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GB T 9649.28-1998 地质矿产术语分类代码 地球物理勘查.pdf

1、G/T 9649. 28 1998 前如同地质矿产领域实现信息化已夜t政界各国兴起。我国要赶上世界先进水平.引进现代信息技术,开发我国信息资源,建设备类地质矿产傍息系统的任务摆在我们面前。1984年,地质矿产部提出要为实现地质矿产信息系统建设制订信息分类代码这一葱础技术标礁,以保证实现将要建设的各类信息系统之间的傍息共事1985年锐国家标准化宠管部门批准立项制订GB/T9649-88系地质矿产术语分类代码国家标准,自宇宙地质学、地球物理学、火山地质、地震地质、外动力地质学、地貌学、大地构造学、构造地质学、结品学及矿物学、岩石学、地球化学、岩矿鉴定、化学分析、地史学及地层学、市地理学、矿床学、煤

2、地质学、右汹及天然气地质学、海洋地质学、水文地质学、工程地J!Ji:学、地热地学、环境地质、地质经济学、遥感地质、数学地质、区域地质调查、地球物现勘查、地球化学勘查、矿山地质j采矿、选矿与冶金、朋体矿产普藏与勘探、探矿工程、古生物学、测绘学三十五个部分组成。GB/T 9649-88地球物理勘探学科朗长春地院负责编写,交要起草人有g孙运生、李庆宜、石宝林、陈继红、王兴浴、徐盛岩。本标准系国家标准GB/T9649-88LB定iL精度Fix precsion WTBDLC 地商定位台仪震Position of ground fix station WTBDMA 船体磁效应Magnetic effee

3、t of ship-body WTBDNA 磁测校正项目Correction items of magnetic measurement WTBDNB 日变位IE值Diurnal correction value WTAEAB 纬度校正值Latitude correction value WTAEAD 高度校正值Altitude correction val ue WTBDNE 温度校正值Ternperature correction value WTBDNF 混合校IE傻Compound correction value WTBDNG 扭鼓校傻Torsion drum correction

4、value WTBDNH 辅磁校IE傻Auxiliary magnet correction value WTBDAG 观测分最磁场水平分擞Horizontal component of rnagnetic field 2 磁场垂直分量Vertica1 component of magnetic field 3 总磁场强度Tota1 magnetc intensity WTBDDA 磁测方法051 人工磁化法Artificial magnetization method 052 日变法Diurnal variation method 053 BS磁法Pezomagnetic method 05

5、4 微磁测最Micromagetic survey 055 磁化率测囊Magnetc susceptiblity varaton method 056 梯度测量Gradient survey 057 三分量磁测Three-component magnetic survey 058 高分辨率航空磁测Hgh-resolution aeromagnetic survey 059 高精度航空磁测High-precsion aeromagnetic survey 060 水下磁llMagnetc survey under water 061 船磁测最Shipborne magnetic survey 0

6、62 地磁测最Geomagnetic field survey 063 高精度磁测High-grade accuracy magnetic prospecting WTBDFA 磁性测定方法磁平手法Magnetometer method 2 无法向磁力仪法i Asta tic rnagnetometer method 3 旋转磁力仪法Spinner magnetomet盯method172 GB/T 9649.28-1998 代码|汉字名4 I 1中击法WTBDFB I标本类型1 I定向标本2 I半定向标本3 I非定向标本WTBDHC I航磁异常地面查证等级1 I J踏勘检查2 I详细检资3

7、I工程验证WTBDHF I飞机磁干扰场补偿方式1 I电子自动补偿2 1:披莫合金补偿WTBDIA I飞行项目01 I偏向飞行02 I测量飞行|测线飞行04 I i察线飞行05辅助飞行06切割线飞行07 I重复线飞行08 I接线飞行09 I视察飞行10 I切割线控制网飞行WTBDLA I航穷定彼方法1 I目视定位2 I无线电波等航定位3 I航班摄影定位|多普勒窗边定位5 111JiH坚1:余球定位系统定位WTBDNA I磁测校lE项目1 I日变校正2纬度校lE3 I高度校正|温度校正5 I混合校正6 I扭鼓校正7 I辅磁校lE8 I日常梯度校lEWTBE I磁异常译英Ballistic meth

8、od Oriented specmen Sem唰orientedspecimen U noriented specimen Reconnaissance examination Detailed examination E嗡ngmeenng exammatlOn Electronic automatic compensaton Permalloy compensation Declination flying Survey flying Line flying Base-line flying Auxiliary flying Cros8 fl ying Repetition line fly

9、ing Juncton flying View flying Cross flying and control白networkflying Visual fix Radio range fix Aerial photograph fix Doppler-radar fix Satellte fx Global positioning system(GPS) fix Durnal correction Latitude correction Altitude correction Temperature correction Compound correcton Torsion drum cor

10、rection Auxiliary magnet correction Correction for normal sradient 备注三级查证.级或证一级查证173 GB!T 9649.28 1998 名在度度也飞梯梯E称号置向度度珉向征型一征t名编优定强宽水羹特类特常常常常常常常常常常常异界异异异异异养出仲异异一磁磁磁磁磁磁磁磁磁磁磁码灿础川灿灿MMMM队mmrurMEEEruEEEgz 代一回回回回四咄咄咄四四四wwwwwwwwwww 01 低缀磁异常02 1线性磁异常03 I正磁异常区04 1负磁异常区05 11卫负相|同磁异常06 I放射状磁异常07 I 串珠状磁异常08 I服行磁

11、异常09 1等轴磁异常20 1磁力高21 1磁力低30磁寂带31 1大磁弯32 I大洋磁异常33 I海山磁异常34 1东海岸磁异常WTBEBB I磁异常类型01 1迭力01滋异常02 1复杂磁异常03简码是磁界常04低频磁异常05 1高频磁异常06 1局部磁异常07 I 1&.域磁异常08剩余磁异常20 1矿异常21 I非矿异常WTBF I磁异常数据处理地球物理勘遂英译名|备注Magnetc anomaly name Magnetc anomaly code Poslon of magnetc anomaly Magnetic anomaly trend Magnetic anomaly in

12、tensity I磁异常幅度Magnetic anomaly width Horizontal gradient of magnetic anomaly Vertical gradient 01 magnetic anomaly Magnetic anomaly characteristics Magnetic anomaly type Small amplitude-low gradient magnetic anomaly Linear m咽neticanom向|条带磁异常Postille magnetic anomaly area Negative magnetic anomaly ar

13、ea Positve alternating with negative anomaly Radial magnetic anomaly Pearl magnetic anomaly Echelon magnetic anomaly Isoaxial magnetic anomaly Magnetic high Magnetic low Magnetc quiet zone Great magnetic bight Ocean magnetic anomaly Magnetic anomaly of sea-mount East CO!lst magnetic anomaly Overlapp

14、ing magnetic anomales Complex magnetic anomalies Simple magnetic anomaly Low frequency magnetic anomaly High frequency magnetc anomaly Local magnetic anomaly Regional magnetic anomaly Residual magnetic anomaly Mineral anomaly Nonmineral anomaly 174 GB/T 9649.28年1998地球物理勘盗代码汉字名英译名备注01 徒二手厕滑Smoothing

15、by hand 02 最小二二乘圆滑The least square smoothing 10 中平条插值Splne nterpolation 11 拉格郎日插假Lagrange interpolation 12 双线性插值Bilinear interpolation 20 向上延拓U pward continuation 21 向下延拓Downward continuation 22 旁侧延拓Lateral continuation 23 金空间l!i拓All space continuation 30 水平一阶导数First horizontal derivative 31 水平之阶导数S

16、econd horizontal derivative 32 垂向一阶导数First vertical derivatve 33 垂向二阶导数Second vertical derivative 40 曲七3fCurved surface reduced to horiz;ontal plane 41 保角映射法Conformal mapping method 42 等电纸模拟Modeling with conductive paper 50 ;二度异常化二皮革非常Three-dimensional anomaly transforming to two-dimensional anomaly

17、 60 化到地磁极Reduction to the pole 61 AT换成gmTransforming from AT nto g 62 Za换成gmTransforming hom Za into g . 63 Ha换成gmTransforming form Ha into g . 70 之J.t异常Ha换成ZaTransforming from Ha into Za in two-di-menS lOn 11 二度异常Za换成HaTransformng from Za into Ha in two-d menSlOn 72 二度异常AT换成HaTransformng from IlT i

18、nto Ha in two-di-日lenSlOn73 二度异常AT换成ZaI Transforming from AT into Za in two-di menSlOn 80 三度异常Za换成HaTransforming from Za into Ha in three-di伽menSlon 81 三度异常Ha换成ZaTransforming from Ha into Za in three-di-口ltnSlon82 三度异常A1换成HaT ransformng fram A:f into H a in three-di-menston 83 三度异常/:;,1换成ZaTransform

19、ing from AT into Za in three-di menSl0n 84 自动增直在控制滤波Automatc gain contro (AGC) filtering WTBG 磁异常解释175 GB/T 9649.28 199B 地球物理勘查代码汉字名英译名备WTBGAA 磁性体形状I Shapes of magnetc bodies WTBGAB 磁性体形状参数J FamIIm WTBGAC 磁性体埋深Depth to tbe magnetic body WTBGAD 磁性体下底瑰深Depth to the bottorn of the magnetic body WTBGAE

20、磁性体上顶填深Depth to tbe top of the magnetic body WTBGAF 磁性体中心现深l Centre depth to the magnetic body WTBGAG 磁性体厚度Tbickness of the rnagnetic body WTBGAH 磁性体宽度Width of the rnagnetic body WTBGAI 磁性体长度Length of the magnetic body W丁BGAJ磁性体走向Strike of the magnetic body WTBGAK 磁性体倾向lnclinaton of the magnetic bod

21、y WTBGAM 磁性体倾角Dip of the magnetic body WTBGAN 局.!点深度Curie point depth WTBGAO 磁性慕底深度Magnetic basement depth WTBGAP 磁性体视深度Apparent depth to the rnagnetic body WTBGAQ 有效磁化强度Effective magne!zaton WTBGA议有效磁化倾角Effectve magnetiaed inclination WTBGBA 磁化方向Magnetizing direction WTBGCA 磁异常解释方法Interpretation me

22、thod of magnetic anoma-lies WTBGDA 磁异常谱Magnetic 8noma!y spectrum WTBGAA 磁性体形状01 板状体I :;:e b咐02 l圆柱f丰Cylinder 03 椭球体Ellipsoid 04 球体Sphere 05 台阶Step 06 t主方体Cuboid 07 楼校体Prism 08 磁性基底Magnetc basement 09 磁性接触面Magnetic contact interface 10 磁院接触线Magnetic contact boundary line WTBGBA 磁化方向水平磁化Horizontal mag

23、neti阳t10n2 垂直磁化Vertical magnetzation 3 倾斜磁化Inclined magnetization 4 l帧层磁tBedding magnetization 5 斜交磁化。bliquemagnetization WTBGCA 磁异常解释方法01 点元法Point element method 176 G日/T9649自26-1998地球物1里勘11:代码汉字名英译名备i主02 线元法I Line element method 03 丽元法I Surface element method 多边形截面法04 异常特征分析法IA川nalychara阳05 特jI阙线法

24、I Characterstic cu川method06 特征三角形法1 Characterstic trangle method 07 特征点法I Characterstc pont method 08 任意点$1. Arbitrary point method 09 参盘图法Parametrc curve method 10 磁场空间分部法Spatial distribution method of magnetic field 11 积分法Integral method 12 矢最t是Vector method 13 Ta矢最交点$Ta-vector nt时附ctionpoint meth

25、od 14 矢最强度解事手法Vector intensty method 15 矢量倾角法Vector nclination method 16 导数比值法Dervatve rato method 17 直线斜察法Straight line slope method 18 锺板法Templllte method 19 扇形f盖板法Sector gra ticule method 20 带校正系数最板法Graticule method with corrected coefficient 21 似二度最板法Graticule method for quasi two-dimcnsional bo

26、dies 22 剩余异常法Residual anomaly method 23 复变t自数法Complex variable function method 24 共视点解黔法Conjugate point method 25 策变函数求奇点法Singular point method From complex vari-able function 26 复合t目数法Compound function method 27 切线法Tangent method 2日多点切线法Tangential method with multipont 29 罗加切夫切线法Logarcheve tangenti

27、al method 30 带系数切线法Tangential method with coefficients 31 外奎尔切线法Vacqur tangential method 32 彼特斯切线法Peters tangential method 33 拐点正5 of anomaly 备注GB/T 9649.28 1998 代码汉字名告奋注WTCEAR I异常体走向WTCEAS I异常体长ltWTCEAT I异常体宽度WTCEAU I异常体倾向WTCEAV I异常体埋深WTCEAW I电法勘探异常性质WTCEAX I异常体形状WTCEAY I异常厚度WTCEAZ I异常体产状WTCEBA I异常

28、lli积WTCEBB I异常长度WTCEBC I异常起因WTCEBD I 非常编号WTCEB巴l异常名称WTCEBF I异常类别WTCEBG I综合异常WTCEBI I异常梯度WTCEBJ I极大值WTCEBK I极小值WTCEBL I半值范围WTC日BNI测最参数WTCEBO I物性参数值WTC巴巴PI其他特征WTCEAA I ttI.剖面法P.曲线1 I对称四极剖面曲线2 I 联合削丽曲线3 I偶极剖面曲线4 I中间梯度曲线WTCEAB I电测深法向曲线1对称凶极测探曲线2联合三极测深曲线3 I三极测深曲线4 I输向偶极测深曲线5 I赤道偶极测深翩线6方位偶极测深曲线7 I平行偶极测深幽线

29、8径向偶极测深曲线9 I 臻赢偶极视IJ深曲线WTCDEACI i般咆法机曲线译英Strke of anomaly body Lengh of anomaly body Width of anomaly body Dipping of anomaly body Buried depth of anomaly body Anomaly nature of electrical prospecting Anomaly body form Anomaly body thick Occurvence of anomalous body Anomaly area Anomaly length Anoma

30、ly origin Anomaly number Anomaly name Anomaly classification Composite anomaly Anomaly gradient Maximum Minimum Hal! value range Measurement parameter Parameter value of material characterzation Other characterization Symmetrical quadripole profilling curve Combined profiling curve Dipole-Dipole pro

31、filing curve Mid叩gradentprofiling curve Curve of schlumberger sounding method Curve of combned three electrode sounding Curve of three electrode sounding Curve ofaxial dipole-dipole sounding Curve of equatorial dpole-dipole sounding Curve of azimuthal dipole-dipole soundng Curve of parallel dipole-d

32、ipole sounding Curve of radial dipole-dipole sounding Curve Qf perpendicular dipole-dipole sound mg 189 GB/T 9649.28 1998 名线t线线线脚?一幽曲曲hlhnH机电E一梯剖深激-巾联测报电电曲唱场一激激激近码一代一5 6 WTCEAD l 2 3 4 5 6 WTCEA配l 2 WTCEAF I 2 WTCEAG 1 2 3 4 5 WTCEAH 2 3 4 足在被梯度弘曲线激法极化充电机闹线激咆法队曲线激电中梯曲线激电联剖幽线激电测吉普A曲线近场if激咆P.曲线直在极梯度内曲

33、线激发极化充电队曲线自然电场法异常曲线电位异常曲线锵度异常曲线充电法异常曲线充电法电位界常曲线充电法梯度异常曲线地面电磁法异常曲线实分囊相对异常曲线虑分摄相对异常曲线振幅比剖面曲线相位塞在削商曲线倾角剖面曲线航窍电磁法异常曲线相对异常剖面曲线相对异常衰减曲线实分量相对异常曲线1.1分囊相对异常曲线WTC应AII大地电磁测苦苦异常曲线1 I纵向椒、电阻率曲线(xv2 I横向视电阻率曲线Pvx3 I纵向相w.幽线译英矶curveof IP mid-gradient array 1. curve of IP cornbined profiling 甲,curve of lP sounding 平cu

34、rve of IP at near source 币curve of IP gradient array of single elec trode 布curve of lP charging array p. curve of IP rnid而gradientarray P. curve of IP combined profiling p. curve of IP sounding p. curve of IP at near source p, curve of IP gradient array of single elec trode p. curve of IP charging a

35、rray Potential anomaly curve Gradient anomaly curve Potential anornaly curve of rnise-a-la于massemethod Gradient anomaly curve of mise-a-lamasse method Relative anomaly curve of real component Relative anornaly curve of imaginary compo nent Profile curve of arnpltude rato Profi1 e curve of phase dffe

36、rence Profile curve of dip angle Profile curve of relatve anomaly Attenuation curve of relatve anomaly Relative anomaly curve of real cornponent Relative anomaly curve of imaginary compo nent Longitudinal apparent resstivity curve内YTransverse apparent resstivity curve Pvx Longitudinal phase curve 备注

37、190 GB/T 9649.28-1998 提球物现勘查代码汉字名英译名备注4 横向相lil1!线lsverse phase WTCEAJ 人工频率测深曲线1 波区曲线Curve of wa ve zone 。w日区曲线Curve of S zone 3 全i皮曲线Curve of IOlal wave 4 赤道偶极频率测深曲线Frequency soundng curve o equator dipole array 5 轴向偶极频凉测深曲线Frequency sounding curve ofaxis dipole ar ray WTCEAW 电法勘探异常性质矿异常Mineral anom

38、aly 2 非矿异常Nonmneral anomaly 3 局部异常Local anomaly 4 区域异常Regional anomaly 5 剩余异常Residual anomaly 日正异常Positive anomaly 7 负异常Negative anomaly WTCEAX 异常体形状01 简状体Ppe body 02 校状体Chmney body 03 管状体Tubular body 04 后要状体Stralform body 05 脉状体Vein body 06 似层状体Stratod body 07 透镜状体Lensod hody 08 扁豆状体Lentcular body

39、09 等输状体lsometrc body 10 圆柱体Cylinder body 11 椭球体Ellipsoidal shape body 12 长方体Oblong body 13 板状体Plate shape body 14 立方体Cubc body 15 球体Spherical body 16 台阶Flight of step 17 棱校体Edge columnar body 18 囊状体Pockety body 19 瘤状体Warty body 20 鸡窝状体Henhouse shape body 21 梯状本Ladder.shaped body 22 环状体C rcular body

40、191 GB/I 9649.28-1998 代码|汉字名23闷脉状体24 串珠状体25放射状体26静状体27 I鞍状体50 I复杂形状体60 I不规则形状体99其他WTC芷BCI异常起因。1矿产反映02矿脉反映l矿点反映11矿化体反映12 I矿化带反映13 1次生富集反映14蚀变带反映22 1 :楷体反映23 1断层反映24 I背斜反映25 I I句斜反映26 I击kli:;反映27慕底反映28 I直是展反映29 台阶反映30接触面反映31 接触线反映32 岩层层位反映33 Il击性反映34 I岩脉反映51 I异常跑因不明61 表姐王富集反映62 干扰因素反映99 I其他WTCEBF I异常类

41、别况即英工写;Eworkbody I String-b叫sbody Radia ting body Sweeping brush shape body Saddle body Complex shape body I Irregula刊hapedbody Other Orebody response Orevein response Orebody points response Mineralization body response Mineralization belt response Next grow concentration response Alteraton zone re

42、sponse IB咐respon附Fault response Antilinal response Synclinal response Salt domes response Base response Overburden response Step response Contact plane response Contact lines response Layer position response Lithologic response Vein response Unknown anomalous orgin Surlace rich response Disturbing f

43、actor response Other -23456 吁吁1 类甲23睡乙1类乙2类乙3类丙l类Kind Al Kind A2 Knd Bl Kind B2 Kind B3 Kind C1 J92 G!T 9649, 28-1998 代码汉字名译英备注7 8 WTCF fAl 2类丁类电法贸料数据处理WTCFA联合剖恼地改参数WTCFG WTCFC角域编号PKHFI WTCFI WTCFJ WTCFK WTCFL WTCFM WTCFN WTCFG 2 3 4 5 6 PKHFI 。 3 4 5 WTCFM 2 3 4 5 WTCFN WTCFNA WTCFNB 电测深曲线数字解释方法取样间

44、隔反演滤波系数.iE演滤披系数电极装置转换滤波系数滤派系数电法勘探.iE演计算方法数值计算有关参数电测深幽线数字解释方法最优化法阻尼最小二乘法改进的阻尼最小二乘法直接解释法视电阻旦在p,拟合转换函数拟fr取样问附兰分居E取样四分度取样六分度取样八分度取样十分皮取样电法勘探lE演计算方法有限差分法有限岛生元法边界单元法体积分法丽积分法数僚计算有关参数制分数网商元大小Parameter of topographic correction of com bined profile method Compiled number of angle domain Way of digital interp

45、retation of electrical sounding curve Sampling spacing Filter coefficient 01 inverse development I Filter coefficient 01 direct development Filter coefficent 01 electrode transform Filter coefficient Way of direct development of electrical prospectlOg Parameter related to digital calculation I Optim

46、ization method Damping least square method , Jmproved damping least square method Direct interpretation method Comparison in the apparent resistivity p, Comparison in the resistivity transform function T Three sampling intervales per decade ! Four sampling intervales per decade i Six sampling int盯va

47、lesper decade Eight sampling intervales per decade Ten sarnplng intervales per decade Finite difference rnethod Finite element method Boundary element method Volume integration method Surface integration method 川umber of devision I Surface eement size 193 GB/T 9649. 28 1998 地球物理勘盗代码汉字名英译名备注可ITCFNC11

48、点总数TOtal number of junction SDADJD 迭代次数Number of iteration WTCFNE 计算精度I Culcul川na川racyWTCG 也法资料解释WTCGAA 联剖交点性质Property of intersecting point in combined profiling method WTCGAB 电i则深曲线类型I ype f eletr: WTCGAC 电测深最板Template of electrical sounding curve WTCGAD 电测深曲线的渐近线Asymptote of electrical sounding c

49、urve WTCGAE 电测#在曲线等价现象Equivalent phenomenon of electrical sound mg curve WTCGAF 电测深曲线!i:E最解释为法Way of quantitative interpretation of electri-cal sounding curve WTCGAG 代替参数Parameter of substitutional layer WTCGAH 岩矿石的复频谱类型Type of complex frequency spectrum in rocks and min盯alsWTCGAI 电磁搁合校正方法Way of correction to EM coupling WTCGAN 联剖曲线弦切阪Bowstring tangent d

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