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1、2013-2014外研版必修 1Module6综合测试( 3)英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * _ is known to us all that the sun rises in the east. A As B That C Which D It 答案: D Im sorry Ive lost your software. Let me buy a new one. _. A Thank you just the same B Never mind. Ive got another one C Of course. You may D I dont need it 答案: B The

2、re used to be a temple in your village, _? A used there B usednt there C did there D didnt it 答案: B The new bridge is _ the one built last year. A three times width of B three times that of C three times the width D three times the width of 答案: D _knowledge a man has, _it is for him to get a good jo

3、b. A The more; more difficult B The more; the easier C The more; easier D The less; more difficult 答案: B Many chemical substances react_oxygen. A on B with C against D to 答案: B The population of China _ 1.3 billion, and 80% of the population_farmers. A are; is B is; is C is; are D are; are 答案: C The

4、y are quite different _ each other _their tastes. A from; in B in; from C with; on D with; in 答案: A He _to come at eight, but in fact he never comes before nine. A is supposing B supposes C is supposed D supposed 答案: C In my opinion, money is very important in a way, but it isnt _. A everything B so

5、mething C anything D nothing 答案: A Yesterday I _ my e-mail box at www. and found a new email for me. A logged on B logged off C got on D got off 答案: A I am addicted to computers. I spend most of my time _ the Internet. A getting in B reading C surfing D getting on 答案: C We will discuss the strange

6、idea you_ this afternoon. A came up to B came up with C come through D come across 答案: B The visiting group _ famous football players. A consists of B makes up C including D insists of 答案: A Mr. Smith is _a teacher. He is also our good friend. A only B more than C no more than D nor more than 答案: B

7、完型填空 A person may have an idea about himself that will prevent him from doing good work. He may have the belief that he is not capable (有能力的 ) of it. A child may think he is _ because he doesnt understand how to make the _ of his mental faculties (才能 ). Older people may be mistaken that they are inc

8、apable of learning new things because of their _. A person who believes that he is incapable will not make a real _ because he feels that it would be useless. He wont go at a job with the confidence necessary for _, and he wont work his hardest way, even though he may think he is doing so. He is _ l

9、ikely to fail, and the failure will _ his belief in his incompetence (无能 ) Alfred Alder, a famous doctor, had _ like this. When he was a small boy, he had a poor _ in maths. His teacher told his parents he had no ability in maths in order that they would not _ too much of him. In his way, they two _

10、 the idea. He accepted _ mistaken thinking of his ability, felt that it was useless _ and was very poor at maths, _ as they expected. One day he worked at a problem which _ of the other students had been able to solve. Alder _ in solving the problem. This gave him confidence. He now _ with interest,

11、 determination and purpose, and he soon became especially good at maths. He not only _ that he could learn maths well, but luckily he learnt _ in his life from his own experience that if a person goes at a job with determination and purpose, he may _himself as well as others by his ability. 【小题1】 A

12、clever B shy C useless D stupid A biggest B most C highest D deepest A ability B age C brain D knowledge A decision B success C effort D trouble A work B study C improvement D success A truly B really C however D therefore A lead to B strengthen C increase D add to A an experience B an example C a t

13、hought D a story A state B mind C start D ending A blame B expect C get D win A developed B organized C discovered D found A his B her C its D their A managing B succeeding C trying D acting A only B almost C just D then A none B no C no one D nobody A gave B succeeded C failed D believed A lived B

14、worked C played D graduated A made B took C expected D proved A early B deeply C late D simple A encourage B love C astonish D disappoint 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 D 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 B 【小题 11】 A 【小题 12】 D 【小题 13】 C 【小题 14】 C 【小题 15】 A 【小题 16】 B 【小题 17】

15、 B 【小题 18】 D 【小题 19】 B 【小题 20】 C 【小题 1】答案: D A、 B不符合本文主旨。从该句的 mental faculties (智力 ) 一词可知是认为自己笨,而不是无用。 【小题 2】答案: B 固定词组。 make full use of / make the best of / make the most of充分利用。 【小题 3】答案: B 和前面的 older搭配用 age。 【小题 4】答案: C 认为自己在某方面缺乏天赋的人往往不会在这一方面真正投入精力,因为他认为做了等于白做还不如不去努力。从下文的事例也可推知答案:。 【小题 5】答案: D

16、本题和 41,42题呼应。自信是成功的必备因素。necessary for success作定语修饰 confidence。 【小题 6】答案: D 不认真工作又缺乏信心,失败也是理所当然。固选therefore。 【小题 7】答案: B 多次失败往往会使人形成一种错误的认识,更加认为自己在某方面真的无能。在此之前他已经形成此观点,故排除 A。 【小题 8】答案: A 作者以 Alfred Alder为例就是因为 Alfred Alder曾经有过和本文所讲同样的经历。 【小题 9】答案: C 从 a small boy 可知是回忆数学启蒙时候的事情。 【小题 10】答案: B 和 49后的 a

17、s they expected相呼应。老师认为他在数学上无天赋体现出老师对他在数学方面的期望值不高,告诉家长不 要指望其儿子在数学方面有什么成就。 【小题 11】答案: A 在听了老师的看法之后,家长也就自然对儿子形成了一种新的认识。 organized / found一般是建立某机构, C不符合文意。故选 A。 【小题 12】答案: D 他接受了他们 (老师和父母 )的错误看法。 【小题 13】答案: C 既然老师和父母都认为自己不行,自己肯定不行,在数学上先天不足再努力也没用。 try努力。 【小题 14】答案: C 因为没有用功所以学得很差,这种结果刚好和老师和家长的看法一致。 【小题

18、15】答案: A 没有学生 能解决的问题。 【小题 16】答案: B succeed in doing sth 成功做某事。 【小题 17】答案: B 现在他带着兴趣,意志和目的学数学。 【小题 18】答案: D 用自己的经历证明了一个道理。 【小题 19】答案: B 从自己的经历他悟出了一个道理,用 deeply才能表达出悟出道理这个漫长的过程。 【小题 20】答案: C 从一个数学白痴到数学天才当然会让人 astonish。 阅读理解 For more than two days in September 1974, the people of Honduras shut their wi

19、ndows, locked their doors and covered in their homes. Fifi was outside, and they were frightened. By the time Fifi had left, 8,000 people were dead, Fifi wasnt a pet dog as the name suggests. It was a hurricane, one of the most destructive natural phenomena in the world. Why do we give human names t

20、o storms and hurricanes We didnt always. Two hundred years ago, many hurricanes in the Caribbean were named after the saints(基督徒的 )day on which the storm occurred. Later, storms were known by the name of the city where they came ashore. Meteorologists (气象学家 ) then tried naming storms after the latit

21、ude (纬度 ) and longitude (经度 ) where they occurred. Finally, in 1953, hurricanes started getting peoples names specifically, female names. Male names were added in 1979. There are six sets of names for what the experts call “Atlantic tropical cyclones”( 热带风暴 ) Each list is used every six years and co

22、nsists of 21 names, starting with every letter but Q, U, X, Y , Z. the names alternate (交替 )between male and female. A storm wont get a name until its winds reach 39 mph or about 62.4 kph, at which point it becomes a tropical storm. At 74 mph or 118.4 kph its declared a hurricane. The 126 names on t

23、he list are used only for storms that form off the Atlantic coast of the US. There are separate lists for the Pacific. So what happens if a hurricane should cross from the Atlantic to the Pacific Its happened before. The storm just gets a new name and sometimes a new sex. Max Mayfield is the directo

24、r of the National Hurricane Centre, headquartered in Miami, Florida. He is in charge of picking new names for storms off the Atlantic coast. He doesnt do it alone, though. His counterparts in two dozen other countries in the Caribbean, Central America and North America vote on what names will replac

25、e retired names. 【小题 1】 From the first paragraph we can find that _. A Honduras is a country which was destroyed by Fifi B Honduras is a country which has no mountains C Honduras is a country which faces the ocean D Honduras is a country which lies at high latitude 【小题 2】 Which of the following is t

26、rue according to the passage A There were no hurricanes two centuries ago. B The Caribbean is a state of the United States. C The Caribbean is a place where hurricanes occur often. D Fifi was formed off the Pacific. 【小题 3】 The names for storms and hurricanes, as this passage shows, _. A are set for

27、use. B are all from American English C are difficult to spell D are easy to fix 【小题 4】 The underlined word “counterparts” in the last paragraph means _. A citizens holding the same opinion B people with a similar position or function C passengers traveling by sea D assistants working abroad 答案: 【小题

28、1】 C 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B 【小题 1】答案: C 推理判断题。根据文章第四段可知答案:。 【小题 2】答案: C 推理判断题。根据文章 “many hurricanes in the Caribbean were named after the saints(基督徒的 )day on which the storm occurred.”可知答案:。 【小题 3】答案: A 细节理解题。根据文章中的内容可推知。 【小题 4】答案: B 词义猜测题。根据上下文可推知。 Saturday, October 7th, was a marathon of sad t

29、asks for Anna Politkovskaya. Two weeks earlier, her father, a retired official in the department of foreign affairs, had died of a heart attack as he emerged from the Moscow Metro while on his way to visit Politkovskayas mother, Raisa Mazepa, in the hospital. She had just been diagnosed(诊断 ) with ca

30、ncer and was too weak even to attend her husbands funeral. “Your father will forgive me, because he knows that I have always loved him, ” she told Anna and her sister, Elena Kudimova, the day he was buried. A week later, she had an operation and since then Anna and Elena had been taking turns helpin

31、g her deal with her grief. Politkovskaya was supposed to spend the day at the hospital, but her twenty-six-year-old daughter, who was pregnant, had just moved into Politkovskayas apartment, on Lesnaya Street, while her own place was being prepared for the baby. “Anna had so much on her mind, ” Elena

32、 Kudimova told me when we met in London, before Christmas. “And she was trying to finish her article.” Politkovskaya was a special reporter for the small newspaper Novaya Gazeta, and, like most of her work, the piece focused on the terror that can be seen all over the southern republic of Chechnya.

33、This time, she had been trying to report repeated cruel acts done by people faithful to the Prime Minister, Ramzan Kadyrov, who are in favour of Russia. In the past seven years, Politkovskaya had written dozens of accounts of life during wartime; many had been collected in her book “A Small Corner o

34、f Hell: reports from Chechnya.” Politkovskaya was far more likely to spend time in a hospital than on a battlefield, and her writing bore frequent witness to robbery, and the uncontrolled cruelty of life in a place that few other Russians-and almost no other reporters-cared to think about. 【小题 1】 Po

35、litkovskayas father died of _. A tiredness B a heart disease C an attack D an accident 【小题 2】 From the text we know that Raisa Mazepa _. A didnt love her husband B didnt attend her husbands funeral C was having an operation the day her husband was buried D was too sad to attend her husbands funeral

36、【小题 3】 The underlined word “emerged” most likely means _. A came out B went into C disappeared D left for 【小题 4】 How many family members of Anna are mentioned in the passage A Three. B Four. C Five. D Six. 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 C 【小题 1】答案: B 细节理解题。从第一段第 2句中的 “.had died of a heart att

37、ack.”可知选 B项。 C选项 attack是 “攻击 ”的意思,而文中出现的是 heart attack, “心脏病 ”,因此 C选项偷换了概念;其他选项与文中相关的表述不相干。 【小题 2】答案: B 推理判断题。从第一段 3、 4、 5三句可知选 B项,其他三个选项与文中的表述不一致。 【小题 3】答案: A 词义猜测题。介词 “from”表示动作的出处、来源,而后面的介词宾语是 “the Moscow Metro”,可知 “Moscow Metro”是 “emerged”这一动作的起源地,因此, A选项符合原文的意思。 【小题 4】答案: C 细节理解题。文中提到 Politkovs

38、kaya姐妹俩,以及她的父母、女儿。 A Festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan. This festival is a cheerful occasion, for on this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living. As they are expected to be hungry after their long journey, food is laid out for them. Speci

39、ally-made lanterns(灯笼 ) are hung outside each house to help the dead to find their way. All night long, people dance and sing. In the early morning, the food that had been laid out for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea as it is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it. In towns t

40、hat are near the sea, the tiny lanterns which had been hung in the streets the night before, are placed into the water when the festival is over. Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world. This is a moving spectacle(景象,场面 ), for crowds

41、of people stand on the shore watching the lanterns drifting away until they can be seen no more. 【小题 1】 The festival is a cheerful one, because_. A people specially make some lanterns B all night long, people dance and sing C people make much delicious food D the dead are said to return to their hom

42、es and are welcomed by the living 【小题 2】 Specially-made lanterns(灯笼 ) are hung outside each house to_. A help the dead to find their way B add the cheerful atmosphere C welcome the dead to go home D help the dead to find the food 【小题 3】 What happens to the lanterns at the end of the festival A The l

43、anterns are put away to be used next year. B They are thrown away. C They are placed into the water. D They are hung outside all the way. 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 C 【小题 1】答案: D 细节理解题。根据文中 “., for on this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living.”可知答案:。

44、【小题 2】答案: A 细节理解题。根据文中 “Specially-made lanterns(灯笼 ) are hung outside each house to help the dead to find their way.”可知答案:。 【小题 3】答案: C 细节理解题。根据 “., are placed into the water when the festival is over.”可知答案:。 The famous director of a big and expensive movie planned to film a beautiful sunset over th

45、e ocean , so that the audiences could see his hero and heroine in front of it at the end of the film as they said goodbye to each other for ever. He sent his camera crew (摄制组 ) out one evening to film the sunset for him. The next morning he said to the men, “Have you provided me with that sunset? ”

46、“No, sir, ”the man answered. The director was angry. “Why not? ”he said. “Well, sir, ” one of the men answered, “Were on the east coast here, and the sun sets in the west. We can get you a sunrise over the sea, if necessary, but not a sunset.” “But I want a sunset, ”the director shouted. “Go to the

47、airport, take the next flight to the west coast, and get one.” But then a young secretary had an idea. “Why dont you photograph a sunrise, ” she suggested, “and then play it backwards Then itll look like a sunset.” “Thats a very good idea! ” the director said. Then he turned to the camera crew and said, “Tomorrow morning I want you to get me a beautiful sunrise over the sea.” The camera crew went out early the next morning and filmed a bright sunrise over the beach in the middle of a beautiful bay. Then at nine oclock they took it to the di

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