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本文(2014届四川省成都市高中毕业班第一次诊断性检测英语试卷与答案(带解析).doc)为本站会员(cleanass300)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2014届四川省成都市高中毕业班第一次诊断性检测英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,然后将答案:写到答题卡相应的位置上。选项中有两项多余选项。(共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分) A: Cant you do something about the service in your hotel, manager B: 【小题 1】 A: My breakfast, thats the problem. B: Yes A: I ordered a breakfast from room service half an hour ago.

2、B: Yes A: Ive phoned room service three times, but my breakfast still hasnt come. B: 【小题 2】 Surely, you are angry. A: Ive got a meeting at nine. And now it seems Ill have to go there without breakfast. B: Sorry, madam. You ordered breakfast half an hour ago and youve phoned three times since then A:

3、 【小题 3】 B: You should have received your breakfast no later than five or ten minutes after youd ordered it. A: 【小题 4】 B: 1ll work into this and make sure that the breakfast is sent to you immediately. Full English breakfast, was it A: Yes. Full English breakfast. B: 【小题 5】 A: Thanks. A I see. B That

4、s right. C You are welcome. D So what, madam E. Thats what I thought. F. Sorry, madam. Whats the problem exactly G. Ill deal with this and have it sent to your room right away. 答案: 【小题 1】 F 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 E 【小题 5】 G 试题分析: 【小题 1】客人抱怨旅馆的服务,但是经理不知道服务到底哪里出了问题。故有 Whats the problem一问。选择 F项。 【小题

5、2】客人说明了问题之后,经理表示听明白了。选择 A项。 【小题 3】经理重复客人描述的问题,客人予以确认。选择 B项。 【小题 4】经理说,客人订餐后应该在 5到 10分钟内送到房间,客人表示自己也是这么认为的。选择 E项。 【小题 5】由客人最后的感谢可知,经理承诺马上将早餐送到客人房间。选择G项。 考点:对话填空。 阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案:写到答题卡相应的位置上(请注意每题词数要求)。 In the spring of 2013, Carly Zalenskis eyes were filled with tears as the dusty bus ran down a di

6、rt road in southern Vietnam. The 14-year-old girl and her family had traveled by plane from Canton, Ohio, to Ho Chi Minh City and then by bus deep into the Mekong Delta. Now, as they approached the village, hundreds of cheering schoolchildren lined the entrance to the Hoa Lac School, a two-story con

7、crete building that Carly had raised money for. Carly started helping others when she was eight, handing out Thanksgiving baskets at church to families in need. It was a snowy day, and she saw that one girl was wearing a pair of broken shoes and others didnt have warm coats. The next November, she w

8、ent door-to-door asking for used coats, hats, gloves, and scarves, and then handed them out with the baskets. But Carly wanted to do more - she wanted to change lives, she says. She remembered that her grandmothers Rotary club had, years earlier, raised money to build a school in Vietnam. That was i

9、t, she decided. Shed build a school, too. She put together a PowerPoint presentation on the people and culture of Vietnam. At 12, hardly able to see over the platform, she gave her first fund-raising speech. She spoke with enthusiasm The kids in rural Vietnam dont have good schools, she told a room

10、of 200 Rotarians. Thats not fair. I want to raise money and improve the school condition to make their lives better. In two years, Carly set off with her family across Ohio, visiting three or four Rotary clubs a week. We traveled like crazy people to all these meetings, recalled her mother, Kris. Fi

11、nally, Carly raised $ 50,000, which was matched by the Vietnam Childrens Fund. At the donation ceremony in Hoa Lac, the school principal was impressed with the ninth grader. How wonderful, he said through a translator, that a girl wanted to do something for kids of her age so far away. 【小题 1】 In whi

12、ch year was Carly born (Within 2 words) _ 【小题 2】 Why did Carly once collect used clothes from door to door (Within 12 words) _ 【小题 3】 What made Carly determine to build a school in Vietnam (Within 10 words) _ 【小题 4】 How did Carly help the kids in rural Vietnam when she was 12 (Within 5 words) _ 【小题

13、5】 What does the school principal in Hoa Lac think of Carly (Within 6 words) _ 答案: 【小题 1】 In 1999. 【小题 2】 Because she wanted to help the people / the children in need. OR Because she wanted to give them / the clothes to the people / the children in need. 【小题 3】 Her grandmothers Rotary club raising m

14、oney to build a school. / What her grand mother had done. / That the Rotary club had raised money to build a school. 【小题 4】 By giving / making / delivering a fund / money-raising speech. 【小题 5】 He thinks (that) she is wonderful / great. 试题分析: 女孩 Carly 8岁开始帮助他人,挨门逐户收集旧衣物送给需要的人。但她还想做更多。受她奶奶筹集资金在越南建学校的

15、启发, 12岁时, Carly通过演讲、经两年努力,筹得 5万美元,终于在越南建了一所学校。 【小题 1】据第一段 In the spring of 2013, The 14 -year-old girl and her family had traveled 等文字推算, Carly应该出身于 1999年。 【小题 2】第二段 she went door-to-door asking for used coats, hats, gloves, and scarves, and then handed them out with the baskets.告诉我们, Carly在看到他人没有鞋子

16、、衣衫单薄以后,便产生了帮助他人的想法。 【小题 3】第三段 She remembered that her grandmothers Rotary club had, years earlier, raised money to build a school in Vietnam. That was it, she decided. Shed build a school, too.等文字表明, Carly决定建学校的想法源自她 grandmother Rotary club。 【小题 4】第四段 At 12, hardly able to see over the platform, sh

17、e gave her first fund-raising speech.说 Carly12 岁的时候发表演说以筹集资金帮助在越南建学校。 【小题 5】由最后一段 How wonderful, he said through a translator, that a girl wanted to do something for kids of her age so far away. 可知,校长认为 Carly此举wonderful. 考点:阅读表达。 单项选择 * _energy, we turn off the lights for Earth Hour on the last Satu

18、rday in March A Saving B To save C Saved D Having saved 答案: B 试题分析:考查非谓语动词。题意:为节约能源,我们每年三月最后一个星期六关灯一小时。目的状语由不定式充当。故 B项正确。 考点:非谓语动词。 American students take part in a wide variety of after-school activities _ they develop their social skills. A where B which C that D what 答案: A 试题分析:考查定语从句。题意:美国学生有许多课

19、外 活动,从中锻炼社会技能。活动是锻炼技能的 “场所 ”,故定语从句用 where引导。 A项正确。 考点:定语从句。 - Well, that is one of _ most expensive hotels in town, Im afraid. - Do you mean wed better choose_ cheaper one A a; a B the; a C a; the D the; the 答案: B 试题分析:考查冠词的用法。第一句话中, hotel受最高级修饰,填定冠词:第二句话中, “便宜一点的旅馆 ”会有多家,非特指,填不定冠词。故 B项正确。 考点:冠词。 It

20、 is bad manners to _an invitation without a reason. A break down B settle down C turn down D calm down 答案: C 试题分析:考查短语动词词义辨识。题意:无故拒绝邀请是不礼貌的。 break down:(机械)抛锚;(人的精神)垮掉; settle down:定居; turn down:拒绝; calm down:冷静下来。故 C项正确。 考点:短语动词。 The message of Saving Private Ryan is _humans want peace, not war. A

21、that B what C which D whether 答案: A 试题分析:考查名词性从句。题意: “拯救瑞恩 ”的寓意:人类需要和平,而不是战争。 that引导名词从句时,从句内容是 “确定的事实 ”, whether及其他疑问词引导的从句表达的是 “不确定的事实 ”。本题 that引导表语从句,表 达了一个明确的道理。 A项正确。 考点:名词性从句。 - You talk so much about London. You _have been there. - Yeah, I went sightseeing on a tour last summer. A must B can

22、C will D need 答案: A 试题分析:考查情态动词的推测用法。 You talk so much about London表明 “你 ”对伦敦很熟,一定去过。 must have done表示对于过去事实相当有把握的推定。can 表示 “推测 ”的时候,多用于疑问句和否定句;如果用于肯定句,表示 “偶然、个别 ”的情况。 will是对未来的推定。 need无推测用法。 A项正确。 考点:情态动词。 Dont press the red button ,_you will set off the alarm. A but B or C so D and 答案: B 试题分析:考查固定

23、句式。题意:不要按红色按钮,不然警报就会拉响。 “祈使句, and / or ” 是一个固定句式, “祈使句 ”相当于一 个 “条件 ”,符合该条件就会有后面的结果,用 and;不符合该条件就会有后面的结果,用 or。本题 or = if you press the red button。故 B项正确。 考点:固定句式。 - Will you be available at three oclock tomorrow afternoon - No. I _ a lecture then. A are attending B will have attended C will attend D

24、will be attending 答案: D 试题分析:考查动词时态。题意: “明天下午 3点你有空吗? ”“没空。我要听一个报告。 ”答句说的是未来某个时间点正在进行的动作,所以要用将来进行时态。D项正确。 考点:时态。 My own handwriting style is different from _of my friends. A it B this C that D one 答案: C 试题分析:考查代词的用法。题意:我自己的书写风格与朋友们的不同。 it指代 “同一事物 ”; that 和 one指代 “同类事物 ”,前者指代不可数名词,后者指代可数名词;本题 that指代

25、style,故选择 C项。 考点:代词。 Would you like some more coffee A Thank you! Its kind of you B Great! Well done C Well, it doesnt matter D OK. Its up to you 答案: A 试题分析:考查交际用语。对方问答话人是否要再加点咖啡,答话人接受对方的好意。 A项用以表达 “谢意 ”; B项表示 “称赞 ”; C项用来表达 “谅解 ”之意; D项 表示让对方 “自己拿主意 ”。选择 A项。 考点:交际用语。 完型填空 A few days ago, I bought som

26、e ink for my printer at my favorite $1 Supermarket, which sold everything from fresh produce to birthday cards at one dollar. Then l found a better at a computer store. So I went back to the supermarket to it for some other products. With telling me exactly what to do, I put the ink into a plastic b

27、ag, tied it up, placed the bag into a push-cart and started . I was midway when a clerk suddenly stopped me. You are not allowed to a bag around in this store. Open it and show me the ! she yelled coldly. , I opened the bag and the ink to her. Im returning it. I said. You should have left the bag wi

28、th the clerk upon . Let me see your receipt! she demanded I did as told, looking around, embarrassed everyone was laughing at me. Perhaps in the future youll learn how to follow the store . she added. By the time I finished shopping, I was angry. How dare she treat me as a I went looking for her and

29、 asked for her . She mumbled (嘀咕 ) something. I asked her again, and this time I heard Ursula. Ursula what I asked. She yelled at me, Ursula! and stormed away. This employee is about to become unemployed, I when I got home. 1 their headquarters (总部 ). I described my unpleasant experience to a repres

30、entative. She was sympathetic, Our employees are taught to be . Give me your phone number and I will ring you back. She did two days later. Im sorry, she said, but theres no Ursula at that supermarket. Can you her so that I can find out who she is I assure you, we do not tolerate rude behavior, nor

31、do we tolerate to our customers. By this time, I had calmed down. l didnt really want the employee to lose her . So I told the representative to forget about it. 【小题1】 A reduction B choice C introduction D price A change B return C receive D replace A somebody B nobody C everybody D anybody A bargai

32、ning B storing C loading D shopping A across B up C through D down A carry B show C move D push A identity B contents C belongings D ink A Depressed B Shocked C Amused D Stressed A poured B mixed C showed D fell A exit B admission C entry D departure A even though B as if C so that D in case A lines

33、 B borders C regulations D permissions A criminal B blue-collar C beggar D colleague A number B career C explanation D name A calmed down B thought aloud C found out D got through A rang B visited C questioned D blamed A patient B clever C polite D hardworking A recognize B inform C describe D forgi

34、ve A yelling B pointing C talking D lying A job B way C chance D business 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 B 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 C 【小题 11】 B 【小题 12】 C 【小题 13】 A 【小题 14】 D 【小题 15】 B 【小题 16】 A 【小题 17】 C 【小题 18】 C 【小题 19】 D 【小题 20】 A 试题分析: 作者在商店购物,遭遇无礼店员而心生不快。于是向店方

35、总部投诉,希图该店员被解雇。但是随着时间推移,作者平息了心中的怨愤,在店方总部让她描述店员体貌特征以便查处的时候,她放弃了继续追究。 【小题 1】考查名词词义辨识。 A. reduction:减少、简化; B. choice:选择、选项; C. introduction:介绍; D. price:价格。作者在一元超市购买了油墨,后来在一家电脑商店发现了更好的油墨。电脑商店的油墨是一个更好的选项。故选择 choice, B项正确。 【小题 2】考查语境理解和动词搭 配。 A change:改变、更换; B. return:归还;C. receive:接收;接待; D. replace:替换。据后

36、面 for some other products可知,作者是要将油墨换成其他商品,而非退货,排除 B项; C项不合语境; D项与with搭配使用,即 replace X with Y,用 Y替代 X;故选择 change, change X for Y:将 X换成 Y。 A项正确。 【小题 3】考查代词在语境中的运用。 A somebody:有人、某人; B. nobody:没人; C. everybody:所 有人; D. anybody:任何人。因为没有人告诉过她商店里的规定,作者将油墨放进塑料袋且将袋口扎起。这是与商店规定不相符的,因此后来才遭遇店员的无礼。选择 B项。 【小题 4】考

37、查语境理解。 A bargaining:讨价还价; B. storing:储存; C. loading:装载; D. shopping:购物。作者将装有油墨的塑料袋放进购物车,开始购物。购物有一个选择过程,不可能推起购物车直接往里面装货,排除 C 项。故 D项正确。 【小题 5】考查副词在语境中的运用。 A. across:(从表面)穿过; B. up:往上; C. through:(从中间)穿过;结束(一个过程); D. down:往下。作者购物过程中,一个店员走过来拦住她。 be midway through (shopping):(购物)中途。选择 C项。 【小题 6】考查动词在语境中的

38、运用。 A. carry:携带; B. show:展示; C. move:移动; D. push:推。商店里购物时不准带包。 “移动 ”、 “推 ”的是购物车,不是包。故选择 A项。 【小题 7】考查名词在语境中的运用。 A. identity:身份; B. contents:内容、容器里的东西; C. belongings:个人物品; D. ink:油墨、墨水。店员要求作者将塑料袋打开,让她查看里面的东西。店员不可能知道包里是油墨,排除 D项。故 B项正确。 【小题 8】考查语境理解。 A. Depressed:情绪低落的; B. Shocked:震惊的; C. Amused:高兴的; D.

39、 Stressed:压力大的。作者没有想到店员像对待小偷一样,要她打开塑料袋让她查看,感到震惊。 B项正确。 【小题 9】考查语境理解。 A. poured:倒、倾倒; B. mixed:混合; C. showed:展示; D. fell: 倒下、掉下。 作者按照要求,将油墨拿给店员看。 show sth. to sb.:将某物展示给某人看。 C项正确。 【小题 10】考查语境和固定搭配。 A. exit:出口、退出; B. admission: 接纳、录取; C. entry:入口、进入; D. departure:离开。按照商店规定,进入商店时应该将塑料袋交给店员。 upon entry/

40、entering:进入时。故 C项正确。 【小题 11】考查语境理解。 A. even though:即使; B. as if:似乎、好像; C. so that:以便; D. in case:以防。作者向四周张望、非常尴尬,好像每个人都在嘲笑她。 B项正确。 【小题 12】考查名词在语境中的运用。 A. lines:队列;行; B. borders:边界;C. regulations:规章、制度; D. permissions:许可、允许。店员要作者今后遵守商店规定。 C项正确。 【小题 13】考查语境理解。 A criminal:罪犯; B. blue-collar:蓝领、体力劳动者; C

41、. beggar:乞丐; D. colleague:同事。作者很是气愤,因为店员将她当成罪犯一样对待。 A项正确 。 【小题 14】考查语境理解。 A. number:工号; B. career:职业; C. explanation:解释; D. name:姓名。从店员咕哝的 Ursula以及后来商店总部找不到该店员来判断,作者打算投诉该店员,于是问她姓名,而非工号。 D项正确。 【小题 15】考查短语动词在语境中的运用。 A. calmed down:冷静下来; B. thought aloud:自言自语; C. found out:发现; D. got through:顺利度过。从This

42、 employee is about to become unemployed一句判断,作者到家后依然愤怒,排除 A项。因为过于愤怒,就把心里的想法脱口说了出来。 B项正确。 【小题 16】考查语境理解。 A rang:打电话; B. visited:拜访; C. questioned:提问; D. blamed:指责。从下文 described my unpleasant experience判断,作者并没有指责总部,排除 D项;下文还提到,总部代表承诺 ring back,由此可见,作者是在给总部打电话。 A项正确。 【小题 17】考查语境理解。 A. patient:耐心 的; B. c

43、lever:聪明的; C. polite:礼貌的; D. hardworking:勤奋的。因为作者投诉店员的粗鲁无礼,总部代表回应说他们要求店员应该 “礼貌 ”。选择 C项。 【小题 18】考查语境理解。 A. recognize:认出; B. inform:通知; C. describe:描述; D. forgive:原谅。因为店员报了假名,总部没能查出该店员是谁,所以让作者描述其体貌特征。 C项正确。 :原谅来源 :学科网 【小题 19】考查语境理解。 A. yelling:叫喊、吼叫; B. pointing:指着; C. talking:谈话; D. lying:说谎。 总部代表说他们

44、不能容仍店员的粗鲁行为(排除 A项),同样不能容忍对顾客撒谎(他们未能查到叫做 Ursula的人,说明店员报了假名)。 D项正确。 【小题 20】考查语境理解。 A. job:工作; B. way:道路; C. chance:机会; D. business:生意。作者开头非常气愤,投诉就是想要店方总部解雇该店员。经过这番周折,作者已经平静下来,意识到她并非真要让店员丢掉工作。选择 A 项。 考点:完形填空。 阅读理解 Shopping is easy with Safe-Buyer, a UK online shopping directory. All the online shopping

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