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Integumentary System.ppt

1、Integumentary System,CHAPTER 5,Integumentary System,Skin Integument or cutaneous membrane Epidermis Dermis Subcutaneous layer Accessory structures Hair Nails Glands,Layers and Structures of the Skin,Skin Lesions,Abrasion Scraping or rubbing away of skin or mucous membrane as a result of friction to

2、the area Example: carpet burn Abscess Localized collection of pus in any body part that results from invasion of pus-forming bacteria Example: pustule = small abscess,Skin Lesions,Bedsore Ulcer in skin over a bony prominence Also known as pressure ulcer Example: decubitus ulcer Blister Small, thin-w

3、alled lesion containing clear fluid Also known as a vesicle,Bulla Large blister Carbuncle Circumscribed inflammation of skin and deeper tissues; contains pus Comedo Typical lesion of acne vulgaris Example: whitehead = closed comedo Example: blackhead = open comedo,Skin Lesions,Skin Lesions,Cyst Clos

4、ed sac or pouch in or within the skin; contains fluid, semifluid, or solid material Example: hydrocele = fluid-filled cyst Example: sebaceous cyst = solid-filled cyst,Skin Lesions,Fissure Cracklike sore or groove in the skin or mucous membrane Example: anal fissure Fistula Abnormal passageway betwee

5、n two tubular organs; or from an organ to the body surface Example: recto-vaginal fistula,Skin Lesions,Hives Circumscribed, slightly elevated lesions on skin; paler in center than surrounding edges Also called wheals Example: mosquito bite Laceration Tear in skin; torn, jagged wound,Skin Lesions,Mac

6、ule Small flat, discoloration of the skin; neither raised nor depressed Example: bruises, freckles Nodule Small, circumscribed swelling protruding above the skin,Skin Lesions,Papule Small, solid, circumscribed elevation on the skin Example: pimple, wart, elevated mole Polyp Small, stalklike growth,

7、protruding upward or outward from membrane surface Example: nasal polyp,Pustule Small elevation of skin filled with pus Example: small abscess on the skin Scales Thin flakes of hardened epithelium that are shed from the epidermis Ulcer Circumscribed, open sore or lesion of skin, accompanied by infla

8、mmation Example: decubitus ulcer,Skin Lesions,Skin Lesions,Vesicle Small, thin-walled, lesion containing clear fluid Example: blister Wheal Circumscribed, slightly elevated lesion of the skin Paler in center than surrounding edges Example: hives,PATHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS,Integumentary System,Acne Vulg

9、aris,Pronounced (ACK-nee-vul-GAY-ris) Defined Common inflammatory disorder seen on face, chest, back, and neck Appears as papules, pustules, and comedos,Albinism,Pronounced (AL-bin-izm) Defined Condition characterized by absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes,Burns,Defined Tissue injury prod

10、uced by flame, heat, chemicals, radiation, electricity, or gases Extent of damage determined by: Mode and duration of exposure Thermal intensity or temperature Anatomic site of the burn,First-degree or superficial burns Example: sunburn Second-degree or partial-thickness burns Example: flash contact

11、 with hot objects Third-degree or full-thickness burns Example: deep burns from a fire,Burns,Callus,Pronounced (CAL-us) Defined Common, usually painless thickening of the epidermis at sites of external pressure or friction, such as weight-bearing areas of the feet and on the palmar surface of the ha

12、nds Also known as a callosity,Carcinoma, Basal Cell,Pronounced (car-sih-NOH-mah BAY-sal sell) Defined Most common malignant tumor of epithelial tissue, occurring most often on areas of skin that are exposed to the sun Presents as a slightly elevated nodule with a depression or ulceration in the cent

13、er that becomes more obvious as the tumor grows,Pronounced (car-sih-NOH-mah SKWAY-mus sell ) Defined Malignancy of the squamous, or scalelike, cells of the epithelial tissue Much faster growing than basal cell carcinoma Greater potential for metastasis if not treated,Carcinoma, Squamous Cell,Carcino

14、ma, Squamous Cell,Frequent sites on sun-exposed areas Top of nose Forehead Margin of external ear Back of hands Lower lip,Dermatitis,Pronounced (der-mah-TYE-tis) Defined Inflammation of skin, seen in several different forms Acute or chronic Contact or seborrheic,Eczema,Pronounced (EK-zeh-mah) Define

15、d Acute or chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by erythema, papules, vesicles, pustules, scales, crusts, scabs, and itching,Exanthematous Viral Diseases,Pronounced (eks-an-THEM-ah-tus viral diseases) Defined Skin eruption or rash accompanied by inflammation, having specific diagnostic

16、features of an infectious viral disease,Exanthematous Viral Diseases,Examples: Rubella = German Measles = 3 day measles Roseola Infantum Rubeola = Red Measles = 7-10 day measles Erythema Infectiosum = Fifth disease,Gangrene,Pronounced (GANG-green) Defined Tissue death due to loss of adequate blood s

17、upply, invasion of bacteria, subsequent decay with foul odor,Herpes Zoster,Pronounced (HER-peez ZOS-ter) Defined Acute viral infection, characterized by painful, vesicular eruptions on the skin that follow along nerve pathways of underlying spinal or cranial nerves Highest incidence in adults over 5

18、0,Herpes Zoster,Image courtesy of Robert A. Silverman, M.D., Pediatric Dermatology, Georgetown University,Impetigo,Pronounced (Im-peh-TYE-goh) Defined Contagious superficial skin infection characterized by serous vesicles and pustules filled with millions of staphylococcus or streptococcus bacteria

19、Usually forming on the face,Kaposis Sarcoma,Pronounced (CAP-oh-seez sar-KOH-ma) Defined Rare malignant lesions beginning as soft purple-brown nodules or plaques on the feet Gradually spreads throughout skin Increased incidence in men with AIDS,Keloid,Pronounced (KEE-loyd) Defined Enlarged, irregular

20、ly shaped, elevated scar that forms due to the presence of large amounts of collagen during formation of a scar,Keratosis,Pronounced (kair-ah-TOH-sis) Defined Skin condition in which there is a thickening and overgrowth of the cornified epithelium,Seborrheic Keratosis,Pronounced (seb-oh-REE-ik kair-

21、ah-TOH-sis) Defined Brown or waxy yellow wart-like lesions that are loosely attached to the skin Also known as senile warts,Actinic Keratosis,Pronounced (ak-TIN-ic kair-ah-TOH-sis) Defined Premalignant, gray or red-to-brown, hardened lesion caused by excessive exposure to sunlight Also known as sola

22、r keratosis,Leukoplakia,Pronounced (loo-koh-PLAY-kee-ah) Defined White, hard, thickened patches firmly attached to the mucous membrane In mouth, vulva, or penis,Malignant Melanoma,Pronounced (mah-LIG-nant mel-ah-NOH-mah) Defined Malignant skin tumor originating from melanocytes in preexisting nevi,

23、freckles, or skin with pigment Darkly pigmented tumor with irregular surfaces and borders; variable colors,ABCDs of Malignant Melanomas,Asymmetry Borders Color Diameter,Nevus,Pronounced (NEV-us) Defined Visual accumulation of melanocytes, creating a flat or raised rounded macule or papule with defin

24、ite borders Commonly known as a mole,Onychocryptosis,Pronounced (on-ih-koh-krip-TOH-sis) Defined Ingrown nail Most commonly involves the large toe,Onychomycosis,Pronounced (on-ih-koh-my-KOH-sis) Defined Fungal infection of the nails,Pediculosis,Pronounced (pee-dik-you-LOH-sis) Defined Highly contagi

25、ous parasitic infestation caused by blood-sucking lice,Pediculosis,Pediculosis capitis Head Pediculosis corporis Body Pediculosis palpebrarum Eyelashes and eyelids Pediculosis pubis Pubic hair,Pemphigus,Pronounced (PEM-fih-gus) Defined Rare, incurable disorder manifested by blisters in the mouth and

26、 on the skin Spreads to involve large areas of the body,Pilonidal Cyst,Pronounced (pye-loh-NYE-dal SIST) Defined Closed sac located in the sacrococcygeal area of the back Sometimes noted at birth as a dimple,Psoriasis,Pronounced (soh-RYE-ah-sis) Defined Common, noninfectious, chronic skin disorder m

27、anifested by silvery-white scales over round, raised, reddened plaques producing itching Pruritus,Rosacea,Pronounced (roh-ZAY-she-ah) Defined Chronic inflammatory skin disease that mainly affects the skin of the middle third of the face Characterized by persistent redness over the areas of the face,

28、 nose, and cheeks,Scabies,Pronounced (SKAY-beez) Defined Highly contagious parasitic infestation caused by the “human itch mite” Resulting in a rash, pruritus, and a feeling in the skin of “something crawling”,Scleroderma,Pronounced (sklair-ah-DER-mah) Defined Gradual thickening of the dermis and sw

29、elling of the hands and feet to a state in which the skin is anchored to the underlying tissue,Systemic Lupus Erythematosus,Pronounced (sis-TEM-ic LOO-pus air-ih-them-ah-TOH-sis) Defined Chronic, multi-system, inflammatory disease characterized by lesions of the nervous system and skin, renal proble

30、ms, and vasculitis Characteristic “Butterfly rash” is often seen on nose and face,Tinea,Pronounced (TIN-ee-ah) Defined Chronic fungal infection of the skin Characterized by scaling, itching, and sometimes painful lesions,Tinea,Tinea capitis Scalp Tinea corporis Body Tinea cruris Groin Tinea pedis Fo

31、ot,Verruca,Pronounced (ver-ROO-kah) Defined Benign, circumscribed, elevated skin lesion that results from hypertrophy of the epidermis Commonly known as a wart,Verruca vulgaris Common wart on face, elbow, fingers, or hands Plantar warts Singly or in clusters on the sole of the foot Venereal warts Tr

32、ansmitted by sexual contact Seborrheic warts Seen in the elderly on the face, neck, chest, or upper back,Verruca,DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES, TREATMENTS AND PROCEDURES,Integumentary System,Diagnostic Techniques, Treatments, and Procedures,Allergy testing Various procedures used to identify specific allerg

33、ens in an individual by exposing the person to a very small quantity of the allergen Cautery Heat or caustic substances that burn and scar the skin,Diagnostic Techniques, Treatments, and Procedures,Cryosurgery Noninvasive treatment that uses subfreezing temperature to freeze and destroy tissue Curet

34、tage and electrodesiccation Scraping away of abnormal tissue, followed by destroying the tumor base with a low-voltage electrode,Diagnostic Techniques, Treatments, and Procedures,Debridement Removal of debris, foreign objects, and damaged or necrotic tissue from a wound in order to prevent infection

35、 and promote healing Dermabrasion Removal of the epidermis and a portion of the dermis with sandpaper or brushes in order to eliminate superficial scars of unwanted tattoos,Dermatoplasty Skin transplantation to a body surface damaged by injury or disease Electrodesiccation Technique using an electri

36、cal spark to burn and destroy tissue Also known as fulguration,Diagnostic Techniques, Treatments, and Procedures,Diagnostic Techniques, Treatments, and Procedures,Electrosurgery Removal or destruction of tissue with an electrical current Escharotomy Incision made into the necrotic tissue resulting f

37、rom a severe burn,Diagnostic Techniques, Treatments, and Procedures,Liposuction Aspiration of fat through a suction cannula or curette to alter the body contours Skin biopsy Removal of a small piece of tissue from skin lesions for examination under a microscope to confirm or establish a diagnosis,Di

38、agnostic Techniques, Treatments, and Procedures,Skin graft Process of placing tissue on a recipient site, taken from a donor site, in order to provide the protective mechanisms of skin to an area unable to regenerate skin Woods lamp Ultraviolet light that is used to examine the scalp and skin for the purpose of observing fungal spores,

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