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1、2011届河南省郑州外国语学校高二上学期第二次月考英语卷 单项选择 * Jumping out of _ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _ exciting experience. A /; the B /; an C an; an D the; the 答案: C Many towns and villages had their water supply _ because there was no electricity. A cut through B cut off C cut up D cut down 答案: B The key t

2、he earth is to change the way we live. A to save; / B to saving; / C to save; how D to saving; how 答案: B There are over 100 night clubs in the city, but you dont often see that is empty. A one B the one C it D that 答案: A It is _ we do - you and I _ changes the world. A that; that B that; what C what

3、; that D what; what 答案: C The news has spread all over the country _ Premier Wen Jiabao will attend the Copenhagen summit next week. A that B which C whether D what 答案: A Entering the reading room, _. A Mike and Tom were found seated quietly, doing their homework B Mike and Tom were found seating qu

4、ietly, doing their homework C he found Mike and Tom seating quietly, doing their homework D he found Mike and Tom seated quietly, doing their homework 答案: D If we learn to appreciate _ is new and different, we will be well-prepared for _ the future may have in store. A that; whatever B what; whateve

5、r C that; whichever D which ; that 答案: B The companies are working together to create _ they hope will be the best means of transport in the twenty-first century. A which B that C what D who 答案: C _ that air conditioners cause so much pollution, I would never have bought one. A Had I known B I had k

6、nown C Were I to know D Did I know 答案: A I _ while watching the movie 2012 last night. Unluckily, my roommate woke me up. A had fallen asleep B have fallen asleep C fell asleep D fall asleep 答案: C After the long journey, the three of them went back home, _. A hungry and tiredly B hungry and tired C

7、hungrily and tiredly D hungrily and tired 答案: B The result is a better understanding of the world on all sides, _ a future world_ people from all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated. A lead to; that B leading to; that C leading to; where D to lead to; in which 答案:

8、C - Did Mary come to the party - I dont know. She _ while I was out. A might have come B might come C should have come D must have come 答案: A The most important thing _ when _an emergency is to stay calm. A keep it in mind; deal with B keep in mind; dealing with C to keep it in mind; dealing with; D

9、 to keep in mind; dealing with 答案: D 完型填空 Once I went to a railway station near New York. I 36 to take the night train there. 37 of people were pushing into the 38 train. I found a railway official and asked him if I could get a place in a sleeping car, 39 he said sharply, “No, you cant. The train i

10、s full. Dont 40 me any more.” I was very 41 indeed. I said to the friend who was with me, “ he talked to me like this 42 he doesnt know that I am a famous writer. If he knewBut before I could 43 my sentence my friend said, “Dont be 44 . How could that help you Whoever you are, there are no 45 seats

11、on the train.” I was 46 he was wrong, so I went up to the same official again and told him that I was Mark Twain. But all he said, “I told you not to trouble me any more.” Just then I 47 a young porter in a sleeping car looking at me, He whispered something to the train conductor, and that conductor

12、 came over to me and said very 48 , “ Can I help you, sir ” “ I 49 do.” I answered. The porter took out boxes and we got on to the train. When the porter saw we were comfortably 50 in our places, he said, “Now. Is there anything you want, sir Because you can have whatever you 51 .” After the porter

13、had gone, my friend looked 52 . He said. “I am 53 sorry I said those things to you just now” Just then the porter ca me again and said. “ Oh. Sir, I 54 you immediately”. “Really ” I said happily, “of course”, he said. “I recognized you the 55 I saw you and told the conductor that you are Mr Smith, t

14、he mayor of New York City.” 【小题1】 A managed B failed C used D happened A Some B Most C Crowds D Many A night B busy C full D leaving A but B and C though D where A ask B trouble C follow D strike A nervous B uneasy C hurt D busy A as if B since C suppose D because A complete B continue C make D spea

15、k A upset B sad C foolish D discouraged A more B enough C our D empty A wondering B sure C told D thinking A met B noticed C remembered D knew A loudly B calmly C politely D slowly A can B shall C certainly D must A seating B settled C sleeping D drinking A take B bring C like D buy A surprised B as

16、hamed C sorrowful D anxious A awfully B much C more D too much A admired B realized C recognized D respected A moments B while C minute D soon 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 B

17、【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】选 B。去火车站当然是 “打算 ”乘车。 send后不接 to do; used to do “过去常常 ”; happen to“碰巧 ”。 【小题 1】选 C。 crowds of people “成群的人 ”。 A、 B、 D三项接名词时 , people前都要加限定词。 【小题 1】选 C。由下文的 The train is full. 可推断出。 【小题 1】选 A。由下文的回答判断 , 作者是问 “是否 ”可以得到个座位。 【小题 1】选 B。由第二段最后一句的提示可知。 【小题 1】选 C。作为一名知名作家 , 没

18、受款待 , 却遭冷遇 , 应该是觉得受到了伤害。 【小题 1】选 D。他们是因为不知道 “我 ”是著名作家才这样对 “我 ”说话。 【小题 1】选 A。由上文 If they knew. . . 可知 , 话还没说完就被朋友打断了。 【小题 1】选 C。 “不要犯傻了 ”。作者的朋友认为车上没有座 位 , “名气 ”也帮不上忙。 【小题 1】选 D。由第一段的 The train is full. 可知现在没有空座位。 来源 :学。科。网 【小题 1】选 B。根据 so I went up to the same official again可知 , 马克 吐温确信朋友的说法不对。 【小题 1

19、】选 B。 notice sb. doing sth. “看见某人干某事 ”, 其他各项搭配不对。 【小题 1】选 C。根据下句 Can I help you, sir 可知此处与上文 sharply态度相反 , 故用 politely。 【小题 1】 选 C。 I certainly do. 意为 “当然需要 ”。 【小题 1】选 B。 be comfortably settled在此表示 “舒适地安顿好了 ”。 【小题 1】选 C。你可以得到你想要的任何东西。 【小题 1】选 B。此处表示 the porter走开后,我的朋友感到羞愧。 【小题 1】选 A。作者的朋友对之前所说的话表示抱歉

20、。 【小题 1】选 C。 the porter说一眼就认出了他 , 所以作者很高兴。 【小题 1】选 C。名词短语 the minute引导时间状语从句 , 表示 “一 就 ”, 相当于 as soon as。 阅 读理解 As is known to all, colors appear in every language to express peoples feeling and thoughts. Then, what is the situation in American English Red is a hot color. Americans may say they are

21、red hot about something unfair. They are red hot when they are very angry about something. The small hot-tasting peppers found in many Mexican foods are called red hot for their color and their fiery taste. Fast loud music is popular with many people. They may say the music is red hot, especially th

22、e kind called Dixieland Jazz. Pink is a lighter kind of red. People sometimes say they are in the pink when they are in good health. The expression was first used in America at the beginning of the twentieth century. It comes from the fact that many babies are born with nice pink skin that shows tha

23、t they are in good health. The color black is often used in expressions. People describe a day on which everything goes wrong as a black day. People or things on a blacklist are connected with things illegal now. But at one time, some businesses refused to employ people who were on a blacklist for b

24、elonging to unpopular organizations. The color green is natural for trees and grass. But it is an unnatural color for humans. A person who has a sick feeling in his stomach may say he feels a little green. A passenger on a boat who is feeling very sick from high waves may look very green. Sometimes

25、a person may be upset because he does not have something as nice as a friend has. That person may say he is green with envy. Some people are green with envy because a friend has more dollars or greenbacks. Dollars are called greenbacks because green is the color of the back side of the paper money.

26、【小题 1】 Americans use “red hot” to describe the following EXCEPT _. A something unfair B small hot-tasting peppers C the person who is very angry D popular music like Dixieland Jazz 【小题 2】 When we say someone feels a little green, it means he/she _. A enjoys himself in boating B is hit by a high wave

27、 C has a stomachache D likes trees and grass 【小题 3】 In the writers eyes, what is related to a black day A Being sent a beautiful gift. B Passing a very difficult test. C Failing in an important interview. D Being invited to an exciting party. 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 C Michael, a normal American

28、, stays home on workdays. He plugs into his personal computer terminal in order to connect with the office. After work he puts on his headphones, watches a movie on his home video recorder or plays baseball on the computer. On many days, Michael doesnt talk to any other human beings, and he doesnt s

29、ee any people except the ones on television. Michael is imaginary, but his life style is very possible. The inventions of modern technology seem to be cutting us off from communicating with our fellow human beings. The world of business is one area in which technology is separating us. Experts say,

30、for example, that many people will soon be able to work at home. With access to a large central computer, employees such as office clerks, insurance agents, and accountants could do their job at display terminals in their own homes. They would never have to actually see the people theyre dealing wit

31、h. Also, the way employees are paid will change. Workers salaries will be automatically paid into their bank accounts, making paper checks unnecessary. No workers will stand in line to receive their pay or cash their checks. Personal banking will change, too. Customers will deal with machines to put

32、 in or take out money from their accounts. Another area in which technology is changing is entertainment. Music, for instance, was once a group experience. People listened to music at concert halls or in small social gatherings. For many people now, however, music is an individual experience. Walkin

33、g along the street or sitting in their living rooms, they wear headphones to build a wall of music around them. Movie entertainment is changing, too. Movies used to be social events. Now, fewer people are going out to see a movie. Many more are choosing to wait for a film to appear on television or

34、are borrowing videotapes to watch at home. Instead of laughing with others, viewers watch movies in their own living rooms. 【小题 1】 The underlined sentence in the first paragraph means _. A Michael is a person full of imagination and his dreams can come true B Michael is not a real person but the lif

35、e style does exist C Michael has ambitions but he cant make his dreams come true D Michael is full of imagination and his life style is common nowadays 【小题 2】 What does the author discuss in the last paragraph A Technology is changing ways of entertainment. B People will never go to the concert in f

36、uture. C How to borrow videotapes at home. D How to see a movie at home. 【小题 3】 What is the main idea of the passage A We may no longer need to communicate with other people. B Modern technology seems to be separating people. C We may no longer need to work in the office. D Modern technology makes i

37、t possible for us to work at home. 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 B本题为句义理解题。 imaginary意思是 “假想的 ”,本句的意思为 “迈克尔是假想的人物,但他的生活方式却是很可能存在的。 ” 【小题 1】 A 本题为推理判断题。本文主要谈论了技术对人的生活方式的影响。谈论完经济和娱乐之后,应该会谈论这两个之外的话题,而 B、 C、 D三项分别属于这两领域,故应选 A Games and sports。 【小题 1】 B本题为主旨大意题。作者在这篇短文中主要讨论了科技的发展对人的影响。这些影响使人与人之间缺

38、少了联系。 To err is human To blame the other guy is even more human Common sense is not all that common Why tell the truth when you can come up with a good excuse These three popular misquotes (戏谑的引语) are meant to be jokes, and yet they tell us a lot about human nature To err, or to make mistakes, is in

39、deed a part of being human, but it seems that most people dont want to accept the responsibility for the problem Perhaps it is the natural thing to do The original quote about human nature went like this, “ To err is human, to forgive, divine(神圣的) ” This saying mirrors an ideal: people should be for

40、giving of others mistakes Instead, we tend to do the opposite - find someone else to pass the blame on to However, taking responsibility for something that went wrong is a making of great maturity Common sense is what we call clear thought Having common sense means having a good general plan that wi

41、ll make things work well, and it also means staying with the plan Common sense tells you that you take an umbrella out into a rainstorm, but you leave the umbrella home when you hear a weather forecast for sunshine Common sense does not seem to be common for large organizations, because there are so

42、 many things going on that one person cannot be in charge of everything People say that in a large company, “the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing ” And what is wrong with a society that thinks that making up a good excuse is like creating a work of art One of the common problems

43、with making excuses is that people, especially young people, get the idea that its okay not to be totally honest all the time There is a corollary(直接推论) to that: if good excuse is “good” even if it isnt honest, then where is the place of the truth 【小题 1】 According to the author, what is a sign of a

44、mans maturity A Doing things his own way B Bearing responsibility for his mistakes C Making as few mistakes as possible D Thinking seriously about his wrongdoing 【小题 2】 Which of the following is N0T based on common sense A A man tries to take charge of everything in a large company B A student goes

45、out with an umbrella in stormy weather C A companys next move follows a good plan D A lawyer acts on fine judgments 【小题 3】 What is the authors opinion about a good excuse A Making a good excuse is sometimes a better policy B Inventing a good excuse needs creative ideas C A good excuse is as rewardin

46、g as honesty D Bitter truth is better than a good excuse 【小题 4】 What would be the best title for his passage A A Mirror of Human Nature B To Blame or to Forgive C A Mark of Maturity D Truth or Excuse 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 A 短文改错 短文改错(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分) 下面短文中有 10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除

47、或修改某个单词。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写上该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。 注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改 10处,多者(从第 11处起)不计分。 It was 7:15 in the morning of February 8, 2007. I was walking along Park Road towards the east while an old man came out of the park on the other sides of the street

48、 Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third Street and made a right turn into Park Road The next moment the car hit the man while she was crossing the road. He fell with a cry. The car didnt stop and drive off at full speed heading west. I noticed the driver was young woman wore a pair of glasses and the plate number was AC864. After two minutes later, I stopped a passed car and took the old man to the nearest hospital 答案: It was 7:15 inthe morning of Februa

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