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Afterschool for All.ppt

1、Afterschool for All,Making the Case to Policy Makers, Your Community, and the Public,,Afterschool Alliance,,What Well Cover,Making the Case: Public Wants & Needs Afterschool Afterschool Outcomes Benefits to Bottom Line Policy Matters: Funding & R

2、esources for Afterschool National State and Local What You Can Do: Events, Media & More,,New America After 3pm Data,15.1 million of the countrys K-12 youth take care of themselves after school 3 to 6 p.m. are the most dangerous hours for kids. Juvenile crime soars Peak hou

3、rs for drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and sex Lack of physical activity/obesity Parents of 18 million children, or 38%, would sign up for an afterschool program if one were available,,Demand for Afterschool Programs,83% of voters agree children need a place to go afterschool t

4、hat is organized, safe, and educational 76% - newly elected officials in Congress should increase funding for afterschool 69% of voters - support tax increase 94% Democrats, 83% Independents, 71% Republicans theres a need for an organized, safe place for children and teens afterschool,Source: Afters

5、chool Alliance Poll conducted by Lake, Snell, Perry & Associates, Inc., November 2006 and 2008,,Benefits of Quality Afterschool Programs,Improved Test Scores and Grades 21st CCLC participants nationwide43% improved reading scores, 42% improved math scores In California, hi

6、gher academic achievement, test scores In Ohio, higher scores in every subject tested Oct 2007 study big gains in test scores, work habits Improved School Attendance, Engagement in Learning More likely to come to school, stay in school and graduate In NY, higher daily attendance and credit accumulat

7、ion In Chicago, higher class attendance, lower course failure, higher graduation rates Los Angeles program reduced drop out rate by 20%,,Benefits of Quality Afterschool Programs,Improved Social and Emotional Behavior Lower truancy, drug use, violence teen pregnancy Greater

8、 self-confidence Develop leadership, critical thinking, team-building skills Improved Health and Wellness Structured physical activities, healthy snacks help prevent weight gain tied to inactivity after school and during summer,,Benefits to Bottom Line,Rose Institute Every

9、 dollar invested in afterschool programs saves taxpayers at least $3 Catalyst Study (December 2006) New Catalyst Study - $50-$300 billion/year due to lost productivity PCAST Parental Concern about Afterschool Time Low-income and minority parents are much more likely than higher-income, white parents

10、 to have trouble finding high-quality, convenient and affordable programs. Corporate Voices for Working Families “After School For All: A Call To Action From The Business Community”,,Whos Doing What,,Federal Afterschool Policy,21st Century Commun

11、ity Learning Centers $35 million increase for FY10 ESEA (NCLB) authorized $2.5 billion Other sources of afterschool money: CCDBG, OJJDP, SES, Department of Agriculture New Initiatives: Rural Afterschool and Afterschool for Older Youth,Federal Funding Picture,,Reauthorizati

12、on of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act,The Presidents Budget and ESEA proposal would divert 21st Century Community Learning Centers program funding away from afterschool programming toward adding time to the school day, without a clear role for community partners nor parameters on how the

13、time is used. 21st CCLC funding already can be used to support afterschool components of full service community schools, however proposed changes would hinder the movement towards developing a new, large source of federal community schools funding. Proposal turns 21st CCLC program into a competitive

14、 grant program, rather than one working by formula. Some states would be left out. “We need a dedicated funding stream for 21st Century Community Learning Centers, and we have a strong preference that the funding for full-service community schools be a distinct funding stream. The leverage for full-

15、service service community schools will be more significant if it is grown as a distinct funding stream.”,,State and Local funding,Statewide Afterschool Networks Creative and Diverse Ways to Fund Afterschool CA $550 million to K-8 programs ASES GA $14 million to school- and

16、 community- based afterschool programs through TANF, renewed for FY09, plus $20.3 million in one-time funds TN $12.5 million unclaimed lottery funds (LEAP) Local community foundations Mayoral/Citywide Initiatives,,,Roadmap to Afterschool for All,

17、On average parents pay 76% of the cost of afterschool through tuition and fees 54% in low income communities Currently the federal government contributes only 11% of the cost of afterschool State contribute 3.1% of cost The Roadmap calls for a total federal investment of just under $18 billion ($17,

18、935,775,000) would reduce the burden on low-income families while providing 5.6 million low-income youth with access to afterschool programs,,What You Can Do,,Afterschool as a Platform forEverything!,Health Care Workforce prep Nutrition/Physical

19、Health Service learning/Community Engagement Academic Skills Family Involvement in Schools,,October 21, 2010,,Lights On Afterschool!,Annual nationwide event Brings attention to the need for afterschool programs and resources 8,000+ events and 1 m

20、illion Americans nationwide National Chair Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; Kevin Sorbo and Rhea Perlman as spokespeople Thousands of newspaper & TV stories Build relationships w/ business community, neighborhood leaders, elected officials,,,Group

21、 Activity,Using a Lights On Afterschool event as your framework, brainstorm community outreach techniques and strategies for effective messaging.Presenter will pass out detailed instructions.,,Arrange a Site Visit,Ask your Members of Congress, local policy makers and media

22、 to visit your afterschool program: Help your elected officials and your community establish a personal connection to afterschool by inviting them to visit a program and see firsthand how it is helping kids and familiesFind the home district address and phone number for your elected officials. Ident

23、ify a few dates during the next Congressional recess when you could host a tour of your program. Call the district office. Before the visit: Identify youth, parents, program staff, school officials and community partners who would be convincing spokespeople for your program. What to do the day of th

24、e visit.,,Ten Steps to Media Coverage,Create a Media List. Invite the Public. Identify your 2-3 key messages. Structure events with media in mind. Appeal to the press, build relationships. Issue news releases. Develop press kits. Manage media at your events. Event manageme

25、nt. Reap the benefits of your work!,,Contact Congress,Call, write or email Meet district staff Afterschool for All Challenge Joint conference with NAA this year, April 19-21, Washington, DC Honoring leaders in Congress and in the States Let Members of Congress hear from yo

26、u and your youth about afterschool,,Messages for Congress,These are tough economic times and now is not the time to cause additional pain to working families. 15 million children are unsupervised after school every day we need to work together to increase opportunities aft

27、erschool and to insure that the exciting partnerships that bring extended learning opportunities to our children continue to build in scope and quality. The afterschool community embraces reform merely adding more time is not the answer in communities that choose a longer school day it is imperative

28、 to focus on content and delivery. We believe that if community partners work with schools to shape a longer school day/year and are true partners in the delivery (and receipt of funding) then these programs have a higher likelihood of success. Innovative school reform that embraces these partnershi

29、ps should have its own funding stream. There is very little data on a longer school day so we should proceed with caution and move slowly. Other states, show promising models of extending the school day. In Rhode Island and New York community partners have been working with the school districts to d

30、evelop and implement plans.,,Afterschool for All,Show your support for afterschool programs and what they do for our children, families and communities Register your support & be recognized by Afterschool for All campaign Thousands of leaders, organizations and businesses

31、already on board Sign up at http:/,,Nominate a Program to win MetLife Award and $5000,MetLife Foundation and Afterschool Alliance Awards of $5000 and featured in issue brief Middle School Programs in 4 areas Overall high quality MS programs STEM Health & Wellness Prep for College & Careers,,Stay in touch!,Rivka Burstein-Stern Field Outreach Coordinator Afterschool Alliance (202) 347-2030,

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