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本文(2013届黑龙江大庆市第三十五中学高三上学期期末考试英语试卷与答案(带解析).doc)为本站会员(Iclinic170)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2013届黑龙江大庆市第三十五中学高三上学期期末考试英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * It comes as _ surprise that _ dream of space travel will soon come true. A a; the B the; the C the; a D a; 不填 答案: A 试题分析:句意:太空旅行的梦想很快很实现真令人吃惊。 come as a surprise出乎意料,固定结构。太空旅行的梦想,有限定词修饰 dream,故要加 the。 考点:冠词 点评:冠词分不定冠词和定冠词两种,本题着重理解定冠词和不定冠词的区别,对于冠词特指和泛指的考察

2、是历年来高考的必考点,平时的学习要多进行积累,仔细分析特指还是泛指。同时,更为重要的是要多去积累习惯表达,特殊表达,这也是近几年高考习惯考的地方。总而言之,多解题、多理解、多积累才是制胜的法宝。 Do you let your kids travel by themselves at night _! It couldnt be more dangerous. A Of course B Not at all C Absolutely not D Im not sure. 答案: C 试题分析:句意:在晚上,你会让孩子们自己出去玩吗?绝对不会!那样非常危险。故选 C 考点:句意理解 点评:本题

3、中注意 couldnt be more dangerous。非常危险的理解,类似还有couldnt be better,意为 “非常好 ”。 B多用于表不用谢,没关系。 -What do you think of the party last night -Wonderful! Its years I enjoyed myself so much. A after B when C before D since 答案: D 试题分析: it is + 一段时间 + since + 其他 自从。已有一段时间了。句意:你认为昨天晚上的聚会怎么样?很好!自从我上次玩的如此开心,已经隔了很多年了。故选

4、 D 考点: since用法 点评: since 自从,其后多用过去时,前面多用现在完成时,本题中得句型为例外,需特别记忆。此外, Since还可以表原因。 This part of the library is only _ to people over eighteen years old. A academic B available C attractive D accessible 答案: D 试题分析:句意:图书馆的这个地方只给年满 18周岁的人开放。 A.学术的 B.有效的,可利用的 C.吸引人的 D.可进入的 。故选 D 考点:词义辨析 点评: available与 acces

5、sible两词常用于辨析,常构成短语如下: available (to sb) 某人可以得到某物 2. sth is accessible to sb 某人可以见到某物 / 某人可以进入某地 3.have/get access to sth/sb. (介) 可以使用 The pork price is expensive. Ive got about half the amount I had at home and Im paying here. A as three times much B as much three times C three times as muc

6、h D much as three times 答案: C 试题分析:倍数表达中,倍数始终在前,故选 C。句意:猪肉的价钱是很贵的。相比家里而言,在这里我买一半的数量,却要付三倍的价钱。 考点:倍数表达 点评:倍数表达是必须掌握的语法点,倍数表达法: A + 谓语 +倍数 +the +n.(size/ height/ length)+of B A + 谓语 +倍数 +as + abj. + as B A + 谓语 +倍数 +adj. 比较级 +than B A + 谓语 +倍数 +what 从句 According to the rules of the factory, you can as

7、k for leave _ you have a doctors diagnosed(诊断 ) note. A now that B if C unless D even though 答案: B 试题分析:根据句意根据厂里的规章制度,如果你有医生的诊断书,你才能请假。故选 B A.既然 B.除非 否则 D.即使 考点:连词 点评:本题注意 unless一词, unless一词前面常要有否定意义的词,句意才符合逻辑。例如: We will easily become unhappy unless we deal with our problem well. Why dont you bring

8、 _ to his attention that you are too ill to go on working A them B that C this D it 答案: D 试题分析: it 作形式宾语,指代 that从句内容。句意:你生病很严重不能继续工作,为什么不把这一点告诉他呢? 考点: it 形式宾语用法 点评:为了句子平衡,避免头重脚轻,常用 it 作形式宾语,后面的不定式或从句作真正的主或宾语。本题不难,平时应注意 it 的此类用法。 _ as planned, our work was highly thought of(受到高度评价 ). A Completed B Co

9、mpleting C Having completed D To be completed 答案: A 试题分析: complete的逻辑主语是 work,存在被动关系,根据句意,应是已经完成了,所以排除 D。 故选 A。句意:我们的工作按期完成,受到了高度评价。 考点:非谓语动词 点评:本题重在理解非谓语动词的用法,非谓语动词是高考语法点的重中之重。把握好以下的知识: to do 表目的、将来; doing 表主动、伴随; done表被动、完成。同时答题步骤为: 1.判断是否为非谓语动词,看是否有连词。 2.找逻辑主语。 3.判断逻辑主语与非谓语动词的关系。 4.看是否非谓语动词动作发生在主

10、句谓语动作之前,如果是之前,就用完成式的形式。 In the past few years, sea ice _ in the Arctic as a result of global warming. A had melted B has been melting C melted D is melting 答案: B 试题分析:句中有 in the past + 一段时间,要用现在完成时,故选 B。句意:在过去的几年,由于全球气候变暖,北极的冰川一直在融化中。 考点:时态 点评: in the past+ 一段时间 = in the last + 一段时间,多与现在完成时连用,本题中用现在

11、完成进行时,表冰川从过去开始一直在融化,并且还将继续融化下去。 Peter told us the work would be finished by next month, _ personally I doubt very much. A that B when C which D it 答案: C 试题分析:句意:彼得告诉我们工作将会在下个月完成,我个人对此表示很怀疑。本题逗号前后有两个主语,两个谓语,可知必须用连词, doubt后缺宾语,故是非限定语从句,用 which。 考点:非限定从 点评:本题不难,非限定从只能用 which引导,不用 that引导, which可指代前面整个句子

12、的内容而限制性定从中, which只指代某一个词。 By the time our teacher arrives tomorrow,all the work _,with which he will be satisfied. A is accomplished B will have been accomplished C will be accomplished D has been accompished 答案: B 试题分析: by the time + 将来时间,主句用将来完成时,故选 B。句意:到我们老师明天到达为止,所有的工作都将会被完成,他会很满意的。 考点:将来完成时 点评

13、:本题不难,将来完成时用来表示在将来某一时间以前已经完成或一直持续的动作,经常与 before+将来时间或 by+将来时间连用,也可与 before或 by the time引导的现在时的从句连用。 Were running out _ fuel. A of B for C / D with 答案: A 试题分析: run out of + n.用完,耗尽。句意:我们用完了燃料。 考点: run out 词组意思 点评: run out用完,不及物短语,无被动 。 run out of 有被动 use up用完,有被动 Theres no doubt 2013 will bring more

14、change when the world economy is still unclear. A what B that C how D where 答案: B 试题分析:句意:在世界经济还不明朗时,毫无疑问的是, 2013年将会有更多的变化。 There is no doubt that 毫无疑问的是,固定句型, that引导同位语从句。 考点:同位语从句 点评:名词性从句分主语,宾语,表语,同位语从句,此题中从句中不缺成分,排除定语从句的可能, that引导同位语从句起解释说明作用。 The girl sitting by the window is the only one of th

15、e students who _ from the countryside in our class. A was B were C is D are 答案: C 试题分析:句意:坐在窗户旁边的那 个女孩是我们班唯一一个来自农村的学生。先行词被 the only修饰,定语从句谓语动词用 单数 ,故选 C 考点:定语从句 点评:定语从句属于比较简单的语法点,学生应在平时掌握三个问题:一是先行词的判定;二是引导词;三是引导词在从句中成分问题。 -How did you do in the test yesterday -Not so well. I _ much better but I misr

16、ead the directions for writing. A will have done B could have done C must have done D may have done 答案: B 试题分析:句意:你昨天的考试怎么样?不是很好。我本可以做得更好的,但是我弄错了写作的方向。 could have don have本可以做,但实际未做 will have done将已经做了某事 must have done肯定已经做了某事 may have done可能已经做了某事 考点:情态动词 + have done 点评:情态动词 +完成时是高考必考语法点。情态动词无论是表达

17、“推测 和可能性 ”,还是表达 “虚拟 ”这一概念,只要是对过去已经发生的事情进行描述,一律用 “情态动词 +have done”这一结构;对现在或将来的事情进行描述,用 “情态动词 +动词或系动词原形 ”。 完型填空 Many Tuesday mornings. I have coffee with my father. Although my father is a man of few words, I really 1 the time along with him. One recent Tuesday, I found it a bit 2 when I rang the door

18、bell, no one seemed to be home. I climbed in through the window, noticing the lights that shone from the kitchen, and 3 that my dad must be there, but he wasnt. I 4 through his home, checking every room. I tried not to 5 . Yet, upstairs, downstairs, no Dad anywhere. I was worried . 6 , my father was

19、 seventy-one years old. Anything could have happened to him. Then, I got in my car and drove to my mothers aerobics(有氧运动) class. On the drive, I thought a lot about my father and our 7 together. Suddenly, I was three years old and he was 8 me up to the living room window to see the Christmas lights.

20、 In his 9 , I was safe and secure. At age ten, he used to wake me up with warm breakfast in bed. Then I was twelve and my dad was 10 all the kids at my birthday party with his magic tricks. I was so 11 of my father for being so 12 and talented. Hed made my party a 13 . As I entered my mothers class.

21、 I was nervous. My mom looked at me in 14. “Mom, wheres Dad ” I asked, “Hes working in the 15 on the side of the house!” she answered. And I hurried to my car and 16 back to the yard. “Hey, Dad!” I yelled out and told him about my fears of the last half hour. My dad 17 laughing his typical laugh tha

22、t was always 18 . I was so thankful that I still had my daddy. And so , as I 19 the door to my fathers house, we went inside for our usual cup of coffee. Thanks, Daddy, for all the 20 and more importantly, for all your love. 【小题1】 A dislike B share C get D enjoy A dangerous B unusual C joyful D rela

23、xing A decided B hoped C expected D wondered A lived B pulled C hurried D came A cry B panic C believe D confirm A Above all B In all C After all D For all A journey B family C interest D past A holding B picking C calling D bringing A heart B chest C eyes D arms A amazing B cheating C inviting D pr

24、oviding A sure B aware C proud D afraid A honest B special C lucky D practical A feast B prize C secret D success A anger B worry C sorrow D surprise A yard B kitchen C room D home A fought B raced(疾驰 ) C looked D fled A kept B remembered C began D stopped A bitter B simple C familiar D tight A clos

25、ed B unlocked C kicked D knocked A memories B chances C assistance D advice 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 B 【小题 6】 C 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 D 【小题 10】 A 【小题 11】 C 【小题 12】 B 【小题 13】 D 【小题 14】 D 【小题 15】 A 【小题 16】 B 【小题 17】 C 【小题 18】 C 【小题 19】 B 【小题 20】 A 试题分析:文章描述了我突然有一天没有发现父亲,自己心里很是

26、着急,担心父亲出事,在寻找父亲的过程中自己想起了与父亲度过的美好时光。在找到父亲后,我向父亲讲述了我的担心,感谢父亲对自己的爱。 【小题 1】根据前一句,尽管父亲是一 个话不多的人,我仍喜欢享受和他在一起的时光,故选 D 【小题 2】从后文,我没有找到父亲,故应是发现有些不寻常,故选 B。 【小题 3】我断定父亲在厨房。故选 A。 【小题 4】我急匆匆的检查着每个房间。故选 C。 【小题 5】从后文 I was worried,可知,我尽力不要恐慌。故选 B. 【小题 6】 after all 毕竟,从后文知父亲有 71岁了,什么事都有可能发生,故选C。 A.首要。 B.总计 C.尽管 【小题

27、 7】从后一句可知,我回想起了我与父亲在一起度过的时光,故用 D 【小题 8】我三岁时,他将我举起,透过客厅窗户看圣 诞节的灯饰,故选 A。 pick up 捡起 bring up 抚养 call up 打电话,召集 【小题 9】从前一句可知,在他的臂膀上,故选 C 【小题 10】我十二岁时,在我生日聚会上,父亲表演魔术让所有孩子都很惊讶。故选 A 【小题 11】 be proud of 对 自豪,故选 C 【小题 12】父亲在我心中是如此的特别和有才华。故选 B。 A.诚实的 C.幸运的D.实事求是的 【小题 13】 a success 一个成功的聚会 。 success可作可数名词,指成功

28、的人或物。 A.宴会 B.奖品 【小题 14】母亲不知我如此匆忙,肯定很惊讶。故选 D 【小题 15】从后文知在花园里工作,故选 A 【小题 16】我又疾驰回到了花园里。故选 B。 D.逃亡 【小题 17】我诉说了我的担忧,父亲开始笑了,故选 C 【小题 18】这种笑脸是我很熟悉的,故选 C。 A.痛苦的 D.严厉的 【小题 19】前文讲到门锁着,现在父亲找到了,所以打开门,故选 B 【小题 20】前文讲到我回忆起我与父亲的一切,所以此处选 A最佳。 C.援助 D.建议 文中均没有提及。 考点:记叙文 点评:文章文笔细腻,题目设置并不难。对于解答记叙文的题目,需要抓住文章的线索,设 身处地的将

29、自己想象成作者。本文的线索是作者在寻父亲过程所想和所感。文章并没有多少生词,答题时对于一时不好决定的选项可以先放一下,待之后的题都做完了再来联系全文进行解答。 阅读理解 One day while shopping in a small town in southern California, it was my misfortune to be approached by a clerk whose personality conflicted with mine. He seemed most unfriendly and not at all concerned about my int

30、ended purchase. I bought nothing, and marched angrily out of the store. My hostility(敌意) toward that clerk increased with each step. On the outside, standing by the road, was a dark-skinned young man in his early twenties. His expressive brown eyes met and held mine, and in the next instant a beauti

31、ful, dazzling(给人印象深刻的) smile covered his face. I gave way immediately. The magnetic(磁力的) power of that smile dissolved (溶解) all bitterness within me, and I found the muscles in my own face happily responding(回应) . “Beautiful day, isnt it? ”I remarked, in passing. Then, I turned back.“I really owe yo

32、u a debt of gratitude(感谢), ”I said softly. His smile deepened, but he made no attempt to answer A Mexican woman and two men were standing nearby The woman stepped forward and volunteered, Sir, but he doesnt speak English Do you want me to tell him something In that moment I felt transformed(改变) The

33、young mans smile had made a big person of me My friendliness and good will toward all mankind stood ten feet tall Thank you The woman seemed slightly puzzled I gave her arm a friendly pat as I turned to leave Just tell him that, I insisted Hell understand I am sure ! Oh, what a smile can do! Althoug

34、h I have never seen that young man again, I shall never forget the lesson he taught me that morning From that day on, I became smile-conscious, and I practice the art anywhere and everywhere, with everybody 【小题 1】 Why did the author leave the store angrily A The clerk treated him unkindly B He could

35、nt buy what he wanted C The clerk didnt speak English D The stores goods were too dear 【小题 2】 By saying I felt the muscles(肌肉) in my own face happily responding ( in Paragraph 2) , the author means _. A he was still angry B he did not want to smile C he would thank the young man D he smiled back at

36、the young man 【小题 3】 The author asked the woman to say Thank you! to the young man because the young man_. A had helped the author before B taught the author how to smile C was a kind employee of the store D taught the author a valuable lesson 【小题 4】 In the passage, the author seems to suggest that

37、we should _ _. A be generous to strangers B practice smiling every day C smile at other people D help people in trouble 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 C 试题分析:本文讲述的是在一次购物中,作者和一位个性与自己冲突的店员发生了冲突,使作者特别的不快,在生气的离开了店子之后,作者遇到了一位年轻男人,这个年轻男人的微笑瞬间化解了作者所有的不快,从那之后,作者学会了无论在任何地方,对待任何人都应该充满微笑。 【小题 1】细节题。由第一段

38、二、三句 He seemed most unfriendly and not at all concerned about my intended purchase. I bought nothing, and marched angrily out of the store.店员看起来非常不友好,根本不搭理作者要买的东西,由此,作者没有买任何东西,生气地离开了店子。故选 A 【小题 2】推断题。由第二段最后一句 The magnetic(磁力的) power of that smile dissolved (溶解) all bitterness within me, and I found

39、the muscles in my own face happily responding(回应) .在店子外面,一个年 轻男士的微笑溶解了作者所有的不快,并且作者发现自己也露出了笑脸。故这句话的意思是作者微笑地回应这个年轻的男人。故选 D 【小题 3】推断题。由第四段最后两句 In that moment I felt transformed(改变) The young mans smile had made a big person of me My friendliness and good will toward all mankind stood ten feet tall在那一时刻

40、,作者发生了改变,这个年轻男人的微笑 使作者变得大度、宽容,作者将对所有人都充满友谊和善意。可知,作者之所以向这个年轻的男士说谢谢,是因为作者从这个男士身上学到了重要的一课。故选 D 【小题 4】主旨题。由文章最后一句 From that day on, I became smile-conscious, and I practice the art anywhere and everywhere, with everybody从那天起,作者开始有意识地微笑,并且无论在任何地方都在练习这种行为,故可知,这篇文章的主旨是我们应该对他人充满微笑。故选 C。 考点:记叙文 点评:本文属于记叙文范畴,

41、对于此类文章的阅读需要学生把握好文章主线,在理解文意的前提下,将题目和文章中相对应的地方找到答案:,不能自己臆想。对于推断题,需要注意文章的首段或是最后一段,将主题进行升华,提炼出作者写作的意图。 I once had a friend that was diagnosed with terminal cancer(晚期癌症) , and the news that he might only live up to six months was a great shock to him, his family, and his friends However, in spite of the

42、serious illness, he was initially determined to look into all available treatments that might cure or extend his life I think that when you find yourself in such situations, you tend to look up every possible way for hope of saving your life As months went on and his health grew worse, I noticed an

43、unexpected change in attitude that came over him He had also been a happy person with a cheerful personality, but rather than give in to discouragement and self-pity, he took comfort in God and humanity(人性) His talks focused on others rather than himself, and he spoke of the afterlife as something h

44、e was prepared for, believing that his concerned ancestors, including his mother and father, were there waiting for him During the last few months, weeks, and days of his life, he was kindly cared for by family, friends, his loving wife, who looked after both his physical and emotional needs, and wo

45、rkers from a local hospice (安养院) came to the home to regulate(调节) his medication (药) and provide any other needed support He didnt complain about his fate, and he willingly allowed others to serve him Indeed, one might think why God allows death and suffering in our world, but for me, such experienc

46、es taught me to value family more and kindness for others You often cant learn these important attributes(属性) in the lap of luxury(处在优裕舒适的环境中) , and perhaps, such an experience is the greatest and final gift the illness can give those left behind 【小题 1】 Which word can best describe the mans initial(

47、最初的) reaction as soon as he was diagnosed with cancer A Satisfied B Sad C Surprised D Concerned 【小题 2】 What did the man do after he first learned of his illness A He was operated on immediately B He researched cancer treatments C He retired from his job D He felt sad, doing nothing 【小题 3】 What was t

48、he mans main source of comfort after several months with the disease A His family and friends B The care from others C His doctors encouragement D His belief in humanity 【小题 4】 What did the author learn from his friends story A Getting comfort from God B Extending life as possible C Caring for yourself and enjoying luxury D Giving more respect to friends 答案: 【小题 1

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