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本文(2015届江苏盐城景山中学九年级10月月考英语试卷与答案(带解析).doc)为本站会员(figureissue185)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2015届江苏盐城景山中学九年级 10月月考英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 George Dennehy was born with no arms. He never dreamed he would become a musician. But that is what he has become. He was born in Romania. And because of his poor condition, his parents sent him to an orphanage (孤儿院 ), where George was adopted (领养 ) by a family

2、in America. Early on, Georges parents saw musical abilities in him. “When I was 8 years old, my mum took me to have cello (大提琴 ) lessons,” he said. Though he didnt really enjoy it, he seldom missed any lessons. His first teacher helped him be able to play with his feet. Soon he was very good at it.

3、At the beginning of high school, when the cello became “not so cool” to play, George began to play the guitar. “It was a lucky thing to learn the cello first,” he said. This made playing the guitar not so hard. Playing music hasnt been an easy road. He was shy at first. “I did face different challen

4、ges and didnt know if I was going to make something of myself,” he said. But these doubts didnt stop him. Every time he got on stage to play music, he could see how the audience (观众 ) admired his abilities. This gave him confidence and encouraged him to continue his career. George said that the secr

5、et of his success was being able to overcome (克服 ). “No matter what situation youre in, anything is possible. It is so easy to give up sometimes, but we shouldnt do that. We believe there is more that is meaningful for us,” he said. Early years George Dennehy was born 【小题 1】 arms. He was sent to an

6、orphanage. A US family adopted him. Learning to play the cello His musical abilities were【小题 2】 by his parents and they sent him to learn cello lessons. He seldom missed any lessons, 【小题 3】 he didnt really enjoy it. He learnt to play with his【小题 4】 . Learning to play the guitar George started playin

7、g the guitar soon after he entered high school. His experience of learning the cello made learning the guitar 【小题5】 . The【小题 6】 road of playing music He used to be shy and had to face challenges and had many doubts. Being admired by the audience made him 【小题 7】 in himself and encouraged him. His tho

8、ughts of being 【小题8】 _ Being able to overcome is the 【小题 9】 of his success. Nothing is 【小题 10】 even if one is in bad situation. 答案:【小题 1】 without 【小题 2】 discovered/seen 【小题 3】 though/although 【小题 4】 feet 【小题 5】 easier 【小题 6】 difficult/hard 【小题 7】 confident 【小题 8】 successful 【小题 9】 secret 【小题 10】 imp

9、ossible 试题分析:乔治丹尼希一出生就没有手臂。他从来没有想到他会成为一个音乐家。他出世在罗马尼亚,因为条件很差,他的父母送他去孤儿院,在那里被一个美国人领养。在早期,乔治的父母看到他有音乐天赋。当 8岁的时候,妈妈带他去学习大提琴,尽管他并不真的喜欢它,他很少错过一节课。他的第一个老师帮助他用脚去拉大提琴,并很快熟练了它。在高中开始,乔治开始弹吉他。每次他在舞台上演奏音乐,他看到观众称赞他的能力,这给了他信心和鼓励他继续他的职业生涯。乔治说他成功的秘诀是能够克服。无论什么情况,任何事情都是可能的。它是那么容易放弃的时候,但我们不应该这样做。 【小题 1】细节理解题,根据文中的语句 “G

10、eorge Dennehy was born with no arms.”理解可知,乔治一出生就没有胳膊,故正确答案:为 without。 【小题 2】理解归纳题,根据文中的语句 “Early on, Georges parents saw musical abilities in him.”理解可知,乔治的音乐天赋被他的养父母所发现,故正确答案:为 discovered/seen。 【小题 3】细节理解题,根据文中的语句 “though he didnt really enjoy it, he seldom missed any lessons.”理解可知,虽然乔治起初并没有太大的兴趣,但从

11、未耽误一节课,故正确答案:为 though或 although。 【小题 4】细节理解题,根据文中的语句 “His first teacher helped him be able to play with his feet.”理解可知 ,乔治开始用脚拉大提琴,故答案:为 feet。 【小题 5】细节理解题,根据文中的语句 “George began to play the guitar. “It was a lucky thing to learn the cello first,” he said. This made playing the guitar not so hard.”理解可

12、知,由于乔治学过拉大提琴,所以弹吉他对他来说很简单,故答案:为 easier。 【小题 6】细节理解题,根据文中的语句 “Playing music hasnt been an easy road.”理解可知,演奏这条路对乔治来说并不简单,起初他很害羞,故答案:为 hard或 difficult。 【小题 7】细节理解题,根据文中的语句 “Every time he got on stage to play music, he could see how the audience (观众 ) admired his abilities. This gave him confidence and

13、 encouraged him to continue his career.”理解可知,观众的认可对乔治是莫大的激励,增强了自信心,故答案:为 confident 【小题 8】理解归纳题,根据文中的语句 “George said that the secret of his success was being able to overcome (克服 ).”理解可知,这是乔治成功的秘诀,也是他的一些想法,故答案: 为 successful。 【小题 9】细节理解题,根据文中的语句 “George said that the secret of his success was being ab

14、le to overcome (克服 ).”理解可知,乔治的成功秘诀,故填 secret。 【小题 10】细节理解题,根据文中的语句 “No matter what situation youre in, anything is possible.”理解可知,无论情况怎样,没有事情不可能,故答案:为impossible。 考点:人物传记类短文 阅读 单项选择 * Usually, its easier to make decision than to take action. A a; an B ; an C ; D a; 答案: D 试题分析:根据语境可知此句的含义是:通常,做决定比采取行动

15、更容易。考查固定短语 take action和 make a decision的基本用法。故正确答案:选择 D。 考点:考查冠词 Thank you for sharing your ruler with me. Thats what friends are for. A Never mind. B It doesnt matter. C Dont mention it D All right. 答案: C 试题分析:根据语境可知此句的含义是谢谢你的尺子,其答语是不用谢,这是好朋友应该做的。考查情景会话的固定答语。根据选择项的提示可知正确答案:选择 C。 考点:考查情景会话 You never

16、 know how much difficulty we had the problem. Luckily, we managed to solve it with Ms Zhus help. A working out B work out C worked out D to work out 答案: A 试题分析:根据语境可知此句的含义是你很难想象我们解决这个问题有多么的难;幸运的是,在朱女士的帮助下我们竭尽全力解决了。考查固定句型结构have difficult doing sth表示做某事有困难,故正确答案:选择 A。 考点:考查固定短语 My little cousin is a (

17、an) boy and he always asks me all kinds of strange questions. A creative B curious C energetic D organized 答案: B 试题分析:根据语句 he always asks me all kinds of strange questions他总是询问我一些奇怪的问题可知我的表弟是一个好奇的男孩。考查单词的含义, A表示有创造力的, B表示好奇的, C表示有能量的, D表示有组织能力的,故正确答案:选择 B。 考点:考查形容词 Well have a picnic tomorrow. Do yo

18、u know we will go for the picnic How about riding bikes It must be fun. A how B where C why D what 答案: A 试题分析:根据答语 how about riding bikes 可知此句的含义是我们明天去野炊,您知道怎样去吗 询问的是去野炊的方式;由选择项的提示可知 A表示方式, B表示地点, C表示原因, D表示事物,故正确答案:选择 A。 考点:考查宾语从句 What did Jane say to you last night She asked me . A will I go to he

19、r party B if I would go to her party C that I would go to her party D how would I go to her party 答案: B 试题分析:根据语境可知此句的含义是昨晚 Jane给你说的什么,其答语是她问我是否参加她的聚会。考查宾语从句的基本用法。 A 和 D 的句型结构是错误的,又因表示的疑问句的含义,由选择项的提示可知正确答案:为 B。 考点:考查宾语从句 The match is so exciting. The opposite team is really strong. Youre right. But

20、I am sure our team will win! A if B that C whether D why 答案: B 试题分析:根据语境可知此句的含义是这场比赛太精彩了,对手真的非常强壮。其答语是你说的非常的对,但是我还是深信我们的队 会赢。考查宾语从句引导词的基本用法,因 our team will win描述的是肯定含义, be sure that表示深信, 故正确答案:为 B。 考点:考查宾语从句 The song Where did the time go _ the old days and the love of family. Sure. Its my favorite

21、song. A reminds us of B helps us out C lets us down D cheers us up 答案: A 试题分析:根据语境可知此句的含义是时间都到哪儿去了让我们回忆起了以往的时光和家人之间的相互关爱。考查固定短语的基本含义,由选择项的提示可知 A表示回忆, B表示帮助某人脱离困境, C表示让某人失望, D表示鼓舞某人,故正确答案:应选择 A。 考点:考查固定短语 What does the sentence “If you were the earth, I would rather _ the moon than the sun” mean It m

22、eans “I would like to move around you”. How sweet it _! A be/ listens B to be / hears C be / sounds D being / looks 答案: C 试题分析:根据语境可知此句的含义是如果你是地球,我情愿做月亮而不愿做太阳的意思是什么?其答语是我愿意跟随你左右,这句话听起来多么的舒服啊!第一空格考查固定句型结构 would ratherthan 表示宁愿做 而不愿做 其后跟动词原形,故用系动词 be;第二空格考查感官动词表示听起来怎样 故用系动词 sound,故正确答案:为 C。 考点:考查系动词 H

23、ow much is the gold bowl _ Thirty -five thousand yuan. A pay B cost C spend D worth 答案: D 试题分析:根据语境可知此句的含义是这个金碗多少钱?其答语是三万五。考查花费的基本用法。由句式结构可知谓语动词有系动词 be,故将动词 pay, cost和 spend排除,因为它们都是实义动词,做谓语时不用系动词 be的形式, worth是名词,固定短语 be worth表示值多少钱,故正确答案:为 D。 考点:考查动词辨析 In Western countries, women are always dressed

24、 white their wedding day, because white is the colour of purity. A on; on B in; in C on; in D in; on 答案: D 试题分析:根据语境可知此句的含义是在西方国家女士在结婚的当天要穿白色的衣服,因为白色象征着纯洁。考查介词的基本用法, in white表示穿着 白色的衣服,是固定用法;而表示在确指的某天时要用介词 on,故正确答案:为 D。 考点:考查介词 Football is a popular sport. my father my mother is interested in watchi

25、ng football matches. A Not only; but also B Neither; nor C Both; and D Either; or 答案: A 试题分析:根据语境可知此句的含义是足球是一项非常受欢迎的体育项目,不仅我爸爸就连我妈妈也喜欢看足球比赛。考查选择项的提示可知 B和 D与原题不连贯,而 C表示两者都怎样连接主语时谓语动词要用复数形式,与原题也不符,故正确答案:为 A。 考点:考查连词 Bill often spends as much money as he has_ science books. A bought B to buy C buying D

26、 on buying 答案: C 试题分析:根据语境可知此句的含义是 Bill经常 花费很多的钱来买科技书籍。考查固定句型结构 spend some money in doing sth表示某人花费多少钱买东西;其中的 in可以省略。由四个选择项的提示可知正确答案:为 C。 考点:考查动词 Would you like a cup of coffee or a bottle of juice . Id like some milk. A Either B Both C None D Neither 答案: D 试题分析:根据语境可知此句的含义是你喜欢一杯咖啡还是一瓶果汁?其答语是我喜欢牛奶。前

27、面列举的两种饮料都不是,表示否定。 A 表示两者中的一个,B表示两者都怎样, C表示三者或三者以上都不怎样,三者以上的否定, D表示两者之间的否定,故选 D。 考点:考查不定代词 Ive written to them twice to tell them the problem, but theres no _at all. Maybe they didnt get your letters. A reply B call C information D news 答案: A 试题分析:根据语境可知此句的含义是:我已经给他们写了两封信告诉他们这个问题,但是始终没有任何答复。考查名词 repl

28、y, call, information,和 news的基本含义。其中 reply表示回答, call表示打电话, information表示信息,news表示消息,故正确答案:选择 A。 考点:考查名词 完型填空 “Never give up!” It is my law(法则 ) of life. It has brought me . I learned the law from my fathers story. My father was in a poor village in the north of Jiangsu, in China. When he was a young

29、boy, he went to school in the morning, then in the fields till sunset. And then he did his homework midnight. Life was hard, because they had no ! At the age of 14, my father heard of the United States of America. It was the land of gold, the land where people can become rich. “ dont I go to America

30、 ” he thought to himself, full of hope. So, my father came to America. “I had thought it was easy to money in America,” he told me. “But when I arrived there, I realized it was not true. They did not like to hire(雇佣 ) me because I spoke English. Later, I worked in a small restaurant, cleaning up tab

31、les, dishes and sweeping the floor. Life was for the first few years. I worked from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. I wanted to go to school to learn English, but it was impossible. I couldnt the schooling(学费 ).” My father working hard, and reached his goal. “Alan,” he often says to me. “If you want something,

32、 you have to work for it and never give up. Things do not come in life.” That is what I learned from my father. 【小题1】 A disaster B loss C success D pity A life B fashion C danger D history A famous B lucky C rich D born A taught B worked C studied D slept A until B towards C for D during A experienc

33、e B energy C time D money A kind B poor C strong D lazy A What B How C Why D When A discover B make C collect D spend A little B good C much D excellent A giving B running C washing D receiving A comfortable B cheerful C nice D hard A borrow B need C afford D pay A kept B finished C minded D stopped

34、 A really B easily C quietly D slowly 答案:【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 A 【小题 6】 D 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 C 【小题 9】 B 【小题 10】 A 【小题 11】 C 【小题 12】 D 【小题 13】 C 【小题 14】 A 【小题 15】 B 试题分析: 这是一篇人生百味类的短文,作者通过介绍父亲在美国的艰苦创业的亲身经历告诫自己,不管人生经历怎样的磨难,都要坚守一个信念就是 never give up,坚决不能放弃,只有这样才能实现自己的梦想。 【小题 1】根据语境可知此句

35、的含义是从不放弃,这是一条人生的法则,它能让我们成功。考查单词的基本含义。 A表示灾难, B表示损失, C表示成功, D表示遗憾,故正确答案:选择 C。 【小题 2】根据语境可知此句的含义是 永不言弃这个人生法则我是从我父亲的亲身经历中学到的。考查名词的基本含义,由选择项的提示可知 A表示生活,B表示时尚, C表示危险, D表示历史,故正确答案:选择 A。 【小题 3】根据语境可知此句的含义是我爸爸出生在中国江苏的一个贫困的小山村里,考查固定短语 be born的基本用法,由选择项的提示可知正确答案:选择 D。 【小题 4】根据语境可知此句的含义是当父亲是一个小男孩的时候,早晨先去上学,然后在

36、地里要干活直到太阳落山。考查动词的基本用法,根据选择项的提示可知 A 表示教学, B 表示工作或劳动, C 表示学习, D 表示睡觉,故 答案:选择 B。 【小题 5】根据语境可知此句的含义是爸爸在晚上做作业直到半夜,考查介词的基本用法,由选择项的提示可知 A表示直到, B表示向, C表示持续, D表示在 期间,故正确答案:选择 A。 【小题 6】此句的含义是那是的生活非常的艰苦,因为没有钱。由选择项的提示可知正确答案:选择 D。 【小题 7】根据语境可知此句的含义是在爸爸 14岁的时候,他听说美国是个穷人能致富的地方。考查形容词的基本用法,由选择项的提示可知正确答案:选择 B。 【小题 8】

37、此句的含义是为什么我不去美国呢?爸爸当时自己在想,心里充满了希望。考查疑问副词的基本用法。 A是疑问代词,表示事物, B是疑问副词表示方式, C是疑问副词,表示原因, D是疑问副词表示时间,故答案:选择C。 【小题 9】此句的含义是爸爸曾经告诉我,他以为在美国很容易挣钱。考查固定短语 make money表示挣钱的意思,故答案:选择 B。 【小题 10】根据语境可知此句的含义是他们不雇佣我,因为我不会说英语。表示否定意义,由选择项的提示可知,答案:选择 A。 【小题 11】根据语境可知此句的含义是爸爸在一个小餐馆里打工,帮人 家擦桌子,洗碗,扫地,考查动词短语的基本用法,由选择项的提示可知答案

38、:选择C。 【小题 12】有选项的提示可知此题考查的是形容词的含义,根据语境可知此句的含义是在当时生活是非常的艰难的,因为工作的环境非常的糟糕的,故正确答案:选择 D。 【小题 13】根据语境可知此句的含义是我不能去上学,因为交不起学费,故正确答案:为 C。 【小题 14】根据语境可知此句的含义是爸爸成功了,原因是他的不懈努力,考查动词的基本含义, A表示不断地, B表示完成, C表示介意, D表示停止,故答案:选择 A。 【小题 15】根据语境可知此句的含义是 人生的任何一件东西都来之不易,考查副词的基本含义, A表示真正的, B表示容易的, C表示安静的, D表示慢慢的,故答案:选择 B。

39、 考点:人生百味类短文 阅读理解 How often do you change your hairstyle or ask for new clothes Do you care much about fashion A recent survey among high school students in China, Japan, South Korea and the US found that Asian teenagers cared more about their appearance (外表 ) than teenagers in the US. The survey was

40、 made in 156 high schools in the four countries. South Koreans cared most about their appearance. They were followed by the Chinese and Japanese, while US students showed the least interest in fashion. “The different results show the differences of cultural backgrounds (文化背景 ),”said Sun Yunxiao from

41、 the China Youth and Children Research Centre. He explained that in the US there are many different standards (标准 ) of beauty, so teens are more likely to be confident about their appearance. About 85% of American teens are happy with themselves. Besides, most US students agree that people should fo

42、llow their own interests rather than those of others. “According to the survey, Chinese students are happy and disciplined (有纪律的 ). They have a strong desire to make a difference. But Chinese students depend on their parents too much, so they need to be more independent. Besides, they should learn h

43、ow to relax,” said Sun. 【小题 1】 Which country isnt mentioned A China. B Japan. C England. D America. 【小题 2】 Most _ think people should follow their own interests rather than those of others. A Chinese students B American students C Japanese students D Koreans 【小题 3】 Which of the following is NOT true

44、 about Chinese students according to the survey A They are happy and disciplined. B They should learn to relax. C They ask their parents for too much. D They show the least interest in fashion. 【小题 4】 What can we learn from the passage A The survey came from four countries. B Japanese students cared

45、 most about their appearance. C American students werent interested in fashion at all. D Cultural backgrounds didnt influence students views about fashion. 答案:【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 A 试题分析:你经常改变你的发型或要求新衣服吗?你很在意时尚吗?最近的一项调查显示,亚洲青少年比美国青少年更关心自己的外表。其中韩国人最关心自己的外表,其次是中国和日本,而美国学生对时尚很不感兴趣。 “不同的结果表

46、明文化背景的差异是产生这种现象的主要原因。孙云晓说,在美国对于美有许多不同的标准,大约 85%的美国青少年都喜欢自己,很自信。据调查,中国学生是快乐的和他们很自律。他们有一种强烈的欲望去做出改变。但中国学生过分依赖父母,所以他们需要更独立。此外,他们应该学会放松。 【小题 1】理 解归纳题,根据文中的语句可知本文主要介绍了亚洲和美国的青少年对美的观点和看法,没有涉及到英国,故答案:选择 C。 【小题 2】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Besides, most US students agree that people should follow their own interests rath

47、er than those of others. ”理解可知美国的青少年认为应该更加注意自己的爱好,故选 B。 【小题 3】理解推断题,根据文中的语句可知,中国青少年很自律,也很快乐,他们向父母索取的不是 很多,故正确答案:选择 D。 【小题 4】理解归纳题,这项调查来自四个国家,中国,日本,韩国和美国,故选择 A。 考点:社会现象类短文阅读 According to scientists research, the month in which babies are born could affect them in some ways. Babies born in spring get

48、sick easily. Children born under Aquarius (Jan. 21stFeb. 19th) may be less clever than those born in other seasons. They may also have shorter lives than those born in autumn. Scientists believe many of the differences can be explained by the mothers exposure to sunlight in pregnancy (怀孕 ). Sunlight helps lead to the production of vitamin D in the body. The lack (缺乏 ) of vitamin D in the first months of life may have a bad effect on health. Vitamin D is called the “sunshine vitamin”. It has a goo

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