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Topic 1 第一讲:Changing profiles of library users- .ppt

1、Topic 1 第一讲: Changing profiles of library users: Accommodating a new generation 转变中的读者: 迎合新一代的需要,Marshall Breeding Director for Innovative Technologies and Research Vanderbilt University http:/,Redefining Libraries: Web 2.0 and other Challenges May 2007 Xiamen

2、, China,Generational Transitions 世代的过渡,1925-1945: Silent Generation 静默一代 1946-1964: Baby Boomer Generation婴儿潮一代 1965-1980: Gen X X世代 1981-2000: Millennial Generation千禧世代,Millennial Characterizes 千禧世代特征,Innate ability for Technology 使用科技的天赋 Frenetic multitasking 热衷于多重作业 Comfortable with diverse types

3、 of digital media 使用电子媒体得心应手 Highly interactive style of working 非常互动的工作模式,Caveat 请注意,Dont over generalize generational differences 不要过于概括代与代之间的分别 Gen Xers and Baby Boomers are also becoming more Web savvy and have rising expectations X 世代与婴儿潮一代也越来越懂使用万维网,期望也越来越高 Also: New librarians entering the pr

4、ofession are part of the Millennial Generation. 同时: 新一代的图书馆从业员也是来自千禧世代,Forrester “The Millennials are Coming!” Forrester千禧人来了!,They are generally creative, organized, independent, and open to innovation 他们大多富创意、有组织、独立和接受创新 Millennials also are impatient, skeptical, and sometimes arrogant in their re

5、lationships with others 千禧人也缺乏耐性,对事物常抱怀疑态度,与别人相处有时候会傲慢 Status and authority do not greatly impress them 他们并不太俯首于地位和权力,A Contrast of Generations 世代比较,Source: Forrester Research, Inc.,Source: Forrester Research, Inc.,Source: Forrester Research, Inc.,Source: Forrester Research, Inc.,Source: Forrester R

6、esearch, Inc.,Source: Forrester Research, Inc.,Approach to study and learning 学习途径,Los Angles Times: “They Do It All While Studying” reports results of an LA Times/Bloomberg poll 洛杉矶时报报导一个该报与彭博合作的调查:他们学习时也一心多用 53% of children ages 12 to 17 said they did at least one other thing while studying 53%十二至

7、十七岁的孩子学习时同时兼顾最少一种以上的其他事情 25% of adults ages 18 to 24 25%十八至二十四岁的成年人会这样做,Multitasking while studying 学习时一心多用,Passive activities 被动式活动: 84% listened to music as a side activity 听音乐 47% watched TV 看电视 22% watched a movie 看电映 Active tasks 主动式工作: 32% talk on the phone 谈电话 21% browse the Internet 网上浏览 15%

8、 instant messaging 即时传讯 13% e-mail 电邮 13% text messaging 文字传讯 6% video games 视像游戏,Shaping Collections for Millennial Users 为千禧人建设馆藏,Content digital / immediate 内容 数码化 / 即时 Discovery more like the Web 探索 更像万维网 Access Anytime / anywhere 取用 随时 / 随地,Consistent with existing trends 配合当今趋势,Satisfying Mill

9、ennial Gen users does not conflict with needs of library users from previous generations 满足千禧代读者和来自其他世代的读者需要并不互相抵触 Very much in tune with the strategic directions most libraries have toward more digital, more immediacy of access, high quality service 更多数码化、更即时的取用途径和更优质的服务都与大部分图书馆的策略方向一致 A matter of

10、degree 只在乎程度不同,An urgent need 急切需要,Baby boomers and Gen Xrs are happier with traditional forms of content and existing modes of service 婴儿潮一代与X世代都乐于使用传统方式的内容和现有模式的服务 Millennials will move on to non-library provided information sources and services if not readily satisfied 如果图书馆提供的资讯来源和服务不能满足千禧人的需要,他

11、们将往他求 There is a lot at stake for the future of libraries in adapting to generational transitions 图书馆的未来将取决于我们能否妥善迎合不同世代读者的需要,Content of Collections 馆藏内容,Key characteristic of Millennial Gen: comfortable with working with content in diverse media 千禧代主要特征安于使用以不同媒体提供的内容 Not adverse to print, but 并不抗拒印

12、刷资料但: Digital content satisfies their need for content more immediately available 他们追求能即时获取的内容,数码资源可满足其需要,Multimedia 多媒体,Millennials prefer graphics over text 对千禧人来说,图像胜于文本 Music and audio 音乐和录音 Well experienced 经验丰富: File swapping 档案转换, p2p, iPod, MP3 Video 录像 Recreational and academic 消闲与学术: , ya

13、hoo! Video, bittorrent Millennials love to remix. Usually recreational, but explore ways to tap this interest with an academic slant. 千禧人喜爱把内容重新混合,一般都作消闲之用,但也会找方法把这种兴趣用于学术中,Library collection possibilities 图书馆馆藏的契机,E-journals, e-books (were doing that already) 电子期刊,电子书(我们已有采购) Podcasts of lectures 把

14、讲课制成播客 video libraries of stock footage 把影视片刻制成视像图书馆 News archives 新闻档案 Data sets: census, GIS 数据组:人口调查,地理信息系统,Access to Collections 取用馆藏,Best opportunity for impact 引发效应的最好机会 Building collections well underway, but how best to provide access 馆藏建设俱备,但如何提供最佳取用途径 How to respond to their preferences 如何

15、回应他们的选择: Immediate 即时的 Collaborative 协作的 Intuitive 直觉的 Mobile 流动的 Flexible 弹性的,Heightened User Expectations 更高的读者期望,Millennial Generation library users come with expectations set by their experiences of the Web 千禧代图书馆读者的期望建基于他们使用万维网的经验 Conventions for navigating and exploring Web-based resources wel

16、l established 漫游探索网络资源的习惯已经根深蒂固 Dealing with large and complex bodies of information nothing new to incoming library users 处理大量和复杂的资讯对图书馆读者来说已经不是什么新鲜事儿,Heightened User Expectations 更高的读者期望,Sophisticated Web skills 老练的上网技巧 Low tolerance for clunky and ineffective Web sites 不能容忍失修和没效率的网站 Confident in

17、their ability reluctant to ask for help 对自己的能力信心十足 不大愿意求助,Group Exercise 小组研习,How well do libraries currently accommodate the information seeking preferences of the Millennial generation today? Suggest 2 or 3 changes in your librarys operations and services that might be modified to better serve its younger users. 目前图书馆在满足当今千禧世代寻找资讯的喜好方面做得如何?举出贵馆的运作和服务中二项或三项可做得更好以迎合年轻用户的转变。,

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