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2012年人教版高中英语必修五Unit3 练习卷与答案(带解析).doc

1、2012年人教版高中英语必修五 Unit3 练习卷与答案(带解析) 其他 Making an advertisement for television often costs more than a movie. For example, a two-hour movie costs $6 million to make. A TV commercial can cost more than $ 600 a second. 【小题 1】 Which is more valuable, the program or the ad In terms of money-and making mone

2、y is what television is all aboutthe commercial is by far the most important. Research, market testing, talent, and moneyall come together to make us want to buy a product. 【小题 2】 The sales of charm went up once the ads began. TV commercials actually buy their way into our head. 【小题 3】 And the ads w

3、ork because so much time and attention are given to them. 【小题 4】 If you want to get a lower-middle-class buyer, make sure the announcer has a tough, manly voice. Put some people in the ad who work with their hands. If you want to sell the products to an upper-class audience, make sure that the house

4、, the furniture, and the hairstyles are the types that the group agree with . if you want the buyer to feel superior to the character selling the product, then make that person so stupid or silly that everyone will feel great about himself or herself. We laugh at commercials. We dont think we pay mu

5、ch attention to them. 【小题 5】 The making of a TV commercial that costs so much money is not a kid stuff. Its a big,big business. And its telling us what to think, what we need, and what to buy. To put it simple, the TV commercial is a form of brainwashing. A No matter how bad we think a commercial is

6、, it works. B And this does not include the cost of paying for air time. C We, in return, buy the product. D The purpose of all the efforts made in producing TV commercials is to show how valuable the product is. E. Here are some rules of commercial ad making. F. TV commercials are a good guide to b

7、uyers. G. But evidence shows we are kidding ourselves. 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 E 【小题 5】 G 单项选择 * _confidence and the necessary equipmnt, they failed to rescue the 42 miners trapped in the coal mine. A Lack of B Lacking of C Lacking D Having lacked 答案: C New ways have to be found to _of

8、 waste materials and poisonous gases so that we can have cleaner surroundings A deal B do C remove D dispose 答案: D Reviewing the video monitor afterwards, they noticed two armed men with their faces covered by masks step out of a carriage and _the bank through the backdoor. A slide into B enter into

9、 C stole into D went into 答案: A No sooner had I began to sing the English song than it was_ by a 13-year-old girl. She sang the song so beautifully that I couldnt help asking her when she had _ the study of English. A brought up; taken up B picked up; picked up C taken up; taken up D come up; set up

10、 答案: C They are representatives of farm workers and the frustrating conditions they are in are_ the true state of the majority of them. A symbolic B representative of C curious about D ambitious about 答案: B When you are _ about which button to press on the complicated machine, you can either read th

11、e users guide for guidance or fax us for specific instruction. Dont _ the trial-and-error method. A insure; do B ensure; make C uncertain; try D unsure; touch 答案: C The local government has again _ its words not to swallow the arable land for town building and the farmers can do nothing but swallow

12、it. Which of the following is NOT OK A swallowed B eaten C broken D let down 答案: D The most important _ of the job as a typist is to be able to type fast and _. A aspect; accurate B way; exactly C aspect; accurately D part; precisely 答案: C 试题: aspect方面,方向; way方法,方式; part部分; accurate精确的,经过谨慎努力达到符合要求;

13、 exactly确切的,精确的,质与量方面的准确;precisely精确的,极端准确强调细节。句意是像打字这种工作最重要的方面就是打字及快又准。故选 C。 考点:词义辨析。 点评:词义辨析题要求考生平时多记忆多积累,根据具体语境进行判断选择。 It is every citizens duty to go out to _ the snow on the street_ it stops falling so as to make it convenient for traffic to pass. . A sweep up; the instant B clear up; the momen

14、t C clean up; immediately D whirled up; directly 答案: A The goods on this counter _ at a discount of 25%, like the typewriters, television receivers, dustbins, etc. A sell B sells C is sold D are sold 答案: D The wreckage of something like a jet plain discovered in the heart of the desert is believed _

15、 a UFO and _down for reasons still mysterious. A to be; have fallen B to have been; to have fallen C to be; to fall D having been; having fallen 答案: A Some adjustments have to be made to the timetable so that it can _everybody that is concerned. A fit B serve C suit D adjust 答案: C The machine is des

16、igned to _ people recycle wastes to a great degree but the result still remains to be seen. A aid B help C assist D improve 答案: B “ The plane _ in a minute. Please fasten your safety belts and remain on your seats until it has landed,” the stewardess announced in a sweet voice. A is going to land B

17、will land C is about to land D will be landing 答案: D It was very difficult to rescue the drowning boy in the sea. One moment the rescue workers _him but the next moment they _. A caught sight of; lost B caught the sight of; lost his sight C caught sight of; lost sight of him D caught the sight of; l

18、ost their sight of him 答案: C It will be some years before some foreign doctors change the impression they have _Chinese medicine, _, in their opinion, is nothing but raw herbs and not effective at all in treating diseases. A for; which B on; what C to; that D on; which 答案: D The manager of the trave

19、l agency was trying hard to figure out how he would attract more customers _ an extraordinary idea _ his mind and he immediately knew what to do. A when; flashed across B as; crossed C when; hit D before; struck 答案: A I am quite _ that the new cosmetics, whether it appears in the form of tablet, cap

20、sule, powder or injection, will _ through the country among young ladies. A optimistic about; sweep B optimistic ; sweep C pessimistic; spread D pessimistic about; spread 答案: B The sight of the ruined temple _ him of the time when he was trapped but_ to escape from it through a narrow opening in the

21、 quake. A called up; was able to B informed; tried C reminded; succeeded D reminded; managed 答案: D In order to get the film shooting finished in time, we have to _our work but it doesnt mean some parts will be _. A speed up; skipped B speed up; dropped out C increase; cut out D raise; left out 答案: A

22、 My wifes _ complaints about the bathroom being too small really gives me a big headache but I cant do anything but _ to accept it as it is. A often; have B constant; to have C usual; have D frequent; have 答案: D _ the red switch on the left and the flying machine will swiftly go up into the air and

23、_ its journey. 答案: What had previously been regarded as _ property was made collective in the Land Reform Movement. A personal B individual C own D private 答案: D You can _ and start a new life; a small step at a time and happiness will follow. A get back on your feet B stand up C rise to your feet a

24、gain D take to your feet 答案: A No teacher except him can _ to be laughed at in front of so many students without losing temper. A stand B put up with C bear D tolerate 答案: C 完型填空 A young man was getting ready to gradually from college, for many months he bad 26 a beautiful sports car in a dealers sh

25、owroom, and 27 his father could well 28 it, he told him that was all he wanted. On the morning of his graduation day his father called him into his own study and told him how 29 he was to have such a fine son. He handed his son a beautiful gift box. 30 but slightly disappointed, the young man 31 the

26、 box and found a lovely book. 32, he raised his voice at his father and said. “33 all your money you give me a book ” And rushed out of the house 34 the book in the study He did not contact(联系) his father for a whole year 35 one day he saw in the strict an old man who looked like his father. He 36 h

27、e had to go back home and see his father. When he arrived at his fathers house, he was told that his father had been in hospital for a week. The moment he was about to 37 the hospital. he saw on the desk the 38 new book ,just as he had left it one 39 ago. he opened it and began to 40 the pages. sudd

28、enly, a car key 41 from an envelope taped behind the book ,it bad a lag(标签)with dealers name, the 42 dealer who had the sports car he bad 43 on the tag was the 44 of his graduation. and the 45 PAID IN FULL 【小题1A expected. B enjoyed. C admired. D owned 】 A finding B proving C deciding D knowing A aff

29、ord. B offer C keep D like A encouraged. B comfortable C proud. D moved A Nervous B Serious C Careful D Curious A packed. B opened. C picked up D put aside A Angrily B Eagerly C Calmly D Anxiously A At B From C With D To A toasting B putting C forgetting D leaving A until B as C before D unless A le

30、arned . B realized. C recognized. D admitted A get to B search for C turn to D leave for A much B still C hardly D quite A year B month C week D day A clean B read. C turn D count A lost B came C appeared. D dropped A old. B same C special D new A remembered. B desired. C found. D met A picture B pl

31、ace C date D met A word. B information C date D card 答案: 阅读理解 Writing being largely a self-taught occupation, texts on how to get about it -though great in number- seldom are of much use. You try, and fail. Then try again. Until at last, if you have some gift for it, the failures become less frequen

32、t, or at any rate less apparantly. It is this ability to cover up ones defects that is finally regarded as accomplishment or achievement. Along the way there are the discouragements of unkind criticism, outright rejection, troublesome insecurity and irregular inability to meet debts. It is uncommon,

33、 therefore, to come across a book containing advice of much practical value for anyone toying(漫不经心地考虑) with the dangerous idea of staring on a writing life. A friend recently lent me such a book, however - one I wish Id had the luck to read years ago, and which I would recommend to any young person

34、devoted to making a career of words. It is the autobiography (自传) of the English novelist Anthony Trollope, first published in 1883, the year after his death. Needing some means to support himself, Trollope at age 19 worked as a junior clerk in the British postal service. He was at his desk at 5:30

35、each morning to write for three hours. And he remained in the mail service 33 years, long after reputation and prosperity had come to him. Now, what of his advice in his works 1. For safetys sake, arm yourself with some other skills, some other line of work to fall back on(求助)。 That way, failure at

36、writing, though the disappointment may appear, will not mean ruin. 2. Do not depend too much on inspiration. Writing is a craft, which Trollope compared to the craft of shoemaking. The shoemaker who has just turned out one pair of his work sets to work immediately on the next pair. 3. Have a story t

37、o tell, but, more important than that, people with characters who will speak and move as living creatures in the readers mind. Without memorable characters, story alone is nothing. 4. Meet your deadlines. Life is endlessly “painful and troublesome” for writers who cant finish their work on time. 5.

38、Do not be carried away by praise. And, above all, do not be injured by criticism. 6. Understand the risks of writing for a living. “The career, when successful, is pleasant enough certainly; but when unsuccessful, it is of all careers the most painful.” 【小题 1】 This passage mainly discusses_. A the d

39、ifficulties and risks of making a career of words B the uselessness of instructions contained in writing guidebooks C the autobiography of the 19th century English novelist Anthony Trollope D sound advice provided in Anthony. Trollopes autobiography 【小题 2】 From the context we can figure out that the

40、 underlined word “defect” in Paragraph 3 means_. A advantage B fault C truth D disadvantage 【小题 3】 According to the author, writing _. A is basically a self-taught occupation and no instructions on how to deal with it are of any practical use B is a “trial and error” process and it does not count wh

41、ether you have the gift for writing or not C for a living is the most pleasant of all careers, full of praise and enjoyment D sometimes provides good hopes of winning public praise and escaping povert 【小题 4】 From the passage we may infer that the author is most probably A an instructor of writing B

42、a writer C an educator D a publisher 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B Forgiving someone who has hurt you or let you down is never an easy thing. Several new studies, however, say that it could have a lot of health benefits. When you think of forgiveness, you probably dont think of it as being

43、 a health or medical problem. Studies from Stanford University, on the other hand, show that something like anger can change your well-being. When cartoon book characters like the incredible(难以置信) Hulk get angry, they change colours and often gain special power. In the real world, anger is less obvi

44、ous and may be more dangerous. Thats why Professor Fred Luskin, founder of the Stanford Forgiveness Project and author of Forgive for Good, says holding on to anger and hatred can harm your physical and mental health. Two new studies seem to show the same idea. The studies find that people who are a

45、ble to forgive feel less stress, less back pain, and less depression(沮丧)。 They also have fewer headaches, lower blood pressure, and fewer problems on sleeping. So it doesnt matter if your anger is caused by the traffic or other things. Learning to let it go is important. Techniques such as deep brea

46、th or thought can help. Or just ask yourself if its worth hurting yourself by staying angry with someone else. Forgiveness does not mean that you simply accept what happened and say its OK. Instead, its a way of making peace with yourself about what happened in the past. 【小题 1】 The author of the pas

47、sage tries to make his viewpoint clear _. A by raising his own examples. B based on his own experience. C by mentioning some studies. D by mentioning some typical patients. 【小题 2】 The example of the cartoon book characters is taken in the passage to_. A support the viewpoint that anger and hatred ha

48、rm physical and mental health. B introduce a famous expert. C let the reader know the different colours of cartoon faces. D show how to control ones temper. 【小题 3】 The underlined phrase “holding on to” in this passage possibly means“_”。 A removing. B keeping up. C getting rid of. D learning about. 【小题 4】 The best title for this passage is probably _. A Forgiveness. B Fo

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