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本文(2012-2013学年四川棠湖中学外语实验学校高二上期10月检测英语卷(带解析).doc)为本站会员(cleanass300)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2012-2013学年四川棠湖中学外语实验学校高二上期10月检测英语卷(带解析) 其他 根据汉语完成句子。 (请将答案:写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。 ) 【小题 1】老师讲英式英语和美式英语没有太大区别。 It _ _ _ _ a difference whether a teacher speaks British or American English. 【小题 2】每天早晨 ,他带着一个圆形木板爬到拐弯处 . Every morning he climbs up to the bend _a large circular board _ _ _. 【小题 3】但经常他们只是从他们身边驶过

2、 ,把人体交通标志看作理所当然的事 . But often they just pass by, _ the _ _ _ for granted 【小题 4】到 19世纪 50年代,它每年能卖出 100万册,这使它成为迄今为止最受欢迎的教科书之一。 _ the 1850s, it _ _ one million copies a year, _ it one of the most popular school books ever. 【小题 5】应工人们的要求,老板向遇难者的家属道了歉。 _ _ to the workers _,the boss _ an apology to the re

3、latives of victims. 答案: 【小题 1】 doesnt make much of 【小题 2】 with in his hand 【小题 3】 taking human traffic signal 【小题 4】 By was selling making 【小题 5】 In response request made 试题分析:【小题 1】 doesnt make much of 考查固定词组 make a difference, much of 修饰名词短语。 【小题 2】 with in his hand 考查 with复合结构, with+宾语 +宾语补足语 in

4、his hand在手里 【小 题 3】 taking human traffic signal 考查固定词组 takefor granted 【小题 4】 By was selling making by 到 时为止;第 2,3空用进行时表示在过去的一段时间里所发生的事情。第三红 making是结果状语。 【小题 5】 In response request made 固定词组 in response to 对 的回应; 名词请求: request.第三空的固定词组 make an apology 道歉。 考点:考查固定词组和单词的识记 Have you ever wondered why t

5、here are so many skin colors in the world Do you know why people living in particular areas usually have a certain color Biology and history are the two reasons for this. Skin contains something called melanin, which determines a persons skin color. The more melanin a person has, the darker his or h

6、er skin will be. The amount of and the production of melanin are controlled by genetics, but can be affected by other things, such as sunlight. If a person lives in a place with less sunlight, a persons body will produce less melanin, making the skin lighter. Skin color is also affected by another s

7、ource - vitamin D. humans all need vitamin D to build bones. People can get it by eating foods such as fish and milk, or from sunlight, so sunlight absorbed by melanin cannot be used for vitamin D production. Therefore, a darkskinned person will produce less vitamin D than a lightskinned person when

8、 they received the same amount of sunlight. The connection between vitamin D production and skin color is clear when we look at evolution. The earliest humans lived in Africa, their dark skin produced less vitamin D because of their dark skin. As a result, their skin made less melanin, so they could

9、 get enough sunlight to produce vitamin D. their skin gradually got lighter and they lost hair. Now, people living in areas with strong sunlight like Africa, have darker skin, while people living in other areas have lighter skin. The exception to this is the Inuit, who live in a place with little su

10、nlight, but have dark skin because they eat a lot of fish and have enough vitamin D. Evolution has given us a rainbow of skin colors. Humans have always had melanin to determine our skin color. What has changed through history is the environment where we have lived. This has in turn changed our mela

11、nin production, and eventually, skin color. Brief _【小题1】 _ People living in a particular _【小题 2】 _ usually have the same skin color and there are many different skin colors in the world. Reason for skin color The reasons for different skin colors mainly_【小题 3】 _ in biology and history. Biology reaso

12、ns The amount of melanin, by which a persons skin color is_【小题 4】 _ , varies from people to people. The more melanin a person has, the _【小题5】 _ his or her skin will be. Vitamin D is another source_【小题 6】 _ skin color. Vitamin D is necessary for humans to build bones. Sunlight contributes to vitamin

13、D in the skin. Historical reasons The earliest people in Africa had dark skin with hair covering it because the sunlight is very strong. When they moved to places where they could not get enough sunlight to_【小题 7】 _ vitamin D, their skin color became lighter. Generally speaking, people in areas with

14、 strong sunlight, have darker skin _【小题 8】 _ people in other areas have lighter skin. _【小题 9】_ Melanin_【小题 10】 _an important role in our skin color. With our living environment changing, melanin production is changed, which leads to the changes in our skin color. 答案: 【小题 1】 Introduction 【小题 2】 area

15、【小题 3】 lie 【小题 4】 determined 【小题 5】 darker 【小题 6】 affecting 【小题 7】 produce 【小题 8】 while 【小题 9】 conclusion 【小题 10】 plays 试题分析: 【小题 1】 Introduction归纳总结题。归纳全文是关于为什么会有各种不同的肤色的原因。 【小题 2】 area原词再现。根据第一段第 2行 in particular areas。 【小题 3】 lie 同义句转换。根据第一段最后一句 Biology and history are the two reasons for this.说明

16、肤色不同是因为生物学和遗传,故转换成原 因在于 lie in 【小题 4】 determined句式转换。根据第二段第一行 which determines a persons skin color,把这个主动句变成了被动形式。 【小题 5】 darker 原词再现。根据第二段 1,2行 The more melanin a person has, the darker his or her skin will be. 【小题 6】 affecting同义句转换。根据第三段第一句 Skin color is also affected by another source - vitamin D

17、.转换成现在分词短语修饰 another source。 【小题 7】 produce原词再现。根据第四段第四行 they could get enough sunlight to produce vitamin D. their skin gradually got lighter and they lost hair. 【小题 8】 while 原词再现。根据第四段 Now, people living in areas with strong sunlight like Africa, have darker skin, while people living in other area

18、s have lighter skin. 【小题 9】 conclusion归纳总结。 Conclusions就是上文得到的最后的结论。 【小题 10】 plays 固定词组。 Play a part/role in 主语是不可数名词 Melanin,故用单数形式。 考点:考查任务型阅读 点评:这是 08年以来江苏高考的新题型 任务型阅读。考查考生对于文章篇章结构的把握能力和词性词性的转换能力。 单项选择 * Have you found the house for me, Ms Mary Yes, but I will tell you what trouble I had _ your h

19、ouse on the way I came here. A find B found C finding D founded 答案: C 试题分析:考查固定结构 .固定结构: have some difficulty/trouble in doing sth做某事有困难。本题把 trouble提前,形成定语从句, I前面省略了 that指代trouble作为 have 的宾语,根据本固定结构, finding 正确。句意:我将告诉你在我来这里的路上找你家的困难。故 C正确。 考点:考查固定结构 点评:固定结构 have some difficulty/trouble in doing sth

20、做某事有困难 ; 本题把trouble提前,形成定语从句。重在分析句子结构。找出核心考点。 How are you getting on with your work these days _. A I usually take the bus B I do my work on the computer C slowly but steadily D It is my business 答案: C 试题分析:考查交际用语。 A我常常坐公交车。 B我用电脑完成工作; C缓慢但是稳定; D是我的事情,与你无关。句意: 这些日子你的工作进展如何? 缓慢但是很稳定。根据句意说明 C正确。 考点:考查

21、交际用语 点评:对于交际用语的考查要放在上下文语境语义中。注意本题的 D项:与你无关。是我自己的事情。 He has decided to settle _ in France because he is fond of the romantic country. A intellectually B temporarily C manually D permanently 答案: D 试题分析:考查副词辨析。 A 智力上; B暂时; C手工地; D永久地;句意:他决定在法国永远定居下来,因为他喜欢这个浪漫的国家。根据句意说明 D正确。 考点:考查副词辨析 点评:副词的词义辨析要放在上下文语境

22、中进行辨析理解。注意 BD项是反义词。 Dont take _ for granted _ everyone should adore you. A that; what B this; which C one; what D it ;that 答案: D 试题分析:考查 it作为形式宾语和真正的宾语从句。第一空的 it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是 that everyone should adore you.that引导宾语从句,在句中不充当任何成分,没有任何意思,只是一个引导词。句意:宾语想当然的认为所有人都喜欢你。故 D正确。 考点:考查 it作 为形式宾语和真正的宾语从句 点评:英语中能做

23、形式主语和宾语的只有 it。后面的真正的宾语从句中的引导词 that不能省略,也没有实际的含义。 This letter is in Japanese, and I dont speak a word of Japanese. Can you help me Sure. I _ it for you. A am to translate B am going to translated C am translating D will translate 答案: D 试题分析:考查时态。本题的 will表示说话的时候,临时决定做某事。句意: 这封信是用日语写的。我一句日语也不会说。你能帮我吗?

24、当然。我现在就翻译给你。故 D正确。 考点:考查时态 点评:将来时的多种表达法一直是高考的重点,注意 will可以表示临时决定做某事。 Mr. Lin _ when I go to see him on Sundays. A is always working B was always working C always worked D has always worked 答案: A 试题分析:考查时态。现在进行时与 always连用,表示一种感情色彩。句意:当我在星期天去看他的时候,林先生总是在工作。本题表示表扬林先生总是在工作。故 A正确。 考点:考查时态 点评:注意选择进行时的一种特殊用

25、法:现在进行时与 always连用,表示一种感情色彩。可以是表扬也可以是批评。 When the old man _ to walk back to his house, the sun itself behind the mountain. A started; had already hidden B had started ;had already hidden C had started; was hiding D was starting; hid 答案: A 试题分析:考查时态。句意:当老人开始走回家的时候,太阳已经下山了。说明太阳下山是在老人回家之前。老人回家用过去时,太阳下山用

26、过去完成时。这两句的时态要一致,故 A正确。 考点:考查时态 点评:过去完成时一定要注意时间的起点,它不是的是过去的过去,要找到时间的参照点。 Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasnt stopped ringing. People _ to ask how I am going to spend the money. A phone B will phone C were phoning D are phoning 答案: D 试题分析:考查时态。句意:自从我获得大奖以来,我的电话一直响个不停,人们一直在打电话问我如何花这笔钱。用现在进行时表

27、示这段时间以来一直发生的事情,故 D正确。 考点:考查时态 点 评:时态的考查主要是放在上下文语境中进行的,现在进行时可以表示一段时间以来一直进行的,一直发生的事情。 What happened, officer Those prisoners made a (an) _ to escape from the prison but failed. A adapt B adopt C attempt D contract 答案: 试题分析:词义辨析。适应;收养,采用;尝试; D合同,协议;句意: 怎么了? 那些囚犯尝试着从监狱里逃走,但是失败了。根据句意指尝试。故 C正确。 考点:词义辨析 点评

28、:词义辨析类题目,要注意在上下文中区别分析单词的含义,注意一词多义现象。 How do you find the cake This cake is very sweet. You _ a lot of sugar in it. A should put B could have put C might put D must have put 答案: D 试题分析:考查情态动词用法。情态动词 +动词原形表示在现在情况的推测;情态动词 +have done表示对过去情况的推测。本题蛋糕很甜,说明放了很多的糖是在过去发生的事情,排除 AC。 Must have done一定做了某事。 Could

29、have done 可能做了某事,句意你认为蛋糕怎么样? 非常甜。你一定放了很多的糖。故正确。 考点:考查情态动词用法 点评: must表示有把握的肯定推测。如果是对过去的推测,使用情态动词 +have done的形式。 This movie is referred to _ a masterpiece of the famous director. A beyond B opposite C as D via 答案: C 试题分析:考查固定结构。 Refer to sb/sth as 认为 是 ;句意:这部电影被认为是这位导演的大师级作品。本题是该结构的被动语态。故 C正确。 考点:考查固定

30、结构 点评:固定结构。 Refer to sb/sth as 认为 是 本句是其被动语态的形式。 _ his timely help, Kate overcame the hardship at last. A Now that B Thanks to C Since D Because 答案: B 试题分析:考查词义辨析。 C 既然(后面接句子): B 多亏(后面接短语);D因为(后面接句子);句意:多亏他及时帮助, Kate最终才克服了困难。根据句意说明 B正确。 考点:考查词义辨析 点评:本题要注意 thanks to可以表示强烈的感情色彩,可以是褒义的,也可以是贬义的。 It is a

31、lmost five years _ we saw each other last time. A before B since C that D when 答案: 试题分析:考查特殊句式。 It is+一段时间 since从句;句意:自从 以来已经有一段时间了。本题句意:自从我上次见面到现在几乎 5年时间了。故 B正确。C是一个强调句型; A项的时态不正确。 考点 :考查特殊句式 点评:本题较难,主要从时态入手进行考查, It is+一段时间 since从句;句意:自从 以来已经有一段时间了。前半句的 is 可以换成 has been的形式。 Susan decided not to wor

32、k on the program at home because she didnt want her parents to know what she _. A has done B had done C was doing D is doing 答案: C 试题分析:考查时态。句意: Susan决定不在家里做这个计划,因为她不想让她的父母知道她在做什么。根据句意说明不想父母知道在过去的时间所做的事情,故使用过去进行时。故 C正确。 考点 :考查时态 点评:时态的考查要放在上下文语境中进行,本题的关键在于理解句意:她不想让她的父母知道她在做什么。 He _ the local accent

33、while working in Tibet. A picked up B picked out C wore off D made a fuss of 答案: A 试题分析:短语辨析。 A捡起,恢复,无意中学会; B挑选出; C磨损; D对 过于注意;句意:当他在西藏工作的时候,无意中学会了一些当地的口音。根据句意说明 A正确。 考点:考查短语辨析 点评: pick的短语中 pick up捡起,恢复,无意中学会;接受信号;染上恶习。要在上下文语境和语义中理解其具体用法。 完型填空 I went to my favorite restaurant one evening to have sup

34、per. I knew the owner very well. _36 _ I was waiting for the soup to arrive, I looked around to see if I knew anyone in the restaurant. It was _37_ that I noticed a man sitting at the corner table _38_ watching in my direction, as if he knew me. The man had a newspaper open _39_him, which he was _40

35、_ to read, though all the while I could see that he was keeping an eye on me. When the waiter brought the soup, the man was clearly _41_ by the familiar way in which the waiter and I talked to each other. He became even more puzzled as time went on and it grew more and more obvious that I was well_

36、42_ in the restaurant. In the end he got up and went to the kitchen. After a few minutes he came_ 43_ again, paid his bill and left without_ 44_ looking in my direction. When I finished and was_ 45_ to pay my bill, I called the owner over and _46_him what the man had wanted. The owner at_47_ didnt w

37、ant to tell me. I _48_ “Well”, he said “ that man was a detective.” “_49_ ” I said, much surprised. “he followed you here because he_ 50_ you were the man he was looking for,” the owner said. “He showed me a photo of the_51_ man. He certainly looked _52_ you! Of course since we know you here. I was

38、able to make him _53 _that he had made a mistake.” “Its_ 54_ I came to a restaurant where Im where Im known,” I said, “otherwise I _55_have been taken to police station!” 【小题 1】 A While B. After C. Before D. Until 【小题2】 A time B then C here D there A began B enjoyed C kept D stopped A behind B over

39、C in front of D beside A pretending B seen C prepared D hold A frightened B surprised C puzzled D pleased A treated B welcomed C received D known A around B up C in D out A another B all C any D each A able B about C willing D anxious A told B showed C asked D gave A last B first C least D once A in

40、sisted B apologized C wondered D regretted A Certainly B Really C Why D How A knew B found C explain D thought A strange B famous C wanted D curious A for B at C after D like A believe B agree C remember D learn A necessary B funny C lucky D clear A need B will C can D might 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 B 【小

41、题 3】 C 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 A 【小题 6】 C 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 B 【小题 11】 C 【小题 12】 B 【小题 13】 A 【小题 14】 B 【小题 15】 D 【小题 16】 C 【小题 17】 D 【小题 18】 A 【小题 19】 C 【小题 20】 D 试题分析:文章讲述了一个警察错误的把我当成他要寻找的通缉犯的故事。 【小题 1】 A 连词辨析。 A当 时; B在 之后; C在 之前; D直到 才。句意:当我在等我的汤的时候 【小题 2】 B 用法分析。本题是一个强调句型,强调的是时间状语 then,就在

42、这时我注意到坐在角落的一个人不停第看着我这个方向。 【小题 3】 C 动词辨析。 Keep doing sth不停地做某事。同上。 【小题 4】 C 介词辨析。 A在 .后面; B超过; C在 前面; D在 旁边;在他的面前有一份报纸,他假装在看。 【小题 5】 A 动词辨析。 A假装; B看见; C准备了 D坚持。同上。 【小题 6】 C 形容词辨析 .A 害怕; B惊讶的; C困惑的; D高兴的。他对我和服务员之间熟悉的关系很困惑。 【小题 7】 D 词义辨析。 A对待; B欢迎; C收到; D知 道。我在这家餐厅里很出名 well-known出名的。 【小题 8】 D 词义分析。 Com

43、e out出来。指一会他就从厨房里出来了,付钱走了,一眼也没有再看我、 【小题 9】 A 词义辨析。 A另一个; B所有; C任何; D每一个。同上。 【小题 10】 B 固定词组。 Be about to do sth正要做某事。 【小题 11】 C 动词辨析。 A 告诉; B 展示; C 问; D 给。指我把店主叫了过来,问他具体情况。 【小题 12】 B 固定词组。 At first起初。指刚开始的时候他不愿意说,但是我坚持要求他告诉我。 【小题 13】 A 动词辨 析。 A坚持; B道歉; C想知道; D后悔;同上。 【小题 14】 B 副词辨析。 A当然; B真的; C为什么; D如

44、何。指我对他是一个侦探感觉很惊讶。故 B正确。 【小题 15】 D动词辨析。 A知道; B发现; C解释; D认为。他认为我就是他一直寻找的人。 【小题 16】 C 固定用法。 Want通缉。 Wanted指被通缉的人。他认为我就是那个被通缉的人。 【小题 17】 D 固定词组。 Look like看起来像 这那个通缉犯和我看起来很相似。 【小题 18】 A 动词辨析。 A相信同意; C记得; D学会。我让他相信他犯了一个错误。 【小题 19】 C 形容词辨析。 A必要的; B滑稽的; C幸运地; D清楚的;我走进了一个熟悉我的餐厅真是幸运。 【小题 20】 D 情态动词辨析。 A需要; B将

45、; C可能; D也许。句意:我也许会被带进警察局。 考点:考查故事类完型 点评:整个完形填空大题,设空科学合理,考生不难从中领会大意,从而下手会比较顺利,从选项中可以看出,本大题主要还是考查了词汇的辨析与运用,但更加注重综合语言能力的运用,需要根据故事情节,了解词汇用法的同时,结合语境,做出准确的判断。 阅读理解 Honey from the African forest is not only a kind of natural sugar, it is also delicious. Most people and many animals like eating it. However,

46、 the only way for them to get that honey is to find a wild bees nest and take the honey from it. Often, these nests are high up in trees, and it is difficult to find them. In parts of Africa, though, people and animals looking for honey have a strange and unexpected helper - a little bird called a h

47、oney guide. The honey guide does not actually like honey, but it does like the wax in the beehives (蜂房 ). The little bird cannot reach this wax, which is deep inside the bees nest. So, when it finds a suitable nest, it looks for someone to help it. The honey guide gives a loud cry that attracts the attention of both passing animals and people. Once it has their attention, it flies through the forest, waiting from time to time for the curious animal or person as it leads them to the nest. When they finally arrive at the nest, t

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