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本文(2012-2013学年安徽无为开城中学高一下学期第二次月考英语卷(带解析).doc)为本站会员(feelhesitate105)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2012-2013学年安徽无为开城中学高一下学期第二次月考英语卷(带解析) 单项选择 * In 1778, Banks was elected _president of the Royal Society, _position he held for 42 years. A /, a B / , the C the, a D the, the 答案: A 试题分析:句意:在 1778年,班克斯被选举为英国皇家科学院的主席,这个职位他担任了 42 年了。第一空中表示职位的前面不加 the,第二空中泛指一个职位,故用 a,来修饰,故选 A 考点:冠词 点评:冠词分不定冠词和定冠词两种,本题着重理

2、解定冠词和不定冠词的区别,对于冠词特指和泛指的考察是历年来高考的必考点,平时的学习要多进行积累,仔细分析特指还是泛指。同时,更为重要的是要多去积累习惯表达,特殊表达,这也是近几年高考习惯考的地方。总而言之,多解题、多理解、多积累才是制胜的法宝。 _ the crisis of economy getting more and more serious, the government is searching for ways to improve peoples life. A As B For C With D On 答案: C 试题分析:句意:伴随着经济危机变得越来越严重,政府正在找出一些

3、方法来改善人们的生活。 with表示 “随着 ”,介词,后接名词或是名词性的短语,而 as 也有随着的意思后多接从句,故选 C 考点:介词 点评:介词在英语中起到穿针引线的作用,英语介词的一个特点是一词多义,并且介词间语义交叉现象很多,习惯用法也很多,有时很难从词义上区分开来。故学习中要注意不断总结,结 合语境结合基本词义多记一些介词的习惯用法和固定搭配。 He is no longer in good condition, and his ability to work is limited. I _ him to give up the job but failed. A suggeste

4、d B persuaded C tried to persuade D managed 答案: C 试题分析:句意:他的身体并不好,并且他对于这个工作的能力也是有限的。我尽力的去劝说他放弃这个工作,但是我失败了。 try to persuade sb to do sth尽力的劝说某人做某事,而 persuade强调是成功的劝说某人做某事,本题中并没有成功,故选 C 考点:动词词义辨析 点评:词义辨析考的是学生的基础词汇知识,了解每个选项的含义是做好此类题型的关键,对于这类题,可从句意着手。 suggest表示建议,构成 suggest sb to do sth的句型, manage to do

5、 表示成功的做某事,对于 平时的学习要多进行积累词汇,考试时才能很好的完成。 -Shall I keep an eye on your house when you are on holiday -_. A Its up to you B Of course you should C If you should like D I would appreciate that 答案: D 试题分析: A. Its up to you 由你说的算 B. Of course you should当然你能 C. If you should like 如果你喜欢 D. I would appreciate

6、 that我会非常感激你那样做的;句意:当你在度假的时候,我可以照看一下你的房子吗?我会非常感激你那样做的。故选 D 考点:交际用语 点评:本题考查情景交际,重在理解句子内部含义,对于这类题目,可结合排除法作答,可采用逆向思维,分析这个选项的用法,而得出答案:。学生要对常见的交际场合用法,记忆清楚,如打电话,问路,购物等场合。 The new road is _ of the old one. A more than three times the length B three times more than the length C more than the length D more t

7、hree times than the length 答案: A 试题分析:句意:新的道路比旧的那条马路的长三倍多。 more than 表示超过,倍数的表达将倍数放在 the length of 的前面,故选 A 考点:倍数的表达 点评:英语中倍数的表达常见的有以下几种: 1.表示 “几倍大小(长短;数量) ”, 由 “倍数 + the size( length, amount ) ”结构组成。 例如: The earth is forth-nine times the size of the moon. 地球是月亮的 49倍大。 2. 表示 “ 比 大几倍 ”,由 “倍数 +形容词(副词)

8、比较级 ”结构组成。 例如: This box is three times bigger than that one. 这个盒子比那个盒子大三倍。 The grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year. 今年比去年粮食产量增加 8%。 3. 表示 “ 是 倍 ”,由 “倍数 + as +形容词 + as +”结构组成。 Electronic devices such as iPods and headphones can do great harm to our hearing if _ improperl

9、y. A being used B used C to be used D having been used 答案: B 试题分析:句意:电子设备例如 iPods和耳机,如果使用不当,能够对我们的听力造成极大的伤害。 if后面的条件状语从句省略了 they are ,根据句意用被动形式,故选 B 考点:状语从句的省略 点评:句中充当状语的从句叫状语从句。状语从句可置于句首、句末或句中,一般来说,状语从句都比较完整。但是,在一些状语从句中存在的省略问题,可以归纳为 when, while, if, as if, although / though, as, until, once, whethe

10、r, unless, where等引导的从句中,如果其谓语为 be,而主语 与主句的主语相同时,则从句的主语和 be可省略。有时从句的主语为 it时,也可省略 it或从句中的有关成分。 A new _to teaching English is being used here, and it has proven to be very helpful to the students. A way B system C approach D method 答案: C 试题分析: A. way方法 B. system 系统 C. approach 途径,方法 D. method方法;句意:一种新的

11、教英语的方法正在这儿被使用,它被证明是对学生非常有帮助的。 approach to doing sth做某事的方法,固定结构,故选 C 考点:名词词义辨析 点评: way 是最通用的用法,后常接 to do或是 of doing, method是系统的,标准的方法,经过一段推理深思熟虑的方法,而 approach 指的是 “途径 ”后常接 to,表示 “ 的方法 ”。 It was at the very beginning _ Mr. Fox made the decision _ we should send more fire-fighters there. A when, which

12、B where, that C that, that D then, so 答案: C 试题分析:句意:就在开始的时候,福克斯先生做了一个决定,我们应该派遣更多的消防队员去那里。第一空中构成强调句型 It was that, 第二空中 that引导同位语从句,故选 C 考点:强调句型及名词性从句 点评: “强调 ”就是使句子的某一部分比一般情况下显得更加重要。英语表达中,要强调句子的某一成分,一般可用强调句型 “It is (was) +that (who) +句子的其余部分 ”。 It在句中无意义,只起引出被强调部分的作用。被强调的部分指人时,除可用 that外,还可换用 who(强调宾语指

13、人时也可用 whom)。使用强调句型时,应注意:去掉强调结构 It is (was) that(who) 后,剩下的词仍能组成一个完整的句子。这是判断是不是强调句型的关键。 Last Sunday I went to visit the History Museum where I saw a pot _ about 1,000 years before. A so it had been B so had it been C what it had been D as it had been 答案: D 试题分析:句意:上周日,我去了参观历史博物馆,我看见了一个正如一千年以前一样的锅。 as

14、 引导定语从句,在句中作为定语从句的宾语,可意为 “正如 ”,故选 D 考点:定语从句 点评:定语从句是高考从句中必考的语言点,出现在阅读完型中最常见。定语从句中如果既不缺主语,也不缺宾语,就要考虑是否用关系副词或 whose作定语,意为 “谁的 ”。至于如何判断缺不缺主或是宾语,尤其是缺宾语的情况,要将先行词带到定从中谓语动词之后看是否符合逻辑搭配,如符合则缺宾语,如不符合就不缺。 The reason why this kind of machine is popular with users is that it will work in _ temperature. A officia

15、l B extreme C common D natural 答案: B 试题分析: A. official官方的 B. extreme极限的 C. common 普遍的 D. natural自然的;句意:为什么这种机器对用户来说是流行的,是因为它能工作在极限的温度下。故选 B 考点:形容词辨析 点评:本题不难,理解好句意。对于词义辨析题目,首先可以从句意着手,看懂句意是解答此类题目的关键,其次四个选项的意思也要了如指掌。这对于平时学生的学习仔细度提出了要求,学生在平时的学习中要勤积累,多记忆,多查字典,以便在考试时能够迅速准确的答出。 - Havent seen you for ages!

16、Where have you been, anywhere - I _ to New York City. I just got back. A have been sent B was sent C had been sending D would be sent 答案: B 试题分析:句意:好久没有见到你了!你去哪里了?我被派往纽约了,刚刚回来。 send这个动作发生在过去,在这里只表示过去的某个动作,用一般过去时态,故选 B 考点:时态 点评:动词时态是高考必考语法点,理解各种时态的含义,用法是解答本题的基础。英语中很多时态的题目,句中并没有明确的时间状语,需要根据语境和语义进行判断,这

17、点在平时的练习中要多理解和总结,在备考中自己要有意识的掌握时态之间的区别。 _ the punishment was unjust , he would accept it without saying anything, because he knew it was the rule of the company. A As though B Even though C In case D Now that 答案: B 试题分析: A. As though好像 B. Even though尽管 C. In case以防万一 D. Now that既然;句意:尽管这个惩罚是不公平的,但是没有说

18、什么就接受了,因为他知道这个公司的规定。故选 B 考点:连词 点评:此题考查连词的表面意思,并不难。对于此类连词词义辨析的题目,首先应着眼于句意的理解,在理解句意的基础上结合四个选项的意思,采用排除法,得出最符合题意的一项答案:。在平时的学习中要勤积累,并掌握这 些连词的常用用法。 His teacher told him that since his parents were working abroad, either his grandparents or one of his uncles _ allowed to come to the parents meeting . A was

19、 B were C are D is 答案: A 试题分析:句意:他的老师告诉他因为他的父母亲都在国外工作,所以要么是他的祖父母要么是他的叔叔能够来参加家长会。 eitheror 意为 “要么 要么 ”,句中的谓语动词要注意就近原则,及与 or后面的主语保持一致,本句中为一般过去时,故选 A 考点:主谓一致 点评:本题较难,一般情况下,主谓之间的一致关系由以下三个原则的支配:语法一致原则;意义一致原则;就近原则。高考 “主谓一致 ”考查内容涉及名词单数或复数作主语、不可数名词作主语、不定代词作主语、并列结构作主语、特殊名词作主语时与谓语动词数的一致等。 -It is known to all

20、that this factory pours lots of waste water into the Changjiang River every year. - _ near my hometown. A So does it B So it is C So the one does D So does the one 答案: D 试题分析:句意:这个工厂每年向长江倾泻了大量的废水,这是人所共知的。我家乡附近的这个也是。 the one表示我家乡的这个工厂,而 it表示就是上文提到的这个工厂,不符合题意, so+助动词 +主语的倒装表示某人 /物也一样,故选D 考 点: so引起的倒装

21、点评:类似的还有 neither, nor,在句首表 “也不 ”,句子要部分倒装, so的另外两种常见的结构: so +助动词 +主语,这种结构表示 主语也这样。 so +主语 +助动词,表示是的,他们是。是对前半句的再次肯定。 He didnt attend the meeting last night, _ he doesnt know our plan for the picnic. A thats why B thats because C which is why D which is because 答案: C 试题分析:句意:他昨晚没有出席这个会议,那就是为什么他不知道我们野炊的

22、计划。 which 引导非限制性定语从句,而 that是不能引导非限制性定语从句的,根据句意,故选 C 考点:非限制定语从句 点评:本题咋一看,不知如何作答。把握好 which引导非限制性定语从句而that不能够即可。对于此类题,重在句意的理解及不要受到中文思维的影响,所以平时的学习要多解题,对于做错的题目要勤于积累,并加以复习,巩固。 完型填空 I recently heard a story about a famous scientist who had made several very important medical breakthroughs(突破) . He was bein

23、g interviewed by a reporter who asked him 1 he thought he was able to be so much more 2 than the average person. He responded that it all came from a(n) 3 with his mother that occurred when he was about 2. He had been trying to 4 milk from the fridge when he 5 the slippery(光滑的 ) bottle, its contents

24、 running all over the kitchen floor. When his mother came in, 6 shouting at him or giving him a lecture, she said, “Robert, what a great and wonderful 7 you have made! I have 8 seen such a huge pool of milk. Well, the damage has already been 9 . Would you like to get down and 10 in the milk for a fe

25、w minutes before we clean it up ” Indeed, he did. After a few minutes, his mother said, “Robert, whenever you make a mess like this, eventually you have to restore everything to its proper order. So, how would you like to do that We could use a sponge(海绵 ), a towel or a mop. Which do you prefer ” He

26、 chose the sponge. His mother then said, “ You know, what we have here is a 11 experiment in how to effectively carry a big milk bottle with two 12 hands. Lets go out in the back yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can 13 .” The little boy learned that if he 14 the bottle at the top n

27、ear the lip with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it. What a wonderful 15 ! This scientist then said that it was at that moment that he knew he didnt need to be 16 to make mistakes. Instead, he learned that mistakes were just 17 for learning something new, which is, 18 , what scientifi

28、c experiments are all about. Even if the experiment “doesnt 19 ,” we usually learn something 20 from it. 【小题1】 A why B what C when D how A capable B able C creative D original A coincidence B experience C incident D conflict A carry B bring C remove D fetch A fell B lost C escaped D dropped A rather

29、 than B instead of C other than D in place of A picture B mass C map D mess A rarely B happily C frequently D angrily A got B suffered C done D received A jump B play C enjoy D lay A failed B successful C fantastic D painful A strong B tiny C thin D weak A get it B put it C try it D make it A contro

30、lled B possessed C occupied D grasped A example B teaching C lesson D instruction A anxious B nervous C fearful D afraid A situations B opportunities C occasions D turns A after all B above all C first of all D in all A do B finish C go D work A worthy B costly C valuable D interesting 答案: 【小题 1】 A

31、【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 B 【小题 11】 A 【小题 12】 B 【小题 13】 D 【小题 14】 D 【小题 15】 C 【小题 16】 D 【小题 17】 B 【小题 18】 A 【小题 19】 D 【小题 20】 C 试题分析:本文讲述了一个著名的科学家 2岁时他的一次经历,正是妈妈的鼓励和引导,作者从懂得了人生应该从错误中学习,不要害怕犯错误。 【小题 1】联系前后文可知,记者在这里问他做出这些突破的原因。故选 A 【小题 2】 A. capabl

32、e能干的 B. able能够 C. creative创造性的 D. original原始的 根据句意:记者问他为什么认为自己能够比普通人做出更多的创造性突破。故选 C 【小题 3】 A. coincidence巧合 B. experience经历 C. incident事件 D. conflict冲突 根据句意:他说那完全来自于在他两岁的时候,和妈妈一起遭遇一次经历。故选 B 【小题 4】 A. carry携带 B. bring带来 C. remove移动 D. fetch取得 根据句意:他一直试图在冰箱里去移动那些牛奶,故选 C 【小题 5】 A. fell摔倒 B. lost丢失 C. e

33、scaped逃走 D. dropped下降 ,掉落; 根据句意:突然他手一滑,瓶子掉下来了,同时从后文 he could carry it without dropping it.可知,故选 D 【小题 6】 A. rather than而不是 B. instead of不是 而是 C. other than除了 D. in place of代替 根据句意:当 他的妈妈进来时,并没有对他大喊或者教训他。故选 B 【小题 7】 A. picture图片 B. mass大量 C. map地图 D. mess弄乱 ;从后文whenever you make a mess like this可知,此处

34、指的是地面是多么脏乱,故选 D 【小题 8】 A. rarely 很少地,罕见地 B. happily快乐地 C. frequently 经常地 D. angrily生气地;句意 :我很少见到这么多的牛奶。 【小题 9】 do damage做的损害,句意:这些已经被做的损害。故选 C 【小题 10】句意:你想要蹲下来并且在你清理它之前在牛奶里玩一会吗?故选B 【小题 11】 A. failed失败的 B. successful成功的 C. fantastic极好的 D. painful痛苦的;根据后文及句意:我们来做一失败性的实验,故选 A 【小题 12】 A. strong强壮的 B. ti

35、ny 微小的 C. thin瘦弱的 D. weak虚弱的;句意:用你的小手来如何有效的拿起大的瓶子,故选 B 【小题 13】 make it成功,固定表达,句意:来看看你时候能够成功。故选 D 【小题 14】 A. controlled 控制 B. possessed拥有 C. occupied占用 D. grasped抓住;句意:如果他抓住靠近瓶口的那个位置时,他不会将瓶子弄掉,故选 D 【小题 15】多么棒的一课啊! lesson 课,教训,故选 C 【小题 16】 A. anxious 焦急的 B. nervous紧张的 C. fearful恐惧的 D. afraid害怕的;句意:从那一

36、刻他知道他没有必要害怕犯错误,故选 D 【小题 17】 A. situations情形 B. opportunities机会 C. occasions场合 D. turns转弯;句意:而是,他学到犯错误是学到新东西的机会,故选 B 【小题 18】 A. after all毕竟 B. above all首要重要的是 C. first of all首先 D. in all总计;句意:毕竟犯错误是学到新东西的机会,故选 A 【小题 19】及时这个实验并没有奏效, work工作,起作用,故选 D 【小题 20】 A. worthy值得的 B. costly昂贵的 C. valuable 可贵的 D.

37、interesting有趣的;句意:我们通常能从它那里学到宝贵的东西,故选 C 考点:人生百味 类记叙文 点评:文章围绕对科学家一次不小心将牛奶倒掉的事情展开讲述。解答此类文章需要对文章花两分钟过的时间进行浏览,把握作者写作的大意,同时将自己设身处地的融入情节中,对于第一遍做不出的题目不要急于作答,将后续题目答完后再仔细作答。 阅读理解 Ben and his wife Susan were on their way to have dinner with their friends. It was a dark, windy night, and they did not know the

38、way very well. They drove through a town until they found what they thought was the road to Dorling, where their friends lived. But it soon became clear that they were not on the road to Dorling at all. The road that they were on was getting narrower, and there were no other cars on it. The wind was

39、 blowing harder with every minute that passed. They came to a small village .They drove past a church and then two houses without lights on. There was nobody about to tell them where they were, or where the road went. Just then, Ben saw a telephone box, twenty meters or so further on. While he walke

40、d back along the road to see if there was a name outside the church, Susan telephoned their friends and told them that they were still on their way. Their friends were just saying that the dinner was already getting rather cold, when Ben came back to the telephone box, his head down against the wind

41、. He said that there was a tree lying across the road, and that the telephone lines were down. Susan heard nothing more from their friends about the dinner. 【小题 1】 Some time later Ben and Susan found they took a wrong road because _. A their friends lived nearer than they drove B the road was gettin

42、g narrower and their car alone was on it C the hard wind made them get lost D the road was not the same as before 【小题 2】 Ben went to the church to see if there was a name outside because _. A he was sure to find some people who knew Dorling B he hoped to get help from there C he wanted to telephone

43、his friends where they were D he wanted to stay there for the night 【小题 3】 Susan could hear nothing more from their friends because _. A the telephone lines were broken by a tree B the strong wind made too much noise C they got angry D they had all left 【小题 4】 From the passage we know _. A Ben and h

44、is wife often went out for dinners B Ben and his wife lived in the country C both Ben and his wife were short-sighted(近视的 ) D Ben and his wife seldom(很少 ) went to Dorling 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 D 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了本和他的妻子苏珊开车去朋友家里吃饭,朋友家居住在道灵,但是他们却在路上迷路了。 【小题 1】细节题。根据文章 But it soon became cle

45、ar that they were not on the road to Dorling at all. The road that they were on was getting narrower, and there were no other cars on it.可知,一段时间之后,本和苏珊发现了他们走错了路,是因为他们发现路变 得越来越窄,而且路上也没有其他的车。故选 B 【小题 2】细节题。根据文章 While he walked back along the road to see if there was a name outside the church, Susan te

46、lephoned their friends and told them that they were still on their way.可知,本想看教堂外面是否有名字,是因为他想给他朋友打电话告诉朋友他们在哪里。故选 C 【小题 3】细节题。根据文章 He said that there was a tree lying across the road,and that the telephone lines were down. Susan heard nothing more from their friends about the dinner.可知,苏珊再也听不到他朋友说的话,是

47、因为一棵树把电话线压坏了。故选 A 【小题 4】推断题。根据文章可知,本和苏珊开车去他们朋友家里吃饭,朋友家在道灵,但是他们迷路了,可知,他们很少去道灵。故选 D 考点:日常生活类记叙文 点评:本文细节题较多,并不难。对于此类比较短的文章,所给的信息量比较精炼,要求学生仔细认真的读懂文章,不能走马观花的看,要根据题目中的内容对比文章的上下,综合作答,尤其对于推断题,要准确理会作者的写作情感,事情发展的逻辑关系都需要特别注意。 If you want to be a success, study at the University of Waikato is right for you. The

48、 university is internationally recognized for its excellence and achievements. It will help you develop advanced research skills. As a university student you can get first-class research facilities (设施 ) with trained teachers to help, support and advise you in your study. We pride ourselves on our high standards, our research success and our international recognition. For further informat

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