1、GB!17152-1997 前言本标准的技术内容等同采用联合国欧洲经济委员会第23号推荐标准n dation No. 23.1990)isbursement应支付的备用金金额。2 备用金费用Disbursement fee 应支付的备用金。2 超出费用Surplus cost 已支付的趟出费用。10 按代码数字顺序排列的运费代码代码100000 101000 101002 101003 101004 101005 101006 101007 101008 101009 101010 101011 101012 101013 101014 101015 101016 101017 101018
2、101019 101020 1011121 101022 101ll21 :1;:; 说明运费FREIGHT CHARGES 基本运费BASIC FREIGHT 专项基本运费A主bitrarybasis freight 最低运费Minimum freight 提单最低运费Minimum freight BiIl of Lading 最低远洋运费附加费Minimum QCean freight supplement 拼箱货最低运费Minimum reight LCL cargo 整箱货最低运费Minimum reight FCL cargo 辖箱货最低收费差额Supplement to mini
3、mum FCL freight 整箱货是低收入亏损FCL minimum revenue shortfall 超额运费Exc白sfreight 趟过整箱货最低额的超额运费Excess freight Qver FCL minimum 免收运费Freight free 累计运费Accumulated freight 整箱货累计最低运费Accumulated FCL minimum 警箱货累计最高运费Accumulated FCL maximum 申报价值Declared value charge 最高运费Maximum freight 按最大体积计算的整箱货最高运费FCL maximum all
4、 measurement 不同货按体积计算的整箱货最高运费FCL maximum multi rate measurement 按重量体积混合计算的(运费吨)整箱货最高运费FCL maximum mxed weight mcasurc 基本运输费用Basic transport c臼T特别附加运费Special freight supplement 合同价Contract price 1010Z7 101028 101029 101030 101031 101033 101034 101035 101036 101037 101038 101039 101040 101041 101042 1
5、0103 1010-14 101045 101046 101047 101048 101049 101050 101051 101052 101053 101051 101056 101057 101058 101059 102000 102002 102003 102004 10200G 102006 102011 102012 G!T 17152- 1997 航空托单单附加费Charges incoming AWB 铁路费用Rail charges 运费中1至边境Freight till hord盯梅运费Scafreight 人类遗体运费Hunlan rernaim:i 整箱货最低额外附加
6、费Extr or FCL-minimun 特种货物附加运费Special cargo lreight additional 内陆启运地运费lnlandfreight origin 内陆口的地运费lnlandfreight destination 联运运费Throughreight 超出最高费Exceed maximun1 选择附加费。ptionfee 目的地变更费Change of destination fee 内陆铁路运费Inlandfreight rail 区域运输费用Zone甘ansportchargts 内陆卡车运费lnlandreight truck 多式联运运费lnt盯moda1
7、freight 达到最低拼箱货运费的额外费用Extra to reach consolidated container minllurn成本增加费用Cost increase charge 边境交货运费Freight ex border 标准运费IStandard !reight J 标准运费IIStandard freight 1 舱面货物补偿费Compensation for deckcargo 帆布补偿费Compensation for tarpaulins 分舱附加l费Extra for separation in different holds 滞留和/或开航随后开航费Lying i
8、dle and/or sailing-Iollowcd hy sailing 滞留和/或开航-随后不开航费Lying idle and/or sailing-il not followed by描ling运输成本(海运、内陆水运、空运或陆路运输)Cost of transportation (SCi. inland wakrway or air freight ,or overland carriage) 运输费-铁路、公路、水路Transport-rail ,road , water 公路运费,交货到门,包括任何城市地区交通拥挤附加费Roacl transport , delivery to
9、 fr肘house , including any urban area congestion surcharge 上门收货费,包括任何城市地区运输交通拥挤附加费Collectlon ex housc. mING CHARGES 远洋/近海20英尺重箱装货费Loading 20 feet containers full DS/SS 远洋/近海30英尺重箱装货费Loading 30 feet containers full DS/SS 远洋/近海35英尺重箱装货费L侃ding35 feet containers full DS/SS 远洋/近海40英尺重箱装货费Loading 40 leet c
10、ontaincrs full DS/SS 远洋/近海20英尺空箱装货费Loading 20 feet containcr empty DS/SS 远洋/近海30英尺空箱装货费Loading 30 fcet contain盯emptyDS/SS 远洋/近海35英尺空箱装货费Loading 35 feet container empty DS/SS 远洋/近海40英尺空箱装货费Loading 40 leet container empty DS/SS 远洋/近海可折叠箱装箱费Loading bundles containers DS/S电远洋/近海以链式固定的集装箱装箱费Loading conta
11、iners with chains DS/SS 按时间计收远洋/近海装箱费Loading containers on time-basis DS后S支线剑英尺重箱装货费Loading 20 !eet container full on leeders 支线30英尺重箱装货费Loading 30 feet container full on leeders 支线35页尺重箱装货费I刷出ng35 feet conlainer full on feedcrs 支线10英尺重箱装货费Loadng 40 feet container full on fccdcrs 立线剑英尺空箱装货费Loading 2
12、0 fcet container empty on feed盯S支线30英尺空箱装货费Loading 30 fcct contaner ernply on feeders 支线35英尺空箱装货费Loadng )5 fcct contaner臼nfJly011 feeders 203019 203020 203021 203022 203023 203024 203025 203026 203027 203028 203029 203030 20:W:ll 2030:12 203033 203034 20:J 035 203036 203037 203038 20:l039 Z03040 203
13、041 203042 203043 203044 203015 203046 203047 GB!T 17152- 1997 支线10英尺字箱装货费Loadng .-10 fcct container ernpty on feed盯R支线叫折叠箱装箱费l.oadinbundh:, containers on fepder只支线以链式固定的集装箱装箱费Loading cOIltainers with clul. ns on fecdfrs 按时间汁收支线装箱费Loading cont1 iners on time-basis on fcedcrs 驳船剑英尺重箱装货费Loaclng 20 fee
14、1 cOIlwincr into bargc full 1投船30莫尺ili:箱装货费LOndng 30 fpE t cOlltainer into barge fuH 驳船35英尺重箱装货费Loading 3;) feet C ontainer into bargt: full 驳船40英尺重箱装货费Loading 40 fcct eontaner 1nto l_mrge full 驳船20英尺少气宅;?箱装货费L、ac民dir咔1嘻g2川of扣ec时tcnt阳ame凹r111 t川oba咀arg凯k飞叫1甲pt叩y 驳船30英尺空箱装货费foadin吨1嘻1OOOkg)钢J;f装货费Loa
15、ding billt: ts up lo/incl. 5门口Ilk旦I川piece/bundle 每件/捆5000kg以下(包括5000kg)钢卷装货费Loading ooils up to/ino1. 5000kg per pi肝fbllndle 每件/捆5000kg以下t包括5000kg)惜钢装货费Loading 51 rips and ho(、JptO!l川、1.5000kg per piece/bundle 每件/搁5000kg以下(包括OOOkg)钢扳(包括钢筋)装货费1 ,oading pl川e,;( cpSea/Short Sea n overtime 使用联接器超时装货费Loa
16、ding adaptors in overtim 托盘货物超时装货费Loading palletized cargo in overtime 无包装吊装货物超时装货费Loading unpacked ifts in Qvert ime 非集装箱货物超时装货费Loading uncontainerized c盯gom overtlmc 支线集装箱超时装箱费Loading containers feeders in overtn1e 支线以链式固定的集装箱超时装箱费Lading containers with chains feeders ln overtimc 使用底盘车超时装货费Loading
17、 chassis in overtime 卸货费D1SCHARGING CHARGES 远洋/近海20英尺重箱卸货费Dscharging 20 fcct contain凹fullLlS/SS 远洋/近海30英尺重箱卸货费Discharging 30 feet container full DS/SS 远洋/近海35英尺重箱卸货费Dischargng 35 feet contan时full1的/S:远洋/近海40英尺重箱倒货费Discharging 40 1eel container f u1l ns/ss 远洋/近海20英尺空箱卸货费Discharging 20 1eel conlainer
18、empty ns/ss 远洋/近海30英尺空箱卸货费Discharging 30 feet contancr cmpty DS!SS 远洋/近海35英尺?箱卸货费Discharging 35 feet containcr empty DS,/引1tr 204008 204009 204010 204011 204012 204013 204014 204015 204016 204017 204018 204019 204020 204021 204022 204023 Z040Z4 204025 204026 204027 204028 204029 204030 204031 204032
19、 204033 204034 204035 204036 204037 204038 2lH 039 20,1040 2010n) ro-ro in overtlme 拖拉机(自带动力)液装起时装货费Loading tractors (附lfdriven)ro-ro in OVerllme 卡车(自带动力)浓装超时装货费Loading trucks(selfdrivcn) ro-ro in overtime 拖板上的设备(自带动力)滚装超时装货费Loading units on whecls (sdfdriven) ro- ro ill overtlnle 汽车(元动力)滚装超时装货费Load
20、ing cars(not世lfdriven)To-rO in overt1me 拖拉机(元动力)滚装超时装货费Loading tractors(not时lfdriven)or-ro in overtim(. 卡车(无动力)滚装超时装货费Loading trucks (not seHdriven)rO-TO in overtime 汽车(无动力)滚装超时装货费Loadng cars(_not selfdriven)ro-ro n overtme l盹以下杂货滚装起时装货费Loading breakbulk( 、ro-rom overt tm俨特殊设备滚装超时重新装货费Reloading spec
21、ial 川lltsro-ro m overtlme 汽车(白带动)J)滚装超时重新装货费Reloading cas(sp1friven) ro-ro in ()v11 11d f:mpty bun dled 非船运经公路运输重箱收货费Receiving container Vi3 road not shipbound full 非船运经公路运输空箱收货费Receiving container via road no1. shpbound empty 非船运经铁路运输重箱收货费Receiving container via rail not shipbounrl fu l1 非船运经铁路运输空箱
22、收货费Rec回el川v川III鸣1吃gcon时1吐ta阳III凹e肝rvia ral n旧O时ts血h飞呻l吁甲p忡3业由boun阳时dcmpt扎t4非t船运经铁路运输可折叠箱收货费Recei凹lV叫in吨gcon归llle凹rVlil ral且1no时1s巾hipl扣)01飞und叫dcmpty bun dled 非船运经公路运输可折叠箱收货费Receving contain盯viaroad not shipbound川叩tv_HI Tl dled 以链式固定的集装箱收货费R巳ceivingcontainers with chains 自有设备收货费Receiving seH unts 散装
23、原木收货费Receiving logs 1005c 按时间计收的自有设备收货费Receiving selfunts on time-basis 提供的自有设备收货费Receiving selfunts asssted by third party 10吨以下自有设备收货费Receiving scHun旧(l t (10) Demurrage and/or stancllge charges for vehicles(Lorries OT ral trucks) or cont川l(rs运输工具(卡车或铁路货车)或集装箱滞期和/或停留费D巳m旧ragecharge,arging plywood/
24、veneer in bundles/on skids/in crates of min. 300kg pcr packagc 每包装300kg以上捆装/绑扎/箱装胶合板卸货费Discharging plywood/veneer in bundles/on skids/in crates of min. 300kg per package.frorn N orth America北美每包装300kg以k捆装/绑扎/箱装胶合极卸货费Discharging poppybeads 罄粟头卸货费Discharging rice by grab 抓斗卸稻米卸货费Discharging sisal in b
25、ales 袋装四沙尔麻卸货费Discharging slabs of min. 25kg each 每块25kg以t钢板卸货费Discharging slabs over 5000kg per piece/bundle 每件/捆5000kg以上铜板卸货费Discharging slabs up to/incl. 5000kg per piece/bundle 每件/捆5000kg以下(包括5000kg)铜板卸货费。ischargingstrips and hoops over 5000kg pcr piece/bundle 每件/捆5000kg以上带钢卸货费Discharging strips
26、 and hoops up to/incl. 5000kg per piece/bundle 每件/捆5000kg以下(包括50,OOkg)带钢卸货费Discharging timber /lumber in bundlcs of min. O. 5cbm 每拙。.5cbm以仁的木材卸货费Discharging timber /lumher in hundles of min. O. 5c bm-from North America 北美每拥O.5cbm以上的木材卸货费Discharging tInb盯/lumberin bundles of min. O. 5cbm-receipt by i
27、lrn:mgcmcnt 201019 204050 201017 204065 204064 204066 204110 204077 204139 204051 201068 204111 205000 205001 205004 205014 205010 205013 205002 205011 205003 205015 205012 205005 205006 205009 205918 205007 205016 205008 205017 206000 206001 20600-1 GB/T 17152-1997 每捆O.5cbm以k的木材特殊卸货费Discharging tim
28、ber /Iumber in bundl凹ofmin. O. 5cbm frUIn North Amcrica-nC(_叩川、Vil r rangcmcnt北美每捆O.5cbm以t的木材特殊卸货费Discharging timber /lumber in bundles of min. O. 5cbm from North America. inc1.川川,g 北美每捆O.5cbm以上的木材卸货费,包括堆存费Discharging timber/lumb盯inbundlcs of min. O. Scbm incl. storagc 每捆0.5cbm以上的木材卸货费,包括堆存费Discharg
29、ing tinplates and shccts ovcr 5000kg pcr picce/bundlc 每件/捆5000kg以上马口铁/金属板卸货费Discharging tinplates and shccts up to/incl. 5000kg pcr piece/bundle 每件/捆5000kg以下(包括5000kg)马门铁/金属板卸货费Discharging tu bes 管材卸货费Oischarging uncontainerized cargo in overtime 非集装箱货物超时卸货费Disch盯gingunits of min. 950kg 每组950kg以上的卸货
30、费D町hargingunpacked lifts in overtimc 元包装吊装货物超时卸货费Discharging wallboards (iike hardboard)on pallcts/skids in hundles 托盘/半板上捆装的硬板卸货费Discharging wire coils , unitized ,over 1200kg 每卷1200kg以k成细金属线材剑I货费Diacharging wool in bales 袋装羊毛卸货费SHIFTING CHARGES 翻装费用Shifting 翻装费Shifting adapters 使用联接器翻装费Shifting ad
31、apters in ov盯tlme使用联接器超时翻装费Shifting containers in barge 驳船上集装箱翻装费Shifting containers in overtime 集装箱超时翻装费Shifting containers on time-basis 按时间计收集装箱翻装费Shifting containers on time-hasis on barge 按时间计收驳船七集装箱翻装费Shifting containers with chains 以链式固定的集装箱翻装费Shifting containers with chains in overtrne 以链式固定
32、的集装箱超时翻装费Shifting containers with chains on barge 驳船t以链式固定的集装箱翻装费Shifling palletized cargo 托盘货物翻装费Sh刊tingpalletized cargo on time-basis 按时间计收托盘货物翻装费Shifting uncontainerized cargo 非集装箱货物翻装费Shifting uncontainerized cargo in overtime 非集装箱货物超时翻装费Shifting unpacked lifts 元包装吊装货物翻装费Shifting unpacked lifts
33、in overtime 元包装吊装货物超时翻装费Shifting unpacked lifts on time-basis 按时间计收元包装吊装货物翻装费Shifting unpacked lifts on time-basis in overtirne 按时间ii史无包装吊装货物超IH制住费RELOADING CHARGES 重新装货费用Reloading 重新装货费Reloading adapters 使用联接器重新装货费206012 206011 206008 206009 206010 206002 206003 206013 206007 206016 206005 20日o1 ,1
34、 206006 206015 207000 207028 207027 207008 207011 207023 207026 207004 207019 207001 207016 207013 207012 207014 207029 207015 207030 207003 207018 207009 207024 207005 207020 207002 207017 207010 207025 lO民G/T 17152-1997 Relo旧1ingadapters n ()v盯tlme使用联接器超时军新装货费Reloading couta配rstn QVertlme 集装箱超gJ重新
35、装箱费H.eloading containers into harge 驳船上集装箱熏新装箱费Rcloading containers into bargf 011 tme-basis 技时间川收驳船1集装丰!iif!新装丰f货Reloading containers into bargc wth C h:.i ns 驳船|以链式固定的集装箱iji;桥、轧捋14PReloading contain盯sn timc-basis 战时间计收集装箱重额;其箱费R巳loadingc()ntLiners with chains 以链式固定的集装箱重新装箱费Reloading containcrs wit
36、h chains in overtme 以链式固定的集装箱跑A,j准新装箱费Il卸货费Discharging tractors (not附lfdriven)ro-ro 拖拉机(无动力)滚装卸货费Oischarging tractors (not selfdriven) ro-o in overtime 拖拉机(元动力)滚装超n;f卸货费Discharging tractors (selfdriven) ro-ro 拖拉机(向带动力)滚装卸货费Discharging甘actors(sclfdrivcn) ro-ro in ovcrtmc 拖拉机(自带动力)滚装超时卸货费D町hargingtrai
37、ler$ rO-fO 拖车滚装卸货费Discharging trailers rO-TO in overtimc 拖车滚装超时卸货费Ilischarging lrucks (nol selfdriven) ro-ro 草(无动力)滚装卸货费Discharging tucks (not selfdriven) ro-ro in overtime 卡车t无动力)滚装届时卸货费Ilischarging trucks (s寻fdriven)fO-ro 卡车(自带动力)滚装卸货费Discharging trucks (elfdrlven) ro-ro in overtinle 卡车(自带动力)液装超时卸
38、货货Dischargin日units on wheel, (selfdriven) ro-ro 拖板上的设备(自带动力)滚装卸货费Discharging units on wheels (selfdriven) ro-ro in overtinle 拖板上的设备(自带动力)滚装届时卸货费SHIFTING ROLL ON!ROLL OFF CHARGES 滚装翻装费用Shifting breakbulk (1 100 to 7 (on) ro-ro l 7吨杂货滚装翻装货Shifting brcakbulk (1 ton 10 7 0口)ro-ro in overtme 1 7盹杂货滚装超时翻装
39、费Shilting breakbulk (ps签草费Telex ,telephone ,telefax ,postagc costs 电传、电话、传真、邮政费用Telex ,telephone ,telegrams, correspondence ,photo-copy charges 电传、电话、电报、信件、影印本费用Transfer duty 转让税TRANSPORT EQUlPMENT CHARGES 运输设备费用Animal container 载运活性畜集装箱费用Change ofaxe Ccharge for) 车轴变更费Chassishire 底盘车租金Container det
40、ention charges 集装箱滞留费Container hire 集装箱租金Con tainerrent / dem urrage 集装箱使用滞期费Emptyequip皿enthandover charge 空设备移交费Equipment charges 设备费Refrig盯atorwagon Ccharge for) 冷藏货车费Rent forklift truck 叉车租用费Special equipment (cool/deeploaders) 专用设备(冷藏/冷冻机)使用费Tarpaulin hirc 帆布租用费T railer detcntion charges 平饭车滞留费T
41、railer hire charges 平板车租金Use 01 buffer wagon (charge for) 防震货车使用费Use 01 heating apparatus Ccharge lor) 保温设备使用费Use of railway truck Cchargc lor) 铁路专用车使用费U se of sheet C charge for) 帆布使用费Use 01 special wagon (wcll-wagon .ect) (charge for) 专用货车(矿井车)使用费Use of wagon-carrying trailer Ccharge for) 铁路平板装载车使
42、用费Use 01 covered wagon (charge lor) 有篷货车使用费CUSTOMS CHARGES 海关收费Bondcd truck handling 保税货车子续费Bordercharges 边境费Charg臼T-docu皿entT单证费Ch盯geslor the pr回entatonof customs documents completion of a D. A. S. 编制D.A. s.沟关单1证费mD) (FFl (20) (F仨J500019 500002 500017 500008 500037 500017 500009 500034 500015 50001
43、5 500015 500007 500006 500006 500006 500034 500034 500034 500016 500039 500006 500042 500015 500044 500027 500012 500033 500028 500035 500041 500048 500010 500018 500050 500024 500003 500023 500020 500029 500030 500045 500031 118 GB/T 17152-1997 Clearance and handling-destination 目的地结关手续费Clearance a
44、nd handing-origin 原产地结关手续费Cost of (computerized) customs clearance 计算机化的海关结关手续费Customs attendance 海关核查费Customs certification charge 海关证书费Customs clearance 结关费Customs costs 海关费用Customs documentation costs 海关单证费用Customs dues 海关税Customs dues 海关税Customs duties and other sums collected by customs other t
45、han V A T 海关税和除增值税外的总海关税Customs examination charges 海关检查费Customs fine 海关罚金Customs fines 海关罚金Customs fines 海关罚金Customs formalities 海关手续费Customs formalities 海关手续费Customs formalities (charge for) 海关手续费(应征)Customs inspection beside opening hours 工作时间之外的海关检查费Customs deferment 海关逾期费Customs fines for accou
46、nt of principal 按基本财产帐征收的海关罚金Customs overtime 海关加班费Dues and duty 税和关税E. U.S. T. (Value of gds十duty)E. U. S. T. (货物价值+关税)费EEC certificate attendance EEC证书核查费F oreign clearance fee 境外结关费Import duties 进口关税Impos. of taxes on agricultural products 对农产品征税Issuing/splitting int. Cocoa or Coffee cert出cate开据/
47、分解可可或咖啡临时证书费Other dues 其他税Other taxes 其他各税Port dues 港口税Preparing EUR/ A TR Cert出cateof Origin 编制EUR/ATR原产地证书费pnce agr四menttax 价格协定税Re-Validity duments 再次验证单证费Release of goods 货物放行费Sealing charges 铅封费Special duty 特别关税Suppl. Payment/restitution import dutes 补交/退还进口关税Suppl. payment/resttution of V A T
48、补交/退还增值税(VAT)T. V A. transport 5Ur parcours francais 在法国境内转运征收的增值税Transit Customs declaration 海关转运报单CFF) (l口)(;10) (20) (I) (10) -一GB/T 1 71 52 - 1 997 Miscellancous-unassigned 其他费-不确定费用。ncash advanced 预付现金Orderpicking 存货提取费Other charges to be collected lrom the consignee 收取收货人其他费用Paid on arrival 到货
49、付款Phytosanitary ducs 植物检疫费Pickup chargcs 运送费用Pilotagc 引航费Port improvement charge 港口建设费Postal chargcs 邮资prc shipmcnt charges 装运前费用Prc trucking charges 卡车运输前费用Pr叩aidcharges 预付费Presentation (to customs) and handling chaTges 向海关提交及处理费用(FF)Presentation to customs 向海关提交费Rail journey 铁路段代理费Railrd usage charge 铁路使用费Railway station charges 火车站费用Rec臼ptcontrol and storage 接收和堆存费Receipt ex seashed till stored for normal storage 码头边货棚交货直到堆存泵仓库
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