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1、湖北省武汉市 2010届高三五月供题训练(三)英语 其他 . 第四部分:书面表达(共两节,满分 40分) 第一节:完成句子(共 10小题,每小题 1.5分,满分 15分) 阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答 案写在答题卡上的相应题号后。 71 The head master responded to the parents, saying their kids were_(太小而不能) attend school.(too) 72 _(听他的口音) , he must be a native rather than a tourist. (judge)

2、 73 Do you feel like dining out for a change our would you rather we two_(吃晚饭) at home (have) 74 This is the only one of the regions _(遭受袭击) by earthquakes last year.(hit) 75 When_(问到他的秘诀) of his success, he said he owed much of his success to his family.(ask) 76 So_(这本书非常有趣) that I can hardly tear

3、myself away from it.(interesting) 77 We rushed to the stadium, _(结果被告知) the performance had come to an end.(ten) 78 We Chinese do take pride in_(我们取得的成就) in the last 10 years.(achieve) 79 _(我们生来具备的) is a general ability to learn and adapt, not a language specific part of the brain.(born) 80 The hous

4、e_(他付了) a large sum of money last year is now worth twice as much.(pay) 答案: 71 too young to 72 Judging form his accent 73 had dinner/supper 74 that was hit 75 asked about the secret 76 interesting is the book 77 only to be told 78 what we have achieved 79 what we are born with 80 for which he paid 单

5、项选择 * . Urban crowdedness would be greatly relieved if fares_on public transport were more reasonable. A offered B spent C paid D charged 答案: D . The farmers were more anxious for rain than the people in the city because they had more_ A at length B at last C at stake D at most 答案: C . As is often p

6、ointed out, knowledge is a two-edged weapon which can be used_for good or evil. A similarly B widely C equally D properly 答案: C . Heavy drinking used to be acceptable, but as drunken driving has caused so many tragedies public opinion is no longer_. A accurate B tolerant C appropriate D reliable 答案:

7、 B . Government should adopt laws that would ban advertising and other types of_of tobacco products. A delivery B spread C promotion D discount 答案: C . The managing director took the_ for the accident, although it was not really his fault. A guilt B response C blame D accusation 答案: C . The former O

8、lympic champion was_in the quarterfinals last night when he lost 0-2 at home. A knocked off B knocked out C knocked down D knocked over 答案: . The workers agreed to_ the strike if the company would satisfy their demands. A call for B call in C call off D call up 答案: C . Wage increases to a certain le

9、vel help to_ the average consumers fro the effects of higher prices. A cushion B reduce C prevent D remove 答案: A . These articles_the problems of the modem world, including race relations and community development. A address B avoid C create D correct 答案: A 完型填空 . 第二节完型填空(共 20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 阅读下

10、面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 3655 各题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 When I come across a good article in reading newspapers, I often want to cut and keep it But just as I am about to do so, I find the article on the 31 side is as much interesting It may be a discussion of the way to 32 in good health, or

11、 advice about how to behave and 33 yourself in society If I cut the front articles, the opposite one is likely to suffer 34 , leaving one half of it or keeping the text 35 the title Therefore, the scissors would stay before they start, 36 the cutting would be halfway done when I find out the 37 resu

12、lt Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time, both worth your 39 You can only take up one of them; the other has to wait or be 39 up But you know the future is unpredictablethe changed situation may not 40 you to do what is left behind Thus you are 41 in a difficult position and feel sad

13、How come nice 42 and clever ideas should gather around all at once It may happen that your life 43 greatly on your preference of your one choice to the other In fact that is what 44 is like; we are often 45 with the two opposite sides of a thing which are both 46 like a newspaper cutting It often oc

14、curs that our attention is 47 to the thing only after we get into another The former may be more important than the latter and this 48 a divided mind I still remember a philosophers 49 : “When one door shuts, another opens in life ”So a casual(不经意的) 50 may not be a bad one 31 A same B opposite C eit

15、her D front 32 A get B bring C 1ead D keep 33 A enjoy B help C conduct D dress 34 A damage B destroy C hurt D injury 35 A on B for C without D off 36 A or B but C so D for 37 A satisfying B regrettable C surprising D impossible 38 A courage B patience C strength D attention 39 A given B picked C hel

16、d D made 40 A persuade B agree C allow D tell 41 A filled B struck C caught D attracted 42 A chances B conditions C wishes D ways 43 A progresses B goes C changes D improves 44 A study B 1ife C society D nature 45 A supplied B connected C fixed D faced 46 A available B desirable C considerable D enj

17、oyable 47 A turned B transferred C paid D drawn 48 A gives way to B gives rise to C gets through to D gets close to 49 A remarks B sayings C slogans D comments 50 A behavior B action C choice D attitude 答案: 3135 BDCAD 3640 ABDAC 4145 CACBD 4650 BDBAC 阅读理解 . The global financial crisis is likely to c

18、ause increased mental health problems and even suicides(自杀) as people struggle to deal with poverty and unemployment, the World Health Organization warned Thursday. Hundreds of millions of people worldwide are already affected by mental problems such as depression and bipolar disorders (带狂躁的抑郁症 ) an

19、d the current market meltdown (崩溃 ) could worsen feelings of despair among people who cant stand such illnesses. The United Nations agency said the impact could be especially marked for those living in low and middle income countries where access to treatment is often limited. “We should not be surp

20、rised at the turbulence (动荡 ) and likely consequences of the current financial crisis. Now we are seeing a huge gap in taking care of people in great need,” WHO director general Margaret Chan told at a meeting of mental health experts. “It should not come as a surprise that we continue to see more s

21、tresses, suicides and mental disorders,” Chan warned. Benedetto Saraceno, director of WHOs mental health, said mental health disorders affected one in four people at some point in their lives. Mental and neurological disorders are often chronic (慢性的 ) and disabling, he said. Nearly 1 million people

22、commit suicide worldwide every year, a large proportion (比例 ) of them are young adults. Asked about the financial crisis, Saraceno said, “Poverty can be the consequence of such events, the debts, despair and sense of loss that may reach middle and lower classes. Even the poor can be affected by this

23、 crisis.” “There is a clear evidence that suicide is linked to financial disasters. I am not talking about the millionaires jumping out of the window but about poor people,” he said. The global crisis could be expected to affect the “stability(稳定) of communities and families”, according to Saraceno.

24、 67 According to the passage, the chief result of the worldwide financial crisis is that _ . A more people will be poorer B more people will be out of jobs C more people will suffer from mental problems D more people will commit suicide 68 The United Nations agency worried that_. A more rich people

25、would commit suicide B the financial crisis might especially influence developing or underdeveloped countries C the current market meltdown could worsen feelings of despair D hundreds of millions of people in the world were already affected by mental problems 69 It is implied that _. A far more work

26、 should be done to help those who are mentally ill B it will be surprising to see more people commit suicide C a mental disorder is a chronic disease D many more adults commit suicide worldwide than people of other ages 70 The best title for the passage is _. A Consequences of Global Financial Crisi

27、s. B Mental Disorders Resulting From Global Financial Crisis. C Suicides as a Result of Market Meltdown. D Chronic Mental Disorders. 答案: 6770 CBAB . The days of the hunter are almost over in India. This is partly because there is practically nothing left to kill, and partly because some steps have b

28、een taken, mainly by banning tiger-shooting to protect those animals which still survive. Some people say that Man is naturally a hunter. I disagree with this view. Surely our earliest forefathers, who at first possessed no weapons, spent their time digging for roots, and were no doubt themselves of

29、ten hunted by meat-eating animals. I believe the main reason why the modern hunter kills is that he thinks people will admire his courage in overpowering dangerous animals. Of course, there are some who truly believe that the killing is not really the important thing, and that the chief pleasure lie

30、s in the joy of the hunt and the beauties of the wild countryside. There are also those for whom hunting in fact offers a chance to prove themselves and risk death by design; these men go out after dangerous animals like tigers, even if they say they only do it to rid the countryside of a threat. I

31、can respect reasons like these, but they are clearly different from the need to strengthen your high opinion of yourself. The greatest big-game hunters expressed in their writings something of these finer motives. One of them wrote. “You must properly respect what you are after and shoot it cleanly

32、and on the animals own territory(领地 )。 You must fix forever in your mind all the wonders of that particular day.This is better than letting him grow a few years older to be attacked and wounded by his own son and eventually eaten, half alive, by other animals. Hunting is not a cruel and senseless ki

33、lling not if you respect the thing you kill, not if you kill to enrich your memories, not if you kill to feed your people.” I can understand such beliefs, and can compare these hunters with those who hunted lions with spears and bravely caught them by the tail. But this is very different from many t

34、igershoots I have seen, in which modern weapons were used. The socalled hunters fired from tall trees or from the backs of trained elephants. Such methods made tigers seem no more dangerous than rabbits. 63 Theere is no more hunting in India now partly because_. A it is dangerous to hunt there B hun

35、ting is already out of date C hunters want to protect animals D there are few animals left to hunt 64 The author thinks modern hunters kill mainly . A to make the countryside safe B to earn peoples admiration C to gain power and influence D to improve their thelth 65 What do we learn about the big-g

36、ame hunters A They hunt old animals B They mistreat animals C They hunt for food D They hunt for money 66 What is the authors view on the tiger-shoots he has seen A Modern hunters lack the courage to hunt face-to-face B Modern hunters should use more advanced weapons C Modern hunters like to hunt ra

37、bbits instead of tigers D Modern hunters should put their safety first 答案: 6366 DBCA . Warning: reading too much Cinderella to your daughter may damage her emotional health in later life. A paper to be developed at the international congress of cognitive psychotherapy in Gothenburg suggests a link b

38、etween the attitudes of women abused by their parents and early exposure to the wrong sort of fairy tales. It says girls who identified with Cinderella, Rapunzel and Beauty in Beauty and the Beast were more likely to say in destructive relationships as adults. The theory was developed by Susan Darke

39、r Smith, a psychotherapist at the University of Derby. She interviewed 67 female abuse survivors and found that 61 put up with serial abuse because they believed they could change their partners and with patience, composition and love. Hardly any of the women in a control group, who had not experien

40、ced abuse, thought they could change their partners in this way. These women and men said they would leave a relationship rather than put up with abuse from a partner. Ms Darker Smith found the abused women were much more likely to identify with Cinderella and other submissive female characters in f

41、airytales, who were later rescued by a stranger prince or hero. Although most girls heard the stories, damage appeared to be done to those who adopted the submissive characters as role models. “They believe if their love is strong enough they can change their parents behaviors, she said.” Overexposu

42、re in children to stories that emphasize the transformational qualities of love may make women believe they can damage their partners.” For example, they might never have understood the obvious flaw(缺点 ) in the story of Rapunzel, who remained locked in a high tower until rescued by a knight on a whi

43、te horse, who broke the door down. “The question,” said Ms Darker Smith, “is why she did not break the door down herself.” 59 The passage is especially intended for _. A parents with young daughters B girls who like reading fairy stories C girls who think they can change their partners D parents wit

44、h grown-up daughters 60 Cinderella, Rapunzel and Beauty in Beauty and the Beast are similar in that _. A they all married some princes B they all changed their partners with love C they were all abused by their partners D they all put up with abuse 61 Which of the following statements is true of the

45、 women in a control group A They dont believe in fairy tales. B They dont believe in the transformational qualities of love. C They have also experienced abuse. D They survived abuse. 62 What does the underlined word “submissive” in the 3rd paragraph probably mean A kind-hearted B obedient C gentle

46、D easy-going 答案: 5962 ADBB . STEVE Wayne, 16, who worked this summer as a lifeguard and swim teacher in Idaho Falls, was thrilled to see an extra $20 in his paycheck when the federal minimum wage increased in July. “When youre getting paid minimum wage, anything helps, ” Wayne said.Wayne is one of s

47、everal hundred thousand American teenagers who earn the minimum wage. The last of three recent increases that took the minimum from $5.15 an hour in 2007 to $7.25.U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis says the minimum-wage increase will pump an extra $5.5 billion into the economy over the next year, w

48、hich is helpful at a time when the economy is hurting. Youre giving people who spend money a raise, says Kai Filion of the Economic Policy Institute. Those people will go out and spend that money, and it will circulate through the economy. But other economists say raising the minimum wage actually hurts the very people its desi

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