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1、江西省吉安市 2010届高三下学期第二次模拟考试试卷与答案(英语) 其他 第二卷(非选择题,满分 35分) 第四部分:写作(共两节;满分 35分) 第一节:对话填空(本节共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 1分) 请认真阅读下面对话,并根据各题所给首字母的提示,在答题卡上标有题号的横线上,写出一个英语单词的完整、正确的形式,使对话通顺。 D=Doctor, P=Patient D: Hello, w (76) can I do for you 76 P: Well, Ive been getting lots of headaches I (77) . 77 The problem is tha

2、t Im busy p (78) for the College Entrance Exam. 78 D: I see. Are you sleeping well P: No, not really. D: Well, dont get u (79) . I will do you some tests. 79 P: How I hope you will help me recover from my i (80) ! 80 D: Ok, nothing s (81) . Your problem is that you feel too stressed. 81 P: Stress! R

3、eally D: How much time do you take to r (82) yourself as well as to study per day 82 P: None at all. I dont have any spare time. D: I think youll do better if you c (83) your study with some relaxation. 83 P: Thatll be great! Thanks. D: Not at all. And in the meanwhile, youd better t (84) regular ex

4、ercise 84 and have a balanced d (85) every day. 85 P: Ill try. Thank you! See you. 答案: 76 what 77 lately 78 Preparing 79 upset 80 illness 81 Serious 82 relax 83 combine 84 Take 85 diet 单项选择 * -I went to the hot spring and enjoyed myself -_ You looked tired last time I saw you A I had hoped so B Than

5、ks C Im glad you did D That sounds a good idea 答案: C -It is said that your grandpa was very brave -Not _ He was _than brave A exact; cleverer B exactly; more clever C exactly; cleverer D exact; more clever 答案: B _is often the case, he didnt study hard and failed to pass the test A What B As C It D W

6、hich 答案: B The number 5 12 is a special number, _ I think that will be remembered by the Chinese A what B it C which D one 答案: D Tom, who _English for 20 years in English, now has been appointed headmaster of our school A had taught B has taught C taught D had been teaching 答案: C -Mrs Stanley looks

7、charming tonight -The dark dress _her hidden beauty A brings out B crosses off C gives back D leaves over 答案: A If you send the best wishes to your wife on her birthday, _will give her a great surprise A which I think B I think which C I think that D what I think 答案: C In the USA, one needs to make

8、a(n) _before seeing a doctor A choice B appointment C impression D excuse 答案: B Jack is late again It is _of him to keep others waiting A normal B ordinary C common D typical 答案: D You cant imagine_more embarrassing scene when you cant understand_single word someone says A the; a B a; a C the; 不填 D

9、a; 不填 答案: B -I failed to catch the early bus because I overslept this morning -You_have stayed up too late last night A could B would C should D must 答案: D China_positively and quickly after the quake struck Haiti A reflected B replied C rejected D responded 答案: D -The movie 2012 will be on at 8 pm

10、What about picking you up at 7 -All right I will have come back from work by their, and I_you at home A will be waiting for B will wait for C have been waiting for D am waiting for 答案: A The woman whos carrying a baby in her arms, _aboard first Dont crowd in! A goes B went C go D going 答案: C -Where

11、did you find the package -It was on the beach_we were taking a walk A where B that C when D which 答案: A 完型填空 第二节完型填空(共 20小题;每小题 1 5分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 3655 各题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Charles and I used to hang out all the time, together with a few other guys, but he seemed to

12、o cool for us recently We couldnt understand the 36 , and we didnt ask him for an explanation 37 , we decided to 38 him a lesson in the way he treated us Once we started giving Charles the 39 shoulder, almost everyone was taking no notice of him He looked so 40 , especially at lunchtime when he sat

13、alone in the cafeteria Now and then he nodded and said, “Hey!” when 41 passed his table, but all he got 42 return were mean looks and silence At first I was glad my plan had 43 I only wanted him to know 44 it felt like to be blown off, but I hadnt thought about how badly my “lesson” would 45 him Dur

14、ing one lunch period, Charles 46 glanced at his watch, obviously 47 the minutes until he could leave the cafeteria I suddenly realized I had done wrong “Hey! Man Im terribly sorry ” I called out “Oh, so you are talking to me now ” he asked “Im sorry, 48 I had thought that you wanted to end our 49 ”

15、I said “What ” he nearly shouted, looking much 50 “Ive left you alone because I thought that was what you wanted ” “Oh, my God! Why would I want 51 ”He I shouted, completely puzzled Clearly, we both had been 52 each other wrong At first Charles couldnt accept my 53 I knew he needed time to 54 all th

16、e hurt Id caused him But eventually, he did forgive me We even started 55 out together again And our friendship wasnt destroyed at all 36 A situation B change C action D appearance 37 A Besides B Therefore C Instead D But 38 A take B teach C give D have 39 A serious B friendly C warm D cold 40 A sad

17、 B angry C happy D joyful 41 A he B anyone C they D someone 42 A at B in C on D by 43 A helped B operated C worked D affected 44 A what B that C which D how 45 A worry B touch C hurt D disappoint 46 A unexpectedly B worriedly C excitedly D repeatedly 47 A counting B guessing C waiting D checking 48

18、A and B so C thus D but 49 A relationship B emotion C love D friendship 50 A interested B pleased C surprised D moved 51 A one B those C that D such 52 A understanding B regarding C knowing D treating 53 A explanation B attitude C suggestion D apology 54 A get through B get over C get across D get a

19、long 55 A leaving B looking C hanging D standing 答案: 3640 BCBDA 4145 DBCAC 4650 DADDC 5155 CADBC 阅读理解 Looking for a low-cost path to self-knowledge A way to mine your subconscious(潜意识的) for clues to your motivations, desires and fears No need to have years of treatment or analysis Just look to your

20、dreams “You can ignore your dreams, but you are really doing harm to yourself,” says Lauri Quinn Loewenberg “If so, youre letting red flags pass you by, letting great ideas pass you by ” Some sleep researchers believe dreams are more directly related to our moods and emotions and can serve as tools

21、to self-understanding Dreams occur during the REM (rapid eye movement) cycles of sleep each night For adults, that means about every 90 minutes The first period of REM sleep may be short, 5 to 10 minutes, followed by longer periods, finally reaching an hour or more in the fourth or fifth period When

22、 people are dreaming, brain scans show a lot of activities The brain is online during dreams The experiences you have during the day are connected during dream sleep People we know or experiences weve had at different times in our lives may be different in the same dream AmyBeth Gilstrap has had the

23、 same recurring(循环) dream that annoyed her since Hurricane Katrina drove her and her daughter and friends out of New Orleans Ms Gilstrap says, “It is always spies My job is to get people to some place ” Shes certain the dream is related to her effort in the hurricane to help several families leave S

24、ometimes her cats also are part of that dream Thats because she went back into New Orleans, before it was allowed, to rescue her cats Today, through brain scans scientists have known that the parts of the brain that control emotions and long-term memories are active during REM sleep 72 The passage i

25、s mainly to tell readers _ A dreams are mainly caused by hard work B dreams can offer us key to self-knowledge C dreams are only activities of our brains D how dreams help us solve our problems 73 According to the words from Lauri Quinn Loewenberg, _ A dreams can make you feel badly ill B you often

26、have red flags in your dreams C dreams will make your life colorful D you may get great help from your dreams 74 When you are dreaming at night, . A your eyes will not move during the time B your dream is connected with your work in the day C the dream will generally last about 5 to 10 minutes D the

27、 longer dream should be in the later part of the sleep 75 The underlined word “It” in Paragraph 3 refers to . A Mrs. Gilstraps dream B Mr. Gilstraps job C Hurricane Katrina D New Orleans 答案: 72-75 BDDA The following are introductions to some programs that BBC I London will show on TV 12:25 a m Tuesd

28、ay The Real Swiss Robinson Family Laura worried that her children have had their life too easy due to her husbands career in big business, so she decides to take her teenagers to the Cook Islands to experience the simple life They face storms and a lack of food, but Laura is happy as their local gui

29、de shows them the islands wealth of rare fruits and foods 11:00 a m Wednesday Orangutan Diary A Team have come across an armed man who is holding two baby apes who were captures one of them, David, is sent to a medical emergency in the forest Later a center director, Nielsen, finds a suitable place

30、to set free more rescued animals 7:50 p m Thursday Lost Buildings of Britain Simon Thurley visits the ruins of Glastonbruy Abbey(修道院), which , before its destruction by Henry VIII, was famous for some of the most amazing stained-glass of its age It also had a great deal of financial power, acting as

31、 the center of an influential business empire Eventually, it was the kings envy of the abbeys wealth that changed the abbeys fate 10:35 p m Thursday Nigella Express Nigella presents ideas for impromptu(即兴的) cooking, from new recipes and suggestions for taking advantage of the food you have to making

32、 quick, simple and impressive meals 68 Why is Laura worried A Life on the Cook Islands is too simple. B Her husband faces difficulties in his business. C Storms are approaching her hometown. D Her children may not know how to cherish life. 69 Jim enjoys TV programmes of people or organizations that

33、take care of animals. He should probably watch TV at . A 10:35 p.m. on Thursday B 7:50 p.m. on Thursday C 11.00 a.m. on Wednesday D 12:25 a. m. on Tuesday 70 We can learn from the text that . A David is a farmer B Henry VIII set up a business empire in the Abbey C Nielsen is an animal-lover D Glasto

34、nbury Abbey is famous today for its stained-glass 71 Elizabeth, who likes trying out new recipes, may be most interested in . A Nigella Express B Lost Buildings of Britain C Orangutan Diary D The Real Swiss Robinson Family 答案: 68-81 DCCA All over my garden Ive planted nothing but roses, because I es

35、pecially love the flower A close friend came for a visit the other day I told her that she should pick a bunch of roses to beautify her bedroom I promised that the smell of the roses would be wafted far, far away That girl friend of nine, walking into the garden in high spirits, smelt here and there

36、, but in the end she didnt pick a single rose I said that she could pick many flowers; I told her that I was not a flower farmer and didnt make a living out of them Saying so, I raised the scissors for the sacrifice of the flowers, but she stopped me, crying no, no, no! To cut such beautiful roses w

37、ould hurt one, she said With her hands seizing at my sleeves, she told me that by no means should they be cut Roses are the smiling face of the earth, and who could be so iron-hearted as to destroy such a charming smile My mind was shocked: the ugly earth, the tough earth, the plain earth-it is for

38、the reason of that smile that it wins the care and pity of people 64 The writer plants nothing but roses in her garden probably because_. A she can make money out of them B her friends like them C she enjoys the roses very much D the roses sell well 65 The underlined word “wafted” in Paragraph 1 is

39、closest in meaning to “ _”. A given off B lost C destroyed D thrown away 66 Why did the writers close friend refuse to pick a single rose A Because the roses were not beautiful. B Because she loved the roses very much. C Because she did not like this kind of roses. D Because the writer did not want

40、to give her any. 67 What is the best title for the passage A The Pity of People to the Roses B The Smiling Face of the Earth C A Lovely Rose Garden D A Lover of Flowers 答案: 64-67 CABB Hey, Mr and Ms Unluckiness and Unhappiness! Terrorism, the war, the economic crisis and unemployment are at your doo

41、r Are you afraid of them Well, dont be! America is a happy land The Smiley Face icon proves this in towns all over the country The tallest structurethe steel water toweris often painted bright yellow, in a circle containing a pair of black dots for eyes and an upturned(朝上的) line for a mouth: the unf

42、orgettable smile Most towns decorated their spheroid (or cylindrical) water storage tanks in the 1970s, when Smiley was still conceptually fresh As a safe counterculture symbol, with absolutely no bite, the Smile Face water tower was a low cost way to radiate sunny greetings to travelers and locals

43、Calumet City, Illinois claims to have been the first, when 8-year old resident Kim Fornero sent a letter to the city council in late 1972 suggesting a smile face would be more fun to look at than a plain old water tower In the 1980s, with the paint on the water tower fading, residents of Calumet Cit

44、y decided to make the face their own They repainted the tower, and a Happy Cook Restaurant and Smiley Face Inn appeared on the highway outside the town, ready to make you smile! Local businessmen printed the Smiley icon on their business cards, and displayed Smiley Face souvenirs in shop windows By

45、the late 1990s, the survival of the Smiley Face water tower was assured It didnt matter why the face had been painted thereit was now a part of history In May 2009, the town again celebrated its Smiley Face water tower as a symbol of hope for a better tomorrow 60 The author mainly wants to tell read

46、ers that the symbol asks them to_ A greet people politely B deal with their problems C enjoy themselves D forget the past 61 The underlined word “icon ” in the first paragraph probably means_. A beautiful picture B building C image D valuable painting 62 Why did Calumet residents accept the tower ha

47、ppily A It set a good example to them. B It made them work harder. C They wanted to think it for supplying water. D They wanted to make the Smiley Face their own. 63 From the text we learn that the Smiley Face water tower_ A was based on a painters inspiration B is a symbol of the prosperity of the town C is meant to give people hope for a better future D was created in 1972 by the city council, just for fun 答案: 60-63 CCDC 第三部分:阅读理解(共 20小题,每题 2分,满分 40分) 阅读下

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