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本文(2011-2012学年浙江省台州市高二下学期期末考试英语试卷与答案(带解析).doc)为本站会员(cleanass300)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2011-2012学年浙江省台州市高二下学期期末考试英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * If you are in position of _ teacher, will you allow your students to play computer games all day long A /; a B a; / C the; / D the; a 答案: D Oh! Must you Stay a bit longer, please. , but Ive got an early start tomorrow. A No problem B All right C Thanks a

2、nyway D Never mind 答案: C If they had known what was coming next, they _ their mind. A may change B could change C must have changed D might have changed 答案: D New Zealands universities offer a wide _ of courses in many fields, including the arts, economics, communications and technology. A range B p

3、rocess C trend D bunch 答案: A My teacher has never lost his temper; that is to say, he is a _ man. A generous B mild C rude D tough 答案: B in the ticket hall for almost an hour, I suddenly realized I had left my ID card home. A To wait B To have waited C Waiting D Having waited 答案: D Watch out! The pe

4、trol _. Oh, my God. We have to find a service station soon enough. A runs out B has run out C is running out D has been run out 答案: C Little about her own safety when trying to save the poor blind man, though she was in great danger herself. A did Rose care B Rose did care C Rose does care D does Ro

5、se care 答案: A The local police said they had received reports of seven cases of murder, which caused_ among the locals. A panic B dilemma C settlement D coincidence 答案: A English became the official language for business _ the fact that the population was largely Chinese. A in place of B in spite of

6、 C in case of D in favor of 答案: B _ will be good for you to spend one hour exercising outdoors every day. A That B This C It D One 答案: C Even when I am able to get in touch with the manager and tell him your request, I cannot _ he will reply. A stress B appeal C inform D guarantee 答案: D We had plann

7、ed to arrive at the park at 9 a.m., but unluckily, the car _ on the way. A broke away B broke down C broke up D broke into 答案: B David apologized to me yesterday. _, I wont forgive him for it was not the first time that he had hurt me. A If so B If ever C Even so D Even though 答案: C To children, goo

8、d habits do not come , so parents and teachers need to be their role models. A instantly B automatically C eventually D steadily 答案: B When _, the wholesale vegetable market will be the largest one in China. A completed B completing C to be completed D being completed 答案: A 完型填空 One cold rainy eveni

9、ng last October, as a medical student, I was in a hospital, gathering data for my graduation paper. Holding a patient questionnaire 34 some simple yes-or-no questions, I walked towards a 43-year-old patient who lay in bed alone. I was worried whether she would approve of my demands at such a late ho

10、ur. 35 , she treated it with consideration. Soon I finished and prepared to leave. 36 I could stand up, she spoke up in a weak voice asking where I was from and why I was working so late in the evening. Then she started talking about herself as well as her 37 , My husband died about a year ago, 38 m

11、e the only breadwinner of my family. My pay as a cleaner is 39 enough for me and my three kids. I dont know what my children would be if something bad happened to me. I didnt know what to say. I desperately tried to remember the lessons from a communication skills class I had taken years earlier, bu

12、t my mind was 40. Without realizing it, I had begun 41 her hand. Now that I didnt have anything to say, I just sat quietly while she talked. Thats when it occurred to me that she was not expecting any 42 from me. She 43 wanted me to listen. All 1 did was nod my head as a way of showing my 44. The co

13、nversation went on for about 20 minutes. Finally, she stopped talking. Im very sorry for keeping you here to listen to my problems, but I feel 45 now. I had no one to 46 out my problems to. Thank you so much, doctor. Sometimes patients do not need expensive medicine or advanced technology. 47 , they

14、 just need someone with the 48 to lend an ear and spare a little of their time. For me, that is one of the best things a doctor can do for a patient, doesnt it 【小题1】 A made up of B fed up with C put up with D come up with A Calmly B Excitedly C Gladly D Eagerly A When B Before C As D After A job B i

15、llness C family D children A causing B getting C forcing D leaving A extremely B exactly C especially D absolutely A casual B clear C steady D blank A holding B shaking C carrying D treating A thanks B praise C warmth D reply A even B ever C just D still A sympathy B support C sorrow D respect A rel

16、axed B awkward C fragile D satisfied A leave B pour C try D find A However B Otherwise C Instead D Besides A emotion B patience C experience D preference 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 D 【小题 10】 C 【小题 11】 A 【小题 12】 A 【小题 13】 B 【小题 14】 C 【小题 15】 B 【

17、小题 1】 A 考查短语辨析。由是或否问题组成的调查问卷。故选 A。 be fed up with厌倦于; put up with忍受 come up with提出 【小题 2】 C 考查副词辨析。因为之前担心病人会不赞成这么晚打扰她,后来证明那个病人很体贴地对待这份调查,故用 gladly. 【小题 3】 B 考查连词辨析。我还没站起来,她用微弱的声音开口说话了。故用 before。 【小题 4】 C 考查名词辨析。根据下文,他讲到了她的丈夫和孩子,故用 family. 【小题 5】 D考查动词辨析。留下她成为这个家庭的唯一养家糊口之人。 【小题 6】 B考查副词辨析。作为一个清洁工的薪水正

18、好够自己和三个孩子之用。故用 exactly. 【小题 7】 D考查形容词辨析。脑子里一片空白 (blank)。 【小题 8】 A考查动词辨析。 hold ones hand握着某人的手。自己不知不觉地握住了她的手。 【小题 9】 D考查名词辨析。就是那个时候,我想到她并没有期望我的回答(reply)。 【小题 10】 C考查副词辨析。她只是 (just)要我听她说。 【小题 11】 A 考查名词辨析。我所 能做的就是点头,作为表示我同情 (sympathy)的方法。 【小题 12】 A考查动词辨析。那人倾诉完后,当然是感到很轻松 (relaxed)。 【小题 13】 B考查动词辨析。我有个人

19、可以倾诉 (pour out)我的问题。 【小题 14】 C考查副词辨析。有时候,病人不需要昂贵的要和先进的技术。相反 (instead),他们只是需要一个有耐心 (patience) 的人他们腾出一点时间来倾听他们。 【小题 15】 B考查名词辨析。见上题。 阅读理解 The city can seem a cold, mean place. In the middle of so many people hurrying about their own business, a person can feel alone among the millions of others. There

20、 is a popular view that in cities, strangers are less likely to help an elderly person cross a street or call the police when they see a bike being stolen. Recently, a New Yorker named Casey Neistat did an experiment. He chained up his bike in several public places, then stole it in a number of obvi

21、ous ways, such as using a hacksaw (钢锯 ). He filmed everything to see whether other New Yorkers would try to stop a shameless bike theft. The result People just walked on by. Is this evidence of an immoral, selfish urban society Not necessarily. According to another recent study, the way city people

22、mind their own business is about other factors besides morality (道德 ). This is called the Bystander Effect, the theory that city people do not react because of the urban enviromnent they live in. Psychologist Dr. Harold explained why people did not involve themselves in Neistats bike theft experimen

23、t with the Bystander Effect. First, people who live in cities are surrounded by so much activity that they stop noticing what is going on around them. Second, they are less easy to surprise and assume every activity has a logical explanation. The third is that people notice it, but they dont know wh

24、at to do, he continued. And the fourth is fear they know they should do something, but theyre afraid to challenge someone with a hacksaw. A lack of concern is only a small reason why people dont take action, concludes Dr. Harold. Despite the results of Neistats experiment, there is also evidence of

25、a sense of team spirit that connects people in cities. All it takes is a funny joke or a shared interest to start a conversation with someone at a bus stop. When city folk are in trouble, they come together for support famously in New York on September 11, 2001. City society is different, but that d

26、oesnt mean its cold or mean it just means its busy! 【小题 1】 Casey Neistat fihned everything in the experiment with the purpose of . A proving that he was not the thief B telling people that bike theft was immoral C finding out who had a sense of right and wrong D making his experiment well-known to t

27、he public 【小题 2】 We can infer from the third paragraph that morality . A can partly explain a selfish urban society B is what our society should pay special attention to C is the only factor that leads to a selfish urban society D is the root of the Bystander Effect mentioned in the passage 【小题 3】 T

28、he underlined part September 11, 2001 in Paragraph 9 serves as . A a reminder of the sad memories B a way to prove Dr Harolds Bystander effect C evidence that city life can be really dangerous D an example to show team spirit connecting city people 【小题 4】 As can be inferred from the passage, the wri

29、ter probably . A criticizes the loss of morality in urban society B feels sad about the result of Neistats experiment C thinks city people are too busy to care about others D disagrees that city life sometimes can be cold and mean 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 D Seth DeBolt is a plant scient

30、ist at the University of Kentucky US. He and other scientists wanted to find a source of fuel that poor people in rural areas of developing countries could use to make electricity. The United Nations Development Program says a billion and a half people have no electricity. A billion others have an u

31、ndependable supply. Professor DeBolt went on a study trip to rural Indonesia. He saw that there was very little waste in the use of agricultural products. Everything that farmers grew was used for something. Even the remains of fruit that people did not eat were fed to chickens. Little waste meant t

32、here was little that could be used for fuel. Growing a separate fuel crop would take land away from food crops. That was something Professor DeBolt did not want to do. DeBOLT said, The people at most risk with respect to energy poverty, typically theyre the same people who have food insecurity issue

33、s as it is. And then any change in availability would be most damaging to that group of people. But he found one item that was in plentiful supply and would not create competition between food and fuel. Coconut shells are generally thrown out. Yet Professor DeBolt says it has an excellent heating va

34、lue. All someone needs is a way to release that energy. DeBolt says he and his team see possibilities for coconut power. Coconuts are growing here and these are the areas where there is possibility for energy poverty to be eased at least in part by these small-scale production systems. The researche

35、rs say these systems could provide as much as thirteen percent of the energy needs of a country like Indonesia. Other tropical countries with large crops of coconuts and similar fruit could benefit, as well. But DeBolt says this is not a perfect solution. There are technical questions, like how to s

36、afely deal with the dangerous waste produced in the process. And there needs to be money to get these projects started. 【小题 1】 Professor DeBolt went on a study trip to rural areas of developing countries to . A help farmers make full use of waste B seek certain materials to make electricity C persua

37、de farmers to grow more coconuts D find a suitable place to carry out the experiment 【小题 2】 DeBolt thought it was not a good idea to grow fuel crops because . A there are plenty of coconuts B local farmers have no interest in it C it would make food problems worse D fuel crop has little use for loca

38、l farmers 【小题 3】 The last two paragraphs mainly tell us that coconut power . A needs further experiments and efforts B can help solve energy problem perfectly C will cause technique and money problems D has drawn Indonesias government attention 【小题 4】 What might be the best title for the passage A M

39、ake Full Use Of Coconuts B Make Power From Coconuts C A Perfect Solution D Food And Energy Problems 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B Some expressions in English can be really puzzling. Have a look at the following to see how it challenges your brainpower. Homeric laughter The Homer in this ex

40、pression is the Greek poet. People laugh differently. Some laugh silently, while others tend to laugh loudly. Homeric laughter refers to laughter of the latter kind. It is at times uncontrollable, and the entire body shakes during the process. This kind of laughter is called Homeric laughter because

41、 this is how the gods laughed in Homers classics. A three-ring circus When you refer to a situation as being a three-ring circus, you are saying that it is a situation of complete confusion. There are so many activities taking place all together that they leave you confused or annoyed. The expressio

42、n comes from the world of entertainment the circus. The area where the artists perform their acts is called the ring. In the past, some of the circuses were so grand that they had three acts taking place simultaneously in three different rings. The audience had to decide which ring they wanted to fo

43、cus on. In the swim (of things) When someone is in the swim of things, the individual is actively participating in the things happening around him, as in Ive been ill, but soon Ill be back in the swim of thing. In the world of fishing, fishermen use the word swim to refer to the section of the lake/

44、river where fish can be found in plenty. So, if you are a fisherman and wish to catch a lot offish, where would you be You would be in the swim. Chickens have come home to roost The word roost refers to the place where birds rest. It could be anything the branch of a tree, a henhouse, etc. The expre

45、ssion is normally used to mean that the bad things that someone did in the past have come back to bite or upset the individual. In other words, one has to face the consequences of the deeds done in the past. The original form of this 700-year-old expression was curses are like chickens; they always

46、come home to roost. 【小题 1】 Which of the following can best describe the picture A Homeric laughter B A three-ring circus C In the swim (of things) D Chickens have come home to roost 【小题 2】 What does the underlined word simultaneously(Paragraph 3) mean A At the same time. B Step by step. C All of a s

47、udden. D One after another. 【小题 3】 lf you want to know more about such expressions, which website will you probably visit A B C D 【小题 4】 The passage is written to . A tell readers some old and interesting stories B indicate the development of English phrases C correct some misunderstandings abou

48、t words D explain the meanings and origins of some phrases 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 D Ever since Jerusha started her college, she began to write letters. Through a series of letters, from freshman to senior in college, she shared her life and study with an unknown gentleman, who never wrote back. Here is the very first letter. Dear Mr. Kind, Here I am! I traveled yesterday for four h

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