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本文(2012-2013学年四川成都外国语学校高二下期期中考试英语卷(带解析).doc)为本站会员(terrorscript155)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2012-2013学年四川成都外国语学校高二下期期中考试英语卷(带解析) 其他 阅读下面短文并回答问题, 然后将答案:写到答题卡相应的位置上(请注意问题后的字数要求)。 When my friends went to college in great delight, I restarted my senior high school life My spirit sank Surrounded by strange classmates, I felt like I was in a maze and was sorry about myself There were some comple

2、x feelings in my minds I was frightened, nervous and lonely To make matters worse, I recalled my failure again and again, which put more pressure on me than I could bear As a result, I was always feeling down during class time My teacher found me spiritless One day he asked me to come to his office

3、and told me about his attitude towards life: we might suffer from mistakes, but its important to learn lessons from them All the pains and the embarrassing things we experience are part of the process So keep up your spirit! At last, he added, “If you are optimistic, things you want may happen to yo

4、u!” Warmth rushed through my soul I suddenly found the sun shining again when I stepped out of his office With the teachers help, I eventually got over my depression From then on, I no longer bowed my head and began smiling to my classmates I would put up my hand confidently in class and play with m

5、y new friends in my spare time Meanwhile, I was gradually embraced by my classmates Now faced with fierce competition, we all study hard because we know that every second counts Moreover, there is an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect between us I love my class; I love my classmates! To be frank

6、, I still have a thirst for my dream university, but Im not afraid of failure because I can profit by it With parents and teachers encouragement, Im quite certain of my success and Im sure I can fly high 【小题 1】 Why was the writer in low spirits at the beginning ( No more than 10 words) _ 【小题 2】 What

7、 did the teacher expect the writer to do ( No more than 10 words) _ 【小题 3】 What is the main idea of Paragraph 5 ( No more than 15 words) _ 【小题 4】 The underlined word “embraced” in paragraph 5 means _( No more than 5 words) _ 【小题 5】 What does the writer think of failure now ( No more than 10 words) _

8、 答案: 【小题 1】 Because he could not go to college. 【小题 2】 The teacher expected him to be optimistic. 【小题 3】 With the teachers help, he eventually got over his depression. 【小题 4】 accepted/welcomed 【小题 5】 He thinks he can benefit from failure. 试题分析:本文叙述了作者由于没有考上大学去复课,心情很糟糕,被老师看在眼里,于是作者在老师的开导下,自己放开了思想,与同学

9、的关系相处的好了,并且能够正确理解失败并能从中吸取经验教训。 【小题 1】根据 When my friends went to college in great delight, I restarted my senior high school life 其他的同学都上大学了而作者却要复课,所以心情不好,故用 Because he could not go to college. 【小题 2】根据 If you are optimistic, things you want may happen to you!”可知老师想要作者保持乐观的态度,故用 The teacher expected

10、him to be optimistic. 【小题 3】总结这段的段意可以找出本段的第一句是中心句,故用 With the teachers help, he eventually got over his depression. 【小题 4】根据 I would put up my hand confidently in class and play with my new friends in my spare time可知作者被同学所接受,故用 accepted/welcomed. 【小题 5】根据 Im not afraid of failure because I can profi

11、t by it可知作者不再害怕失败,而是能从中有所收获,故用 He thinks he can benefit from failure. 考点:阅读表达。 点评:在做阅读表达时,先要快速读题干,带着问题和目标在阅读过程中找到题干中要找的原句。回答问题时,即就文章内容回答问题。 要重新组织答案:,不要照抄原文; 注意词数限制。补全文章中空缺的句子 要从上下文意义和结构角度考虑,同时也要注意词数限制补充句子:首先要分析句子结构,找到句子的主谓宾,分清句子的修饰成分, 在翻译时,可以分成好几个句子来译。 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空(每个短语只能用一次,其中有两个短语 多余的)(共 10小题,每

12、小题 1分,满分 10分) to some extent draw upon be identical to knock out knock over on behalf of break down lose interest in all at once go through be dying to be allergic to 【小题 10】 Im writing _ my mother to express her thanks for your gift. 答案: 【小题 1】 is dying to 【小题 2】 To some extent 【小题 3】 breaking down

13、 【小题 4】 to draw upon 【小题 5】 is identical to 【小题 6】 have knocked out 【小题 7】 all at once 【小题 8】 would lose interest in 【小题 9】 going through 【小题 10】 on behalf of 试题分析: 【小题 1】这是一个最热销的手提包,每一个妇女都想买。 every woman 作主语谓语动词用单数根据句意故用 is dying to表示 “渴望,想要 ”。 【小题 2】根据句意故用 To some extent在一定程度上,是固定短语。 【小题 3】一些细菌是有能

14、力把人类的粪便分解成气体和不同的化学物质,这里放在 are capable of 之后必须用动名词,故用 breaking down. 【小题 4】老人更擅长解决这些问题因为他们比年轻人有更多的可利用的生活经 验。这里用动词不定式做定语修饰名词 experience,根据句意故用 to draw upon“利用 ”。 【小题 5】这里是固定短语,因为帽子相似,所以经常拿错,这里主语是第三人称单数,故用 is identical to “相似 ”。 【小题 6】由于暴风而停电了,根据 and后的句子的谓语动词 havent cooled off可知空格处也应该用现在完成时,故用 have kno

15、cked out power “停电 ”。 【小题 7】那么多过去的想法突然都想了起来, all at once“突然 ”。 【小题 8】我能看出他的 气馁和担心他会对学习失去兴趣。因为 feared 是过去式,所以它后面的从句也应用过去式,因为这里是担心以后的事情,故用过去将来时,故用would lose interest in. 【小题 9】我们花了几天的时间来查阅所有的可参考的书籍。这里是短语 spend some time in doing,故用 going through“查阅 ”。 【小题 10】我正在写信来代表我的母亲表达她对于你的礼物的谢意。这里用 on behalf of“代

16、表 ”。 考点:选词填空。 点评:仔细检查所填词形是否合乎英语语法、句法的要求, 单词拼写是否有误,单词形式是否正确,是否符合句子的语言环境情景,句子语意是否顺畅。 单项选择 * When I was a child, my father _ read me a story at night before bedtime A would B should C could D might 答案: A 试题分析:句意:当我是小孩的时候,我的父亲在睡觉前给我讲故事。 Would表示过去常常; should 应该; could能够; might也许。根据句意故选 A。 考点:考查情态动词的用法。 点评

17、:本题难度适中。情态动词是高中阶段的重难点之一,需要考生熟记它们的用法,在各类考试中经常出现, would情态动词主要表示过去常常做某事,而不强调现在是否还那样做。 即学即练: “Everyone _ not fire without the signal or youll be severely punished or even killed,” urged the commander. A. would B. might C. shall D. need : C。 shall用于第二、三人 称表示 “允诺,警告,命令 ”等语气。这里是表示 “命令 ”的语气。 That was a terr

18、ible night . The rain was pouring down, _ thunder and lightning. A being accompanied by B accompanied by C accompanying D accompanies 答案: B 试题分析:句意:那是一个可怕的晚上,下着倾盆大雨还伴随着电闪雷鸣。因为整个句子已经有谓语动词 was pouring,所以空格处用非谓语动词;这里是 The rain与accompany是被动关系,故用过去分词,故选 B。 考点:考查非谓语动词的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。非谓语动词是高中语法项目的重难点之一,需要考生

19、能够理解该题的语言环境,进而作出正确的判断。会判断非谓语动词与它的逻辑主语之间是什么关系,需要考生掌握非谓语动词的不同形式的用法区别等。这里考生容易误选 C。 即学即练: Dinosaurs have completely died out on the earth, never _ again. A. to be seen B. being seen C. seen D. having been seen : A。考查不定式短语作结果状语的用法。 never to be seen again,意为:结果再也没有人见过。 The bus hit against a tree in the fo

20、g and _to the deep valley, with ten passengers killed and twenty wounded. A down did it roll B down rolled it C down it rolled D it down rolled 答案: C 试题分析:句意:汽车在雾中撞上了一棵树,并且掉进了深谷,其中车上的 10个乘客死亡, 20人受伤。当 down, up, out等副词放在句首且谓语为方位移动动词时,还必须名词做主语时,要用完全倒装,但本句的主语为代词 it,所以应选 C。 考点:考查倒装的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。倒装句是高中阶

21、段必须掌握的语法项目,它分为部分到装和全部倒装,情况复杂,需要考生熟记它们的用法。这里考生容易误选 B。 即学即练: Hey, Nick. comes the last bus! Hurry up, or well have to walk home. A. This B. There C. That D. It : B。句意: “最后一辆汽车在那儿。 ”,以 here/there开头的句子,主语是名词,通常完全倒装。故选 B。 Understanding the cultural habits of another nation, especially _ containing as man

22、y different subcultures as the United States, is very difficult. A one B that C some D the one 答案: A 试题分析:句意:要了解一个国家的文化习惯,尤其是像美国这样一个集成了多种文化的国家的文化,是很困难的。这里整个句子的主语是 Understanding the cultural habits of another nation,这里 one是 nation的同位语,这里是泛指,所以前面不用加定冠词,故选 A。 考点:考查代词的用法。 点评:本 题难度适中。代词在近几年的高考中出现的频率较高,不仅

23、在单选里,还出现在短文改错中。需要考生平时牢记它们的用法。 即学即练: Johnson, therere a lot of chairs over there. Go and fetch _ for me. Why _ Mike is sitting there doing nothing. A. one; me B. that; not he C. it; not him D. some; I : A。此处 one替代 a chair;又因为在简略回答中习惯上用宾格。 As we all know, apples are sold by _ weight, and socks are sol

24、d by _dozen. A the; a B /; a C /; the D the; the 答案: C 试题分析:句意:正如我们所知道,苹果按重量卖,袜子按打卖。这里按重量,重量前不用冠词,如果是重量下的某个单位,那么就在名词前加上 the,第二空 dozen是具体的数量单位,所以前面用定冠词。故选 C。 考点:考查冠词的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。冠词是高考必考的内容,它不仅在单选还在完形和短文改错中经常要考的考点,提醒考生要掌握它们的用法及区别。 即学即练: During the camp trip, children were fascinated by _wonders of _

25、nature. A /; / B /; the C the; / D the; the : C。第一空指在宿营中看到的那些大自然中的奇观,应该用定冠词表特指;第二空不用冠词,因为 nature, society和 space 前常不带任何冠词。 Many difficulties have _ as a result of the changeover to a new type of fuel. A risen B arisen C raised D arose 答案: B 试题分析:句意:由于改变了成一种新型的燃料,许多困难出现了。 Rise上升; arise出现; raise提高; ar

26、ose是 arise的过去式, arisen是过去分词;因为前面有 have,所以后面应该用过去分词,根据句意故选 B。 考 点:考查动词辨析。 点评:本题难度适中。对于动词辨析题命题者提供的四个词词形相似,容易混淆,考生很可能将其意义张冠李戴,所以考生应牢记它们的用法及意义,并根据具体的语境做出正确的判断。 即学即练: Please _ your head and look at the blackboard. A. rise B. arise C. raise D. arose : C。句意:请抬起头来,看黑板。 Why are the tax collectors so busy Man

27、y people prefer to have their tax forms completed by a professional rather than _. A do it themselves B doing it themselves C to do it themselves D done by themselves 答案: A 试题分析:句意: -为什么收税的人员怎么忙? -许多人让他们的税的表格有专业人员完成而不是有他们自己完成的。这里是 prefer to do rather than do喜欢做 .而不喜欢做 .,故选 A。 考点:考查固定短语的用法。 点评:本题难度适中

28、。固定短语是近几年高考的热点,主要考查对于它们的意义及用法,对它们的考查不仅出现在单选还会在完形和短文改错中出现。需要考生牢记它们的意义及用法。这里考生容易误选 C。 即学即练: I prefer to stay at home rather than _in the heavy rain. A. go out B. going out C. to go out D. gone out : A。句意:我宁愿呆在家里也不想冒这么大 的雨出去。 It was in the small house _ was built with stone by his father _ he spent his

29、 childhood. A which , that B that , which C which , which D that ,where 答案: A 试题分析:句意:就是在他的父亲用石头砌的小房子里他度过了他的童年。这里第一空是 which引导的定语从句,先行词是 house, which在定语从句作主语,不能省略。当然这里也可用 that来引导;第二空是用 that,它是强调句型中的 that,故选 A。 考点:考查定语从句及强调句型的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。强调句型是高中阶段的重难点之一,也是高考的热点,需要考生有分析理解句子的结构的能力。尤其把强调句型与定语从句混合在一起考查更

30、增加了试题的难度。 即学即练: It was not until midnight_they reached the camp site. A. that B.when C.while D. as : A。该题强干扰项是 B,考生容易因强调时间状语 untilmidnight而误选。 The wind is always blowing here How I wish it _ today A wont blow B didnt blow C doesnt blow D isnt blowing 答案: B 试题分析:句意: -这里总是刮风。 -我多么希望今天不刮风啊!这里 wish后的从句是

31、应该用虚拟语气,对于现在的虚拟,应该用过去式,故用 B。 考点:考查虚拟语气的用法。 点评:本题难度 适中。虚拟语气是高中阶段的重要语法项目,需要考生牢记各种情况的虚拟语气的谓语动词的形式,并要有分析理解语境的能力。这里考查 wish后的从句的虚拟情况。 即学即练: You _ have set aside more time to play with our kids. I wish I _, but you know how busy I was. A. should; would B. could; did C. might; should D. should; had : D。考查虚拟

32、语气在 wish从句中的用法。由句中 “should have set aside”及 “how busy I was”可知,该句表示与过去事实相反。故选 D。 With the victory at the French Open, Li Na has reached NO 4 in the world, _ the previous Asian record A equaled B equaling C to have equaled D having equaled 答案: B 试题分析:句意:由于李娜在法网公开赛上的胜利,她达到世界第四位,与亚洲以前的记录持平。 equal, vt.等

33、于; 比得上;使相等;这里是非谓语动词的形式, equal与 Li Na之间是主动关系,故选 B。 考点:考查非谓语动词的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。非谓语动词是近几年高考的热点,需要考生能够理解该题的语言环境,进而作出正确的判断。会判断非谓语动词与它的逻辑主语之间是什么关系,需要考生掌握非谓语动词的不同形式的用法区别等。 即学即练: I feel upset, for there are so many troublesome problems _. A. remaining to settle B. remained to settle C. remaining to be settled

34、 D. remained to be settled : C。考查现在分词作定语,修饰 problems,意为:我很失望,因为有这么多的麻烦事要解决。 Excuse me, Marcia, a reporter from Vanity Fair _ all day. Could you speak to her now A phones B has phoned C has been phoning D phoned 答案: C 试题分析:句意:打扰了,玛西亚,一位来自 Vanity Fair的记者打了一天的电话,你现在能接她的电话了吗?根据语境及时间状语 all day可以看出打电话从过去一

35、直持续到现在,所以用现在完成进行时。故选 C。 考点:考查动词时态的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。动词时态是高考的热点,英语的时态多,又很复杂,现在的高考不是纯粹考时态的问题,而是把它们放在一定的语言环境里,让考生根 据特定的环境来确定答案:。这里考生容易误选 B。 即学即练: Bob has gone to California. Oh, can you tell me when he A. has left B. left C. is leaving D. would leave : B。句意: “Bob 已经去了加利福尼亚。 噢,你能告诉我他什么时候离开的? ”Bob has gone t

36、o California,去的动作已经发生过,说明他离开的动作发生在过去,因此使用一般过去时。选 B。 About one third of the population in Beijing and Shanghai _ netizens, but in poorest areas, only three or four percent _ online. A is; is B are; are C are; is D is; are 答案: B 试题分析:句意:北京和上海人口的 1/3都是网民而在最贫穷的地区仅仅 3%或 4%的人在线。这里 population的意思是:人。相当于 peo

37、ple,是集合名词,此时做 主语谓语动词用复数,第二空只是在 only three or four percent之后省略了 of the population,所以这两个空都用复数,故选 B。 考点:考查主谓一致的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。主谓一致是高中阶段的重要的语法项目,它们的各种情况比较多,需要考生牢记它们的用法,但是 population作主语时要具体情况具体分析,看成整体时就用单数。 即学即练: Such poets as Shakespeare_widely read, of whose works, however,some_difficult to understand.

38、A are; are B is; is C are; is D is; are : A。第一空格 poets为主语,第二空格 some(works)为主语,谓语动词都应该用复数。 Look at the trouble I am in! If only I _ your advice. A followed B would follow C had followed D should follow 答案: C 试题分析:句意:看我现在的麻烦,要是 我早听了你的建议就好了。 If only后用虚拟语气,表示对过去的虚拟,用过去完成时,故选 C。 考点:考查虚拟语气的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。虚

39、拟语气是近几年高考的热点,虚拟语气的情况复杂,形式多样,需要考生牢记它们的不同的用法,再根据不同的语境分析句子应该用哪种情况的虚拟。 即学即练: Without your help, we _ this task on time. My pleasure. A. dont finish B. will not finish C. didnt finish D. would not have finished : D。 without, but for 表示 “要是没有 ” ,相当于 if从句。本句可改为 if you hadnt helped us, we this task on time。

40、这是与过去事实相反的句子。故选 D。 - What do you think of the speech - The speaker said _ nothing worth listening to. A nearly B hardly C scarcely D almost 答案: D 试题分析:句意: -你认为演讲怎样? -演讲的人讲的几乎没有东西值得听。 Nearly接近; hardly 几乎不; scarcely几乎不; almost几乎,可以与 nothing连用,而 nearly不可以与 nothing连用。故选 D。 考点:考查副词的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。副词是近几年高考

41、的热点,不仅在单选,还会在完形和短文改错中出现,主要考查它们的词义及用法,需要考生平时多记多练。这里考生容易误选 A。 即学即练: He enjoys a cup of coffee sometimes, but_he drinks tea. A. mostly B. Almost C. most D. Nearly : A。句意:因为喝咖啡只是偶然的事情,故大多数时候喝茶,故选 A。 almost意为 “几乎 ”;mostly主要地;通常。 Nothing that he suggested _ to be of any use. A prove B proved C proving D h

42、as been proved 答案: B 试题分析:句意:他提的建议证明对我们没有用。这里 he suggested是定语从句,整个句子的主语是 nothing,所以这里缺少谓语动词;根据 suggested判断谓语动词应该用过去式,故选 B。 考点:考查动词时态的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。动词时态的考查与一定的语境结合一起增加了试题的难度,有的考生时态的用法背的很熟,但在不同的语境下,就做不对了,提醒考生一定要会分析理解语境。这里考生容易误选 D。 即学即练: In the last few years thousands of films all over the world. A.ha

43、ve produced B. have been produced C. are producing D. are being produced : B。句意: “在过去的几年时间里,全世界制作了成千上万部电影。 ”in the last few years在过去的几年时间里,其实是从过去算到现在,是现在完成时的标志。选 B。 完型填空 Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training. Ideally, therefore, the choice of an _16_ should be made even b

44、efore choice of a curriculum(课程) in high school. Actually, _17_, most people make several job choices during their working lives, _18_ because of economic and industrial changes and partly to improve _19_ position. The one perfect job does not exist. Young people should _20_ enter into a broad flexi

45、ble training program that will _21_ them for a field of work rather than for a single _22_ . Unfortunately many young people have to make career plans _23_ benefit of help from a competent vocational counselor or psychologist. Knowing _24_ about the occupational world, or themselves for that matter,

46、 they choose their lifework on a hit-or-miss _25_. Some drift from job to job. Others _26_ to work in which they are unhappy and for which they are not fitted. One common mistake is choosing an occupation for _27_ real or imagined prestige (声望 ). Too many high-school students - or their parents for them - choose the professional field, _28_ both the relatively small percentage of workers in the professions and the extremely high educational and personal _29_. The imagined or real prestige of a profession or a white-collar job is _30_ good reason for ch

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