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1、1,Book Cover,2,Copyright,Copyright Xtreme Nutrition by Tom McGregor, in the Extreme Freedom Series Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005 with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office to the Canadian Company All rights reserved. Disclaimer The fasting procedures in this manuscript are based

2、 on the research and personal experiences of the author. Each person and situation is unique and the publisher urges the reader to check with a qualified health professional before using any procedure where there is any question as to its appropriateness. Because there is always some risk involved,

3、the author and publisher are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations, or procedures in this manuscript. Please do not use this manuscript if you are unwilling to assume the risk. Feel free to consult a physician or other

4、qualified health professional. It is a sign of wisdom to seek a second or third opinion.ISBN 1-896802-14-4 Publishing Company,3,1. Eden Forgotten 1.,Chapter 1 Eden Forgotten We have come a long way from the splendor of Eden. Long forgotten is the perfect diet that hung ripe from e

5、very branch. Lush fruit designed with a precise arrangement of molecules to nourish the body has been replaced with a creatively packaged, chemically preserved, artificially flavored, texture-enhanced, colored, fattened, sweetened, synthetically fortified, microwaveable substance that can make the j

6、ourney from freezer to table in minutes. It is so delicious you forget to look at the ingredients. So delicious that you are willing to accept the absorption of dyes, bleaches, antioxidants, preservatives, chemical flavors, buffers, noxious sprays, alkalizers, acidifiers, deodorants, moisteners, dry

7、ing agents, expanders, modifiers, emulsifiers, stabilizers, thickeners, clarifiers, disinfectants, defoliants, fungicides, neutralizers, anticaking and antifoaming agents, hydrolyzers, hydrogenators, herbicides, pesticides, synthetic hormones, antibiotics, steroids and thousands of other chemical re

8、sidues. Todays diet must break Gods heart. The diet He designed for the nourishment and healing of the body is beyond recognition. If you transported Adam to the center of a modern day city, he would be in shock. The first reaction would be coughing and watering eyes from carbon monoxide exhausts. T

9、he noise of traffic would assault his innocent ears. Pale-skinned people with frowns, rushing here and there. Neon signs offering food burned in fire and grease would make no sense. A pharmacy would bring greater confusion. So many pills for so many sicknesses for Adam who knew only health. Standing

10、 before a hospital and realizing it was filled with people in pain from deteriorating bodies, he would long for the haven of Eden. The vibrant, healthy Adam is incomprehensible to most people, who have never experienced clear sinuses, inner joy and energy associated with a toxin-free, well-nourished

11、 body that Adam had. Vitality is a faded memory of childhood. The aches and pains of aging are normal life. Trips to the doctor are painful reality and the Garden of Eden is a fable.,4,1. Eden Forgotten 2.,I am familiar with sickness. Years of drug abuse had devastated my health. Then I heard about

12、fasting. I was at the point where I was willing to try anything. On a 30-day juice fast, my health was renewed and I discovered vitality, energy and clarity of mind. The fast renewed my passion for life, strengthened my relationship with God and reduced aging. When I broke the fast, I was amazed by

13、my bodys reaction to food. A simple apple pie caused my sinuses to clog. The stomach had a heavy feeling and the mind clouded. Gone was that indescribable sensation of health and well-being; instead, a numb, dull sensation permeated the body emanating from the stomach. The effect of the apple pie wa

14、s more than I believed possible. Changes so dramatic demanded answers and that hunger for understanding birthed the writing you now hold in your hand. I wanted to understand why fasting healed so powerfully and how to support that healing through diet. And so I searched to understand nutrition. The

15、more I read the more confused I became as the authors options varied with each book. Nutrition seemed to be a world of confusion. Lots of scientific information, but the more I learned, the more confused I became. The only thing I had to guide me was the effect of food on my body. After fasting, my

16、body had become super-sensitive to food. A cantaloupe would digest with perfect harmony but a pizza would cause a headache, and a heavy feeling in the stomach. The next day my skin became greasy. To me, the pizza tasted better than the cantaloupe, but my bodys reaction was telling me the opposite. C

17、omparison of Diets In North And South America My first trip to Colombia was mind-blowing. Here were a people who rarely got sick. Few were overweight, and most people I met had a calm, easygoing character. Genetics? Possibly, but diet plays a big part in this picture. Their lifestyle is healthier. S

18、ince most people do not have cars, they daily walk. There is an abundance of fresh tropical fruit available year round. Fresh orange juice or fruit shakes are sold on every corner. Even their version of Popsicles is made with real fruit. Candy bars and processed, packaged food are too expensive for

19、most budgets.,5,1. Eden Forgotten 3.,There is an occasional treat. Their favorite candies are made from condensed milk or dried fruit. Panela, dehydrated cane sugar, is a staple. It is used as a sweetener. Mixed with lemon and water, it becomes a delicious drink. The food has almost no preservatives

20、 and fertilizers are not commonly used in farming. The milk is from naturally raised cows. The coffee is sold in small, plastic cups that hold about one ounce. The most common drink is water. Also, most people are health conscious and try to eat well. The biggest problem is that they eat a lot of fr

21、ied food, and as the economy is improving, Colombians are becoming more westernized. The yellow arches of McDonalds are becoming a familiar site. Colombia is not Eden but it surely is much closer to the way God intended us to eat than North America. Travel a few thousand miles north and you enter a

22、different world of eating. A land of jumbo coffees, super-sized fries and daily exercise is reaching for the meal at the drive-through window. Pop, chocolate, cake and donuts are supplied by the truckload. Water is for washing. White flour and white sugar are the stuff of life. The North American Di

23、et is so bad, that if you make it to middle age without serious harm, it is only because of your bodys outstanding resistance. Unfortunately, resistance to disease diminishes as toxin saturation increases. The body will absorb toxins to a point, then there is a reaction illness! If you are tired, st

24、ressed out, and living on junk food, the immune system will inevitably break down. It is scary to be diagnosed with something you cant even pronounce. Health is simple; disease is complex. Looking for the answer to illness can be overwhelming. Doctors, dietitians, homeopaths and naturopaths bombard

25、us with different information. Your local health food store displays walls of vitamin and mineral supplements, extracts, antioxidants, all claiming to be the answer. Some work, but no amount of health products can replace a healthy diet. The problem with any prescription medicine or supplement is th

26、at it comes from a fix it quick mentality. Most people want the lazy way to heal. They would rather take a pill to fix a problem than change their diet, yet medications cannot heal, they can only alter the symptoms, and no supplement can compensate for a bad diet.,6,1. Eden Forgotten 4.,When a car d

27、esigner works on a new prototype, he knows all the failed alterations. When the wheel fell off, the suspension needed a complete redesign. Cancer, heart attacks or any disease are signs that your diet needs to be redesigned. It is not enough to make a few tinkering adjustments; you need a complete o

28、verhaul of what you eat on a daily basis. This book is designed to give you the information you need to make educated choices on how to eat for the health and healing of your body. The Path of Modern MedicineNorth America has ignored all the statistics that clearly define the modern diet as being de

29、structive to health. Having one of the highest standards of living has resulted in a nation with the greatest rates of heart attacks and cancer. Due to medical care, people are living longer, but seniors are daily taking an average of eight-to-twelve prescription drugs for multiple health problems.

30、We have prolonged life, which tragically often translates into prolonged suffering. The government has spent billions of dollars on disease research, yet very little is spent on prevention. Until recently, modern medicine has ignored diet as a preventative measure against disease. Did you ever stop

31、and wonder why? About 90 years ago, there were two men, Pasteur and Beachamp, who were at the forefront in their fields of science. Two men who would forever define our understanding of health and medicine in very distinct ways. Pasteur believed that we lived in a hostile environment where disease w

32、as always trying to invade our bodies in the form of harmful bacteria. Pasteurs attitude towards sickness was to protect the body from these harmful bacteria. In contrast, Beachamp believed that a healthy body is immune to harmful bacteria. Only when the cells became weak and sick did bacteria have

33、a destructive effect on the body. Pasteur insisted that healthy tissue is sterile of bacteria. Beachamp disagreed. He discovered that healthy tissue was constantly being exposed to bacteria, but as the body started to deteriorate, the bacteria changed due to alterations in the cells biochemistry.,7,

34、1. Eden Forgotten 5.,The research of Beauchamp and Pasteur seemed in conflict. In the end, Pasteurs theory was adopted and Beachamps was ignored. This resulted in a prejudice towards nutrition as preventative treatment of disease that is still present in medical thinking. Medications for killing bac

35、teria had become a large industry. It is convenient to have germs to blame rather than being responsible for ones eating habits. When cells are healthy and vibrant, the immune system is effective in fighting and controlling bacteria. However, through poor eating habits, cells become weak and sick, a

36、nd harmful bacteria are able to multiply. For example, Candida is an organism that exists in two forms. The form usually found in the intestine is harmless and does not migrate to other tissues. In the event of the colon becoming toxic, Candida changes into its fungal form. It then penetrates the in

37、testine wall and infiltrates other body tissues causing a multitude of metabolic disturbances. Beachamp discovered that germs are opportunists, waiting for the right conditions, otherwise harmless to the body. Bacteria are in the air, water and our food. For the majority of the time, bacteria will n

38、ot affect the body. The stomach secretes hydrochloric acid to kill harmful bacteria. The large intestine has beneficial lactic acid-secreting bacteria that fend off harmful bacteria and the immune system is constantly killing and removing bacteria, parasites and antigens. However, when the body is n

39、ot being fed correctly, harmful bacteria are able to multiply and alter into more dangerous forms. Chemical Medication If you break a bone, medical technology is crucial, but when it comes to internally adjusting the intricate working of the human body, most times, medicines fail. Medicines powerful

40、ly adjust the bodys metabolism in an attempt to stimulate healing. The symptoms can disappear, but the cause of the imbalance is ignored which is usually diet.,8,1. Eden Forgotten 6.,Our hospitals are far from being a haven of healing. More than one out of twenty hospital deaths occur due to an adve

41、rse drug reaction. Medical cures are not a solution to disease. Medicine and surgery may keep you breathing, but will not supply the vibrant zeal of life so few experience. We need to take personal responsibility in how and what we eat. Sickness resulting from neglect and a foolish diet is not Gods

42、will. Adam represented the heart of God. He was vibrantly healthy with a radiant complexion. A sick, pallid colored, out of shape, Christian represents something very different. God has gone to such great trouble in creating the human body with the capacity for health and vibrancy. He has created fo

43、ods that, in their natural state, are full of life-giving properties. It is up to us to take these wonderful healing gifts and show the world that God is the Source of life. Our hospitals are far from being a haven of healing. More than one out of twenty hospital deaths occur due to an adverse drug

44、reaction. Medical cures are not a solution to disease. Medicine and surgery may keep you breathing, but will not supply the vibrant zeal of life so few experience. We need to take personal responsibility in how and what we eat. Sickness resulting from neglect and a foolish diet is not Gods will. Ada

45、m represented the heart of God. He was vibrantly healthy with a radiant complexion. A sick, pallid colored, out of shape, Christian represents something very different. God has gone to such great trouble in creating the human body with the capacity for health and vibrancy. He has created foods that,

46、 in their natural state, are full of life-giving properties. It is up to us to take these wonderful healing gifts and show the world that God is the Source of life.,9,2. Amazing Body 1.,Chapter 2 The Amazing Body The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 1

47、9:1 If you want to understand an artist, study his paintings. If you want to understand the character of God, study the human body. When you do, even the greatest scientist on earth must stand in childlike admiration before such magnificent precision, balance and functionality. Without comparison, t

48、he human body is art in its highest form, is a macro universe of dancing atoms performing zillions of interactions that allows you to talk, digest food, replenish destroyed cells, circulate blood, breathe, preserve your core body temperature, maintain your balance, hear and seeall simultaneously wit

49、hout effort on your part. No active participation required. Fifty million of the cells in your body will have died and been replaced while you have been reading this sentence. As you read these words, nerve impulses are traveling to and from the brain at 274 kilometers (170 miles) per hour. Three th

50、ousand psychoactive chemicals are being used by the brain at a rate of over 100,000 chemical reactions per second. More, if you try to comprehend the full significance of this fact. To memorize this, the brain has 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion connectors for memory alone. If you scratch an it

51、ch, millions of cells and thousands of nerve cells will be affected. In one square inch of skin there lie 4 yards of nerve fibers, 1,300 nerve cells, 100 sweat glands, 3 million cells, and 3 yards of blood vessels. Twenty-five million blood cells have been destroyed and replaced during the reading o

52、f this sentence. The circulatory system is 60,000 miles long. Each blood cell encircles the body up to 300,000 times in a period of 120 days and never gets lost. Your heart will beat 3,000 million times, (more if you watch horror movies) and pump 48 million gallons of blood over the course of your life. The lungs contain 300 billion capillaries, and when they compress during a sneeze, they create a 100-mile per hour blast of air.,

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