1、Tools for Speech Analysis,Julia Hirschberg CS4995/6998 Thanks to Jean-Philippe Goldman, Fadi Biadsy,2,Goals,Create stimuli for a perception experiment Record subjects for a production experiment Analyze data from an experiment or from a natural speech corpus Extract features from speech data for a m
2、achine learning experiment,3,Many Software Options,Goldwave (audio editor) Esps Xwaves (routines + visual.) Praat (speech analysis) Wavesurfer (speech editor) Transcriber (annotation tool) Matlab (general purpose soft) OGI speech tools (routines + app. dev.) winpitch, pitchworks, phonedit, cooledit,
3、4,Links, www.speech.kth.se/software/#esps www.praat.org www.speech.kth.se/software/#wavesurfer http:/cslu.cse.ogi.edu/toolkit/ (Matlab)www.lpl.univ-aix.fr/sqlab/ (phonedit) http:/ (PitchWorks) (WinPitch) http:/ (CoolEdit Audition),5,Our Choice: Praat,Developed by Paul Boersma and David Weenink at
4、the Institute of Phonetic Sciences, University of Amsterdam General purpose speech tool : editing, segmentation and labeling, prosodic manipulation, many tutorials, large user community, yahoo group,6,7,File Management,Recording files and saving them New menu Opening files Read menu Long and short s
5、ound files Other file types Write menu Exercise: Record a file with your own name, play it to check, call it , save it to list, write it to a .wav file on disk, remove it from the objects list, read it back in,8,Editing Options from Objects Window,Select and edit your name file Spectrum: Show a spec
6、tral slice Show a spectrogram Pitch: Show pitch Check the settings, change the range Get pitch information: get pitch, get min/max pitch Intensity: Get intensity information: similar to pitch functions Check the settings Formant: Display,9,Modifying the Data,Changing the pitch contour of your name f
7、ile: Go to To manipulation Edit the new object Pitch Stylize pitch (2st) Modify pitch by dragging points up and down Modify duration: Add points in duration tier Drag points up and down To save: File - Publish resynthesis,10,Annotation: Textgrids,From objects window, w/ sound file selected Annotate
8、To textgrid Point vs. interval tiers Add a point tier and an interval tier and insert some labels NB: remember to select the interval or point first in the waveform or spectrogram before trying to insert a label,11,Scripting,From history: Praat new Praatscript Edit Paste history NB: you can run all
9、or part of the script Writing scripts Modifying existing scripts: Tutorials, scripts, resources, user groups, search,Sample Praat Script,# This script will create a new text-grid for a wav file form Make a text-grid for a .wav filecomment Source Directory?sentence Directory C:Documents and Settingsj
10、ulilaMy Documentscomment File name?sentence Filenamecomment Tier Name?sentence Tier endform Read from file. directory$ filename$ stem$ = left$(filename$,length(filename$)-4) select Sound stem$ To TextGrid. tier$ tier$ # tier names, which tiers are point tiers Write to text file. directory$stem$.Text
11、Grid Remove,Task 1,Read in the file mummy.wav Edit it Zoom in on the most prominent Select the entire contour Display the pitch and intensity contours What is the minimum pitch? Maximum? Mean? What is the minimum intensity? Maximum? Mean?,Task2,Record a statement Record a yes-no question Record a wh
12、-question What are the similarities? Differences?,Task3,Record something in a very loud voice, to produce clipping, and see what the waveform looks like how do you identify clipping? Avoid it?,Task4,Record a file using falling intonation Modify it to produce a rising intonational contour Edit the ne
13、w contour to Raise the pitch range (select the contour and use shift pitch frequencies Stylize the pitch contour,Task 5: Pitch contour cloning,Replace the pitch contour in beach.wav with the contour in speech.wav Create a manipulation object for beach.wav Extract the pitch tier Create a manipulation
14、 object for speech.wav Select the pitch tier of beach.wav and the manipulation object for speech.wav and click Replace pitch tier Select the manipulation object for speech.wav and click Get resynthesis Compare the original file and the new file,Task6,Record “My mama moonlights in Memphis” As angry s
15、peech As sad speech As happy speech For each token answer the following: What is the mean pitch? Maximum? What is the mean intensity? Maximum? What is the duration? Do you see any differences in the F0 contour?,Task 7,Edit mummy.wav Convert Change Gender Filter filter (pass) Hann band Find a pass band that masks the words but retains the intonation Find a pass band that masks the intonation but retains the words,20,Help,Online help, FAQ, manual Links from http:/www.praat.org Additional tutorials, scripts, resources, user groups,21,Next Class,Report on your results from the seven tasks,
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