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Busn 101 Chapter 11.ppt

1、Busn 101 Chapter 11,Human Resource Management,1,Goals,Explain the importance of human resource management Describe current issues in managing human resources 5 Steps in human resource planning Methods used to recruit new employees Recruitment challenges Six steps in selecting employees Types of empl

2、oyee training and developing methods Six steps in appraising employee performance Objectives of employee compensation programs Pay systems and fringe benefits Scheduling plans to adjust to workers needs Promotion, reassignment, termination, retirement Effects of legislation on human resource managem

3、ent,2,Wegmans Food Market (East Coast Grocery Chain),No matter how much we invest in our people (employees), we get much more in return Labor costs 16% of sales (industry average is 12%) Profit sharing Medical coverage College scholarships Paid trips to Europe and Napa Valley for research Employee t

4、urnover 6% (industry average is 19%) Employees empowered to make customers happy Do not have to check with supervisors Go to customers home Cook turkey when customers oven is not big enough,3,Human Resource Management,The process of determining human resource needs and then recruiting, selecting, de

5、veloping, motivating, evaluating, compensating, and scheduling employees to achieve organizational goals,4,People are the Ultimate Resource,New ideas solve problems New ideas can create new revenues and new jobs for a business People come up with new ideas Human resource management is an important a

6、nd critical function in any business because hiring creative people with new ideas is key to success People with new ideas are the most important asset for any company,Management is the art of getting things done through people, and things get done better with good people.,Human Resource Management

7、Goals,Human Resource Challenge,Shortages Unskilled Workers Undereducated Workers Underemployed Skills Job Requires Shift in Workforce Composition Aging workers with knowledge Laws & Regulations Single-Parent & Two-Income Families Demand for daycare & more,Attitudes Toward Work More Leisure Continued

8、 Downsizing Overseas Labor Pools Customized Benefits Employees With New Concerns Health care, Disabilities, Affirmative Action Decreased Loyalty,9,Determining HR Needs,Prepare HR Inventory Prepare Job Analysis Job Description Job Specification Assess HR Demand Assess HR Supply Establish Strategic Pl

9、an,10,Prepare HR Inventory,Inventory (database) should include: Ages Names Education Capabilities Training Specialized Skills Languages spoken This helps to assess whether or not the employees are trained, technically up to date, etc.,11,Prepare Job Analysis,Job Analysis A study of what is done by e

10、mployees who hold various job titles and it results in these two documents: Job Description A summary of the objectives of a job, the type of work to be done, the responsibilities and duties, the working conditions, and the relationship of the job to other functions Job Specifications A written summ

11、ary of the minimum qualifications required of workers to do a particular job,12,Assess HR Demand,HR managers anticipate the organizations requirements (identified in the forecast process) and make sure that trained people are available when needed,13,Assess HR Supply,Labor force is continually shift

12、ing: Getting older Becoming more technically orientated Shortages in future? Engineers and Technology workers Oversupply in future? Assembly line workers Recession,14,Establish Strategic Plan,Once you have prepared (1st 4 steps of determining Needs): Inventory Job Description & Specification Demand

13、Supply,Strategic Plan: Recruiting Selecting Training Developing Apprising Compensating Scheduling,15,Recruitment,The set of activities used to obtain a sufficient number of the right people at the right time,Difficulties in Recruiting,Policies that require that promotions come from within Union Regu

14、lations Offer low wages Find employees that fit corporate culture Teams, Participative management Skilled workers are not available,17,Recruiting From A Diverse Population,18,11-19,HR Executives Recruiting Preferences,Source: USA Today,Note: Multiple responses allowed,Selection,The process of gather

15、ing information and deciding who should be hired, under legal guidelines, for the best interests of the individual and the organization,Select Employee Who Will Be Productive,Select Application Form Interview Test Investigate Examine Probation Selection process can be very expensive Hiring from with

16、in can be less expensive Reducing employee turnover (getting happy employees to stay) can be less expensive,21,Application Form,Application form: Legal guidelines limit the kinds of questions Career objectives Past work experiences Educational background Other qualifications Smart Assessment program

17、 Answer question by computer, and it decided whether you get an interview, what questions to ask and what position might be suitable Reduces hiring time and perhaps employee turnover,22,What has been a particularly demanding goal for you to achieve? Can you think of a situation in which an innovativ

18、e course of action was needed? What did you do in this situation? What are the typical customer interactions you have in your present position? Can you think of a recent example of one of these? Have you ever been in a situation where you have had to take on new tasks or roles? Describe this situati

19、on and what you did? In your present position, what standards have you set for doing a good job? How did you determine them?,Typical Interview Questions:,Questions to avoid:,Interview questions to avoid because they may show illegal bias. Do you have a visual, speech, or hearing disability? Are you

20、planning to have a family? When? Have you ever filed a workers compensation claim? How many days of work did you miss last year due to illness? What off-the-job activities do you participate in? Would you have a problem working with a female partner? Where did you grow up? Do you have children? How

21、old are they? What year did you graduate from high school? (reveals age),11-25,Interviewing Mistakes,Source: USA Today,11-26,Number Interviewed to Find Quality Hire,Source: USA Today, January 24, 2005,Test,Must be related to the job Can you use Excel? Can you weld? Can you use a nail gun? Can you do

22、 the math?,27,Investigate,Investigate: Work record School record Credit history References,28,Physical Examine,Medical tests cannot be given to screen out individuals In some states physical examines can be given only after someone has been accepted In states that allow preemployment physical examin

23、es, the test must be given to everyone,29,Probation,Hire employee, then evaluate, then decide if employee will be permanently hired Highline does this,30,11-31,Applicants Mistakes,Source: USA Today,Contingent Workers,Contingent Workers Workers who do not have the expectation of regular, full-time em

24、ployment Part-time workers Seasonal workers Few benefits Flexibility for employee,32,Training And Development,All attempts to improve productivity by increasing an employees ability to perform. Training Short-term skills Development Long-term abilities Training And Development is usually money well

25、spent Higher retention Increased productivity Higher job satisfaction Increase stock value,Training And Development 3 steps,Assess Firm Needs: Needs of organization Skills of employees Design activities to train and develop to meet needs Evaluate effectiveness of training and developing,Training And

26、 Development,Employee Orientation The activity that introduces new employees: To the organization To fellow employees To their immediate supervisors To the policies, practices, and objectives of the firm On-the-job-training Employee immediately begins his or her tasks and learns by: Doing Watching o

27、thers for a while and then imitating them Apprentice Programs Training programs involving a period during which a learner works alongside an experienced employee to master the skills and procedures of a craft,35,Training And Development,Off-the-job Training Training that occurs away from the workpla

28、ce and consists of internal or external programs to develop any of a variety of skills or to foster personal development Here at Highline, some people leave for a few years to get their Ph. D. Online Training Training programs in which employees attend classes via the internet Vestibule Training Tra

29、ining done in schools where employees are taught on equipment similar to that used on the job Auto Repair Computer Hardware,36,Training And Development,Job Simulation The use of equipment that duplicates job conditions and tasks so that trainees can learn skills before attempting then on the job Air

30、line training Tank training Management Development The process of training and educating employees to become good managers, and then monitoring the progress of their managerial skills over time Learn to: Be good communicators Listen and have empathy Manage time well,37,Networking,Networking The proc

31、ess to establishing and maintaining contacts with key managers in ones own organization and other organizations and using those contacts to weave strong relationships that serve as informal development systems Building a network of contacts that you can call on at a later time Mentor An experiences

32、employee that supervises, coaches, and guides lower-level employees by introducing then to the right people and generally being their organizational sponsor,38,Diversity In Management Development,Supreme Court ruled that is illegal to bar women from clubs where business activity flows Groups that he

33、lp with Networking: Black Enterprise magazine networking forums Monte Jade association,39,Performance Appraisals,An evaluation in which the performance level of the employee is measured against the established standards to make decisions about promotions, compensation, additional training, or firing

34、 Which is it? Performance Level Established Standards,Six Steps For Performance Appraisals,Establish Standards Communicate Standards Evaluate Performance 360-degree review Discuss Results With Employees Most of us are not perfect at our jobs at first Good time to get employee feedback Take Correctiv

35、e Action Can we improve Use Results to Make Decisions Fire? Promotion?,41,Effective Appraisal,Dont,Do,Rush the process Attack employee personally Evaluate in front of others (not after humiliation, but improvement) Let problems build End on negative note,Allow sufficient time Evaluate work criticall

36、y Evaluate in private (not after humiliation, but improvement) Address problems early on End on positive note,42,Compensation & Benefit Plan Objectives:,Attract quality workers Provide incentive to work efficiently (productively) Prevent employees from leaving Maintain low costs (because Labor Costs

37、 as a percentage of Sales can be high) Achieve by using policies that create happy productivity workers Provide a sense of security through benefits such as insurance and retirement plans,43,Team Pay,Think of Football (individual and team pay) Methods: Profit sharing Gain-sharing Stock Options (team

38、 and time pay) Excel examples of Compensation ,44,Fringe Benefits,Fringe Benefits Benefits such as sick-leave pay, pension plans, and health plans that represent additional compensation to employees beyond base wages/salary Cafeteria-fringe Benefits Fringe benefits plan that allows employees to choo

39、se the benefits they want up to a certain dollar amount,45,Scheduling,Flextime Plan Work schedules that gives employees some freedom to choose when to work, as long as they work the required number of hours Core Time In a flextime plan, the period when all employees are expected to be at their job s

40、tations Flextime not for all businesses Assembly lines, managers worker longer, communication may suffer,46,Scheduling with Flex Time & Core Time,47,Scheduling,Compressed Work Work schedule that allows an employee to work a full number of hours per week but in fewer days Job Sharing An arrangement w

41、hereby two part-time employees share one full-time job Helps people who want to work part-time Managers have to train and supervise twice as many people,48,Home-based work,Individual: Reduces expense of transpiration and work clothes Avoid company politics Must have discipline to stay focused Compan

42、y Can be a cost saver Can create happier workers Difficult to appraise or build teams,49,Moving Up, Over and Out,With Flatter Corporate Structures Moving Over to a new position may be more common then moving Up to a new position Layoffs and Firings Firms must be careful when firing,50,Laws Affecting

43、 HRM,Social Security Act 1935 Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title VII Outlawed discrimination in employment based on: sex, race, color, religion, national origin Equal Employment Opportunity Act (EEOA) 1972 Affirmative Action Right past wrongs by increasing opportunities for minorities and women 2003 Sup

44、reme Court case: quotas not ok, but considering race OK Civil Rights Act of 1991 help with remedies under Title VII Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (people with disabilities,51,Laws Affecting HRM,Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) (40 years, 20 employees) Employees and job app

45、licants Occupational Safety Health Act of 1970 Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 1990 Disabled applicants get same consideration Reasonable accommodations,52,Law Summary,Follow the laws or risk court cases Laws affect: Hiring Training Compensatin

46、g New Acts and court cases mean that Human Resource Management will continually be changing,53,Terms,Affirmative Action Employment activities designed to “right past wrongs” by increasing opportunities for minorities and women Reverse Discrimination Discrimination against whites or males in hiring o

47、r promoting,54,Explain The Importance Of Human Resource Management,New Ideas come from People New ideas can increase profits and the number of jobs Management is the art of getting things done through people, and things get done better with good people,55,Human Resource Management,Assess Company Nee

48、ds Finds people to fill those needs Select, Develop, Evaluate Provides incentives to create happy productive employees Schedule All in order to meet company goals and objectives,56,Describe Current Issues In Managing Human Resources,Changing demographics: Wave of baby boomer retirements Diverse work

49、 force Shortage of trained workers Shrinking industries means that many people must be re-trained Attitudes change Laws and regulations change,57,5 Steps In Human Resource Planning,Prepare HR Inventory Prepare Job Analysis Job Description Job Specification Assess HR Demand Assess HR Supply Establish

50、 Strategic Plan,58,Methods Used To Recruit New Employees,59,Recruitment Challenges,Policies that require that promotions come from within Union Regulations Offer low wages Find employees that fit corporate culture Teams, Participative management Skilled workers are not available,60,Six Steps In Selecting Employees,

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