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本文(2012-2013学年甘肃省武威市第六中学高二下学期期中测试英语试卷与答案(带解析).doc)为本站会员(fuellot230)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2012-2013学年甘肃省武威市第六中学高二下学期期中测试英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * The old professor has three sons, _are doctors. A all of them B all of whom C all of that D all of which 答案: B 试题分析:考查定语从句。本题的先行词是 three sons,在定语从句中 whom指代先行词在句中做 of的宾语,因为先行词是人,所以使用 whom表示。句意:那个老教授有三个儿子,所有的儿子都是医生。 考点:考查定语从句 点评:解答定语从句的关键是分析句子成分,如果定语从句

2、的句子成分很完整就使用关系副词;如果句子缺少主语,宾语,表语或者定语的时候就使用关系代词。同时也要注意一些关系词的特殊用法,尤其是 that的特殊用法,既要注意普遍性,也要注意特殊性。特别关注: Whose是关系词中唯一的一个可以放在名词前面做定语的关系代词,如果缺少定语,用 whose引导定语从句,或是of which the+名词 /the+名词 +of which。要特别注意 which引导非限制性短语从句的用法。 We had a picnic last term and it was full of fun, so lets have_one this month. A the ot

3、her B some C another D other 答案: C 试题分析:词义辨析。 The other指两者之中的另外一个; some一些; another另外一个; other其它的;句意:我们上个学期去野餐了,真的很快乐。所有这个月我们在去一次把。根据句意这里的 another是指另外一次野餐。故 C正确。 考点:考查词汇辨析 点评:词汇是学习语言的重要环节。要掌握好英语 ,记忆相当数量的词汇是必不可少的。英语中的每一个单词 ,不仅表达一定的概念 ,具有一定的词汇意义 ,而且在语音、拼法、语法等方面都有自己的特点。在学生学习英语的过程中 ,单词、词组记忆是基础。解答这类题目,关键是

4、理解题干意思以及各选项词组的意思。 I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her. _. It was her fault. A No way B Not possible C No chance D Not at all 答案: A 试题分析:考查交际用语。 A不可能; B不可能(中国式英语); C没有可能性; D一点也不;本题的 BC 项都是中国式英语。句意: 我认为你应该打电话给 Jenny向她道歉。 不可能,是她的错。根据句意说明 A正确。 考点:考查交际用语 点评:交际用语的考查要根据上下文的含义以及逻辑关系,也要注意中西方文

5、化在表达上的差异,要有跨文化的意识。同时要特别注意西方的文明礼仪在交际用语中的体现。也要把语法和句意相融合在一起,在平时的 学习中要注意积累一些常见的交际用语的句式。 When you finish reading the book, youll have_better understanding of_life. A a; the B the; a C /; the D a; / 答案: D 试题分析:考查冠词。本题第一空是固定词组 have a better understanding of有更好的理解;第二空的名词 Life是一个抽象名词,要单独使用,不需要冠词。句意:当你读完这本书的时

6、候,你会对生活有更深的理解。故 D正确。 考点:考查冠词 点评:冠词的考查集中在 the表示特指; a/an表示泛指。另外要注意冠词的一些固定搭配中冠词的使用。这题主要是抽象名词具体化的用法,除了 honor还有success, failure, surprise, pleasure等名词也可以表示抽象名词具体化。 Have you seen Maragaret The boss is looking for her everywhere. She_the train, otherwise she would have arrived here by now. A should have mi

7、ssed B must have missed C had missed D might miss 答案: B 试题分析:考查情态动词表示推测。根据后面的 otherwise she would have arrived here by now(要不然她就会到了)说明是对过去所发生的情况的推测。故使用 “情态动词 +have done”的形式。 Should have done本应该做某事,实际上却未做; must have done一定做了某事;句意: 你看见 Maragaret了吗?老板到处找她。 她一定错过了火车了,要不然,她会到了的。故 B正确。 考点:考查情态动词用法 点评:情态动词

8、的用法比较复杂。突出的是表示推测:如果是对现在的情况进行推测,使用 “情态动词 +动词原形 ”;对过去的情况进行推测,使用 “情态动词+have done”;情态动词也经常用于虚拟语气,要分具体情况来分析,在条件句中和宾语从句,表语从句中都有体现。 It is desired that the project_before the end of this month. A will be finished B is to be finished C be finished D is going to be finished 答案: C 试题分析:考查虚拟语气。动词 desire 后面的宾语从句

9、要使用 “should+动词原形 ”构成的虚拟语气, should可以省略。句意:人们要求这些工程要在月底之前被结束。 C项中省略了 should。故 C正确。 考点:考查虚拟语气 点评:本题中的动词 desire后面的宾语从句要使用 “should+动词原形 ”构成的虚拟语气, should可以省略。英语中有 4 四个表示 “要求 ”的词, require, ask ,tell, demand; 3 三个表示 “建议 ”的词, suggest, recommend, advice;2 两个表示 “命令 ”的词, order,command ; 1 一个表示 “坚持 ”的词,insist。他们

10、后面接 should+动词原形 的虚拟语气。 Should可以省略。 The news reporters hurried to the airport, only_the film star had left. A to tell B telling C to be told D having told 答案: C 试题分析:考查不定式做结果状语。本题中的不定式做结果状语,表示的是意料之外的结果;句意:那些记者匆忙地赶到机场,结果却被告知电影明星已经离开。本句表示的是意料之外的结果。现在分词做结果状语表示的是意料之中的结果。故 C正确。 考点:考查分词做结果状语 点评:现在分词做结果状语表示

11、的是意料之中的结果;不定 式表示的是意料之外的结果;解题时要根据上下文的语境来判断究竟应该使用何种形式。 It is far better for one to drink milk, _one gets nutrients, than to drink coffee, _contains no nutrients at all. A what; what B where; as C from which; which D in which; what 答案: C 试题分析:考查定语从句。本题第一空定语从句的先行词是 milk,后面的定语从句结构很完整,故使用 from which来引导定语从

12、句。第二空的先行词是coffee,后面的定语从句缺少主语,使用 which引导非限制性定语从句。句意:对一个人来谁最好是喝牛奶,从牛奶中得到营养物质。而不是喝咖啡,咖啡里一点营养也没有。故 C正确。 考点:考查定语从句 点评:定语从句是高考从句中必考的语法,在阅读文章中出现的频率也很高。关键在于分析句子结构,定语从句中如果既不缺主语,也不缺宾语和表语,就要考虑是否用关系副词或 whose作 定语,意为 “谁的 ”。至于如何判断缺不缺主或是宾语,尤其是缺宾语的情况,要将先行词带到定从中谓语动词之后看是否符合逻辑搭配,如符合则缺宾语,如不符合就不缺。 Its helpful to put chil

13、dren in a situation _ they can see themselves differently. A that B when C which D where 答案: D 试题分析:考查定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是 situation,定语从句中的句子结构很完整,应该使用关系副词。要特别注意如果定语的先行词 situation,case等抽象名词的时候,使用关系副词 where。故 D正确。 考点:考查定语从句 点评: where引导定语从句时,是表示地点或者抽象意义 “在 方面 ”,本身在从句部分充当地点状语。并且有些时候一些词会很抽象的用作地点,比如, case,st

14、age, position, state, activity,business,occasion,situation,point等 ,但也要视情况而定。 The beggars suffering couldnt arouse any _ ,who had lost his shirts because of being addicted to gambling. A satisfaction B sympathy C assistance D dignity 答案: B 试题分析:名词辨析。 A满意; B同情; C帮助; D尊严;句意:那个乞丐的痛苦无法引起任何同情,他沉溺于赌博而失去了他的

15、衬衫。根据句意说明 B 正确。 考点:考查名词词义辨析 点评:名词的词义辨析要放在上下文的语境中进行,要注意上下文的语义的串联以及逻辑关系的推理,特别要注意一些名词的固定搭配以及名词的深层次的含义的区别。 The stream_during the hot summer, but it is full of water in spring. A dries up B dries out C dries off D dries on 答案: A 试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。 A枯竭,使 干涸; B晾干; C把 弄干;句意:在炎热的夏天,这条小溪干涸了,但是 在春天,小溪里都水。根据句意说明 A项

16、干涸正确。 考点:考查动词短语辨析 点评:动词短语是高考必考题,在平时的学习中要把同种类型的短语放在一起比较,如同一个动词 +不同的介词 /副词;同一个介词 /副词 +不同的动词。诸如此类的固定短语,属于最基本的知识,如果学生有错误,则应该加强背诵并平时多解题,进而加以巩固 . Tom pretended_it, but in fact, he knew it very well. A not listen to B not to hear about C not to have heard about D to be not listening to 答案: C 试题分析:考查不定式用法。本

17、题中的动词 pretend后面要接不定式的形式pretend to do sth假装做某事;句意: Tom假装没有听说过这件事情,但是实际上他很了解这件事情。根据句意说明他知道这件事情,那么应该使用不定式的完成式,根据句意说明使用否定式。故 C正确。 考点:考查不定式用法 点评:本题重在理解非谓语动词的用法,非谓语动词是高考语法点的重中之重。把握好以下的知识: to do 表目的、将来; doing 表主动、伴随; done表被动、完成。同时答题步骤为: 1.判断是否为非谓语动词,看是否有连词。 2.找逻辑主语。 3.判断逻辑主语与非谓语动词的关系。 4.看是否非谓语动词动作发生在主句谓语动作

18、之前,如果是之前,就用完成式的形式。 Apart from being good at teamwork, he is tall, strong and athletic._,he is the best choice for the coming basketball match. A All in all B In addition C After all D By the way 答案: A 试题分析:考查介词不要辨析。 A总之; B另外; C终究,毕竟; D随便说一些;句意:除了擅长与团队合作之外,他很高大强壮。总之,他是即将来临的篮球赛的最好的选择。根据句意说明 A正确。 考点:考查

19、介词短语辨析 点评:解答这类题目,首先要理解题干的意思,其次要知道各选项词组的意思,然后像数学中的代入法一样,依次把各个选项意思放入句子中进行比较,不难选出正确答案:。关键还是在平时学习的过程中,多积累多总结多记忆。以动词 或者名词作为中心词进行记忆,是个不错的方法。 The stable political and economical situation is considered _ to the growth of town enterprises. A effective B beneficial C beneficent D efficient 答案: B 试题分析:形容词词义辨析

20、。 A有效的; B受益的;有益的; C仁慈的,行善的; D高效的;句意:稳定的经济和经济形势对于地方企业的发展是有益的。根据句意说明 B正确。 考点:考查形容词词义辨析 点评:本题重在理解好句意。对于词义辨析题目,首先可以从句意着手,看懂句意是解答此类题目的关键,其次四个选项的意思也要了如指掌。这对于平时学生的学习仔细度提出了要求,学生在平时的学习中要勤积累,多记忆,多查字典,以便在考试时能够迅速准确的答出。 I_you that we should not_their plan. A agree to; agree with B agree with; agree with C agree

21、to; agree on D agree with; agree to 答案: D 试题分析:考查 agree动词短语。 Agree to sth同意 sth(宾语常常是表示计划的名词); agree with 同意某人的意见,与 一致; agree on 在 达成一致;句意:我和你意见一致,我们不应该同意他们的计划。根据句意说明 D正确。 考点:考查动词短语辨析 点评:解答这类题目,首先要理解题干意思,其次要知道每个选项的意思。这类题目属于记忆考查题,所以关键在于平时的词汇的学习。多归纳、多总结、多记忆以及勤练习。对于词组的考查,经常会出现这类以 动词为中心词,辅以介词构成动词词组的题目,要

22、熟悉掌握这类词的用法。 完型填空 形填空(共 20小题;每小题 1分 ,满分 20分) When Dave was eighteen, he bought a second-hand car for 200 so that he could travel to and from work more 36 than by bus. It worked quite well for a few years, but it got so old, and it was costing him 37 much in repairs, that he decided that he had better

23、 38 it. He asked among his friends to see if anyone was 39 to buy a cheap car, but they all knew that it was falling to pieces, so 40 of them had any desire to buy it. Daves friend Sam saw that he was 41 when they met one evening, and said, “Whats 42 , Dave ” Dave told him, and Sam answered, “Well,

24、what about advertising(登广告 ) it in the paper You may 43 more for it in that way than the cost of the advertisement!” Thinking that Sams 44 was reasonable, he put an advertisement in an evening paper, which read: “For sale: small car, 45 very little gas, only two owners. Bargain at 50.” For two days

25、after the advertisement first appeared, there was no 46. But then on the Saturday evening he had an enquiry (咨询 ). A man rang up and said he would like to 47 him about the car. “All right.” Dave said, feeling happy. He asked the man whether ten oclock the next morning would be 48 or not. “Fine,” the

26、 man said, “and Ill 49 my wife. We want to go for a ride in it to50 it.” The next morning, at a quarter to ten, Dave parked the car in the square outside his front door, 51 to wait there for the people who had 52 his advertisement. Even Dave had to 53 that the car really looked like a wreck (残破的车 ).

27、 Then, soon after he had got the car as 54 as it could be, a police car stopped just behind him and a policeman got out. He looked at Daves car and then said, “Have you reported this 55 to us yet, sir ” 【小题1】 A directly B safely C easily D properly A too B so C such D very A keep B sell C repair D t

28、hrow A generous B willing C lucky D ashamed A some B neither C none D most A delighted B calm C sad D astonished 【小题 7】 Aon B.that C.up 【小题8】 A learn B miss C find D get A advice B message C request D description A loses B has C spends D uses A doubt B help C answer D trouble A see B tell C agr

29、ee D call A exact B early C suitable D late A follow B meet C bring D introduce A get B recognize C test D admire A meaning B happening C turning D failing A read B answered C inserted D placed A admit B forget C show D disagree A admit B fast C clean D light A bargain B sale C result D accident 答案:

30、 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 A 【小题 6】 C 【小题 7】 C 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 D 【小题 11】 C 【小题 12】 A 【小题 13】 C 【小题 14】 C 【小题 15】 C 【小题 16】 A 【小题 17】 B 【小题 18】 A 【小题 19】 C 【小题 20】 D 试题分析:本文讲述的 David买车的小故事,但是他的车实在是太旧了,以至于警察都认为这辆车出了事故。 【小题 1】 C 副词辨析。 A直接 B安全 C容易 D合适;他买车是想比坐公交车更方便容易地上班。 【小题 2

31、】 B 固定用法。用 so修饰表示数量的名词 much, many等。花了很多的钱来修理这辆汽车。 【小题 3】 B 上下文串联。根据下文他问朋友是否要买车,并登广告说明他想把这车卖掉。 【小题 4】 B 形容词辨析。 A慷慨 B愿意 C吸引 D害羞;他询问朋友是否有人愿意买这辆车。 【小题 5】 C 语法分析。 None是指特定范围之内一个也没有。这辆是指他的朋友中没有一个人要买。 【小题 6】 C 上下文串联。他一直想卖车,可是没有人买。所以他感觉很难过。 【小题 7】 C 固定句式。 Whats up 怎么啦?询问对方出了什么样的事情。 【小题 8】 D 动词辨析。 A学会 B错过 C发

32、现 D得到;他告诉 Dave登广告最后得到的要比这个要多。 【小题 9】 A 上下文串联。对方让他登广告,这是给他提出的一个建议。 【小题 10】 D 动词辨析。 A失去 B有 C花费 D使用;他是说他的车子用汽油很少,很省油。 【小题 11】 C 名词辨析。 A怀疑 B帮助 C回应 D麻烦;广告登了出去,但是没有人回应。 【小题 12】 A 动词辨析。 A看 B告诉 C同意 D打电话;对方要求要过来看着辆车。 【小题 13】 C 形容词辨析 。 A确定 B早 C合适 D晚,迟;他询问对方第二天10点合适不合适。 【小题 14】 C 动词辨析。 A采纳 B遇见 C带来 D介绍;对方要把自己的妻

33、子带来一起验车。 【小题 15】 C 动词辨析。 A得到 B认出 C检验 D钦佩;对方要过来验车,看看车子的质量等。 【小题 16】 A 动词辨析。 A打算 B碰巧 C转向 D失败;他想再这里等对方。 【小题 17】 B 上下文串联。根据上文 46空 anwser可知这里是指回应广告的那个人。 【小题 18】 A 动词辨析。 A承认 B忘记 C展示 D不同意;他不得不承认这个车实在太破了。 【小题 19】 C 形容词辨析。 A承认 B快速 C干净 D轻;他把车子擦地尽可能地干净。 【小题 20】 D 名词辨析。 A便宜货 B销售 C结果 D事故;这辆车子坏得练警察都以为出了车祸。 考点:考查故

34、事类完型填空 点评:本文讲述的 David买车的小故事,但是他的车实在是太旧了,以至于警察都认为这辆车出了事故。本文主要是测试学生综合运用语言的能力,即从语篇的角度综合测试阅读理解能力、词汇的掌握和对英语习惯用语的熟悉程度、以及语法规则的灵活运用。考生做题时必须时刻从上下文考虑,不应该只看到所添的词在短语或句子内是否可行。因此,在做题时最好将全文通读一下,了解 了全文的意思以后再作答。 阅读理解 Accidents and illness are unhappy things to talk about, but no one can expect to live a lifetime wit

35、hout having some kind of accident or becoming ill. Some accidents and illnesses are serious and may result in long periods of invalidism. The newspapers contain spectacular accounts of accidents in the street and highways and public places, but nearly as many accidents occur around the home. Somebod

36、y trips on a rug. Somebody falls off a stepladder. Somebody is careless in cooking dinner, and is burned. Accidents incurred in the playing of sports and swimming also accounts for a large number of injuries, big and little. Despite constant campaigns to reduce the number of accidents, there are sti

37、ll approximately 100,000 accidental deaths and nearly 9,000,000 non-fatal injuries in the United States each year. It has been estimated that around 3,000,000 people are constantly ill in the United States throughout the year and that over half the illness is caused by respiratory diseases, chiefly

38、colds and influenza. The pain and suffering caused by accidents and illness tell only half the story. Loss of time from school and work and medical and hospital expenses often make the pain seem worse. Money spent in this country for doctors, services, hospitalization, nursing care, drugs, medicines

39、, Xrays, and special treatments, amounts to a huge annual sum. Added to this expense is another much larger amount that is lost to wage earners throughout the nation by reason of their loss of wages or income while sick or otherwise disabled. Accident and health insurance is a form of insurance devi

40、sed to protect against these economic losses. It protects the earning of wage earners and finishes financial aid to the family of the breadwinner by the payment of his doctor and hospital bills. Today, business and professional men, farmers, industrial workers, clerks and those engaged in various oc

41、cupations, whose earning power is shut off for a week, a month, or sometimes years, because of accidents or illness can insure themselves against this financial loss by accident and health insurance. Protection is available to all types of workers and the cost(called the premium)ranges from a few ce

42、nts a day for small or limited policies to a month for policies paying larger amounts(called indemnities). Policy is another name for an insurance contract(合同 ). Most accident and health policies are cancelable policiesthat is, they are sold for a definite term such as a week, a month, or a year, si

43、milar to contracts of fire insurance and automobile liability insurance. There are, however, policies which cannot be canceled or terminated(终止 )by the insurance company until the policyholder reaches an age at which he usually has no further earning powermost often at sixty or sixty -five years. Th

44、ese non-cancelable policies cost more than the cancelable policies. 【小题 1】 What is the passage mainly concerned about A Everyone will have some sort of illness or accident. B Accident and health insurance is available to everyone. C Cancelable insurance policies are better than non-cancelable one. D

45、 Insurance is a good protection against accidents and illness. 【小题 2】 Every year in the United States there are_. A more people die in accidents than of illness B more people who are ill than those injured in accidents C more outdoor accidents than indoor accidents D more people injured in accidents

46、 than those who are constantly ill 【小题 3】 The heaviest pain and suffering caused by accidents and illness are_. A colds and influenza B financial losses C loss of time D invalidism 【小题 4】 Accident and health insurance will protect people by_. A covering their medical expenditure B paying their wages

47、 C restoring their earning power D providing policyholders with the money they need to survive 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 A 试题分析:本文介绍了很多人因为生病或者事故而经受了巨大的损失,而为了避免这种损失,可以参加 Accident and health insurance。 【小题 1】 D 细节题。根据文章第五段前 3行 Accident and health insurance is a form of insurance devised to

48、 protect against these economic losses. It protects the earning of wage earners and finishes financial aid to the family of the breadwinner by the payment of his doctor and hospital bills.可知这种事故和健康的保险是一种很好的保护措施,故 D正确。 【小题 2】 D 细节题。根据文章 2,3段 Despite constant campaigns to reduce the number of accidents, there are still approximately 100,000 accidental deaths and nearly 9,000,000 non-fatal injuries in the United States each year.和 It

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