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本文(GB T 2900.73-2008 电工术语.接地与电击防护.pdf)为本站会员(towelfact221)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

GB T 2900.73-2008 电工术语.接地与电击防护.pdf

1、GB lCS 01.040.29 K 04 国家标准国不日.:fI工./、民中华人G/T 2900.73-2008 接地与电击防护电工术语OONlt的h.00白NH闰。Electrotechnical terminology一Earthing and protection against electric shock (IEC 60050-195 : 1998 , International electrotechnical vocabulary Part 195 :Earthing and protection against electric shock,MOD) 2009-01-01实施

2、发布中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检瘟总局中国国家标准化管理委员会CBjT 2900.3-2008 自次前言. .;.川、. ., . J 1 范损2 术语和l定义.2. 1 本领念.令. 1 2. 2 电气泼立与设备.、.自. 2 Z. 3 宅需与前信电流., . E 5 2. 4 运行 . . . 2. 5 电压与电Vi . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . 叫. . 8 2. 6 电气安全击91者护措1ii.e川e每. . C 中文索引.令. . 12 类又索引. . . . . .每. . . ., . . . . . . . . . . 15 GU/T 2900.

3、73-2008 前言4:稍:分为CB/T2900的第73部分。本部分古草放采用IECG50-195, J998(国际电工词汇1柔地与电击防护3及其第一次修改单(2001) 本苦t与n:C600S)-15, 19981i.芙第-次修攻!:(l丰tl比,J二J.异如1下修改7195-02-()3 Jlfl号俗的主主义,熔加7搭地网内容g一一修改rJ 95-02-01 t主蛙极创定义,地加了副主缀内容,一一修改f195-02切地回给径的定义,地加了吁体或可导电部分内容:一-修改719;-02-39 il草房i!Li1二3的定义.增加了s;Y.恢磁材料内容,一修改7195-04-04限制进入区域的定义

4、,Jjj恰在了始批准内容.本部分亏GB/T2971(电工术语电气装呈相关*-这8;.装-:;与美但现行lf工*-ilii!l.保准作f尽可能的协夜,本部分中术活条自主在号与IEC5C050-1 5, 1998保得致木部分由全|司电工术语标准化技术委c!会提出并归II 本部分运等单位=抗核科学研究践中杭tEt为促进中心、中抗中电vl计研究挠、中a:it,子标准化研究所、郎宅工业标准化研究所、中国标孩出舷社.本部分.i起草人:扬菜、五地尧、刘军iWJ、i手坊、张.本部分为首次发布eG/ T 29()0.73- 2008 电工术语接地与电击防护1 范雷GB! T 2900的4部分规定了按地与宅Ji防

5、护的基本毓念、电气袭.LJ,设备、电占与阎健电流、运行、电EE唁电流、保护拟施和电气安全等方面的术语和定义.本部分适用于也,技术中涉及接地与电;防护的科学技术领域s2 术滨军Q:义2.1 基本书主念195-01-()1 参考量在rcfcrcnee earth ; rcfcrcnce伊ound( US) 不受任何怨地配震影响的、级为导宅的大地的部分,其电位约定为主l具有将应数育和经验,能察觉和混兔由J电sl起,危害的人员,195-04-02 过t剖11的电气人员(electrcully) insltlIctcrl pc咔on自熟练电气技术人员充分指导苟且%;:督的,能在1觉和避免由于电引起危害的

6、人员.195-04-03 般人!fiohliuar) person 既不是熟练技术人员,也不是受过ta帆的人员-195-04-04 限制进入区绿rest.cicted ac(:h,: aret 只有熟练电气技术人员和受过编训|的电气人员可进入的lilll displ.cemenl voluge 多精系统中,实际的王军等效的lff.l:点与参考趋之阔的电压.195心5-05经段时对她电压oltagc to carlh during a sh()rt-口rcuit.oltage to ground during a想hot-circuit(lJS) 在给定短路点和经路电流f白条件下的j肯定点与参考

7、地之间的电压.195-05-06 接t也放院时对地运压voltage (0 elUth tlnrit哈叫cartbfault; Yoltage 10 ground dUrillg a ground f3Ult (U5) 在给5宣言圣地放点和接地故障电流值条件F的tf2f.、与边之间(r电压.195-05-07 毒地导体对地电应earlhing-eondllclor voltage (抽出rlb),gT唰nding-cooductor吨Itage( to I:rolect.ive ohst.clc 为防止无意的手l接接挝、iii设益的防护物,但,并不防止有悉的室接援触.195-06-17 L电气

8、保护雳黯f体1(cl配trically)prot民ti吨饵reen,(olerOlecve separacion 借助于73日l方法将一电路与另-电龄分层一一双重绝缘,就基本绝缘和电气保护屏蔽.成-一加强绝靠在.195-06-20 限流滚Iinlitcd-currenl回ur白为电路祭供电能约苦苦件,一局限制到无危险水平的稳态电流和电荷住电.和-一在设备输出附和任何危险ltl电部分之间设丝电气保护分隔.195-06-2 1 事导电环每rtnon.conducting cu、rjronment当人E主动物接触已变为危险帘电的外露可;r.电部分时,依靠环绕如绝缘培或绝缘地扳3的高自主抗性和不存在接

9、.的01导电部分来进行防护的措施,Il G)j/ T 2900.73- 2008 总E矗t也E牵线. . . . . . 195-02.33 n:nS(续写词). . . 195户02-74你现撞地. 195-01-12 r.E;(缩写词). . . .-. 195-02-09 PF:S(编写词. . . . . . . 195-02-23 PL导体.195-02-14 C(缩写泻. . . . . . . . 195-02-25 P!:)1导体. . 195-02-13 ES(缩写词.195-02-22 rE)I导体.195-02- 12 G/T 2900.73-2008 英文gt引A AC

10、 ph&sc conducor (AC) (deJ)rec.ted) . 195心2-08C(esS resiricted ccess町ea.1954-04 agaiust potection flgainst cJcctric shock. 195-0卜05arc arC-SU)lr凶sncoile.arthed neutraJ s)stem . 195-04-09 3tc-制lpp.,.cssjon-coilgroune neut.ral句stem(US) 195-04-09 re这restrictcd acce揭盯ea.195-04-04 31111 S arm s reach . .

11、. .每195-06-12arr1)ngcmcnt earthing 3t、angement. . 195-02-20 UMuding arrmgemen10. 195-02-20 automati.c ulomatc disconnection of snpply 每., . . . . 195户的斗。B b:u-ricr ( electlically) prot时tivcb盯rlCr. . . . . 195-06- 15 basic b时icins时atioll. . 19.56-06 ba.s( protection . . . . . 195心6-01bondillg mmon bo

12、 u.etwork . . . . . . . . . 195-02亿5川剧Onequipote.nt.iaJ honding system . e . 195币2-25equipntentia) bonillg . 195-01- 10 equipotem:ial honding COnd1.lctor (dprcatcd)., . . . . . . 195-02-10 cquipotcntial IJOhdillg sys(em.195-0公22缸luipotentialbonding tecmiuaJ 195-02-32 functionaJ honding conduct

13、or. 195-02-16 functiotta)-cquipotentiaJ-bonding .,. . 195-01-16 Cunttional equipotential bon皿gsystem . 195-02-24 pcotcctivc bOllding conductor . 195啕02-10lrotec(ve earthing and fUllc!ional bondillg conductor . 195-02-18 protccti古e-equipotential-bonding-.195-01-15 15 GS/T 2900.73-2008 runclional grou

14、oding conductor (US) . . . . . . . . 195-02-15 直roundingcondnctor (US) . e . 195-02-03 groonding-condlJct附oUge( 10 1()Im) (US) . . . . . .-.。叫. 195-05-07 line con1.Ctor . . . 195-02-08 mid-point c:ouductor . 19分02叫07nculralnduclor. . . 195-02心SIndircct conlucl continuity 195-02-29 195-02-29 195-02-2

15、9 19争05-19195-02-14 195-02-13 195-0?-12 195户。2-08195-02心8195-02-10 195-02-09 195-02-18 195-02-17 19岳.02-11195-02-1S 195-02-17 195-07-11 19岳.02-28195-0-05 195-02-33 195-06-03 195-01-07 195-06-04 (Col1duclor) cOl)li.nuit rauJt.二、阳.,.1!芒.195-04-15 (condllctor) con!inuity (.1IIt Cuenl. 19岳。5号oparallel e

16、anh continuity coodclor (depreca . . . . . 195-02-29 p.rtial Cconductor) cOlltinuily rault CIllren( . . . . 195-05- 19 conventional eouventiona1 prospeetive touch ,oltagc limil195户05-10count巳rpoisc(elec.(.ric) countc.rpoise system . . 195-02-77 current (collducr) contlnllity fauJt curre.nt.19岳

17、。忌2011 Cll/T 29aO.73-2008 earth current (dcprccated) . . 195-05- 15 (ibrillating cur主ent(deprcatcd)川.,.,. 195-03-10 rCeciJlg current (deprc刷cd). . E Ig5-03-08 le:lkage cun吧nt.195-05-15 1. go current ( liSA) (depreea崎.-.195-03-09lel-go thresho1 ( CUrrenl) . 195-03-09 lirnitedcurrent SOUl四.195-06-70lA

18、rtial (conductor) conlilluity fuH cUI,ent . 195-05-19 P兔rtiJshort-circuit cutrcnt . .e . 195-05-17 pe.ceplion-Ihrcshold同CUI)enl. . . .,. ., . ., .,. ,. ,. ,. .每.195-03-07releasing Ctl r rCul (depreeo. ted) . 195-03-09 Sllort-tireuit current . . . ., . 195-05-18 Stnly Currenl . 195-05-16 thr臼b()ldcur

19、rent (d.prtc.,创195-03-07touch curre-nt . 195-05-21 咄IltricularlibrillatiQn lllrcshold (rrent). 195-03-10 。cp()lc:onducor (OC) (dcprccated) . . 195户。2-08direcl direct tootacl . 195-06-03 dicotm盹tionuutomalic di眈onncctiQnof supply.四5-04-10djsp:acentent ncutral-po皿tdisplacemenl vc,1tagc . 195-05-04 dou

20、ble dooble illsuJalion . . . . . . . 195-06-08 E earth (verb).195月01-08carth circuit connectOr (dcprecated) . 195-02-33 .rth couductor . 195-02-03 filrth conduCL时(deprec.t.d).195-02-03 . uth c出rem(deprccaled) . 195-05-15 earth elcctr咽le. 195-02-0 1 阳rth斗lectrodenclwork . 195-02-21 cartb fault .

21、 195-04-14 earllr fal1lt factor . . 195-05-14 arlh-relurn path E . 195-02-30 cnrtb-surface voltage ( 10 carth) . 195-05-08 阳r山.surfacevoltagc ( to ground) . 19争05-oa18 GT :900.73-2008 earth termill.1 (deprecatcd) ., .,. . .,. . 195国02-31earthing-condnctor vohage (协eartb). . ., . 195-05-07 impedance

22、n .rth . . 195-01-17 independctlt nrh elcclrodc . . . . ., . . . 195-02-02 lne-lo-e:a(th、ollage.每. 125-0争。3(IocaJ) earlh . 195心1-03ocrhead e山(hwirc.,.。. . 195-02-26 ;乙:口号:;工:J纷气?15云:;:;二:m.ln carthing terminaJ J旧再由195-01-01 195阁。2-02195严。1-18195-04-1 2 195-02-28 195-02-28 195-05-06 195-05-05 195-()4

23、-Q9 195户04-08195-04-09 125-04-06 195-02-20 195户口-03195-05-07 195-02-34 195-02-20 195-02-31 195-01-12 195-0 1-13 19分02-15195心2-33195-02-33 operntional earthing (dcpre四ted)195-01-13p3r3l1el-earthing-llduClor.195-02-29 ( power) syslem四rthing195户。1-14prOlective eartbillg . 195-0 1-1 1 prottcthe e.arthln

24、g and tunctional bonding conductor E. 195严02-18pro阳ljve四叫hiogand fnllctionaJ earthlnl: conduclor . 195-02-17 protective grounding alld functional Mrhing cond llctor . 195-02-17 prol配tivee盯山.ingcond Ilctor . 195心2-11EBS I GB/T 2900.73- 2008 RS (己bbre.ia.ton). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

25、-02-22 effcctivc (erreCli v. ) tonch vOlU,!(. . . . 195-05- 11 tlcctric el配lricb UTn . 195-03-0 1 eleetric cOnlacl . . 195币Hl2(electriC) counlerpoi措systcm.195-眨-27electric rcsisthity of snil川195-01-19Jectlic shQck . . . . . ., .,. . .,.,. 195-01-04 protect.ion against stacle19争)6-16(.Ilri四lly)prot.c

26、li吨帽paraHon-.195-06-19创eclrically)protectie .bielding (1.:5) .,. 195-06-18 (clcclrically) skill.d pCr:sOIl 195-04-0 1 t.lectrcution clcctrocu川且li.Ie-ct1:Oclc .arlb elec阳ldc-._.川. . . . . 195-02-0 1 eartb-eJ阻trodenetwork . 195-21 ground elec!rodc (US) . . . .195-倪。IrouIld-t-leclrode network (US) . .

27、195-02-21 indepenent earlh .1时tl()dc. . . . . . . . . . . . 195-02-07 independent groun cl时le(U5) . . . 195-0公02llldcrground cable-roltc cnrth electrode . . . . . 19玉-02-28undergrOllnd cabh,- rOUle VOllntl elelrode (US) 195-02-28 el配lromagnetic也tromagnelicscrec.n . 195-02-40 encJosnrc electrcal encl

28、osuc - . 195-06-13 (elcctrically) prutecti吨closure.195-06-1 4 enc)osure . .,.,. 195-02-35 c.O,lronment non-c:onducting environme川195-06-212 GB/T 2900.3- ?008 equipotenthll common equiplenial bonding systcm . . 195-02-25 吨uipoteniialboding .0 . 195-01-10 eqttipotential bondiug condolidly grounded nou

29、!ral 、yslem(I,;S) -e. 19岛也4币6I1.rounding fllnc.liOllal grounding (U8) . 195-01 - 13 func.tinl)(il groo叫ingcondoclor (US) . 195-02-15 gtounding arrangenlent ,.,. .,. ,. ,. . . ,. ,. . . . . . 195-02-20 grOUtldiIlg conduc!or (US) . . .195-02币2ronntling-nd)ctor oltagc (to卑round)(;S) E . 195-05-0 7 lund

30、ing swi!ch (VS) . . . 195-0?-3 grounding lerminal (US).令.195-02-31rounding ror work (U8) . . . . . 195-01-12 m削ngroouding busb缸(;S).19争02-33main grounding ferminal (US) . . 195-02-33 par3JJI.grounding-conductor【I,;S)E.-.195-02-29 (porotecli刊草roundingand hunding conductot (白.195户02-18proleclhc gronnding M ()UCtiOllfd groulling conuClor (US) . 195-02-1 7 pllective glounding conducto.sic iusoJation . . 195-06-06 douhle insulation . . . . 195-06-08 rtluconal insula(on . . . . . . . . . 195-02-41 einforccd illsulation . . . . . . . 195-06-09 剖JPplemenCarynsulation . .

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