1、EBm 中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫行业标准SN/T 1948-2007 进出口食品中环己基氨基磺酸纳的检测方法液相色谱白质谱/质谱法Determination of sodium cycIamate in foods for import and export HPLC-MS/MS method 2007-08-06发布2008-03-01实施船叫可中华人民共和国发布国家质量监督检验检疫总川SN/T 1948-2007 前言本标准的附录A和附录B均为资料性附录。本标准由国家认证认可监育管理委员会提出并归口。本标准起草单位:中华人民共和国吉林出人境检验检疫局、中华人民共和国湖南出入境检验检疫局
2、、中华人民共和国云南出入境检验检疫局。本标准主要起草人z王明泰、牟峻、戴华、马晓刚、张代辉、周晓、李爱军、常东华。本标准系首次发布的出入境检验检疫行业标准。I 1 范圄进出口食品中环己基氨基磺酸铀的检测方法液相色谱,质谱/质谱法SN/T 1948-2007 本标准规定了食品中环己基氨基磺酸纳(甜蜜素)检验的制样和液相色谱-质谱/质谱法。本标准适用于水果罐头、浓缩山葡萄汁、白酒、糕点、糖果、甜面酱、酱菜中环己基氨基磺酸纳的检测和确证。4.1 液相色谱串联质谱仪.配有4.2 昆匀器。4. 3 超声波提取器。4.4 离心机。5 试样制备与保存5. 1 试梓制备5. 1. 1 水果罐头类将所取原始样品
3、在室温下开罐,将罐内液体和固体物分开并分别称量。按照两者比例取1kg代表性样品,经组织捣碎机捣碎,再将yg匀样品分装置洁净容器内密封,作为试样,并标明标记。5. 1.2 酒类、果汁类将所取原始样品1kg在瓷混样桶内充分混匀,再将混匀样品分装置洁净容器内密封,作为试样,标SN/T 1948-2007 明标记。5. 1.3 糕点类、糖果类取有代表性样品1kg,将样品按四分法缩至200g,在玻璃研钵中研碎,再将混匀样品分装置洁净容器内密封,作为试样,并标明标记。5. 1. 4 甜面酱类、酱菜类取有代表性样品1烛,将样品按四分法缩至500g.所取样品经组织捣碎机捣碎,再将混匀样品分装置洁净容器内密封,
4、作为试样,并标明标记。5.2 试样保存试样于0.C4.C保存囚在抽样及制样的操作过程中,应防止样品受到污染或发生含量的变化。6 测定步骤6. 1 提取6. 1. 1 水果罐头、糕点、糖果、甜面酱、酱菜、果汁类样品称取试样约1g(精确至0.01g)置于25mL离心管中,加入8.0mL水,混匀后,于超声波清洗器中超声20rnin后,于4000 r/rnin离心5min,过滤并用水定容至10rnL容量瓶中,取部分过0.45m滤膜,供液相色谱质谱/质谱仪测定。6. 1. 2 酒类样品准确移取2rnL试样,过0.45m滤膜,供液相色i普-质i普/质谱仪测定。6. 2 ll定6.2. 1 液相色谙条件a)
5、 色i曹柱:Extend-C18柱,250rnrnX 4.6 rnrn(内径),粒度5m或相当者;b) 0.1%乙酸水溶液十甲醇(4十6,体积比); c) 流速:0.6rnL/rnin; d) 进样量:5L;e) 柱沮2室温。6.2.2 质谱条件a) 离子源电喷雾离子源;b) 扫描方式z负离子模式;c) 检测方式z多反应监测MRM;d) 雾化气、气帘气、辅助加热气、碰撞气均为高纯氮气p使用前应调节各气体流量以使质谱灵敏度达到检测要求,详细条件参见附录A中第A.1章.e) 喷雾电压(15)、雾化气压力(G51人气帘气压力(CUR)、辅助气流速(G52)、去簇电压50 土2020-50 10-20
6、 ic25 ic30 ;10 ic50 用色谱数据处理机或按式(1)计算试样中环己基氨基磺酸纳含量,计算结果应扣除空白值。式中zX 试样中环己基氨基磺酸销含量.单位为毫克每千克(mg/kg); A 样液中环已基氨基磺股铀的色谱峰面积3A,-标准工作液中环己基氨基磺酸俐的色谱曲革面积;c一-标准工作液中环已基氨基磺酸钩的浓度,单位为微克每毫升(g/mL); V 一一样液最终定容体积,单位为毫升(mL);m 最终样液所代表的试样质量,单位为克(g)。8 测定低限、回收率8. 1 测定低限和确证低限测定低限和确证低限为0.10mg/kg. 8.2 添加浓度范围及回收率本方法的添加浓度范围及回收率试验
7、数据见表2。表2本方法添加浓度及回收率范围样品名称添加浓度范围I(mg/kg)回收率范围1%浓缩葡萄汁o. 10-1. 00 81. 2-101. 0 糕点O. 10-1. 00 80.2-99.4 甜面酱0.10-1. 00 81. 5-99. 9 酱菜。10-1.0082.6-101. 3 糖果O. 10-1. 00 80.1-100.0 白酒0.10- 1. 00 84.9-100.0 罐头O. 10-1. 00 82.1-102.。. ( 1 ) 3 SN/T 1948-2007 附录A(资料性附录负离子模式和正离子模式下的液相色i营-质谱/质谙参数参考条件儿1负离子模式下液相色谱质i
8、营/质谱参数参考条件监视子对及电压参数za) 电喷雾电压(lS),-4 500 V; b) 雾化气压力(GSl),10Psi; c) 气市气压力(CUR),10l1:riF 川.I d) 辅助气压力(GS2),30 Pfi; 1 e) 肉子源温度(TEM),500; j f) 碰撞气(CADl,10mL/m括了一一一斗品主/ g) 定性离子对、定量离子对、去饺也压CD)1二liJH毒气自E层(CE)、碰撞池出口电压(CXI)、碰m池人口电压(EP)见表A.L/ 袤A.1环己基氨基磺酸自定性、定量寓子对、碰撞气能量(CE)、去簇电压(DP)、碰撞洁白口电压(CXI忖幢懂地六由电营电EP)分析物Q
9、 lJQ3 (m/z) 己基氨慕硝陪例178.2/79.8 监扭tl;I子对及屯压参数z/ f a) 屯喷雾电压(lS),5 000,/; b) 雾化气压力(GSlh4ohipi f f c) 气1t1气压力(CUR),20 esi; 1 ,j I J d) 辅助气压力(;S2),45 1电i;_.,-., / r I e) 离子源温度50 :t 20 20-50 10-20 10 Allowed relative deviation/% 土25:t 30 :t 50 6.4 Blank test Blank test will be conducted according to the pr
10、ocedures above without sample addition. 7 Calculation and expression of result Calculate the content 01 sodium cyclamate in the test sample by data processor 01 the work station 01 this s口ectrometeror according to the lormula (1) The result 01 calculation should be deducted with blank value x_A:c,V
11、一A, .m 1 ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 SN/T 1948-2007 where X -the residue content of sodium cyclamate in the test sample, mg/kg. A -the peak height of sodium cyclamate in the sample solution. A ,-the peak height of sodium cyclamate in the standard working solution. c-the concentr
12、ation of sodium cyclamate in the standard working solution,g/mL. V一thefinal volume of the sample solution ,mL; m-the corresponding mass of the test sample representing the fina! sample solution,目,8 Detection limit and recovery 8. 1 Limit of quantification The limit of quantification of the method is
13、 O. 10 mg/kg 8. 2 Range of fortification and recovery The ranges of fortification and recovery of this method are shown in table 2 Table 2-The range of fortification and recovery of this method Sample Fo同ificationrange/ (mg/kg) Recovery range/% concentrate grape juice 0.10-1口。81.2-101.0 cake 0.10-1.
14、00 80.2-99.4 sweet sauce 0.10-1.00 81.5-99.9 pckled vegetable 0.10-1.00 82.6-101.3 candy 。.10-1.0080.1 -100. 0 wlne 。10-1.0084.9-100.0 can 。10-1.0082.1 -102. 0 11 SN/T 1948-2007 Annex A (informative annex) Refered LC-MSjMS parameters under negative ion mode and positive ion mode A. 1 Refered LC-MSjM
15、S parameters under negative ion mode Monitoring ions and voltages: a) Electrospray voltage (lS) : - 4 500 V; b) lon source gas 1 CGSll :10胁千c) Curtain gas pressure CCUR) f10 .Psi i d) lon source gas 2 CGS2) :30 Psi; e) Temperature TEM) :500t; f) g) Qualification ion pairs.quan电且collision cell exit p
16、otential CCXP) .entrance potey, Com阳undsodium cyclamate A. 2 Refered LC-MSjMS para Monitoring ions and voltages: a) Electrospray voltage (IS) : 5 000 V; b) lon source gas 1 CGS1) :40 Psi; c) Curtain gas pressure CCURl :20 Psi; dl lon source gas 2 (GS2) :45 Psi; 12 1) Non-commercial statement:the ref
17、erence mass parameters in Annex A are accomplished by API 4000 LC-MSI MS , the equipment and its type lnvolved in the standard method is onlfor reference and not related to any commercial aim.and the analysts are encour咱edto use equpments of different corporation or different type SN/T 1948-2007 e)
18、Temperature (TEM) :500C; f) Collisionally activated dissociation gas CCAD):7 mL/min; 日)Qualification ion pairs. quantification ion pair. declustering potential C D凹.collision energy CCE) .collision cell exit potential CCXP) .entrance potent旧ICEP) is shown in Table A. 2 Table A. 2-Qualification ion p
19、ai用,quantificatonion pair ,declusterir咱阳tentialCDP). llision energy (CE),IIision cell exit阳tential(CXP) ,entrance potential伍的Compound 01!03(m!z) Dwell time/ms sodium cyclamate 202.2/122.0 500 CXP/V 6.30 13 S:I/T 1948-2007 Annex B (informative annex) LC-MS/MS selected ion chromatogram and LC-MS/MS sp
20、ectrum of sodium cyclamate standard 9000.0 1. Oe 8000.0 7000.0 6000.0 E 50.0 E 。王4000.03000.0 2000.0 1000.0 10 9 8 I/min 7 6 b 4 3 2 0.0 Figure B. l-LC-MS/MS selected ion chromatogram of sodium cyclamate standard 178.2 79.8 89th且阳刷刷刷刷刷刷刷酣刷刷刷刷耐酣刷刷刷附刷刷刷刷刷脚脚11111119988776685443322110 EUbE豆ph-160 122.2
21、二120 130 70 60 50 40 Figure B.2一LC-MS/MSspectrum of sodium cyclamate standard 14 法方捆趴E检酌的最验纳hH刊检准酸说7境磺吸m认标基谐时氨质问刷业基鲁门共己UV民行环剧坠入中HH哗晶草叶食口山山进 中国标准出版社出版北京复兴门外三里河北街16号邮政编码,100045网址电话,6852394668517548 中国标准出版社秦皇岛印刷厂印刷 开本880X1230 1/16 印张1.25 字数29千字2007年11月第一版2007年11月第一次印刷印数1-20004降书号,155066.2-18230 定价12.00元
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