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Access to essential medicines as part of the Right to Health.ppt

1、,Access to essential medicines as part of the Right to Health,Hans V. Hogerzeil, MD, PhD, FRCP Edin Director, Essential Medicines and Pharmaceutical Policies World Health Organization, Geneva,Overview of the presentation,The Right to Health: principles and legal instruments Is access enforceable thr

2、ough the courts? Rights-based approach in medicine programmes: Five practical points to check Measuring access as part of the progressive realization of the Right to Health Conclusion and recommendations,Human Rights:,concern the relation the between state and the individual lead to state obligation

3、s and individual entitlements are interdependent and interrelated Examples in recent UN assessment: Right to: life, liberty/security of person, food, health, freedom from torture, participate in public affairs, education, housing, social security, work, freedom of expression, fair trial are based on

4、 freedom from discrimination Rights imply duties, duties demand accountabilityPromotion of human rights is a principle purpose of the UN,First expression of the right to health: The WHO Constitution (1946),“The States parties to this Constitution declare, in conformity with the Charter of the United

5、 Nations, that the following principles are basic to the happiness, harmonious relations and security of all peoples.,Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is

6、 one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition (.)”,The right to the highest attainable standard of health = “Right to Health“,Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948),Art.25.1 “Everyone has the right to a

7、 standard of living adequate for the health of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services”,The “Right to Health“ is also recognized in numerous other legal instruments,1961 European Social Charter 1966 International Covenant on Economi

8、cs, Social and Cultural Rights (most detailed; Article 12.1 and 12.2) 1978 Declaration of Alma Ata 1981 African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights 1988 Additional Protocol to the American Convention on HRs in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Chil

9、d,Legally binding,International Covenant on Economics, Social and Cultural Rights (ratified by 157 countries),Article 12 recognizes the “right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health”Article 12.2 illustrates a number of steps to be taken by State

10、s parties to achieve: a. maternal, child and reproductive health b. healthy natural and workplace environments c. prevention, treatment and control of disease d. health facilities, goods and services,Legally binding,Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights General Comment nr.14 (May 2000),A

11、rt.12.2.c: Right to prevention, treatment and control of diseases includes creation of a system of urgent medical care in case of accidents, epidemics; and disaster relief and humanitarian assistance Art 12.2.d:Right to health facilities, goods and services includes appropriate treatment of prevalen

12、t diseases, preferably at community level;and the provision of essential drugs as defined by the WHO Action Programme on Essential Drugs,Highly authoritative,Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights General Comment nr.14 (May 2000) Violations,Adoption of retrogressive measures, repeal, susp

13、ension Failure to take all steps to ensure the right to health; e.g. failure to adopt and or implement a national health policy designed to ensure the right to health for anyone insufficient expenditure or misallocation of public resources failure to monitor the realization of the right to health in

14、 the country failure to reduce inequitable distribution,Important: distinguish inability from unwillingness of the State,Access to essential drugs as a Human Right: Where are we now?,Health is a human right (WHO 1946, Univ. Decl. Human Rights 1948). The right to health care includes the right to eme

15、rgency care and health facilities, goods and services (Intern.Covenant, 1966) The right to facilities, good and services includes the provision of essential drugs as defined by WHO (GCom.14, 2000) State parties are under immediate obligation to guarantee that the right to health care is exercised wi

16、thout discrimination, and that concrete steps are taken towards full realization, with emphasis on vulnerable and marginal groups,All governments have signed at least one international human rights treaty or have a Constitution recognizing the Right to Health,Source: Eleanor D. Kinney: The Internati

17、onal Human Right to Health: What does this mean for our nation and world? Indiana Law Review, 200; 34: 1465. Quoted in: 25 Questions and answers on health and human rights, WHO, 2002,So what?,Is access to essential medicines as part of the Right to Health enforceable through the courts? Hogerzeil HV

18、, Samson M, Vidal Casanova J, Rahmani L (Lancet 2006),Objective To identify and analyze court cases from low- and middle income countries, in which individuals/groups have claimed access to essential medicines on the basis of human right treaties signed by the StateResults 71 cases from 12 countries

19、 59 won, 12 lost half deal with HIV/AIDS; others with leukemia, diabetes, renal dialysis 38% public interest cases 20% supported by NGOs 93% of successful cases from Latin America (rest from India, S.Africa, Nigeria),Main findings in 59 successful cases (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, C.Rica,

20、 Ecuador, India, S.Salvador, S.Africa, Venezuela),Success often linked to: Constitutional provisions supported by human rights treaties Link between right to health and right to life (66% life-savings EMs) Legal, financial and advocacy support by public interest NGOs Individual cases have generated

21、group rights Right to health is not restricted by limits in social security Acquired rights, time restrictions in coverage Essential medicines not (yet) included in social security Government policies can successfully be challenged in court Discrimination, lack of progress Court decisions on selecti

22、on of EMs for reimbursement Missing essential medicines, expensive EMs, branded/new products,Lessons from 12 unsuccessful cases (Argentina, Colombia, C.Rica, Nigeria, Panama, S.Salvador, S.Africa),Life-saving medicines (6 cases) National medicine list upheld: no need for this medicine (Argentina, Co

23、lombia, Panama, S.Africa) Medicine claimed was wrong choice, lack of evidence on efficacy, no need (C.Rica 2x, S.Salvador) Medicine had been supplied in the mean time (Colombia, C.Rica) Dismissed on technical grounds (Panama) Plaintiff not heard because of risk of transmitting HIV (Nigeria)Non life-

24、saving medicines (6 cases) Question: Does Right to Health include quality of life?,* Court engaged in medical review,Good or bad? Human rights and essential medicine lists,C.Rica: ARVs which were not on EML / Social SecurityC.Rica: Branded product (while generic in Social Security) C.Rica: Leukemia

25、medicine, excluded (too expensive) Colombia: Medicines not included in Social Security Brazil: 3500 court cases pending for medicines not included in Social Security; just registered; not registered in Brazil Nearly always awarded; MOH funds immediately blocked MOH now loses about 25% of medicine bu

26、dget Toll-free number to call for toll-free lawyer,Conclusion of WHO study,Many governments have made international and/or constitutional obligations on the right to health. Skilful litigation can provide an additional mechanism towards ensuring that these obligations or fulfilled. Success is possib

27、le and this should encourage others. Health policy makers and the public health community should be aware of the increasing trend towards litigation. Rather than the judiciary deciding over who should have access to which medicines, policy makers should ensure that human rights standards guide their

28、 health policies and plans from the start.,Rights-based approach: Justice as a right, not as charity,A rights-based approach to development describes situations not simply in terms of human needs, or of developmental requirements, but in terms of societys obligations to respond to the inalienable ri

29、ghts of individuals; empowers people to demand justice as a right, not as charity; and gives communities a moral basis from which to claim international assistance when needed. Kofi Anan, United Nations Secretary-General,Rights-based approach in medicines: What makes it better than a good essential

30、medicines programme?,General recommendations: Human rights should define the framework for development in the medicines area. The attainment of the highest attainable standard of health must be the stated objective of the national medicine policySpecific recommendations: Which essential medicines ar

31、e covered by the right to health? Have all beneficiaries of the medicine programme be consulted? Are there mechanisms for transparency and accountability? Do all vulnerable groups have equal access to essential medicines? How do you know? Are there redress mechanisms in case human rights are violate

32、d?,Hogerzeil HV, WHO Bulletin, May 2006,1: Which medicines are covered by the right to health? What are essential drugs? (Exp.Cee, April 2002),Definition: Essential medicines are those that satisfy the priority health care needs of the population Selection criteria: Disease prevalence, evidence on e

33、fficacy and safety, and comparative cost-effectiveness Purpose: Essential medicines are intended to be available at all times, in adequate amounts, in the appropriate dosage forms, with assured quality, and at a price the individual and the community can afford. Implementation: The implementation of

34、 the concept of essential medicines is intended to be flexible and adaptable to many different situations; exactly which medicines are regarded as essential remains a national responsibility. The WHO Model List of Essential Medicines is a model product and a model process,1: Which medicines are cove

35、red by the right to health? Practical implications,Does the constitution guarantee the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health? Do national laws/regulations further define the Right to Health, social security, services and medicines covered? Has the national l

36、ist of essential medicines been updated in the last two years? Outside scope of national governments (refugee camps, ships): WHO/UN lists apply,Discussion question: Is the WHO Model List a Moral Minimum?,2: Have all beneficiaries of the medicine programme been consulted?,In developing a national med

37、icine policy and implementation plan, the usual partners are the Ministry of Health, government departments, missions, academia, industry, professional associations What about: Rural communities, local governments Public interest NGOs Patient and consumer groups Representatives of vulnerable groups,

38、 ethnic minorities?,3. Are there mechanisms for transparency and accountability?,Transparent statement on government obligations, in line with international treaties National medicine policy with clear identification of roles and responsibilities of government departments and other stakeholders Indi

39、cators, baseline date and targets identified and used to monitor progressive realization of access to essential medicines Mechanisms to hold stakeholders accountable,Good example of Constitution and Action Plan: South Africa,Constitution (1994, amended 2003) Everyone has the right to have access to

40、health-care services, including reproductive health care, sufficient food and water and social security, including, if they are unable to support themselves and their dependants, appropriate social assistance The State must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resourc

41、es, to achieve the progressive realization of each of these rights No one may be refused emergency treatmentNational action plan for the protection and promotion of human rights (1998) Recognition of the fact that the realization of socioeconomic rights requires public expenditure to meet basic need

42、s, develop infrastructure, promote growth and stimulate job creation.,4. Do all vulnerable groups have equal access to essential medicines? How do you know?,Vulnerable groups: children (girls), women, people living in poverty, rural communities, indigenous populations, national (ethnic, religious, l

43、inguistic) minorities, internally displaced persons, elderly, disabled, prisoners First step: collect disaggregated statistics on access Awareness among policy makers Identify vulnerable groups which need special attention Monitor progress towards universal access Absolute minimum: gender-disaggrega

44、ted statistics and incidental surveys aimed at specific vulnerable groups,5. Are there safeguards and redress mechanisms in case human rights are violated?,Access to essential medicines is best achieved and guaranteed by the rights-based approach in national medicines policies and programmes In case

45、 of slow progress, regression, discrimination: redress and appeal mechanisms are needed as last resort Careful litigation has been helpful to encourage governments to fulfil their constitutional and international obligations (WHO study in 12 developing countries),Update 2008: DG/WHO: What gets measu

46、red, gets done,WHO Medium Term Strategic Plan 2008-2013: country indicator for constitutional recognition of access to essential medical products, as part of fulfilment of Right to Health (SO-11) WHO assessment questions used for PhilippinesMain challenge: Translate a legal concept into practical po

47、licy Legal principles need to get used to pragmatic compromises Health policy makers need to get involved, see the benefits, start acting,Access to Essential Medicines becomes an indicator for government commitment,New UN Right to Health indicators (June, 2008) Five attributes: Sexual and reproducti

48、ve health Child mortality and health care Natural and occupational environment Prevention treatment and control of diseases Access to health facilities and essential medicines Four dimensions: Obligation to respect, to protect, to fulfil Measuring commitment, efforts, results Structural, process, ou

49、tcome indicators Routine statistics, surveys, event monitoring,Source: United Nations, HRI/MC/2008/3,Example 1: (June 2008, S.K.Perehudoff) Legal indicators for national commitment,4 Include (essential) medicines,89 Mention health facilities, good and services,193 Constitutions, 187 can be accessed,

50、135 Include the Right to Health,Peru (1972, 1994) Philippines (1987) Syria (1973) Mexico (1917),Outcomes: WHO/MTSP baseline and indicator; Checklist and “Best practice“ text for future use,Example 2: Standard set of indicators for measuring access, as defined for WHO/MTSP, UNDP/MDG8 Gap Analysis, and Lancet assessment,

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