1、Aquaculture DrugsUpdate*,Rosalie (Roz) Schnick Michigan State University RozSchnickC http:/ag.ansc.purdue.edu/aquanic/jsa/aquadrugs/index.htm*Presented at the National Association of State Aquaculture Coordinators, Louisville, Kentucky, June 2-5, 2004,Major Initiative Nearing Final Completion,Federa
2、l-State Aquaculture Drug Approval Partnership Project (=IAFWA Project) Main partners Aquatic Animal Drug Approval Partnership Program (AADAP) Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) Harry K. Dupree Stuttgart National Aquaculture Research Center (SNARC) Eight years, formal portion ended S
3、eptember 2002 $12+ million 9 drugs (marked in turquoise),IAFWA Project Submissions & Acceptances (9/03 3/04),IAFWA Project Submissions & Acceptances (9/03 3/04),STATUS OF EFFORTS TOWARD APPROVALSAQUACULTURE THERAPEUTANTS,Completed or Nearing Completion Oral Antibacterials,Erythromycin (BPA, NRSP-7,
4、University of Idaho) Bacterial kidney diseasesalmon Florfenicol (was IAFWA Project, MCGP, & sponsor) Furunculosis columnaris diseasefreshwater-reared salmonids (AADAP, UMESC) Coldwater diseasefreshwater-reared salmonids (AADAP, UMESC) Enteric septicemiacatfish (UMESC) Systemic columnaris diseasefres
5、hwater-reared salmonids & catfish (AADAP & UMESC),Completed or Nearing Completion Oral Antibacterials (continued),Oxytetracycline (oral)approvalsvarious diseasescatfish, salmonids, & lobsters Coldwater diseaseall freshwater-reared salmonids (AADAP, UMESC) Systemic columnaris diseasesteelhead trout (
6、AADAP, UMESC) Romet-30approvalsvarious diseasescatfish & salmonids Romet-TCimproved palatability for top coatingaccepted November 2003 Sulfamerazineapproved for furunculosissalmonids (sponsor not currently distributing product),Work Underway Oral Antibacterials (continued),Amoxicillin (sponsor, Kent
7、 SeaTech, NRSP-7, SNARC) Streptococcushybrid striped bass & tilapia (work underway) Oxytetracycline (oral)approvals for catfish, salmonids, and lobsters Systemic bacterial diseasesflounder and tilapia (NRSP-7) Streptococcustilapia (SNARC),Nearing CompletionExternal antibacterials,Chloramine-T (IAFWA
8、 Project and sponsor) Bacterial gill diseaseall freshwater-reared salmonids (AADAP, UMESC) External columnaris diseasewalleye (UMESC),Nearing CompletionExternal antibacterials (continued),Hydrogen peroxide (IAFWA Project) Bacterial gill diseaseall freshwater-reared salmonids (UMESC) External columna
9、ris diseaseall coolwater fish & channel catfish (UMESC) Oxytetracycline immersion (IAFWA Project & MCGP) Bacterial gill diseasecoolwater & warmwater fish (UMESC) External columnaris diseasecoolwater & warmwater fish (UMESC) Systemic columnaris diseasecoolwater & warmwater fish (UMESC),Work Underway
10、or PossibilityExternal antibacterials (continued),Copper sulfate (IAFWA Project) Possibility for development (SNARC) Potassium permanganate (IAFWA Project) Possibility for development (SNARC) Pyceze (sponsor) Early development stage,Completed or Nearing CompletionFungicides (control saprolegniasis),
11、Formalinsalmon, trout, & esocid eggs Approval extended (IAFWA Project, UMESC)all fish eggs 6/18/98 Almost completeall fish (UMESC)Hydrogen peroxide (IAFWA Project) Almost completeall fish eggs (UMESC) Almost completeall fish (UMESC),Work UnderwayFungicides (control saprolegniasis) (continued),Copper
12、 sulfate (IAFWA Project & sponsor) Work underway (SNARC) Potassium permanganate (IAFWA Project) Possibility for development (SNARC) Pyceze (sponsor) Work underway,Completed or Nearing CompletionExternal parasiticides,Copper sulfate (IAFWA Project and sponsor) Ichthyophthiriuschannel catfish in earth
13、en ponds (SNARC) FormalinApprovals for certain fish & penaeid shrimpexternal protozoans Approval extended (NRSP-7, IAFWA Project, & UMESC)all fishexternal protozoans & monogenetic trematodes 6/18/98 Hydrogen peroxide (IAFWA Project) External protozoanssalmonids (UMESC) Sea lice controls SliceSponsor
14、 actively pursuing claim,Work UnderwayExternal parasiticides (continued),Potassium permanganate (IAFWA Project) Ichthyophthiriuschannel catfish in earthen ponds (SNARC) Pyceze (sponsor) Early development stage,Work UnderwayInternal Parasiticides,Myxozoan controls Fumagillin Whirling diseasetrout (wa
15、y underway by FWS, others) Proliferative gill diseasecatfish (some work by Mississippi State University) Digenetic trematode or cestode controls Praziquantel Bolbophorus confusus in catfish (under consideration by sponsor),STATUS OF EFFORTS TOWARD APPROVALSOTHER AQUACULTURE DRUGS,Completed or Work U
16、nderwayZero withdrawal Anesthetics,AQUI-S (IAFWA Project and sponsor)major effort underway by both entities All freshwater-reared fish (AADAP & UMESC) Saltwater salmonids (sponsor & IAFWA Project)MS-222 Approvedseveral fish species but with 21-day withdrawal time,Who Needs Zero Withdrawal Anesthetic
17、?,All private fish & shellfish aquaculture industries All federal & state agencies involved in: Fish & shellfish culture Commercial & recreational fisheries Fisheries & stock restoration Threatened & endangered aquatic species,Completed or Work UnderwaySpawning aids,Human chorionic gonadotropin (man
18、y partners) Approvedall fish 9/7/99 Crude carp pituitary (NRSP-7) Almost complete but no possibility of product chemistry, so LRP? Ovaplant & Ovaprim (sponsor) Work underway ReproBoost (sponsor) Work underway,Nearing CompletionGender Manipulation Aids,17 alpha-methyltestosterone (sponsor & Auburn Un
19、iversity)tilapia & other species Contract let for product chemistry data Contract let for environmental safety data Contract to be let for target animal safetytilapia,Completed or Work UnderwayChemical Marking Aids,Calcein (have sponsor)work underway Oxytetracycline immersion (NRSP-7, various partne
20、rs including IAFWA Project) Approvedall fish 12/24/03 Strontium chloride (have sponsor)work underway through NRSP-7,FUTURE PLANS,Future Plans,Develop data on all drugs in progress for initial or supplemental NADAs; complete goals of the IAFWA Project Seek additional sponsors for additional drugs to gain initial or supplemental NADAs Seek additional funding sources for aquaculture drug approval research,
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