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Introduction to Sustainable Manufacturing.ppt

1、Introduction to Sustainable Manufacturing,Introduction to Sustainable Manufacturing,1,Developed by the U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, Manufacturing and Services December 6, 2011,Why is manufacturing becoming more environmentally conscious?,Su

2、stainable manufacturing has both benefits and costs, but it can help make your company more competitive. Lets discuss sustainability in manufacturing in more detail.,Ask yourself the following questions:,2,What is Sustainability?,A common definition of sustainable development is that of the UN Brund

3、tland Commission: “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”1 You will also hear about the Triple Bottom Line2 This concept suggests that, in addition to its economic performance, a comp

4、any must also account for and focus on its environmental and social performance to be truly sustainable. Another common way of saying this is “people, planet, profit”2 Sustainability is the intersection of these three concepts.,1 Brundtland Commission of the United Nations 2 John Elkington, Cannibal

5、s with Forks: the Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century business,3,Sustainability,The Environment and Manufacturing: Important Concepts,The intersection of the environment and manufacturing is discussed in many different ways, often using terms that are not always clearly defined. These ideas can be co

6、nfusing, and it may be difficult to tell how they apply to your business.Here we will learn how to distinguish among several common concepts.Click on each of the boxes to learn more:,Clean Technologies,Sustainable Manufacturing,Green Products,4,Sustainable Manufacturing,The Green Suppliers Network (

7、DOC/EPA) defines clean manufacturing as “a systematic approach to eliminating waste by optimizing use and selection of resources and technologies, thereby lessening the impact on the environment.”1Sustainable manufacturing focuses on both how the product is made as well as the products attributes. T

8、his includes the inputs, the manufacturing processes, and the products design.Sustainable manufacturing includes things such as making products using less energy and materials, producing less waste, and using fewer hazardous materials as well as products that have greener attributes such as recyclab

9、ility or lower energy use.Sustainable manufacturing practices can range from very simple process improvements to large investments in new technologies and product redesign.,1 Green Suppliers Network training,5,Clean Technologies,Clean or Environmental Technologies are technologies associated with th

10、ings like environmental protection, assessment, compliance with environmental regulations, pollution control and prevention, waste management, remediation of contaminated property, design and operation of environmental infrastructure, and the provision and delivery of environmental resources.1 Renew

11、able energy technologies are also considered to be clean technologies.Examples of clean technologies include technologies for wastewater treatment, recycling, solid waste management, solar panels and wind turbines.Many clean technologies can be used to green the manufacturing process and are therefo

12、re important to sustainable manufacturing.,1 U.S. Department of Commerce Office of Energy and Environmental Industries,6,Green Products,Making “green products” can be seen as part of sustainable manufacturing, and we will discuss it in more detail later in the module.A green product can be any produ

13、ct that is designed to reduce its environmental impact. A key concept is that environmental concerns and impacts are taken into account from the beginning of the product design process. This is important because most of a products environmental impact is determined in the design phase.The product ma

14、y be made of recycled materials, designed so that it can be easily recycled, made without hazardous materials, or produced with less packaging.1There are no accepted standards for what constitutes a “green product,” although there are rules from the Federal Trade Commission about making environmenta

15、l marketing claims. There are also many eco-labeling programs that are used to identify and market green products, some of which are discussed in this module.,1 United Nations Environment Programme and Delft University of Technology “Design for Sustainability A Step-by-Step Approach.”,7,Designing yo

16、ur product to be reusable, remanufacturable, recyclable, or biodegradeable,Working with stakeholders like customers and retailers to reduce the environmental impact of sales and distribution,Expanding the life of the product, making it easier to repair or designing it to use fewer resources during u

17、se,Using less packaging, lowering product weight, using more efficient transportation and logistics,Modifying production processes to use less energy, water, and materials and to produce less waste,Using fewer materials and inputs and materials that are non-hazardous or recycled,Using renewable mate

18、rials that dont deplete the natural environment,So What does Sustainable Manufacturing Mean in Practice?,Click on the images for some examples of sustainable manufacturing along the life cycle.,8,Sustainability is a Journey, not a Destination,Remember there is no such thing as a company with no envi

19、ronmental impact. There is no sustainability “destination”.Your goal should be continuous improvement making constant advances in your companys overall sustainability performance.,9,For many years, the main environmental focus with regards to manufacturing was pollution abatementpreventing the pollu

20、tion that has been created from getting into the environment. The attention has shifted to cleaner production and pollution prevention. With cleaner production, there are many opportunities for cost savings and other financial benefits for companies.1,Evolution of Sustainable Manufacturing,1 “Govern

21、ment Strategies and Policies for Cleaner Production.” United Nations Environmental Programme and “Eco-Innovation in Industry: Enabling Green Growth” OECD,10,The Future: Industrial Ecology,What is industrial ecology? “the study of the physical, chemical, and biological interactions and interrelations

22、hips both within and between industrial and ecological systems”1 It is based on systems thinking industry is an interdependent part of the overall ecosystem. It studies the material and energy flows through the system to find inefficiency and waste.,1 Garner, Andy and Keoleian, Gregory A, Ph.D. Nati

23、onal Pollution Prevention Center for Higher Education, “Industrial Ecology: An Introduction.”,11,Industrial Ecology: Towards a Closed Loop System,Resources,Production,Production,Energy,1 Garner, Andy and Keoleian, Gregory A, Ph.D. National Pollution Prevention Center for Higher Education, “Industria

24、l Ecology: An Introduction.” 2 “Eco-Innovation in Industry: Enabling Green Growth” OECD,One of the goals of industrial ecology is to move industry from a linear to a cyclical or closed system where waste is used as an input rather than disposed of.1 An advanced version of this would be an Eco-Indust

25、rial Park where companies design their products and processes to use fewer virgin materials and use each others byproducts, coproducts, or wastes as inputs.2 Does your company produce byproducts that could be used by another company?,Linear System,Closed-Loop System,Consumption,12,How do you Impleme

26、nt Sustainable Manufacturing?,It can be overwhelming to think about all the work that would be required to make your company more sustainable. However, there is a spectrum of efforts you can make towards sustainable manufacturing. Some involve more effort and investment than others.1,Housekeeping Im

27、provements in work practices and maintenance,Process OptimizationMaking adjustments to processes to increase efficiency,Raw Material Substitution Shifting to more environmentally sound inputs,New Technologies Enable lower resource consumption, waste generation, emissions,New Product Design Minimize

28、impacts throughout product lifecycle,1 “Government Strategies and Policies for Cleaner Production.” United Nations Environmental Programme and “Eco-Innovation in Industry: Enabling Green Growth” OECD,Generally easier,More Difficult,Click on each of the boxes to learn more,13,Housekeeping,Housekeepin

29、g is the simplest method of implementing sustainable manufacturing practices.1 Housekeeping can be as simple as better inventory management, better monitoring and scheduling of the production process, reducing loss from leaks, spillage, and drag-out, and making sure equipment is maintained properly.

30、 It can also involve training your employees about sustainable manufacturing.,1 “Government Strategies and Policies for Cleaner Production.” United Nations Environmental Programme and “Eco-Innovation in Industry: Enabling Green Growth” OECD 2 “Arctic Cat Inc. Reduces Water, Energy, and Chemical Use.

31、” Minnesota Technical Assistance Program.,14,Process Optimization,Process optimization involves changing your manufacturing process to minimize waste, conserve raw materials, and capture and reuse waste materials.1 There may be simple things you can do to change your production process to become mor

32、e sustainable. Maybe you can collect metal shavings for recycling, change the steps in a painting process to use less paint, or rearrange your machines to minimize movement.,1 “Government Strategies and Policies for Cleaner Production.” United Nations Environmental Programme and “Eco-Innovation in I

33、ndustry: Enabling Green Growth” OECD 2 “Vinyl Flooring Texas Tile Manufacturing LLC, Additional Savings are a Pleasant Surprise.” DOE Industrial Technologies Program.,15,Raw Material Substitution,Although it is challenging, you may be able to find ways to substitute greener materials for hazardous m

34、aterials, chemicals with high environmental or health impacts, materials that are non-renewable, or those that are scarce.1 You may also be able to find ways to eliminate materials that are used during your production process but dont remain in the final product. Example: use water-based solvents ra

35、ther than chemical solvents. If the materials you are eliminating are considered hazardous, this can help you avoid regulatory costs associated with storage and disposal of materials.,1 “Government Strategies and Policies for Cleaner Production.” United Nations Environmental Programme and “Eco-Innov

36、ation in Industry: Enabling Green Growth” OECD 2 “Raw Material Substitution: North American Decal” Environment Canada.,16,New Technologies,Utilizing new technologies involves incorporating more environmentally responsible technologies and equipment into your production process.1 This can involve cap

37、ital investments to purchase equipment that uses less energy or materials or alternative energy production. For example, you might invest in more energy-efficient production equipment, systems that reuse heat and energy, or more advanced water treatment systems.,1 “Government Strategies and Policies

38、 for Cleaner Production.” United Nations Environmental Programme and “Eco-Innovation in Industry: Enabling Green Growth” OECD 2 “Economic Opportunities of Sustainable Manufacturing” Bob Bechtold, HARBEC Plastics, Inc.,17,New Product Design,Design your product to be greener from the ground up.1 This

39、concept touches on all of the previous sustainable manufacturing concepts. It can even include redesign involving rethinking how your product is used, and may involve: Using recycled materials instead of new ones Using renewable materials Designing for easy disassembly, for recycling, or for remanuf

40、acturing Using less packaging and more recycled or recyclable packagingGreen product design can have the same benefits as other aspects of sustainable manufacturing, including improved resource efficiency.,1 “Government Strategies and Policies for Cleaner Production.” United Nations Environmental Pr

41、ogramme and “Eco-Innovation in Industry: Enabling Green Growth” OECD 2 “Environmental Product Summary: Aeron Chair” Herman Miller,18,The Relationship Between Lean & “Green”: (a.k.a. Lean and Clean),If your company already uses lean manufacturing practices, you may find it is easier to integrate envi

42、ronmental principles into the lean process. Although lean does not traditionally focus on environmental issues, Leans focus on eliminating waste can be adapted to look for environmental waste. The Green Suppliers Network (GSN) calls this “Lean and Clean” manufacturing. GSN found that companies could

43、 save up to 30% more by implementing lean and clean than if they implemented lean manufacturing alone.1,1 Green Suppliers Network training,19,Environmental Waste,EPAs Lean and Environment Toolkit describes environmental waste as “any unnecessary use of resources or a substance released into the air,

44、 water, or land that could harm human health or the environment.”1Environmental Waste includes: Any energy, water, or other materials used that are more than what is really needed to meet the customers needs Hazardous materials and substances Pollutants, residuals, and other material wastes released

45、 into the environment (air emissions, wastewater discharges, hazardous wastes, solid wastes)As mentioned previously, adding “clean” to lean can result in significantly greater returns for your company. The following chart outlines how lean wastes have an environmental impact.,1 “Lean and Environment

46、 Toolkit,” EPA 2 “Green Suppliers Network Training” Green Suppliers Network.,Traditional Wastes Addressed by Lean:2 DOWNTIME D efects O verproduction W aiting N on-utilized Resources T ransportation I nventory M otion E xtra Processing,20,Adding Clean to Lean1,Lean Waste Environmental Impact,1 “Lean

47、 and Environment Toolkit,” EPA,21,Adding Clean to Lean (Cont.),Lean Waste Environmental Impact,22,Where to Go for Help,For definitions of other common sustainable manufacturing terms, please see this guide from the UN Environment Program. The EPA also has a Terms of Environment page with definitions

48、 for a variety of sustainability terms. This site from the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx) has collected a list of sites where you can find case studies on pollution prevention. More information on how sustainability can be incorporated into existing lean efforts can be found from the

49、EPA and the Green Suppliers Network.,23,Conclusion,In this lesson you have learned: about some of the important concepts related to sustainable manufacturing, how sustainable manufacturing has evolved, how it can be implemented in a manufacturing company, and how it can be integrated with existing lean efforts. In the next lesson we will discuss the business case for sustainable manufacturing.,24,

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