表Muster list for shipboard oil spillage(non-oil tanker) 溢泊报警信号:.一一总指挥z船长集合地点

32、:主甲板Spillage alarm signal: .一一Commander: Master Assembly Place: Main deck 编号职务姓名应变岗位职责No. Rank Name Designated location Duty 船长驾驶台总指挥Master Bridge Commander 大副溢油现场协助轮机长做好溢泊现场指挥工作Chief Officer On-scene Assist the Chief Engineer to organize the oil spill removal and clean-up operation on-scene 驾驶台值班,协

33、助船长做好应急反应记录/采取应急措施,防止溢泊扩散,回收清除溢泊二副驾驶台/溢泊现场Keep watch On the bridge, assist the Master to Second Officer Bridge or on-scene keep a record, and take emergency measures , prevent the spill from spreading, and remove and clean-up the spill 提供消防器材,艇长,指挥放艇,防止溢泊扩散,回收清除溢汹三副溢泊现场/回收艇现场Prepare fire extinguishi

34、ng eqUlpment and Third Officer On-scene or in the lifeboat materials, command the lifeboat Party, in charge 口foil spill removal operation, prevent the spill from spreading, and remove and clean-up the spill 提供清污器材/协助指挥放艇,防止溢泊扩散,水手长溢油现场/回收艇现场回收清除溢油Boatswain 。口sceneor in the lifeboat Prepare clean-up

35、equipment and materials , assist m operating lifeboat, prevent the spill from spreading, and remove and clean-up the spill 测量有关舱室,检查甲板疏水孔,关闭有关通道,防止滥油扩散,回收清除溢泊木匠监泊现场Sound the depth of banks concerned, check Carpenter On-scene scuppers , shut-up all passages concerned, prevent the spili from spreading

36、, and remove and clean-up the spill 水手1驾驶台驾驶台值班Sailor 1 Bridge Keep watch on the bridge 水手2驾驶台/溢泊现场驾驶台值班/防止溢油扩散,回收清除溢泊Sailor 2 Bridge or on-scene Keep watch on the bridge, prevent the spill from spreading, and remove and clean-up the spill 艇员,放艇,随艇下。防止溢泊扩散,回收清除水手3溢泊现场/回收艇现场溢汹Sailor 3 On-scene or in

37、the lifeboat Deploy lifeboat to act as the crew of lifeboat, prevent the spill from spreading , and remove and clean-up the spill 7 GB/T 16559-2010 表2(续)编号职务姓名应变岗位职责No. Rank Name Designated location Duty 艇员,放艇,随艇下。防止溢泊扩散,回收清除水手4溢泊现场/回收艇现场溢泊Deploy lifeboat to be the crew of lifeboat, Sailor 4 On-scen

38、e or in the lifeboat prevent the spill from spreading,and remove and clean-up the spill 轮机部指挥/现场指挥,协助船长做好溢油现场轮机长机舱/溢泊现场指挥工作Chief Engineer Engine Room or on-scene Command Engine Department/On-scenemman-der, assist the Master to organize the oil spill removal and clean-up operation on-scene 管理机舱设备/防止溢

39、油扩散,回收清除溢汹大管轮机舱/溢泊现场Maintain machinery operation, prevent the spill Second Engineer Engine Room or on-scene from spreading, and remove and clean-up the spill 采取应急措施,控制有关阀门、管线/做好现场记录,防止溢汹扩散,回收清除溢泊。二管轮机舱/溢油现场Take emergency measures, control valves and Third Engineer Engine Room or on-scene pipelines c

40、oncerned, keep a record, prevent the spill from spreading, and remove and clean-up the spill 协助放艇,随艇下,操作艇马达,防止溢泊扩散,三管轮溢泊现场/回收艇现场回收清除溢泊Fourth Engineer On-scene or in the lifeboat Deploy lifeboat, operate engine of lifeboat, prevent the spill from spreading,and remove and clean-up the spill 提供应急工具和防污器

41、材,防止溢泊扩散,回收机工长溢油现场清除溢油Chief motorman On-scene Prepare clean-up equipment and materials, prevent the spill from spreading,and remove and clean-up the spill 机工1机舱机舱值班,协助大管轮管理机舱设备Motorman 1 Engine Room Keep watch and assist Second Engineer to maintain machinery operation 机工2机舱/溢油现场机舱值班/防止溢泊扩散,回收消除溢泊Kee

42、p watch, prevent the spill from spreading, Motorman 2 Engine Room or on-scene and remove and clean-up the spill 机工3溢油现场/回收艇现场防止溢汹扩散,回收清除溢油Prevent the spill from spreading , and remove and Motorman 3 On-scene or in the lifeboat clean-up the spill 8 G/T 16559-2010 表2(续)编号职务姓名应变岗位职责No. Rank Name Design

43、ated location Duty 机工4溢油现场/回收艇现场防止溢泊扩散,回收清除溢泊Motorman 4 On-scene or in the lifeboat Prevent the spill from spreading, and remove and clean-up the spill 检查厨房火源,关闭所有无关进风口/防止溢油大厨厨房/溢泊现场扩散,回收清除溢泊Chief Steward Galley or on-scene Check fire hazard in the Galley, shut-up all unessential air intakes , preve

44、nt the spill from spreading, and remove and clean-up the spill 二厨/服务员溢泊现场防止溢泊扩散,回收清除溢泊Second Cook/ On-scene Prevent the spill from spreading , and remove and steward clean-up the spill 携带急救医疗器械、药品,如无医生,由大副承医生溢泊现场担医生职责Doctor On-scene Carry out first-aid. The Chief Officer should take over the duty if

45、 no doctor on board 实习生溢油现场防止溢泊扩散,回收清除溢泊Cadet On-scene Prevent the spill from spreading,and remove and clean-up the spill 船名z船长:制表z日期2一一年-一一月一一日M/V(T) : Master, Lay down: 9 GB/T 16559-2010 10 参考文献lJ (经1978年议定书修订的1973年国际防止船舶造成污染公约)(MARPOL73/78公约).2J (1974年国际海上人命安全公约)(SOLAS公约).EON-mmm户同阁。国华人民共和国家标准船舶溢油应变部署表GB/T 16559-2010 白* 中国标准出版社出版发行北京复兴门外三里河北街16号邮政编码:100045 网址电话:6852394668517548 中国标准出版社秦皇岛印刷厂印刷各地新华书店经销 印张1字数20千字2011年2月第一次印刷开本880X 1230 1/16 2011年2月第一版 书号:155066. 1-41614 18.00元如有印装差错由本社发行中心调换版权专有侵权必究举报电话:(010)68533533定价打印日期:2011年3月4日F002

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