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本文(2013届贵州省六校联盟高三第一次联考英语试卷与答案(带解析).doc)为本站会员(priceawful190)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2013届贵州省六校联盟高三第一次联考英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 根据课文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 A greeting is a friendly expression or gesture used when meeting or welcoming someone. Greetings usually happen before a conversation and sometimes accompanied by some greeting behaviors such as a small kiss or a hug and ha

2、ndshake. Though the time to greet someone is short, 【小题 1】 . Just as the Chinese saying goes “A kind word could warm one for three winters, a bad attitude would make one cold even in hot summer.” The following are some greetings in different countries. 1. America: Firm handshakes should last 3-5 sec

3、onds. 【小题 2】 . When greeting multiple people, make eye contact with the person whose hand you are taking, and then go on to the next. They are not used to standing too closely. 2. United Kingdom: A hand shake is the most common form of greeting for both men and women. When people are already familia

4、r, verbal greetings are used. Personal space is important and people can feel uncomfortable if someone stands too close to them. 【小题 3】 . 3. Australia: A handshake is the preferred greeting. When speaking to an Australian, keep an arms length distance from the person. 【小题 4】 , and eye contact should

5、 be maintained as well. 4. Canada: A handshake is traditional. Men usually wait for women to offer theirs. Direct, but not too intense eye contact is acceptable, especially to convey sincerity. The standard distance between two people should be two feet. 【小题 5】 . A Touching is generally avoided B pe

6、ople still greet each other with a “hello”. C French Canadians, however, may stand slightly closer. D its influence is long and profound. E. When people already know each other well, they neednt greet. F. Good eye contact shows interest, sincerity and confidence. G. Maintaining personal space is imp

7、ortant in this culture 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 F 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 G 【小题 5】 C 试题分析 : 【小题 1】由前面的句子 Though the time to greet someone is short可以得出答案: 【小题 2】由后面的句子 make eye contact with the person whose hand you are taking, and then go on to the next可以得出答案: 【小题 3】由前面的句子 Personal space is important and people

8、can feel uncomfortable if someone stands too close to them.可以得出答案: 【小题 4】由前面的句子 When speaking to an Australian, keep an arms length distance from the person可以得出答案: 【小题 5】由前面的句子 The standard distance between two people should be two feet可以得出答案: 考点:考查阅读分析能力 点评:做此类题时,首先阅读全文,知道全文的意思,根据上下文联系,选出正确答案: 单项选择

9、 * Shall I help you with your suitcase, lady Thanks a ton. _. A If you like B Of course you can C That couldnt be better D Its up to you 答案: C 试题分析:考查答案:意思, If you like意思 “如果你喜欢 ”, That couldnt be better意思 “那再好不过了 ”, Its up to you意思 “该你了 ”, Of course you can意思“当然可以 ”,根据问句 Shall I help you with your

10、suitcase, lady 可以知道答案:选C 考点:考查答案:意思 点评:答案:意思是个常考内容,要知道每个答案:的意思,根据句子意思,选出正确答案:,要求学生平时多记一些句子,有利于选出正确答案: _ in a classic detective novel, the landlord didnt notice a thief was creeping up to his bedroom. A Buried B To be buried C Burying D Having buried 答案: A 试题分析:考查分词,分词做状语,名词 the landlord和动词 bury是动宾关系

11、,所以用过去分词作状语,所以选 A,句子意思 “埋在一个经典的侦探小说,房东没有注意到小偷爬到她的卧室里 ” 考点:考查分词 点评:分词做状语是个难点,分词有两种,现 在分词和过去分词,选择哪个作状语,取决于名词和动词的关系:如果名词和动词是主谓关系,那就用现在分词做状语;如果名词和动词是动宾关系,就用过去分词作状语 Little _ about Xinjiang Qiegao before the Qiegao Event happened in Hunan Province. A I had known B had I known C did I know D I knew 答案: B 试

12、题分析:考查倒装,因为 Little位于句首,所以用倒装,助动词提前,所以选 B,句子意思 “发生在湖南切糕事件之前我不知道新疆切糕 ” 考点:考查倒装 点评:倒装是个常考内容,倒装分为完全倒装和不完全倒装,完全倒装是谓语动词放在主与前面;不完全倒装是助动词提前。否定词放在句首用倒装 Youve been silent the whole day, man! Im feeling _ blue today. I didnt do well in the speech contest. A in any way B in terms of C a variety of D kind of 答案:

13、 D 试题分析:考查短语意思, in any way意思 “以任何方式 ”, in terms of意思 “就 而言 ”, a variety of意思 “各种各样的 ”, kind of意思 “有点儿 ”,句子意思 “我今天感觉有点蓝,我的演讲比赛没有做好 ” 考点:考查短语意思 点评:短语意思是个常考内容,要求学生平时多记短语,知道它们的意思,遇到此类题时,就很容易做出选择 Must you play that music so loud, uh Ive got an interview tomorrow! Terribly sorry, buddy. I _ you could hear

14、 it. A dont realize B was not realizing C didnt realize D must have realized 答案: C 试题分析:考查时态,由后面的句子 you could hear it可以知道是一般过去式,所以选 C,句子意思 “非常对不起,巴迪。我没有意识到你会听见它 ” 考点:考查时态 点评:做时态题时,首先看时间状语,由时间状语判断时态;如果没有时间状语,从句子暗含的意思来判断句子时态 The students in our school expected _ more time for reviews and exercises bef

15、ore the College Entrance Examination next year. A there being B there has C there had D there to be 答案: D 试题分析:考查 there be句 型, there be表示某个地方有什么, there to be表示将有 ,根据句子意思 “在下一年大学入学考试之前我们班的学生希望将有更多的时间复习和练习 ”,所以选 D 考点:考查 there be句型 点评: there be句型是个常考内容,要求学生掌握它的意思, there be表示某个地方有什么, there to be表示将有 ,根据

16、意思,可以做出正确选择 Scientists have come to the conclusion_ the temperature on Earth is getting higher and higher. A what B that C which D when 答案: B 试题分析:考查从句,从句 the temperature on Earth is getting higher and higher不缺少成份, what 表示 东西,可以做主语、宾语、表语; which 表示哪一个,可以做宾语和主语; when 关系副词,表示时间; that 只起引导作用,不做成份,所以选 B

17、考点:考查从句 点评:做从句题时,首先看从句是否缺少成份,如果缺少就在关系代词里找引导词;如果不缺少成份,就在关系副词里选择引导词 The woman said nothing but to _ a weak smile on hearing the news that her beloved ex-husband would marry a young lady. A organize B manage C express D offer 答案: B 试题分析:考查单词意思, organize意思 “组织 ”, manage意思 “应付 ”, express意思 “表达 ”, offer意思

18、 “提供 ”,句子意思 “当她听到前夫娶到一位年轻的女士这个妇女什么都没说只是勉强一笑 ” 考点:考查单词意思 点评:单词是个常考内容,只有知道它们的意思,才能做出正确选择,要求学生平时多记多积累单词 The taxi driver _ and began to rob his passenger with a fruit knife when suddenly a policeman turned up. A pulled away B pulled out C pulled over D pulled through 答案: C 试题分析:考查固定词组, pulled through意思

19、“通过拉 ”, pulled out 意思 “拔出 ”,pulled over意思 “靠边停车 ”, pulled away意思 “拉开 ”,句子意思 “出租车司机靠边停车,开始用水果刀抢乘客这时候突然一个警察出现了 ” 考点:考查固定词组 点评:固定词组是常考内容,平时要多记多积累,只要知道它们的意思,做此类题时,就很容易做出正确选择 Oh, Jesus, I cant cut the durian into two halves however I tried! Easy, boy! Why not use _ knife A a sharp B the sharper C a sharp

20、er D the sharpest 答案: C 试题分析:考查比较级,由前面的句子 I cant cut the durian into two halves however I tried意思 “无论我怎么试我都不能把榴莲切成两半 ”,两者相比较,用比较级,所以选 C 考点:考 查比较级 点评:比较级是个常考内容,比较级是两者之间的比较,要求学生记住什么时候用比较级,什么时候用最高级,这有利于学生选出正确答案: 假定你是李明, 2012年国庆长假期间,你与同学结伴前往韩国观光旅游。在此期间,导游朴静女士对你们的行程作了周密安排,给大家无微不至的照顾。回国后,你用英语给朴静女士写一封信,表示感

21、谢,内容要点如下: 1. 帮助我们了解韩国历史和文化,带领大家参观名胜古迹,如:大长今的拍摄地; 2. 充当购物向导,向我们介绍闻名的韩国化妆品和高丽人参; 3. 在济州岛,我的行李不慎丢失,导 游帮忙找回; 4. 有机会欢迎来贵州玩,顺便帮忙带一个我最渴望拥有的韩版 Galaxy 3(手机)。 要求: 1.120个词左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯; 3.参考词汇 : Dae Jang Genm大长今; filming location 拍摄地; cosmetics 化妆品; Korean ginseng 高丽人参; Jizhou Island济州岛; Dear Miss Piao,

22、 Many thanks for your arrangement and care during our stay in Korea! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yours truly Li Ming Li Hua 答案:不唯一 Dear Miss Piao, Many thanks for your arrangement and care during our stay in Korea! How time flies! Its been almost three months since we spent time together in Korea. And Im wr

23、iting to show my gratitude for your providing us with such an unforgettable experience, letting us have a rough knowledge of Korean history and culture as well as visit some places of interest there, among them a filming location of the famous TV play Dae Jang Genm included. Later on the second day,

24、 under your guidance, we had a great time doing some shopping in Seoul, during which time you introduced us some famous cosmetics and the Korean ginsengs. Besides, Id like to say “thanks a billion” again for helping me to get my missing baggage back while we were lost in the scenic spots of Jizhou I

25、sland. Should you get a chance some day, welcome to make a trip to Guizhou. And, in turn, Ill be more than happy to be your guide! By the way, Id appreciate it if you could bring me a Korean Galaxy III, one I have eagerly awaited for ages! Best regards! Yours truly 试题分析:这是一篇以写信形式的作文,注意信的格式,我们需要用正确的英

26、语把给出的要点表达出来 .本作文中给出的要点比较具体 ,故需要准确表达 .写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化,尤其是数字的不同表达法。 考点:考查综合能力 点评:一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果。 Its the end of the month and I can hardly make ends meet. , I would

27、buy you a good gift for your birthday. A If any B If not C If ever D If so 答案: B 试题分析:考查省略,句子 Its the end of the month and I can hardly make ends meet意思 “这个月底我入不敷出 ”,如果不是那样的话,我会给你买个好的生日礼物 考点:考查省略 点评:省略是个常考内容,要知道省略了什么内容,要求学生掌握省略,遇到省略题时,就很容易做出选择 _ second-hand car can be _ suitable choice for the young

28、 couple. A The; the B /; a C A; the D A; a 答案: D 试题分析:考查冠词, the是定冠词; a/an不定冠词,一辆二手车,所以用不定冠词,因为单词 second-hand以辅音字母 s开头,所以是不定冠词 a;一个 的机会,所以用不定冠词,因为单词 suitable以辅音字母 s开头,所以是不定冠词a,所以选 D 考点:考查冠词 点评:冠词是常考内容,要知道它们的用法, the表示特指; a/an表示泛指,遇到此类题时,就很容易做出选择 Barbara lied to me again last night; I cant take it any

29、more! Thats not surprising. She is _ a simple woman. A nothing but B anything but C none but D no more than 答案: B 试题分析:考查固定搭配, anything but意思 “除 任何事物都 ” , nothing but意思 “只有 ”, none but意思 “仅 ”, no more than意思 “不多于 ”,句子意思 “她只是一个简单的女人 ” 考点:考查固定搭配 点评:固定搭配是常考内容,平时要多记多积累,只要知道它们的意思,做此类题时,就很容易做出正确选择 Oh, dea

30、r! I cant find my new bracelet. Where on earth did I put it What a careless guy. It is on the table_ we had dinner together yesterday. A which B that C where D what 答案: C 试题分析:考查从句,从句 we had dinner together yesterday不缺少成份,先行词是 table表示地点,所以是 where, which表示哪一个,做成份; that不做成份,只起引导作用; what表示 东西,在句中做成份 考点

31、:考查从句 点评:做从句题时,首先看从句是否缺少成份,如果缺少就在关系代词里找引导词;如果不缺少成份,就在关系副词里选择引导词 If Doric continue doing things like that, he _ face the music one day! A can B should C would D shall 答案: D 试题分析:考查情态动词, can表示一种能力; should表示应该; would表示将要做什么; shall用于第三人称,表示必须,句子意思 “如果多里安再做那样的事情,他必须一整天面对音乐 ” 考点:考查情态动词 点评:情态动词是个难点,要知道每个情态

32、动词的用法,遇到此类题时,才能做出正确选择,要求学生记住情态动词的用法 完型填空 One year ago, I traveled 15,000 kilometers from Australia to the US. I am from a beachside town in the 16 of Sydney, and thought there would be almost no 17 differences between my home country and my 18 . I was surprised at how wrong I was, and at 19 differen

33、t the two countries could be. The United States is 20 in almost every aspect. The buildings are gigantic (巨大的 ) and so are the people who 21 and work in them. At mealtimes, the portions (份额 ) often 22 to me to be big enough for three or four people. I once 23 a baked potato which turned out to be bi

34、gger than my head! This was a big 24 for me. The longer I spent in the US, the more I started to 25 smaller differences like the culture of 26 in restaurants. In Australia we dont tend to give a tip 27 the service has been really excellent. In the US you tip for 28 everything, even at the hairdresse

35、r. Waiters and shop assistants 29 to be given 15 percent of the bill, although in places 30 New York or Washington DC, a tip can be as much as 20 percent. 31 , I also became more wary (谨慎的 ) of believing the stereotypes (成见 ) I had heard at home as I traveled. Not all Americans are ignorant of geogr

36、aphy, for example. Despite this, certain stereotypes about places did seem to 32 true for me. There is an immense (强烈的 ) sense of speed in New York. Everyone 33 to and fro, and very seldom takes time to 34 the moment. This is very different from the Australian lifestyle. Australians are laid back. E

37、ven in a major city like Sydney, we “Aussies” take time to “stop and smell the roses”-very different from our American counterparts. Navigating (驾驭 ) the culture divide between Australia and the US was challenging at times. But I took up that 35 and learned a lot from it. It was an adventure. 【小题1】

38、A heart B city C center D suburbs A cultural B commercial C economic D scientific A home town B departure C location D destination A how B why C however D where A big B modern C small D fashionable A travel B survive C live D serve A happened B seemed C proved D managed A brought B ordered C designe

39、d D fetched A laughter B pleasure C shock D embarrassment A prefer B notice C tell D appreciate A serving B tipping C donating D toasting A unless B if C when D since A rarely B mostly C almost D hardly A try B wait C think D expect A like B along C for D in A So B Therefore C However D But A come B

40、 become C turn D get A walks B drives C wanders D rushes A depend on B reflect on C spy on D watch on A experience B job C challenge D business 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 A 【小题 6】 C 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 B 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 B 【小题 11】 B 【小题 12】 A 【小题 13】 C 【小题 14】 D 【小题 15】 A 【小题 16】 B 【

41、小题 17】 A 【小题 18】 D 【小题 19】 B 【小题 20】 C 试题分析 : 【小题 1】考查单词意思, heart 意思 “心 ”, city 意思 “城市 ”, center 意思 “中心 ”,suburbs意思 “郊区 ”,句子意思 “我在悉尼郊区的海滨小镇 ” 【小题 2】由第三段第二行 like the culture of 所以是文化的,句子意思 “认为我的家乡和我的目的不存在文化差异 ” 【小题 3】考查单词意思, home town意思 “家乡 ”, departure意思 “离开 ”,location意思 “位置 ”, destination意思 “目的 ”,句

42、子意思 “认为我的家乡和我的目的不存在文化差异 ” 【小题 4】由前面的句子 I was surprised at how wrong I was可以知道是 how,句子意思 “我很惊奇我出的错和两个国家的不同 ” 【小题 5】由后面的句子 The buildings are gigantic (巨大的 ) and so are the people who 可以知道是大的 【小题 6】考查单词意思, travel意思 “旅行 ”, survive意思 “幸存 ”, live意思 “居住 ”, serve意思 “服务 ”,句子意思 “那里的建筑物巨大,人们住在那里和在那里工作 ” 【小题 7】

43、考查单词意思, happened意思 “发生 ”, seemed意思 “好像 ”, proved意思 “证明 ”, managed意思 “完成 ”,句子意思 “在吃饭的时候,份额对我来说足够的大到三人或四人 ” 【小题 8】考查单词意思, brought意思 “带来 ”, ordered意 思 “订购 ”, designed意思 “设计 ”, fetched意思 “取 ”,句子意思 “我订购了一个烤土豆结果被证明比我的头还大 ” 【小题 9】考查单词意思, laughter意思 “笑声 ”, pleasure意思 “高兴 ”, shock意思 “震惊 ”, embarrassment意思 “害

44、羞 ”,句子意思 “对我来说是个很大的震惊 ” 【小题 10】考查单词意思, prefer意思 “喜欢 ”, notice意思 “注意 ”, appreciate意思 “欣赏 ”, tell意思 “告诉 ”,句子意思 “我在美国住的时间越长,我越开始注意像在餐厅给小费有小的差异 ” 【小题 11】由后面的句子 In the US you tip for 可以知道是小费,句子意思 “我在美国住的时间越长,我越开始注意像在餐厅给小费有小的差异 ” 【小题 12】考查单词意思, unless意思 “除非 ”, if意思 “如果 ”, when意思 “当 时候 ”, since意思 “自从 ”,句子意

45、思 “在澳大利亚我们不给小费除非服务员一直很优秀 ” 【小题 13】考查单词意思, rarely意思 “很少 ”, mostly意思 “大多是 ”, almost意思 “几乎是 ”, hardly意思 “几乎不 ”,句子意思 “在美国几乎所有的事情都给小费 ” 【 小题 14】考查单词意思, try意思 “尝试 ”, wait意思 “等待 ”, think意思 “思考 ”,expect意思 “希望 ”,句子意思 “服务员和店员希望得到百分之 15的账单 ” 【小题 15】 like意思 “像 ” ,句子意思 “尽管像纽约和华盛顿这些地方,小费可以多达百分之 20” 【小题 16】 therefore意思 “因此 ”,句子意思 “我也变得很谨慎对于当我旅游时我在家听到的成见 ” 【小题 17】固定词组 come true意思 “实现 ”,句子意思 “尽管如此,关于某些地方刻板印象对于我来说似乎很真实 ” 【小题 18】固定句型 rush to do sth意思 “跑去做某事 ”,句子意思 “每人冲过去,话很少的时间反思 ” 【小题 19】考查固定词组, depend on意思 “依靠 ”, reflect on意思 “反应 ”, spy on意思 “侦查 ”, watch on意思 “看 ”,句子意思 “每人冲过去,话很少的时间反思 ” 【小题

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