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本文(2012-2013学年吉林省吉林市普通中学高一上学期期末考试英语试卷与答案(带解析).doc)为本站会员(unhappyhay135)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2012-2013学年吉林省吉林市普通中学高一上学期期末考试英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * The mother,as well as her two daughters, to the theatre with some friends this evening. A Are going B were going C is going D was going 答案: C 试题分析:考查时态和主语一致。本题的主语是 the mother, as well as her two daughters句中的谓语动词与 the mother保持一致,故使用单数形式。后面的时间状语是 this

2、evening是一个将来时的时间状语,故使用 be going to表示将来时。D项是过去时,时态错误。 考点:考查时态和主谓一致 点评:本题的关键是要理解主语与 the mother保持一致。已经 be going to 表示将来时。 Napoleon stayed in a small inn (小旅馆 ). The next morning, he went to thank the innkeeper. “You have served me well,” said Napoleon. “I wish to reward you. Tell me what you want.” “Si

3、r, we want nothing,” said the innkeeper. “But will you tell us something ” “What is it ” Napoleon asked. “We have heard a story,” said the innkeeper, “that once during the war, a small village was taken by the Russians. You happened to be in the village. You hid while they looked for you. Will you t

4、ell us how you felt when they were looking for you ” Napoleon looked very angry. He called in two of his soldiers. Then he pointed to the door. The soldiers took the innkeeper and his wife out into the yard. At the end of the yard was a wall. The innkeeper and his wife were led to the wall. The sold

5、iers tied the hands of the innkeeper and his wife. Napoleon watched, saying nothing. “Please, sir.” begged the innkeeper, “Dont kill us! we meant nothing!” The soldiers moved back. The innkeeper saw them raising their guns. Then Napoleon called: “Ready! Aim!” The wife screamed. “Stop!” said Napoleon

6、. He went to the innkeeper, “Now, you know the answer to the question you asked me just now, dont you ” 【小题 1】 While the Russians were searching for him, Napoleon _. A ordered his men to fight back B was frightened to death C feared nothing at all D regretted (后悔 ) having hidden there 【小题 2】 Why did

7、 Napoleon order his men to tie the couple A Because he wanted to teach the innkeeper a good lesson for bothering him. B Because he wanted to kill the couple to get rid of his anger. C Because he wanted to show that he was so admiring a general that nobody could upset him. D Because he wanted to make

8、 them know that he felt the same as they in face of danger. 【小题 3】 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage A Five people are mentioned (提到 ) in this passage. B In fact, Napoleon didnt hide when the Russians were looking for him. C Napoleon was thankful to the innkeeper for his go

9、od service. D The couple had thought they would be killed before Napoleon said “stop”. 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 B 试题分析:本文讲述了拿破仑用真实的场景告诉别人当遇见危险时,他也很害怕。 【小题 1】 B 推理题。根据文章最后一段 Please, sir.” begged the innkeeper, “Dont kill us! we meant nothing!” The soldiers moved back. The innkeeper saw them raisi

10、ng their guns. Then Napoleon called: “Ready! Aim!” The wife screamed. “Stop!” said Napoleon. He went to the innkeeper, “Now, you know the answer to the question you asked me just now, dont you ”说明在那一瞬间他和这对夫妻一样,也很害怕,害怕被杀死,故 B正确。 【小题 2】 D 推理题。根据文章内容可知他这样做就是想创设一个逼真的场景让对方真正地知道当时自己的心里所想,故 D正确。 【小题 3】 B 推

11、理题。根据文章第四段 that once during the war, a small village was taken by the Russians. You happened to be in the village. You hid while they looked for you.说明的确有这样的事情发生过,故 B项说法错误。 考点:考查故事类短文 点评:本文介绍了拿破仑用逼真的场景告诉别人真相的故事。以推理题的考查为主,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释。考生首先要仔细阅读短文,

12、完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点。 - Why do you look so disappointed? - My cell cant work. And I wonder how I can _ it. A do with B make with C deal with D handle with 答案: C 试题分析:考查固定搭配。 Deal with与副词 how连用; do with与 what连用;how to deal with sth如何处理某事;故正确。 考点:考查固定搭配 点评:在高中的学习中平时要多积累固定短语的用法,考试时只能凭借记忆力来答题, 尤其是单项选择很难推出某个短

13、语的意思,所以平时的积累记忆是尤其重要的。学生可以将常考的全部积累在一起,通过反复的复习,从而达到永久的记忆下来。 John will _ Jake in the team in the coming match. A replace B take place of C instead of D in place of 答案: A 试题分析:动词及短语辨析。 A取代;没有 B这个词组; C代替,而不是; D代替(介词短语);句意:在即将来临的比赛中 John将代替 Jake。句子缺少的是谓语动词,故 A正确。 考点:考查动词及短语词义辨析 点评:动词的词义辨析要放在上下文的语境中进行,要注意上

14、下文的语义的串联以及逻辑关系的推理,特别要注意一些动词的固定搭配以及动词的深层次的含义的区别。 - Do you doubt _ she can run the race - Yes, I doubt _ she can run against Liu Xiang A that; whether B whether; that C that; that D whether; if 答案: A 试题分析:考查名词性从句。第一空 that 引导宾语从句,表示一个确定的事实,作为 doubt的宾语;第二空 whether引导的宾语从句,表示不确定的事实。句意: 你怀疑她能跑完这个比赛吗? 是的我怀疑

15、她是否可以赢刘翔。故 A正确。 考点:考查名词性从句 点评:名词性从句的考查集中在引导词的选择上,连接词 that, whether, if在句中不充当任何成分,只起连接作用;连接代词 who(ever), which(ever), whom(ever),whose(ever),what(ever)在句中做主语,宾语,表语和定语;连接副词 when, why, where, how,在句中做状语。应从上下句的句法关系着手分析,切不可 望句形生答案: 总的来说,考生在解答此类型时,可用排除法或造句法,造句法就是仿造原句的语法功能仿造出一个易懂易理解的句子,帮助判断。 The car _ on h

16、alf way so we had to walk to school. A broke up B broke out C broke off D broke down 答案: D 试题分析:动词短语辨析。 A分解,关系破裂; B战争火灾的爆发; C折断; D出毛病,出故障;句意:在半路上这辆汽车出了故障,所以我们不得不步行去学校。故 D正确。 考点:考查动词短语辨析 点评:动词的短语辨析要根据上下文的语境进行,要把短语的意思和句意相结合。同时也要注意一个短语多种意义的现象,如 pick up 捡起;用车接;无意中学会;接受信号;康复。恢复;染上 ;在平时的学习中要把同种类型的短语放在一起比较

17、,如同一个动词 +不同的介词 /副词;同一个介词 /副词 +不同的动词。诸如此类的固定短语,属于最基本的知识,如果 学生有错误,则应该加强背诵并平时多解题,进而加以巩固 . That night the band played many old songs, _ the famous American song Country Road by John Denver. A containing B included C including D contained 答案: C 试题分析:考查 include用法。 Include包含的内容是整体的一部分; contain包含的内容是全部。 Inc

18、luding 是介词: 包括;本题中是介词做状语的用法。句意:那天晚上那支乐队演奏了很多老哥,包括最著名的乡村之路故 C正确。 考点:考查动词用法 点评:在高中的学习中平时要多积累固定短语的用法,考试时只能凭借记忆力来答题,尤其是单项选择很难推出某个短语的意思,所以平时的积累记忆是尤其重要的。学生可以将常考的全部积累在一起,通过反复的复习,从而达到永久的记忆下来。 The new bridge _ by the end of last month. A has been designed B had been designed C was designed D would be designe

19、d 答案: B 试题分析:考查时态和语态。本题的根据是抓住 by 的用法, by 与完成时连用,本题后面的时间是过去的时间,故使用过去完成时。句意:到上个月结束时为止,这座新的桥梁已经被设计出来了。根据句意说明 B正确。 考点:考查时态 点评:连词 by到 时为止;该词经常与完成时连用,如果后面是现在的时间,句中就使用现在完成时;如果后面是过去的时间,就使用过去完成时;如果后面是将来的时间,就使用将来完成时。 What a wonderful _ and color! Ill take the dress. A design B goal C type D signal 答案: A 试题分析:

20、名词词义辨析。 A设计; B目标; C种类; D信号;句意:多么漂亮的颜色和设计啊!我买了!根据句意说明 A正确。 考点:考查名词的词义辨析 点评:名词的词义辨析要放在上下文的语境中进行,要注意上下文的语义的串联以及逻辑关系的推理,特别要注意一些名词的固定搭配以及名词的深层次的含义的区别。 My sister _ the league last month and she has decided to _ the activities to help the aged in town next week. A joined; take part in B joined in; join C a

21、ttended; join D took part in; join in 答案: A 试题分析:考查动词用法辨析。 Join 指参加组织,团体,成为其中的一个成员;join in 参加某项小型的活动; attend 参加 (会 议 ); take part in 参加(大型)活动;句意:我妹妹上个月加入了共青团,她决定参加各种活动来帮助城里的老人。故 A正确。 考点:考查动词用法辨析 点评:在高中的学习中平时要多积累动词的用法辨析,考试时只能凭借记忆力来答题,尤其是单项选择很难推出动词的用法,所以平时的积累记忆是尤其重要的。学生可以将常考的全部积累在一起,通过反复的复习,从而达到永久的记忆下

22、来。 - _ go out for a picnic with us this afternoon - Id like to, but Ill be busy preparing for the test. A Do you feel like B Would you like C Why not D What about 答案: C 试题分析:考查固定结构。 Feel like doing sth想要做某事,故 A项的后面接动名词形式。 Would like to do sth想要做某事,故 B项后面接不定式形式。 Why not do sth 为什么不做某事; what about doi

23、ng sth?做某事怎么样?故 C正确。 考点:考查固定结构 点评:在高中的学习中平时要多积累固定结构的用法,考试时只能凭借记忆力来答题,尤其是单项选择很难推出某个结构的意思,所以平时的积累记忆是尤其重要的。学生可以将常考的全部积累在一起,通过反复的复习,从而达到永久的记忆下来。 Only in Paris _ a pair of shoes like that. A you will buy B can you buy C you can buy D have you bought 答案: B 试题分析:考查 only的倒装。当 only放 在句首的时候,且强调的是状语,后面的句子使用部分倒

24、装的形式。本题 only放在句首,强调的是地点状语 in Paris,故使用部分倒装的形式。 D项的时态错误。巩固 B正确。 考点:考查 only的倒装句 点评:当 only放在句首的时候,且强调的是状语,后面的句子使用部分倒装的形式。部分倒装即只把谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词等)放到主语前,或把句子的强调成分提前。 Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he has always dreamt about(疾病没有使他放弃过上梦想中的生活) 1) 以否定词开头的句子要求部分倒装。注意下列句子中助动

25、词或情态动词提前、甚至补充助动词的用法: 例: Not until yesterday did little John change his mind.(小约翰直到昨天才改变了主意。) In no country other than Britain, it had been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.(据说除了英国世界上没有哪个国家能让人在一天中感受到四季变化) 2) 以否定副词开头并加状语放在句首的句子要求部分倒装。这些否定副词有barely, hardly, little, se

26、ldom, scarcely when, never, no sooner than, rarely, no more, not nearly, not only等以及 only。 Only in the country can you learn the “true English”. 3) 一些如 scarcelywhen, no sooner than, hardlywhen 引导的主从复合句主句要求使用过去完成式。 注意:在部分倒装句中,只有助动词、情态动词或连系动词 to be可以置于主语之前,其它部分都要置于主语之后。 There is, _ , one further point

27、 to make. A in peace B in addition C in cash D in relief 答案: B 试题分析:考查介词短语辨析。 A和平,安宁; B;另外,而且; C用现金; D轻松地;句意:另外还有一个要点要说明。故 B正确。 考点:考查介词短语辨析 点评:介词短语一直是命题者常设置的考点和重点,平时要加强记忆。本题的四个选项都很重要,尤其要注意四个短语在具体语言环境中的使用,考生应注意对短语的正确归类和对词义的准确理解。 The English teacher, the daughter of_ is in Canada, lives next to me. A

28、Which B who C whom D her 答案: C 试题分析:考查定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是 the English teacher,关系代词 whom指代先行词在句中作为 of的宾语,句意:那位英语老师,他的女儿现在加拿大,就住在我的隔壁。故 C正确。 考点:考查定语从句 点评:定语从句的关键是分析句子成分,如果定语从句的句子成分很完整就使用关系副词;如果句子缺少主语,宾语,表语或者定语的时候就使用关系代词。同时也要注意一些关系词的特殊用法,如 whose, that, which等。 Whose是关系词中唯一的一个可以放在名词前面做定语的关系代词。要特别注意 which引导

29、非限制性短语从句的用法。 I promise that everything _ clear about it next week. A has made B has been made C will be made D will make 答案: C 试题分析:考查时态和语态。本题的关键在于句中的时间状语 next week,该时间状语与将来时连用。句意:我答应到下个星期一切都会被搞清楚了。根据句意说明使用被动语态。故 C正确。 考点:考查时态和语态 点评:时态题的考查关键是抓住句子的上下文含义和句中的时间状语。要根据时间状语来选择合适的时态,在平时的学习中要注意积累有关时态的用法和各种时态

30、的特殊之处。如 since, so far等经常与现在完成时连用。在条件状语从句中用一般现在时代替将来时等等。语态题要注意句意。 He got seriously ill. Later he couldnt see anything at all - he was _ blind. A nearly B especially C probably D totally 答案: D 试题分析:副词词义辨析。 A几乎; B尤其; C可能; D完全;句意:他得了重病,后来他说说明都看不见了 完全瞎掉了。根据句意说明 D正确。 考点:考查副词词义辨析 点评:副词的词义辨析要放在上下文的语境中进行,要注意

31、上下文的语义的串联以及逻辑关系的推理,特别要注意一些副词的固定搭配如 think highly of等。 完型填空 Sudha Chandran, a classical dancer from India, had to have her right leg cut after a car accident. She was also 46 on her career road. Though the accident brought her bright career to a 47 , she didnt give up. In the 48 months that followed,

32、Sudha met a doctor who developed an artificial (人造的 ) 49 made from rubber filled with sponge (海绵 ). So 50 she wanted to go back to 51 after she had been fitted with an artificial leg. Sudha knew that she believed in 52 and could realize her dream, 53 she began her courageous journey back to the worl

33、d of dancing 54 to balance, bend, stretch, walk, turn, twist and twirl. After every public recital (个人表演 ), she 55 ask her dad about her performance. “You 56 have a long way to go” was the answer she used to get 57 . In January 1984, Sudha made a historic 58 by giving a public recital (舞蹈表演 ) in Bom

34、bay. She performed in such a great manner that it 59 everyone to tears and this 60 pushed her to the number one position again. That evening when she asked her dad the 61 question, he didnt say anything. He just touched her feet as a praise. Sudhas comeback was 62 moving an event that a film produce

35、r 63 to make the story into a hit film. When someone asked Sudha how she had 64 to dance again, she said quite simply, “YOU DONT NEED FEET TO DANCE.” 65 is impossible in this world. If you have the will to win, you can achieve anything. 【小题1】 A left alone B cut off C kept out D put out A top B heigh

36、t C point D stop A unforgettable B painful C busy D free A flower B leg C gift D box A strangely B gradually C heavily D strongly A home B school C dancing D walking A the doctor B the stage C herself D her dad A however B even C since D therefore A starting B remembering C wanting D learning A coul

37、d B would C should D might A yet B ever C also D still A in return B in turn C in surprise D in anger A change B movement C comeback D promise A made B moved C let D forced A story B performance C decision D accident A usual B new C normal D interesting A such B this C very D so A allowed B pretende

38、d C refused D decided A tried B managed C thought D imagined A Nothing B Anything C Something D Everything 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 C 【小题 7】 C 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 D 【小题 10】 B 【小题 11】 D 【小题 12】 A 【小题 13】 C 【小题 14】 B 【小题 15】 B 【小题 16】 A 【小题 17】 D 【小题 18】 D 【小题 19】 B 【小题 20】

39、A 试题分析:本文讲述的是一位意志坚定的舞蹈演员在事故中失去一条腿以后仍然通过自己的刻苦训练,重新走上舞台的故事告诉我们只要有愿望,没有什么事情不可能。 【小题 1】 B 短语辨析。 A留下 B切断 C不进入 D扑灭;这事故不仅断了她的腿,也切断了她的梦想。 【小题 2】 D 固定出现。 Bring sth to s stop让某事停止。指事故让她的舞蹈事业停止了。 【小题 3】 B 上下文串联。人生中出现了这样痛苦的事情,接下来的几个月肯定是很痛苦的。 【小题 4】 B 上下文串联。根据下文 an artificial leg.可知 B正确。 【小题 5】 D 副词辨析。 A奇怪地 B逐渐地

40、 C严重地 D强烈地;她强烈地想重新回到舞台上去。 【小题 6】 C 上下文串联。事故之前她就是学习舞蹈的,现在她想重新回到舞蹈世界,故 C正确。 【小题 7】 C 名词辨析。 A医生 B舞台 C她自己 D她父亲;指她相信她自己。 【小题 8】 D 副词辨析。 A然而 B甚至 C自从 D因此;因为相信自己,所以她开始了训练。 【小题 9】 D 动词辨析。 A开始 B记得 C想要 D学习;她学习平衡等等舞蹈需要的东西。 【小题 10】 B 情态动词辨析。 Would表示过去常常做某事;她常常问父亲自 己表现怎么样。 【小题 11】 D 副词辨析。 Still仍然,总是;她的父亲总是和她说:你还有

41、很长的路要走。 【小题 12】 A 介词辨析。 A回应,回报 B依次 C惊讶地 D生气;指父亲对她的话做出回应。 【小题 13】 C 上下文串联。根据下文 62空前面的 Sudhas comeback说明她回答了舞台。 【小题 14】 B 词义辨析。 Move感动;指所有的观众都被感动得流泪了。 【小题 15】 B 名词辨析。 A故事 B表演 C绝对 D事故;指这次表演让她道到了一个新的位置。 【小题 16】 A 上下文串联。指她又问了父亲和以前一样的问题。 【小题 17】 D 语法分析。 So后面要接形容词副词, so moving an event如此感人的事件。 【小题 18】 D 动词

42、辨析。 A允许 B假装 C拒绝 D决定;指一位制片人决定把这个故事排成电影。 【小题 19】 B 动词辨析。 A尝试,努力 B成功做某事 C思考 D想象;对方问她是如何成功做到的。 【小题 20】 A 上下文串联。根据下一句只要你有想要成功的愿望,你就能成功。说明没有什么事情是不可能的。 考点:考查夹叙夹议类短文 点评:本文讲述了一篇励志故事。整个完形填空大题,设空科学合理,考生很容易从中领会大意,从而下手 会比较顺利,从选项中可以看出,本大题主要还是考查了词汇的辨析与运用,但更加注重综合语言能力的运用,需要根据故事情节,了解词汇用法的同时,结合语境,做出准确的判断。 阅读理解 For 40

43、years, the people of London have been happy to discover in their parks a bird that seems to have made its way from the Himalayas to the capital of England. With its shocking green body, red mouth, long tail and noisy screech(尖叫 ), the rose-ringed parakeet (长尾小鹦鹉 ) brought a vivid colour to parks in

44、and around London. However, the parakeets are no longer welcome. The government has suddenly woken up to the fact that there are many more parakeets in and around London making life harder for the local bird population. Government experts put the number of parakeets at around 30,000. They fear that

45、if the number of parakeets keeps rising, these birds will push out local birds like wood-peckers, starlings and nuthatches from trees to build their own nests. Not only that. According to an online report by The Independent, the parakeets will then also get control of most of the food available in t

46、he parks seeds, berries, frui t and nuts. The local bird population will then have a hard time staying alive. An organization called the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) has asked the government to investigate (调查 ) what kind of a threat the parakeet brings to local birds. If the gov

47、ernment decides that these birds are indeed a threat to local birds, steps will be taken to control the number of parakeets. The most surprising thing about the case of the rose-ringed parakeet is that no one quite knows how the parakeets came from India and started breeding (繁殖 ) in areas around Lo

48、ndon. 【小题 1】 Parakeets are no longer welcome mainly because _. A the local birds are being driven out B the government doesnt like the birds C they are a threat to peoples health D people have a great fear of this kind of birds 【小题 2】 According to an online report by The Independent, _. A the parakeets future threat is impossible B the number of the parakeets is around 3,000 C the parakeets should fly back to the Himalayas D

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