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本文(2013届江苏省南京市玄武区中考一模英语试卷与答案(带解析).doc)为本站会员(brainfellow396)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2013届江苏省南京市玄武区中考一模英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容,在文章后小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每空只填一个单词。 Hey! Mothers Day is coming. Have you planned something good for your mom If not, try one of these tips. Whats Her Favorite Most teens dont know what their moms favorite is. You do Then, what are you waiting for Buy he

2、r something she likes and wrap it carefully. The best time to give her that is while she is sleeping at night. Put it on the drawer next to her so that when she wakes up shell be surprised to see it. Treat a Queen Your house is a palace with a king and queen (it doesnt matter if youre rich or poor).

3、 Our mother is the real queen in our life and in our family though her duties make her look like she is not. Give the lady a day off and you can do the housework. Because of stress and the problems that she is facing right now, she doesnt look good any more. Perhaps you could take some of your savin

4、gs to treat her in a salon or the department store. Then, choose nice clothes that would make her look beautiful! Have Some of Your Time Our mothers have special memories in mind. It is the time that they gave birth to their healthy baby. How about you Whats your best moment with her Have you ever h

5、ad a good time with your mother not talking about your problems and arguments Have you ever told her how much you thank her for the life she gave to you, the time she cared for you Maybe you can tell her how happy you are when she was there looking after you during your painful days in your life. Te

6、ll the magic words Life is short. We dont know what will happen tomorrow. Those three words can make her heart jump for joy, you know Just tell her “I love you!” and it would make her smile so sweetly. Just try! We dont want to miss a thing, right Tips on 【小题 1】 to make your mother happy Buy a 【小题 2

7、】 for your mother Buy her something that she 【小题 3】 best; Put it on a drawer next to her to give her a 【小题 4】 . Treat your mother as a queen Do the housework instead of her to make her 【小题 5】 ; Buy her nice clothes to make her 【小题 6】 again. Have some of your time Remind her of your best moment with

8、her; Dont 【小题 7】 with her about some problems; Tell her you were so happy when she 【小题 8】 care of you during painful days. Tell the magic words Tell her “I love you!” to make her heart jump for 【小题 9】 . Just have a 【小题 10】 and take action right now. 答案: 【小题 1】 how/ways 【小题 2】 gift/ present 【小题 3】 li

9、kes 【小题 4】 surprise 【小题 5】 free/relax/relaxed/rest 【小题 6】 beautiful 【小题 7】 argue/talk 【小题 8】 took 【小题 9】 joy/delight/happiness 【小题 10】 try 试题分析:这篇文章给我们提供几点在母亲节的时候如何使妈妈更开心的方法。 【小题 1】这是一篇讨论如何使妈妈开心的文章或者是使妈妈开心的方法。故填 how/ways如何 /方法 【小题 2】根据文章可知,为她买一个礼物。故填 gift/ present礼物 【小题 3】根据文章可知,买一个她最喜欢的礼物。故填 likes喜

10、欢 【小题 4】根据文章 Put it on the drawer next to her so that when she wakes up shell be surprised to see it.可知 ,把礼物放在靠近她的抽屉里,给她一个惊喜。故填 surprise惊喜 【小题 5】根据文章 Give the lady a day off and you can do the housework.可知,让你的妈妈休息一下,你做家务。故填 free/relax/relaxed/rest休息 【小题 6】根据文章可知,给她买一些好看的衣服,使她又漂亮起来。故填beautiful漂亮的 【小题

11、 7】根据文章可知,不要和她谈论 /争论一些麻烦。故填 argue/talk 争论 /谈论 【小题 8】根据文章可知,告诉她,当她在你生病的 日子里细心的照顾你,你非常幸福。故填 took care of照顾 【小题 9】根据文章 Those three words can make her heart jump for joy可知,给她说 “我爱你 ”使她幸福地心跳。故填 joy/delight/happiness幸福的 【小题 10】根据文章可知,试试吧,马上开始行动。故填 try尝试 考点:信息归纳 点评:此类题有不难,重在理解全文的意思。对于题目中所缺的成分要理解所缺的意思,在文章中找

12、到答案:,利用文章的信息进行作答,写的过程中注意形式上的变化和词的选用 ,符合题目前后文的要求。 单项选择 * Mr Philip has made _ survey on students lunchtime, and _ survey shows us a lot of problems. A an; an B the; the C a; the D the; a 答案: C 试题分析:句意:菲利普先生已经做了一个有关学生午餐时间的调查,这份调查给我们展示了很多的问题。 a survey一份调查报告,第二次提到这份报告用the修饰,故选 C 考点:冠词 点评:冠词是中学英语必须掌握的语言点

13、。分为定冠词、不定冠词及零冠词。定冠词 the 表特指或是双方都知道的人或物,对于像月亮、太阳、地球、海洋、陆地等独一无二的事物也要加 the,不定冠词 a/an表泛指,有 “每一 ”的概念,零冠词即不用冠词的情况,多见于一些固定结构中。 Which of the following sentences is an opinion A Four people in Jiangsu died in early April because of H7N9 bird flu infections. B Chinas star swimmer Sun Yang won the first prize

14、on April 1st at the National Swimming Championships. C People think Peng Liyuan, wife of President Xi Jinping, will draw great attention from people both at home and abroad. D It is reported that many college students have volunteered to serve in the 2014.Nanjing YOG. 答案: C 试题分析:句意:下面哪个句子是一个观点?人们认为习

15、近平主席的妻子,彭丽媛将会引起国内外的关注。故选 C,其余的都是报道类句子。 考点:句意理解 点评:对于此类注重句意的题目,必须对句意有明确的认识,同时,平时学习注意对生单词多积累,一般问题都不大。 Whos that man in our classroom It _ be Mr. Brown. He is much taller. You mean the man in white He is an exchange student from England. A can B may C cant D mustnt 答案: C 试题分析:句意:在我们教室里的那个人是谁?他不可能是布朗克先生

16、,他要更高一些。你是说那个穿白色衣服的吗?他是一个来自英国的交换生。 cant表示不可能,故选 C 考点:情态动词表推测 点评:情态动词是中考的热点,情态动词除了表推测外,还可以表达另外的意思,如 must理解为必须,由这个词所开头的问句,肯定回答用 Yes,you must.否定回答用 No,you neednt或者是 No,you dont have to.注意不用 mustnt,因为mustnt表示例行禁止的含义。 Could you tell me _ Sure. We will meet at the school gate. A when we will meet tomorrow

17、 morning B where we will meet tomorrow morning C when shall we meet tomorrow morning D where shall we meet tomorrow morning 答案: B 试题分析:句意:你能告诉我明天早上在哪里见面吗?当然,我们将在学校大门口见面。宾语从句用陈述句的语序,故选 B 考点:宾语从句语序及时态 点评:宾语从句是中考英语常考的语法点,除了要注意宾语从句要用陈述句语序外,还要注意时态的问题,主句谓语动词如果是现在时或将来时, 宾语从句的时态可以是任何所需要的时态;主句中的谓语动词若是过去时,宾语从

18、句也要用过去时态中的某一种。比如:一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时。但是在表达宇宙中的客观真理时,要用一般现在时态。 Do you mind my parking here The parking lot is full. _. Look at the sign! It says, “No Parking!” A Youd better not B No, I dont mind C It doesnt matter D Yes, go ahead 答案: A 试题分析: A. Youd better not最好不要 B. No, I dont mind不,我不介意 C. It

19、doesnt matter 没关系 D. Yes, go ahead是的,去做吧;句意:你介意我在这停车吗?停车场已经满了。最好不要。看一下这个标志!它说: “不要停车! ”故选A 考点:习惯用语的辨析 点评:习惯用语短语辨析题目并不难,学生在答题时要认真仔细一些,一般都不会出现问题。答题过程中结合生活中的常识及了解每 个选项的含义是做好此类题型的关键,对于这类题,可从句意着手。同时,对于平时的学习要多进行积累词汇,考试时才能很好的完成。 There is little water left in the bottle, _ No, we need to buy some more befor

20、e we run out of it. A is there B isnt there C is it D isnt it 答案: A 试题分析:句意:在瓶子里几乎没有多少水剩下了,是吗?是的,我们需要在用完前 去买一些。 little表示几乎没有,否定形式,反义疑问句,前否后肯,There is句型用 There is来构成,故选 A 考点:反义疑问句 点评:反义疑问句特别注意一下两点:( 1)当陈述部分有 never, seldom, hardly, few, little, barely, scarcely, nothing, none,rarely 等否定意义的词汇时,后面的反意疑问句

21、则为肯定形式( 2)当陈述部分含有否定意思的词是unhappy,dislike,unfriendly等含有否定词缀的派生词,也就是有 un-前缀、 -less后缀等含有词缀而意思否定的词,当做肯定句处理,疑问部分要用否定形式。 They speak perfect English. How long have they learnt it _ they were seven years old. A Since B When C After D Until 答案: A 试题分析: A. Since自从,后接一般过去时,主句用现在完成时 B. When当 时候 C. After 当 之后 D.

22、Until直到 ; 句意:他们说英语说得非常的好。他们学习它多长时间了?自从他们 7岁的时候。故选 A 考点:连词 点评:连词在中考中涉及到的很多,尤其在宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句中连词是必考点。平时学习过程中,掌握连词的意思,及所表示的关系是至关重要的,这种关系的判断可以通过句子意思的理解来选择恰到的连词。 The charity show was a big _. We have raised much money for Project Hope. A surprise B success C suggestion D stress 答案: B 试题分析: A. surprise惊讶

23、B. success成功 C. suggestion 建议 D. stress紧张;句意:慈善节目是一个巨大的成功。我们已经为希望工程募集到了大笔的钱。故选 D, success成功,可以作为可数名词,抽象名词具体化了。 考点:名词词义辨析 点评:词义辨析考的是学生的基础词汇知识,了解每个选项的含义是做好此类题型的关键,对于这类题,可从句意着手,同时,对于平时的学习要多进行积累词汇,考试时才能很好的完成。 I was so tired after a day of hard work that I could _ move any longer. A really B nearly C hig

24、hly D hardly 答案: D 试题分析: A. really 真地 B. nearly几乎 C. highly 高度地 D. hardly几乎不;句意:我在一天的辛劳的工作后非常的累,以至于我几乎再也不能动弹了,故选 D 考点:副词词义辨析 点评:词义辨析考的是学生的基础词汇知识,了解每个选项的含义是做好此类题型的关键,对于这类题,可从句意着手,题中讲到自己非常累,肯定是几乎不能动弹了。同时,对于平时的学习要多进行积累词汇,考试时才能很好的完成。 Could you give me _ to eat Im so hungry. Of course. Here are some cake

25、s and fruits. A something B anything C everything D nothing 答案: A 试题分析 : A. something 一些 B. anything任何一些 C. everything 一切东西 D. nothing没有任何东西;句意:你能给我点吃的吗?我很饿。当然,这儿有一些蛋糕和水果。 something 用于疑问句中表示希望得到对方的肯定回答,故选 A 考点:不定代词的用法 点评:英语中不定代词所起的作用非常大,尤其在口语中用途很广泛。当复合不定代词做主语,谓语动词要用单数形式,当形容词修饰复合不定代词时要放在不定代词之后,如 some

26、thing important. What a nice d ress! It fits you well. Thank you. It _ me seven hundred yuan. I like its design. A paid B spent C took D cost 答案: D 试题分析:句意:多么漂亮的裙子啊!它穿在你身上非常合适。谢谢,它花费了我 700元。我喜欢它的设计。 cost物作为主语,故选 D 考点: cost, spend, pay的区别 点评: spend, cost, pay都可以表示 “花费 ”,但用法却不尽相同。 spend用于 sb spend.on

27、sth或者 sb doing sth( in可以省略), spend的主语必须是人,可以指花费时间、也可以指花费金钱; cost用于 sth costs sb sth,主语必须是物,多指花费金钱,少数情况可指花费时间、气力,有时表示成本的消耗; pay的基本用法是: (1) pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买 。 (2)pay for sth. 付 的钱。 (3)pay for sb. 替某人付钱。 (4)pay sb. 付钱给某人。除以上三 个之外,还有 take,多用于句型 It takes sb some time to do sth.某

28、人花一段时间做某事,是初中英语语法点。 The price of the house is too _. I am afraid I cant afford it. A cheap B expensive C low D high 答案: D 试题分析: A. cheap 便宜的 B. expensive昂贵的 C. low 低的 D. high高的;句意:这个房子的价钱太高了,我肯怕我承担不起。故选 D 考点:形容词的辨析 点评:英语中形容价钱,只能用高或是低来形容,不能按照中文的意思贵或是便宜来形容,这一点需要特别注意。同时此类英语和中文的区别是学生的难点和盲区,需要特别注意。 _ do

29、you have the drawing lessons The pictures you draw are so beautiful. Once a week. I began having drawing lessons at the age of five. A How often B How much C How long D How many 答案: A 试题分析: A. How often多久一次,表示频率 B. How much多少,修饰的是不可数名词 C. How long多长时间 D. How many多少,修饰的是可数名词;句意:你多久去上一次画画课?你画的画非常的漂亮。一

30、周一次,我五岁就开始画画了。故选 A 考点:特殊疑问词的用法 点评:特殊疑问词辨析考的是学生的基础词汇知识,了解每个选项的含义,并知道其常用的用法和搭配是做好此类题型的关键,解答此类习题,首先要求学生有一定的词汇量,句意理解后便可作答,所以平时的基础知识记忆,词汇积累是解答好这种题的关键。 Its silly _ you not to forgive others for their mistakes. A for B of C to D from 答案: B 试题分析:句意:你不原谅别人的错误是非常傻的。 it is +adj(指人性的) +of sb to do sth ,做某事对某人来说

31、是很 的,故选 B 考点:介词 点评: it+is+adj+for+sb 如果形容词是指物性的,其后用 for,如果形容词是人性的,其后用 of.本题中 silly指人,对于每一个介词都有相对应的意思,掌握这些意思,同时注意它们所构成的短语,句型是学好英语非常重要的部分。在平时的学习中要多记忆,多背诵课文,在理解的基础上进行记忆。 The 6th Car Exhibition _ at Nanjing International Expo Center on April 28, 2013. A holds B held C was held D will be held 答案: D 试题分析:

32、句意:在 2013年 4月 28日,第六届汽车博览会将在南京国际会展中心举行。根据句意用一般将来时的被动形式, will be done故选 D 考点:被动语态 点评:被动是中考中必考的语法点。解答好此类被动语态的题目,首先需要对句意有充分的理解,其次注意被动语态的基本形式。对于各个时态的被动语态,学生在平时的学习中都必须了然于心,中考英语中很亲睐考察将来时的被动语态,即 will+be+done. 完型填空 Smiling is the most attractive human behavior. The power of smiling can work out many wonders

33、. I love to take a walk around the small neighborhood where I live. Whoever I meet on the way, they always give me a friendly greeting with a nice smile as soon as our eyes contact 1 . I smile back. This kind of smiling exchange represents the most 2 part of my jogging experience in the States. My d

34、aughters smile is just like sunlight, which warms me inside the same way 3 the sun warms my body. It can clear away any clouds and unpleasant feelings. The smile of my wife, however, makes me enjoy the 4 of an elegant woman, it can sometimes relax me quite a lot. Julia Roberts 5 is nothing but roari

35、ng like an earthquake. Americans may have 6 opinions in many things, but they all agree that Julia is Americas sweetheart. Her laugh plays a very good part in her acting. Once I tried some candy in a store, the owner asked me how sweet the candy is, I said sweeter than Julia Robert. 7 both of us bro

36、ke into a kind of Julias laugh. Yes, laugh is something we can not do without. Otherwise, our life would be too 8 . Smiling does not belong to human alone. Once I stayed at an American home and he had a little dog named Mini. When I held her gently and asked her to give me a little smile, 9 just ope

37、ned her mouth wide and half closed her eyes, looking like smiling. Los Angles is not only the place where it has the most sunshine in a year, 10 where most people smile! Thats why so many people love to travel there all year round. 【小题1】 A contact B close C change D open A fashionable B painful C en

38、joyable D educational A though B like C as D from A pride B courage C success D beauty A cry B laugh C smile D performance A different B similar C same D strange A All B Both C Neither D None A lonely B cool C sunny D sad A it B she C he D I A even though B as if C so that D but also 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小

39、题 2】 C 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 B 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 B 【小题 10】 D 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了微笑是最具有吸引力的人类行为,微笑能够产生很多奇迹。生活中我们要经常微笑。 【小题 1】 A. contact 接触 B. close紧密的 C. change改变 D. open打开 根据句意:不论作者在路上遇到谁,我们的眼睛一接触他们总是会微笑着友好的问候。故选 A 【小题 2】 A. fashionable流行的 B. painful 痛苦的 C. enjoyable令人愉快的 D. educational

40、教育的 根据句意:这种交换微笑代表着作者慢跑过程中最愉快的一部分。故选 C 【小题 3】根据句意:作者女儿的微笑温暖着作者的内心,和太阳温暖着她的身体一样。 the same as和 一样 故选 C 【小题 4】 A. pride骄傲 B. courage勇气 C. success成功 D. beauty美丽 根据句意:作者妻子的微笑,不论如何,使作者欣赏着一位高雅女士的美丽。故选 D 【小题 5】 A. cry哭声 B. laugh 笑 C. smile微笑 D. performance表演 根据后文可知,茱莉亚的笑不是什么,但是哭声却像一个地震。故选 B 【小题 6】 A. differe

41、nt 不同的 B. similar 相似的 C. same相同的 D. strange奇怪的 根据句意:美国人在很多事情上都有不同的观点,但是他们都认为茱莉亚是美国人的心上人。故选 A 【小题 7】 A. All所有的 B. Both两者都 C. Neither 两者都不 D. None一个也没有 根据句意:我们两个都发出了茱莉亚的微笑。故选 B 【小题 8】 A. lonely孤独 B. cool凉爽的 C. sunny阳光充足的 D. sad悲伤的 根据句意:否则,我们的生活太悲伤了。故选 D 【小题 9】 A. it它 B. she她 C. he他 D. I 我 根据句意:它就会张开它的

42、口,露出半个舌头,就像在给我微笑。故选 A 【小题 10】 A. even though即使 B. as if好像 C. so that 以至于 D. but also而且 根据句意:而且那里的大多数人都微笑。故选 D 考点:日常生活类议论文 点评:议论文的文体重在理解作者的写作主旨,本文文章大多是以短句构成。对于初中的完型填空,重在理解上下文的意思,一般不会很难。首先花几分钟进行整体的阅读。不提倡看一个做一个,平时的学习中要注意多积累固定句型,考试时才能判断出相对应的知识点。 阅读理解 Ang Lee won the Best Director Oscar for his adventure

43、 film Life of Pi at the 85th Academy Awards in Hollywood, California February 24, 2013. Life of Pi shows a young Indian named Pi, who finds the world he knows swept away when his family sells their zoo and sets sail for Canada with a few animals. Only Pi escapes from the storm and floats in a lifebo

44、at with a giant Bengal tiger. “I really want to thank you for believing this story and sharing this unbelievablejourney with me,” Lee said in his speech. The film also won three other Oscars, for best original music, best cinematography(电影艺术 ) and best visual(视觉 ) effects. It won more awards than Li

45、ncoln and Argo which were also among the hottest nominees. Coming from Chinas Taiwan, the 58-year-old Lee won an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in 2001 for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and another for Best Director in 2006 for Brokeback Mountain. He is the only person of Asian to win the dir

46、ecting award and one of the rare people who won that award more than once. In an after-ceremony interview, Lee said he believed Asian films would come to the main stage of the world sooner or later. I was born in Asia and grew up with Chinese education. It is natural for me to put Asian thinking int

47、o Western things. The film, which cost 120 million U.S. dollars, has earned nearly 600 million dollars worldwide. Lee said most of the earnings came from outside China. Lee said he felt warm that he won the award on the day of the Lantern Festival, a Chinese traditional festival on which families ge

48、t together to solve puzzles on lanterns and eat Tang Yuan. He wished everyone a happy new year of the snake and everybody gets lucky. 【小题 1】 What kind of film does Life of Pi belong to A Comedies. B Tragedies. C Detective films. D Adventure films. 【小题 2】 So far, how many Oscar directing awards has Ang Lee won A One. B Two. C Three. D Four. 【小题 3】 How do Chinese people celebrate the Lantern Festival A Families get together and have rice du

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