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ARC Centre of Excellencefor Perceptive and Intelligent .ppt

1、1,ARC Centre of Excellence for Perceptive and Intelligent Machines in Complex Environments,2,ARC Priority Areas,Complex / Intelligent Systems,3,Major Research Themes,Perceptive SystemsAutonomous SystemsDistributed Intelligence,4,Monash University University of Melbourne Curtin University of Technolo

2、gy Australian National University,Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan,Osaka University,University of Texas - Arlington,Nanyang Technological University,University of Alberta,University of Karlsruhe,University of South Florida,University of Massachusetts,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Defence Science

3、 and Technology Organisation,5,Interactions,Human Guidance,Autonomous Systems,Distributed Intelligence,6,Center of Excellence in Perceptive and Intelligent Machines in Complex Environments,Perceptive Systems,Autonomous Systems,Distributed Intelligence,Integrated Capabilities,Security Surveillance,He

4、althcare Support,Civil Disaster Support,Human / Machine Synergy,Scalability,Complexity,Biological Inspiration,Airport Security Home Security Border Security,Semi-Autonomous Wheelchairs Smart House Tracking Disabled/ Emergency Mediation Physical/sensory prosthesis,Bushfire Support Warehouse Fire Supp

5、ort Search and Rescue,7,Advisory Board,Management Board,Center of Excellence for Perceptiveand Intelligent Machines in Complex Environments,Research Program,Postgraduate Training Program,Industrial Affiliatesprogram,Perceptive systems,Autonomous systems,Distributed Intelligence,Application domainsSe

6、curity/Surveillance Healthcare support Civil Disaster Support,Research Program,8,Overarching Considerations,ComplexityScalabilityHuman / Machine SynergyBiological Inspiration,9,Application Scope,Security/ SurveillanceHealthcare SupportCivil Disaster Support,10,Perceptive Systems,“Perceptive systems

7、are concerned with the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of sensory data of any kind and the provision of the appropriate physical sensors.”,11,Perceptive Systems: Sub-Themes,Large Scale Pattern Recognition/ Distributed Sensor Intelligence/ Multi-modal Event ExtractionPersonnel Recognition/ V

8、erificationBiologically Inspired Sensing and AlgorithmsMachine Perception,12,Autonomous Systems,“Autonomous systems operate with varying degrees of independence from human intervention to complete useful tasks with the support of sensory intelligence, planning and mechanism control strategies.”,13,A

9、utonomous Systems: Sub-Themes,Mobile Robot NavigationRobotic HumanoidsPhysical and Sensory ProsthesisSpeech Recognition and Natural Language Understanding,14,Distributed Intelligence,“The specification, capture, analysis, integration and interpretation of diverse and complex knowledge sources spread

10、 over space, time and representation modalities”,15,Distributed Intelligence - Sub Themes,Providing rapid access to relevant knowledge from a variety source such as civil and commercial databases for taking appropriate actions. Storing and maintaining useful knowledge in a form that is amenable for

11、reasoning. This information includes pre-processed, compressed sensor data at remote sites.Discovering correlations between significant events and sensor states over massive numbers of distributed multi-modal sensors.,16,Example Application Domains,Border Protection Homeland Security Civil Disaster

12、Support Healthcare Support Robotic Home Server,17,Prototype System Targets,Distributed situation assessment using border security as the application domain. Multi-modal biometric identification booth. Intelligent wheelchair and prosthetic support for the aged at home and in the street A robotic home

13、 server. Bush fire fighting support. Limited capability multi-sensory humanoid.,18,Investigators,Chief Investigators Partner Investigators Associated Researchers,19,Chief Investigators,Monash University Professor Ray Jarvis Assoc. Professor Lindsay Kleeman Assoc. Professor Andy Russell Assoc. Profes

14、sor David Suter Assoc. Professor Ingrid Zukerman Dr David Morgan Curtin University Professor Svetha Venkatesh Professor Geoff West Australian National University Professor Mandyam Srinivasan University of Melbourne Professor Rao Kotagiri Professor Alistair Moffat Professor Leon Sterling Assoc. Profe

15、ssor Peter Stuckey,20,Partner Investigators (International),Professor Yoshiaki Shirai Osaka University Professor Behrooz Shirazi University of Texas, Arlington Assoc. Professor Han Wang Nanyang Technological University Professor Henrik Christensen Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan Professor Terry Caelli

16、University of Alberta Dr Mohan Kumar University of Texas, Arlington Professor Ruediger Dillmann University of Karlsruhe Assoc. Professor Robin Murphy University of South Florida Professor William Croft University of Massachusetts,21,Associated Researchers,Professor Alex (sandy) Pentland Media Lab Ma

17、ssachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Steven Dubowsky Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dr Jaavan Chahl Defence Science and Technology Organisation,22,Other International Links,Carnegie Mellon University University of Tokyo Stanford Research Institute Helsinki University of Technology El

18、ectrotechnical Laboratories Tsukuba, Japan,23,Postgraduate Training,Centre Scholarship Scholarship Top-ups Travel prospects Joint Supervision/ Interchange Forward Looking Research Projects Theoretical Developments Mission Oriented,24,Governance Structure,Director Professor Ray Jarvis Management Boar

19、d Professor Ray Jarvis (Autonomous Systems) Professor Svetha Venkatesh (Perceptive Systems) Professor Rao Kotagiri (Distributed Intelligence) Professor Alistair Moffat (Postgrad Studies/ Visitors Programme) Advisory Board Director One other key researcher Three industrial representatives Two interna

20、tionally recognised researchers,25,Modus Operandi,Joint Supervision of Postgraduates Exchange Visits both within and outside Australia Academics, students,RFs Tele-conferenced workshops/ seminars Open days/ Performance Demonstrations Strict Reporting Regime Balance between Long Term and Mission Orie

21、nted Projects Joint Responsibility for Performance Project Teams over Multiple Nodes Project Managers Nominated,26,Management of Research,Workshops every 6 months to report progress and exchange ideas Set up new directives in year end workshop in conjunction with advisory board Teleconference semina

22、rs every week,27,Budget and Resources,University Cash Contribution $600,000 per annum In-Kind Salary Related $748,000 per annum In-Kind Indirect $935,000 per annum Equipment $500,000 (once off),28,Budget and Resources (Round Figures),29,Budget and Resources (cont),30,Budget and Resources (cont),31,B

23、udget Allocation,Personnel 71.0%,Equipment 20.0%,Maintenance 0.7%,Travel 5.0%,Living 3.3%,32,End User Links,Security CoastWatch Aerosonde Pty. Ltd. Surveillance Australia Pty. Ltd. Healthcare Rehabilitation Centre Austin Hospital Silver Chain (WA) Civil Defense Country Fire Authority Emergency Manag

24、ement Australia,33,Commercial Prospects,Proof of Concept Commercial Partnerships (MIT) Media Lab Model International Scope,34,Why us?,Research Excellence Potential national benefit Capacity to scale and focus, critical mass in priority area Commitment / Collaboration Potential to deliver significant

25、 economic and social benefits to the community (Quality of life outcomes) Next generation training,35,Monash University University of Melbourne Curtin University of Technology Australian National University,Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan,Osaka University,University of Texas - Arlington,Nanyang Technological University,University of Alberta,University of Karlsruhe,University of South Florida,University of Massachusetts,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Defence Science and Technology Organisation,

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