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1、2011-2012学年河南省宜阳一中高一 3月月考英语试卷与答案 其他 单句改错 (共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分 ) 下面每句中都有一处错误。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 【小题 1】 The police is investigating (调查 ) the cause of the accident. 【小题 2】 Its quite difficult to find whos r

2、esponsible of pollution. 【小题 3】 Thats why I want to find out. 【小题 4】 Here is the book written by him of lots of pictures in it. 【小题 5】 That sounds like a great idea. 【小题 6】 There are five for you to choose . You can choose one of them. 【小题 7】 Please dial this number if you want any farther informati

3、on. 【小题 8】 The solution of the problem was helpful. 【小题 9】 He apologised his teacher by writing him a letter. 【小题 10】 He passed the English test, it really surprised his teachers. 答案:【小题 1】 is-are 【小题 2】 of-for 【小题 3】 why-what 【小题 4】 of(第一个 )- with 【小题 5】 like去掉 【小题 6】 choose后加 from 【小题 7】 farther-f

4、urther 【小题 8】 of- to 【小题 9】 his前加 to 【小题 10】 it-which 单句翻译 (共 5小题,每小题 2分,共 10分 ) 【小题 1】 你见到那副令人害怕的图画吗? 【小题 2】我们怎样才能说服他们加入我们? 【小题 3】 Tom因为没能参加她的生日道歉。 【小题 4】今晚八点我去接你。 【小题 5】你能借尽可能多的书。 答案:【小题 1】 Have you ever seen the frightening picture 【小题 2】 How can we persuade them into jioning / to join us 【小题 3】

5、Tom apologised for not coming to her birthday party 【小题 4】 Ill pick you up at eight oclock this evening 【小题 5】 You can borrow as many books as you can. 【小题 1】令人害怕的图画, frightening修饰物,你见到吗?要用现在完成时?你见过吗?要用 ever,又是疑问句,将 ever提到句首; 【小题 2】说服某人做某事, persuade sb to do sth ,怎样, how,加入, join特殊疑问句将 How提到句首; 【小题

6、3】 apologised for因。而道歉, for后接名称或动词的 ing形式,句中有否定词没能,所以要在 coming前加 not; 【小题 4】 pick sb up接某人, at eight oclock在 8点, 【小题 5】 borrow as many books as you can.,借你所能借多的书。 任务型阅读( 10分) The sea has always interested man. From it he can get food, minerals, and treasure. 1 But he could not go far beneath its sur

7、face. 2 However, he is not a fish. He must breathe air, so he cant stay under the waters surface for any length of time. To explore deep water, man faces even more dangers and problems. A diver who wants to stay under water for more than a few minutes must breathe air or a special mixture of gases.

8、3 He can carry a tank of air on his back and breathe through a nose and a mouthpiece. Water weighs 800 times as much as air. Tons of water pushes against a diver deep in the sea. 4 When a diver is under great pressure, his blood takes in some of the gases he breathes. As he rises to surface, the wat

9、er pressure becomes less. If the diver rises too quickly, the gases in his blood form bubbles(气泡 ). The diver is then suffering from the bends(潜水夫病 ). The bends can cause a diver to double up in pain. 5 A His body is under great pressure. B Scientists are trying to find more about the sea. C For tho

10、usands of years, he could sail on it. D They can even kill him. E. He can wear a diving suit and have air pumped to him from above. F. The water pressure can cause a diver to breathe with difficulty. G. Man wants to explore deep into the sea. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 G 【小题 3】 E 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 D 【小题 1】从后

11、面的句子: But he could not go far beneath its surface. 看出他不能进入海底深处。选 C。只能在海洋表面航行。 【小题 2】从后面的转折句, However, he is not a fish.看出是人类想探险海底。选 G。 【小题 3】上下文说的是潜水的设备。选 E。 【小题 4】从前面的句子 Tons of water pushes against a diver deep in the sea.看出潜水员承受很大的压力。选 A。 【小题 5】从前面的句子 The bends can cause a diver to double up in p

12、ain. 说明潜水夫病会让潜水员很痛苦,甚至致命。选 D。 单项选择 * Hes got himself into a dangerous situation _he is likely to lose control over the plane. A. where B which C. while D. why 答案: A In order to attract more customers,many supermarkets usually sell their goods at a good at weekends. A discount B profit C bargain D co

13、st 答案: A 这题考查名词辨析: discount 打折 profit 利益 bargain 廉价货 cost 价值,句意是:为了吸引更多的顾客,超市经常在周末打折卖商品。选 A。 -When will you come to see me, Dad - I will go to see you when you _ the training course. A. will have finished B will finish C. are finishing D. finish 答案: D Mr. Smith has _collection of coins than anyone e

14、lse I have ever met. A larger B a larger C the larger D a large 答案: B The Wilsons live in _A-shaped house near the coast. It is _17th century cottage A the; / B an; the C / ; the D an; a 答案: D -Its cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella. - _. A Yes, take it easy B Well, It just depends C OK, just i

15、n case D All right , youre welcome 答案: C With so many people _ the Internet, it is difficult to see online movies at the same time. A surf B to surf C surfing D surfed 答案: C He hurried to the station, _ to catch the last train. A to hope B hope C hoping D hoped 答案: C -Why do you think he can succeed

16、 -He believes in himself, _ is the most important, I think. A which B what C that D who 答案: A What should you say when _ to a stranger A to introduce B introducing C introduced D being introduced 答案: C Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from _ effects the people are still suffe

17、ring. A that B Whose C those D what 答案: C - Is that the small town you often refer to - Right, just the one _you know I used to work for years. A that B which C where D what 答案: C You should try to get a good nights sleep _ much work you have to do. A however B no matter C although D wherever 答案: A

18、-Did you tell Julia about the result - Oh, no, I forgot. I_her now. A will be calling B will call C call D am to call 答案: B The teacher,with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class, _visiting a museum when the earthquake struck A was B were C had been D would be 答案: A 完型填空 完型填空(共 20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 阅读下面的

19、短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A girl complained to her father about her hard life. She didnt know what she could do and wanted to _1_. She was tired of fighting and fighting. One problem had been settled, but _2_ appeared. Her father, a cook, took her into the _3_. H

20、e poured water into three pots and boiled it. After the water came to a boil, he put some _4_ in the first pot, eggs in the second and coffee in the last. He waited for them for a few minutes _5_ any words. The girl closed her mouth and waited, impatient and _6_ by what her father was doing. After a

21、bout 20 minutes, her father _7_ the stove, took out the carrots and put them in a bowl. He took the eggs and put them in another bowl. After that he _8_ the coffee into a cup. Turning back to his _9_ , he asked, “Sweetheart, what do you see ” “Carrots, eggs and coffee,” she replied. Her father asked

22、 her to _10 the carrots. She did and felt that the carrots were _11_. _12_ he asked her to take the eggs and break them. After peeling them, she felt the eggs were hard. Last, her father asked her to smell the coffee. She asked, “What does this _13_, Father ” He _14_ that each of the things had felt

23、 the same unfortunate fate. They were all boiled in _15_, but with a _16_ result. The strong and hard carrots became soft and weak after being boiled. The fragile eggs became _17_ after cooking. Coffee grounds were very unique. They could change the water. “_18_ one are you ” asked her father. “When

24、 calamity(不幸的事) _19_ on your door, what will your _20_ be Are you carrots, eggs of coffee ” 【小题1】 A give in B give up C go on D carry on A the other B the rest C another D the second A kitchen B storeroom C backyard D bedroom A potatoes B carrots C tomatoes D apples A with B over C beyond D without

25、A confused B excited C surprised D relaxed A turned on B turned down C turned off D turned out A put B poured C flew D picked A son B pot C kitchen D daughter A touch B eat C smell D taste A strong B heavy C light D soft A Now that B Since then C After that D Once again A mean B say C refer D think

26、A questioned B explained C required D suggested A water B pot C stove D fire A similar B same C different D wonderful A hard B calm C delicious D broken A What B Whichever C Whose D Which A looks B touches C knocks D waits A reaction B responsibility C answer D impression 答案:【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】

27、 A 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 C 【小题 8】 B 【小题 9】 D 【小题 10】 A 【小题 11】 D 【小题 12】 C 【小题 13】 A 【小题 14】 B 【小题 15】 A 【小题 16】 C 【小题 17】 A 【小题 18】 D 【小题 19】 C 【小题 20】 A 【小题 1】 B:give up意思是放弃。 【小题 2】 C:四个选项的含义分别为另一个、又一个、其余的和第二个。通过文章可以看出主人公的烦恼很多,所以选 c更为恰当一些。 【小题 3】 A:cook 在此的含义是厨师,从下文也可以看出是带她去了厨房,所以应该选

28、A. 【小题 4】 B:这一点可以从下文中也就是本文第七行看出来。 【小题 5】 D:without 意思是没有,在这的意思是她一句话不说的等了几分钟。 【小题 6】 A:四个选项的含义分别为迷惑不解的、兴奋地、吃惊地和放松的。从上下文可以看出她应该是迷惑不解的。 【小题 7】 C:前面已经提到他父亲在炉子上烧了三锅水,在应该是关闭了炉灶。 【小题 8】 B:pour是倾倒的意思,因为咖啡是液体所以选 b更恰当一些。 【小题 9】 D:这里只有他们两个人,通过所以只能是 daughter(女儿)。 【小题 10】 A:从下文 felt一词看以看出她应该是触 摸了胡萝卜 ,所以选 a. 【小题

29、11】 D:从下文看以看出胡萝卜应该是变软了,所以选 soft(软的)。 【小题 12】 C:从本段看以看出他父亲连续要求她做了几件事, after that的意思是在那之后,选 C更恰当。 【小题 13】 A:四个动词的含义分别是意味着、说、涉及和认为。在此应该是她问她父亲要她这样做的意思是什么?所以选 a。 【小题 14】 B:前面有他女的问题,接下来他应该解答才最合理,所以选 explain(解释)。 【小题 15】 A:boil是沸腾用开水煮的意思,所以应该选 a。 【小题 16】 C:三种食物都是在水 中煮,但是结果却不相同,所以应该选 c,different(不同的)。 【小题 1

30、7】 A:鸡蛋煮后变硬了,所以应该选 a。 【小题 18】 Dwhich one 哪一个, 【小题 19】 C:knock on 意思是敲击。 【小题 20】 A:四个选项的含义分别是反应、责任、答案:和印象。答案: a更符合句意。 做这类题可以由简入繁,先把比较简单的空填上,在对文章理解更深的基础上,解决其他问题。 阅读理解 Dear Betty, My roommates family wants me to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with them in their home. I accepted the invitation, and Im excit

31、ed about going, but Im a little nervous about it, too. The social customs in my country are different from those here, so Im a little worried about making mistakes. Should I bring a gift, such as candy or flowers Should I arrive on time or a little late At the dinner table, how can I know which fork

32、 or knife to use How can I let the family know that Im thankful for their kindness Yours, Knowing Nothing Dear Knowing Nothing, Its a good idea to bring a gift when you go to a dinner party. Flowers are always welcome, or you can bring a bottle of wine if you know the family drink it. You should arr

33、ive on time or five to ten minutes late. Dont get there early. If you are going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you should call and tell them. Try to relax at the dinner table. If you dont know how to use the right fork, knife or spoon, just watch the other guests, and follow them. If you stil

34、l have no idea of what to do, dont be shy about asking the person next to you; its better to ask them than to be silently uncomfortable and nervous. If you like the food, say so. Of course, youll thank the host and hostess for the meal and for their kindness. Its also a good idea to send a card to t

35、hank them the day after. Yours, Betty 【小题 1】 Knowing Nothing wrote a letter to Betty to _. A tell Betty some good news B ask for some advice C answer some questions D invite her to dinner 【小题 2】 According to Betty, Knowing Nothing _ when going to a dinner party. A can only bring some flowers B cant

36、bring wine C should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late D should arrive twenty minutes late 【小题 3】 Betty does NOT advise Knowing Nothing to _. A relax at the dinner table B watch the other guests C ask the person beside him D keep silent at table 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 D 【小题 1】通过上下文可知这是

37、 Knowing Nothing参加家庭聚会前在向 Betty寻求建议。 【小题 2】文中第二段首句 You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late.可知。 【小题 3】文中第三段第一句话提到了 A选项,第二句话和第 三句话分别提到了 B选项和 C选项。 D选项文中未提。 One night last February, a seventeen-year-old Duffy drove home along a winding road, he saw a strange light thrown against the tree.

38、“I knew it wasnt the moon”, he said. “I drive this road all the time and I notice little things out of place.” Duffy stopped his car and got out to examine. Below him far down in the deep valley lay a broken car with its headlights on. Thirty minutes earlier, a man had driven off the edge of the roa

39、d, which has no guardrail. His car fell and rolled end over end, landing on its top more than two hundred feet below. Duffy rushed to call for help, then returned and got down to reach the injured driver. Snow covered the valley and the temperature was below freezing. After struggling back up the cl

40、iff, Duffy took off his jacket and shirt and wrapped the injured man in time, along with the blankets from his car. Life-saving deeds are starting to become usual action for Duffy, the oldest of seven children. When he was 12, he saved his ten-year-old brother from drowning. Two years ago, his three

41、-year-old sister ate rat poison, and Duffy cleaned out her mouth, make her drink milk to protect her stomach and called doctors. “We have tried to teach the children good values, and it looks like we have got some reward for it.” His father says. 【小题 1】 The strange light came from _. A The bright mo

42、on. B Duffys car. C The broken car in the valley D an unknown place 【小题 2】 The phrase” landing on its top” means the car lay_. A on the top of the cliff B with its wheels upward C with its head upward D on the road as usual 【小题 3】 From the above article, we can see Duffy has saved _ at least. A two

43、B three C four D five 【小题 4】 “We have tried to teach the children good values” may probably mean Duffys parents often tell their children_. A to help people in danger B how to save peoples lives C to remember the value of the car D how to do business 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 A 【小题 1】根据第

44、二段第二句 Below him far down in the deep valley lay a broken car with its headlights on.可知答案:为 C 【小题 2】 landing on its top 中的 its 指的是 car ,顶部着地即汽车的轮子朝天。 【小题 3】第三段中提到解救一名事故中的人,第四段中提到救他的十岁的弟弟以及两年前救的他三岁的姐姐,一共三名人员被救。所以答案:为 B。 【小题 4】根据文章最后一段以及文章讲到的 Duffy的事迹,可知他的父母教导他要帮助有困难的人。 This is a true story from Guyana

45、. One day, a boy took a piece of paper from a box. He made a paper ball and pushed it into his nose. He couldnt get it out. He ran crying to his mother. His mother couldnt get the paper out, either. A week later, the paper was still in the boys nose. His nose began to have a bad smell. So his mother

46、 took the boy to a hospital. The doctor looked up at the childs nose, but she couldnt get the paper out. She said she had to cut the boys nose to get the paper out. The boys mother came home looking sad. She didnt want her child to have his nose cut. The next day she took the boy to her friend Sidne

47、y who lived in a house with an old lady called May. May wanted to see the child, so the child let her look up his nose. “Yes, I can see it,” May said. “It will be out soon.” As she spoke, she shook some black pepper on the childs nose. The child gave a mighty sneeze and the paper flew out. His mothe

48、r was surprised. May told his mother to take the boy to the seaside for a swim, for the salt water would go up his nose and stop the bad smell. So the lucky boy didnt have to go to the hospital to have his nose cut. 【小题 1】 After the boy pushed a paper ball into his nose, _. A he took it out B his mother took it out C he did nothing but cry D he tried to take it out but failed 【小题 2】 The paper

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