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1、2013-2014外研版必修 1Module6综合测试( 2)英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * Science and technology is changing fast nowadays. I bought this MP3 player at the beginning of this year but now its out of _. A date B order C use D sight 答案: A When I met him the other day, it was the first time we _ each other since we were at sc

2、hool. A saw B had seen C were seeing D have seen 答案: B Almost 50% of those _ said that they supported the Presidents decision. A survey B surveying C surveyed D who surveyed 答案: C The traditional approach _ with complex problems is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems. A to

3、dealing B in dealing C dealing D to deal 答案: A Mom , I cant see any point in working hard at all the subjects at school. Come on , dear. Years of hard work will surely _ in the future. A make sure B pay off C pay for D pay back 答案: B Ill type your report if you are willing to look after my baby _. A

4、 in time B in exchange C in turn D in place 答案: B Do remember to see a doctor tomorrow. _. A Got it B Heard it C Made it D Taken it 答案: A Mr. Smith _ the accident, but his wife died and he _ her by five years. A survived from; survived B survived of; lived C survived; survived D survived; lived 答案:

5、C Its said that therere millions of camels in India and _ of them is still increasing. A the number B the amount C the quantity D a number 答案: A _ terrible weather it was when tsunami and earthquakes happened in Indonesia. A How B How a C What D What a 答案: C Nobody but doctors or nurses and those _

6、by Dr. Hu _ to enter the patients room. A invited; is allowed B are invited; are allowed C being invited; allowed D invited; are allowed 答案: A The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at_I thought was a dangerous speed. A as B which C what D that 答案: C Having walked in the desert for

7、several days, we finally reached what was called oasis, _. A exhausting B being exhausted C exhausted D exhaust 答案: C Would you mind if the window was closed _. I also feel a little cold. A Absolutely B Definitely C Certainly not D Oh, I see 答案: C Is Mr. Wang in Sorry , he _ lives here. He has moved

8、. A no more B not more C no longer D not longer 答案: C 完型填空 I truly feel that my mother led me here, to Morzaine, and to my future as happy wife and business woman. When Mum _ in October 2007, I was a cook. In December that year while I was working for a wedding, a pearl necklace Mum had left me _. I

9、 was distraught(忧心如焚的 ). Some days later, I was _ that a guy who was working with us that day “could probably have made a fortune _ the necklace he found.” _, he returned it. Hearing how Id _Mum for six months before her death, he said, ” Christmas is going to be _ why not go out to the Alps for a c

10、ouple of weeks? ” I come to Morzaine, a small, friendly village in the Alps and _ fell in love with it. What was _ to be a stopgap (权宜之计 ) trip turned into a new life. I kept travelling between London and here and felt _ than I had in months.In December 2008, I was _ as a hotel manager and moved her

11、e full time. A month later, I met Paul, who was traveling here. We fell in love. In the beginning, I didnt want to discuss _, because the sadness of losing Mum _ felt great. Paul understood that and never _49_ me but, by summer, we got married. A year later, we used his saving, and the money from th

12、e sale of Moms house, to build our own _. We want to give our guests a _ feeling, so each room is themed(以 为主题 ) around memories from our lives. There are also style to remind me of Mom a tiny chair which _ be in her bedroom is set in one room. We are having a wonderful life Mum _ naturally part of

13、it, _ theres no way we would be here if it wasnt for the _ she gave me. I know shes here in spirit, keeping an eye on us. 【小题1】 A died B came C returned D visited A burned B disappeared C broke D dropped A shown B comforted C persuaded D told A hiding B stealing C selling D wearing A Luckily B Natur

14、ally C Surely D Hopefully A nursed B cured C missed D guarded A long B hard C merry D free A suddenly B finally C nearly D immediately A said B proved C supposed D judged A smarter B higher C firmer D lighter A honoured B hired C regarded D trained A travel B business C children D marriage A recentl

15、y B once C still D firstly A left B pushed C surprised D interrupted A hotel B restaurant C home D shop A homely B lively C motherly D friendly A ought to B used to C might D could A takes B keeps C looks D feels A unless B while C because D though A money B chair C house D necklace 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题

16、 2】 B 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 A 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 D 【小题 11】 B 【小题 12】 D 【小题 13】 C 【小题 14】 B 【小题 15】 A 【小题 16】 A 【小题 17】 B 【小题 18】 D 【小题 19】 C 【小题 20】 D 【小题 1】答案: A 句意:当母亲在 2007 年 10 月去世时,我是一个厨师。从第 41个空后出现的 her death及其作者丢失母亲留给她的项链时心急如焚的感受以及下文的描述可知,当时母亲已去世。 【小题 2】答案: B 句意:那年

17、的 12月,当我在为一个婚礼忙碌时,母亲留给我的珍珠项链没了,我忧心如焚。从该空后的 I was distraught以及下文对于项链去向的猜测可反推此处指作者的妈妈留给她 的项链没了。 【小题 3】答案: D 句意:几天后,我被 “告知 ”那个和我们一起工作的家伙 show 表现,展示; comfort安慰; persuade说服; tell告诉。由句意可知D项正确。 【小题 4】答案: C 句意:他可能拿着捡到的项链卖钱了。这句话中 make a fortune的意思是 “挣大钱 ”。根据逻辑推理,此人应该是将捡到的项链卖掉,以此来换取钱财。通过逻辑推理可知 C项正确。 【小题 5】答案:

18、 A 句意:幸运的是,他把它还回来了。从上文看,作者没想到这个人还能将她的项链还给她。再次获得母亲 的遗物,作者应该感到很幸运。 luckily幸运地; naturally自然地; surely当然,肯定; hopefully有希望地。 【小题 6】答案: A 句意:在听说了我在母亲去世前 6个月是如何照顾她的后 根据 for six months before her death并结合下文他对作者提出的外出放松一下的建议来看,作者应该是照顾了母亲很长时间。 nurse照顾,护理; cure治愈; miss想念,错过; guard守卫,保卫。根据上下文可知 A项正确。 【小题 7】答案: B

19、句意:圣诞节会过得很艰难 结合上文来看,母亲的去世给作者带来了很大的伤痛。按逻辑来推,没有亲人的陪伴,圣诞节会让作者更难过。 long漫长的; hard艰难的; merry欢快的; free自由的。 【小题 8】答案: D 句意:我来到了 Morzaine,阿尔卑斯山区的一个很小却友善的村庄,并立刻喜欢上了它。 suddenly突然; finally最终; nearly将近,接近; immediately立刻,马上。根据句意可知 D项正确。 【小题 9】答案: C 句意:原本认为是权宜之计的旅行却成就了我新的生活。 say说; prove证明; suppose猜测,认为,此处构成短语 be s

20、upposed to,表示 “被认为是 ”; judge判断。根据句意可知 C项正确。 【小题 10】答案: D 句意:我不断往返于伦敦和这个地方,我的心情也比数月前轻松多了。由上下文可知,这次旅行医治了作者内心的伤痛,其心情也逐渐轻松起来。 smart 时髦的,聪明的; high 高的; firm坚定的; light 轻松的。 【小题 11】答案: B 句意: 2008年 12月,我被聘为一名旅馆经理,我也完全搬到了这里。 honour纪念; hire雇用; regard把 看作; train训练。尽管四个选项均可与 as搭配构成短语,但结合句意,只有 B项正确。 【小题 12】答案: D

21、句意:我们相爱了。一开始,我并未想到要谈婚论嫁。travel 旅行; business生意; children孩子; marriage婚姻。根据上文 We fell in love.及下文作者依然对母亲的去世感到悲伤可推断此处作者虽然爱保罗,却没想到要与他结婚。根据逻辑推理可知 D项正确。 【小题 13】答案: C 句意: 因为失去母亲的悲痛仍然感觉很强烈。结合上文作者虽然爱保罗却并未想到要谈婚论嫁可知,失去母亲之痛 仍折磨着作者。 recently最近; once曾经; still仍旧,依然; firstly首先。根据句意可知 C项正确。 【小题 14】答案: B 句意:保罗理解那种感觉,他

22、从来不催促我,但到夏天的时候,我们结婚了。 leave离开; push推,催促; surprise使 吃惊;interrupt打断。下文的 but表明了前后语意的转折。根据句意及逻辑关系可知 B项正确。 【小题 15】答案: A 句意:一年之后,我们用他的积蓄以及卖掉母亲房子的钱建了属于我们自己的旅馆。 hotel旅馆; restaurant饭店; home家; shop商店。 【小题 16】答案: A 句意:我们想给我们的客人家的感觉,所以每个房间都是以我们生活中的回忆为主题的。 homely家庭的; lively精力充沛的;motherly母亲般的; friendly友好的。根据句意可知

23、A项正确。 【小题 17】答案: B 句意:也有一些房间的风格让我想起了我的母亲 其中一个房间里就摆放了母亲卧室里曾摆放过的一把小椅子。 ought to应该;used to过去常常; might可能; could可能,能够。根据句意可知 B项正确。 【小题 18】答案: D 句意:现在我们生活得非常好,母亲很自然地能感受到这些。 feel此处与 part of搭配,字面意思表示 “感受到其中的一部分 ”。 take拿,取; keep保留; look看,均不符合句意。根据语境可知 D项正确。 【小题 19】答案: C 句意: 因为如果没有她给我的项链,我们不可能来到这里。 unless除非;

24、while当 时候; because因为; though虽然;根据上下文逻辑关系及语意可知 C项正确。 【小题 20】答案: D 根据该句中的定语从句 she gave me 并结合上文可知,此处作者指的是母亲 送给她的项链。 阅读理解 Urban citizens(市民 )can enjoy a more colorful life than rural citizens.Townspeople are well-informed because they have the easier access to news,while country people are uniformed be

25、cause these districts are hard to get to.Urban traffic is so well-developed that the residents there often visit exhibitions and parks which are only a short bus ride away. For country people this is a major operation which involves considerable planning.Shopping, a necessary activity in everyday li

26、fe is more convenient in the city than in the countryside. Townspeople can buy what they want at any time of a day.But rural residents go to town at most once a week.So after shopping they always stagger home loaded with heavy purchases. As for as meals and clothes concerned, townspeople are well-fe

27、d and well-dressed as there is an adequate(足够的 )supply of goods.But rural residents are too busy to pay particular attention to them.It is for these reasons that more and more people are moving into the city and looking for a rest there. On the contrary, some people are attracted by the rural area.A

28、ir pollution, noise and overcrowding which are the biggest problems confronting townspeople seem strange for rural residents.Medical studies have proved that rural residents can live longer than urban residents, because they are free from a polluted environment. In addition,the crime rate in the cit

29、y is several times higher than in the countryside.As is known to all, the life in any city is much more expensive than in the countryside.So the safe, quiet and cheap life in the country appeals to(对 有吸引力 )many city residents. Either an urban or a rural area gives pleasure and trouble.But, I believe

30、, the suburban area has the excellencies(优点 )of both and is superior to both.As the automobile industry develops, more and more people will make their homes in suburban areas. 【小题 1】 When visiting an exhibition in town, country people have to _. A listen to local news B take a bus C make a careful p

31、lan D ask friends for help 【小题 2】 Paragraph 1 mainly tells us the differences between urban and rural life in _. A communication, traffic and shopping B traffic, shopping and diet C education, living conditions and housing D traffic, medicine and shopping 【小题 3】 According to the passage, rural peopl

32、e are not as well-dressed as urban citizens mainly because_. A they live far away from town B they live a poorer life C they are busy with their work D they dont like to dress up 【小题 4】 For rural residents, the problems the urban citizens facing are_. A common B unfamiliar C well-known D unimportant

33、 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 B 【小题 1】答案: C 细节理解题。从第一段 For country people this is a major operation which involves considerable planning.可知,乡村的人们要想看展览会得提前作计划。故选 C项。 【小题 2】答案: A 细节理解题。从第一段的内容可知作者依次从通讯、交通以及购物等方面进行了比较。故选 A项。 【小题 3】答案: C 细节理解题。从第一段最后 rural residents are too busy to pay particul

34、ar attention to them可知。选 C项。 【小题 4】答案: B 推理判断题。从第二段第二句可知 rural residents对townspeople所面临的污染等问题感到奇怪,可知选 B。 Americans like to travel all their yearly holiday. Today, more and more travelers in the United States are spending nights at small houses or inns instead of hotels. They get a room for the night

35、 and the breakfast the next morning. Rooms for the night in private homes with breakfast have been popular with travelers in Europe for many years. In the past five to ten years, these bed-breakfast places have become popular in the United States.Many of these Americas bed-and-breakfast inns are old

36、 historic buildings.Some bed-breakfast inns have only a few rooms;others are much larger.Some inns do not provide telephones or televisions in the rooms; others do. Staving at a bed-and-breakfast inn is much different from staying at a hotel.Usually the cost is much less.Staying at an inn is almost

37、like visiting someones home.The owners are glad to tell about the areas and the interesting places to visit.Many vacationers say that they enjoy the chance to meet local families. 【小题 1】 Americans like to take a holiday trip _. A all the year round B for years C every year D every other year 【小题 2】

38、According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true A Some Americans like to stay at bed-and-breakfast homes instead of at hotels. B The bed-and-breakfast inns are private homes opened to vacationers. C The bed-and-breakfast inns have been popular in America for a long time. D The bed-and-b

39、reakfast inn owners provide a morning meal for their visitors and a room for the night. 【小题 3】 Why do American travelers prefer staying at bed-and-breakfast inns A It is like visiting someones home. B The money they spend there is much less. C They can meet local families. D All of the above. 【小题 4】

40、 Staying at the bed-and-breakfast inns, _. A the travelers neednt pay anything B the travelers dont have to pay for the telephone or television C the travelers can meet and talk with the local people D the owners will show the travelers around the area 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 C 【小题 1】答

41、案: C 细节理解题。根据文章第一句话中 yearly(每年的 )一词的词义可以判断出 C正确。 【小题 2】答案: C 细节理解题。根据第二段中 “Rooms for the night in private homes with breakfast have been popular with travelers in Europe for many years”这句话可以知道这种方式在欧洲已经流行很多年了。 【小题 3】答案: D 推理判断题。根据文章第三段的描述可以得出答案:。 【小题 4】答案: C 细节理解题。根据文章第三段中最后一句话可以得出答案:。 The dollar is

42、becoming weaker and weaker. What effects will it have Look at the record-high price of oil. Even if the same amount of oil is being pumped out of the ground, since it is traded in dollars and the dollar has weakened, the price of oil has increased to make up for the lost value of the dollar, creatin

43、g a sort of vicious cycle(恶性循环 ) Oil-producing countries dont want to keep all the dollars they are getting for their oil,since its declining in value, so they exchange their dollars for euros or other currencies. That pushes more dollars back out into currency markets, which in turn pushes down the

44、 dollars value. One expert told ABC News that Russia used to have 90 percent of its financial reserves in dollars. It now has 45 percent in dollars,45 percent in euros and 10 percent in British pounds. In the US itself, the news is mixed. Its good, because it makes what we produce here cheaper to se

45、ll in foreign markets, and that in turn spurs(刺激 ) exports of our products around the world. That translates into more manufacturing and more jobs. But a weak dollar is bad, because it leads to inflation (通货膨胀 ) in this country. Imports from foreign countries will become more expensive, and in parti

46、cular, oil will be more expensive. That puts pressure on businesses to increase prices for anything that uses oil or products that come from overseas. One benefit for American shoppers is that China has largely pegged its currency to ours, so that keeps the price of Chinese-made goods low and theref

47、ore, keeps a check on inflation. 【小题 1】 Which of the following would be the best title for this passage A Why is the dollar losing value B What caused the weak dollar C What to do with the weak dollar D What effects will the weak dollar have 【小题 2】 With the dollar losing its value, oil-producing countries will do all of the following EXCEPT _. A raising the price of oil B raising their production of oil C exchanging their dollars for other currencies D decreasing their financial reserves in dollars 【小题 3】 It can be inferred that _. A the A

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