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cation Principles and Applied Practices in China应急风险沟.ppt

1、Emergency Risk Communication Principles and Applied Practices in China 应急风险沟通原则及在中国的实践,Melinda Frost, MA, MPH Health Communications Officer US Embassy, Beijing,Presentation Outline 主要内容,Emergency and Risk Communication Definitions 突发事件及风险沟通的定义Emergency Risk Communication Principles应急风险沟通的原则Emergency

2、 Risk Communication in China中国开展应急风险沟通的情况Rapid Assessment and application in outbreak settings 疫情暴发时的快速评估及应用,What is Emergency Risk Communication? 什么是应急风险沟通?,The attempt by science or public health professionals to provide information that allows an individual, stakeholders, or an entire community t

3、o make the best possible decisions during an emergency about their well being. 在突发事件发生时,公共卫生专业人员及学术界人士努力通过向个人、利益相关者(单位)乃至整个社区提供信息,从而帮助他们做出有利于他们安好的最佳决策。,Emergency Risk Communication应急风险沟通 Encompasses the urgency of crisis (disaster or disease outbreak) when an organization must communicate with affec

4、ted audiences with the need to communicate risks and benefits to target audiences在危机事件(灾难或疾病暴发)发生时,相关的组织机构必须向受到影响的群体告知风险及利益。 Explain crisis and empower decision making对危机事件进行解释并使受影响的群体有能力作出决定,Emergency and Risk Communication Working Definitions/Concepts定义/概念,Emergency Risk Communication Purpose目的,To

5、 provide accurate and timely information as well as essential coordination during an emergency在突发事件发生时,及时提供准确的信息;同时,作必要的协调。,To inform the public of potential risks and steps being taken during an emergency告知公众突发事件带来的潜在风险及应采取的行动,Emergency Risk Communication Purpose目的,To aid individuals, stakeholders,

6、 or communities to accept the imperfect nature of choices and to make best possible decisions during an emergency 帮助个人、利益相关者(单位)或社区接受在突发事件中所作选择的不完美性并且做出可能做出的最佳决定。,Emergency Risk Communication Purpose目的,Emergency Risk Communication Lifecycle 应急风险沟通的过程,To facilitate and anticipate the needs of the pub

7、lic, the media, and partners at different stages 预测并努力满足公众、媒体及伙伴在不同阶段的需求 Each stage has unique communications and information requirements每个阶段对沟通及信息的要求都是不同的,Maintenance 过程中,Resolution 解决阶段,Evaluation 评估,Initial 开始阶段,Pre-crisis 危机发生前,Pre-Crisis Communication 危机发生前的沟通,Be prepared 有所准备Foster alliances

8、加强联盟Develop recommendations through consensus在共识的基础上提出建议 Test audience messages测试信息,Pre-crisis,Risk Perception 风险认知,Voluntary vs. involuntary 自主的/被动的 Personally controlled vs. controlled by others 自己控制的/他人控制的Familiar vs. exotic 熟悉的/陌生的,Risk Perception风险认知,Nature vs. manmade 自然的/人为的Reversible vs. per

9、manent 可逆的/永久的Statistical vs. anecdotal 统计数字/道听途说,Risk Perception风险认知,Fairly vs. unfairly distributed 平均分布/不均分布Adults vs. children 成人/孩子Understood benefit vs. questionable benefit 被理解的利益/有疑虑的利益,WHO Outbreak Communication (Emergency Risk) Principles 世卫的针对疫情暴发的应急风险沟通原则,Trust 信任 Announce early尽早宣布 Tran

10、sparency透明 Listen to and involve the public听取公众的声音并使其参与进来 Planning计划,Accuracy of Information 信息准确 +Speed of Release 发布速度,Empathy 同情 +Openness坦诚,Emergency Risk Communication,Credibility 可靠性+Trust 信任,Successful Communication 成功的沟通,=,Components of Trust 信任的构成元素,The public perception of: 公众的认识Motives: 动

11、机Are responders acting to protect my health and the health of my family? 危机应对者是否着眼于保护我和我家人的健康? Honesty: 诚实Are the responders holding back information? 危机应对者是否隐瞒了信息? Competence: 能力Are the responders capable of controlling the outbreak? 应对者是否有 能力控制疫情?Trust must come before the crisis 必须在危急发生前建立信任,Anno

12、unce Early尽早宣布,First Announcement 第一次声明 The most critical of all outbreak communication messages 是疫情处理过程中至关重要的一次沟通 Must be early 一定要早 Likely to be wrong 很有可能出错,Transparency透明,Barriers to Transparency: 障碍 Real or perceived competing interest (economic vs. public health) 现实中或被人为的利益冲突 (经济 vs. 公众健康)Spok

13、espersons uncomfortable with delivering bad news 新闻发言人对发布坏消息感到不安,Transparency透明,Barriers to Transparency:障碍 Fear the media will misrepresent bad or uncertain news 害怕媒体误报坏消息或不确定的消息Concern the public cant tolerate uncertainty or will “panic” 担心公众应为无法忍受不确定性而恐慌Official belief that if you say nothing, no

14、thing will happen 官员相信如果你不说话就不会有事,State continued concern before stating updates 在更新信息前表示持续的关注 Acknowledge uncertainty 承认不确定性 Emphasize a process in place 强调已经取得的进展 Tell people what to expect 告诉人们应该期待什么 Give people things to do 让人们有事可做 Let people choose their own actions 让人们自己选择行动 Ask more of people

15、 询问更多的人,Listen to and involve the public 倾听公众并使之参与进来,Listen to and involve the public倾听公众并使之参与进来,Dont try to allay panic不要试图消除恐慌 Acknowledge peoples fears 认同人们的恐惧 In every message, try to use 在每个信息中试图包括 Empathy 同情 Action 行动 Respect 尊重,Planning 计划,Communicators 沟通者 Technical staff 技术人员 Policy makers

16、政策制定者,Communicators,Technical staff,Policy makers,Fujian Province Project on Emergency Risk Communication Training, Message Testing and Focus Group Evaluation 福建项目活动-风险沟通培训,信息测试及专题小组访谈,Marsha Vanderford. PhD Melinda Frost, MA, MPH Li Richun, MPH Please enter the names of MoH Partners,Testing and Tra

17、ining of Effective Risk Communication Principles 关于有效的风险沟通原则的测试及培训,In January 2007 activities in Fujian Province to test 2007年1月在福建省开展的活动,测试了: If training on the risk communication principles in the guidelines was effective? 关于指南中风险沟通原则的培训是否有效? Whether the risk communication principles in the guidel

18、ines were effective for Chinese public audiences. 指南中的风险沟通原则是否对中国的公众有效?,#1 Was training risk communication principles in the guidelines effective?关于指南中风险沟通原则的培训是否有效?,Did the training enable local health officials to write messages that included the risk communication principles? 该培训是否能让当地的卫生工作者在编写信息

19、时应用风险沟通原则? Message development and risk communication training January 22 and 23, 2007 1月22-23日信息开发及风险沟通培训 19 Sanming City and Zhangzhou City officials 19名来自三明及漳州的卫生工作者 Hospital administrators 医院管理者 Local Health Emergency Response Office (HERO) officials 当地应急办人员 Local China CDC officials 当地CDC工作人员,#

20、1 Was training risk communication principles in the guidelines effective in helping local health authorities to better communicate with the public during an emergency? 指南中的风险沟通原则是否可以帮助当地卫生部门在突发事件中对公众开展更好的沟通?,The health officials participated in a hypothetical case study involving a 3 stage scenario

21、involving an outbreak of H5N1. 卫生工作人员参加了一个分为3个阶段的关于禽流感爆发的虚拟案例分析 After each stage they wrote messages they thought would best meet public need for information based on the scenario. 每个阶段后,他们都编写了一段他们认为可以最好的满足公众需求的信息, Stage 1 a large outbreak of human H5N1 was discovered in Indonesia. 阶段1:印尼发生了大规模的人禽流感

22、爆发 Stage 2 the outbreak spreads to China, Thailand, Malaysia, but not yet to Fujian Province. 阶段2,疫情传入中国,泰国,马来西亚但还没波及到福建 At this stage of the scenario it is confirmed that the virus is spreading from human to human. 本阶段,病毒被确认可以在人与人间传播。 Stage 3 of the outbreak reaches Fujian Province. 阶段3 疫情传播到了福建。,#

23、1 Was training risk communication principles in the guidelines effective in helping local health authorities to better communicate with the public during an emergency?,Following the case study and pre-training message writing, health officials participated in training on selected risk communication

24、principles. 在案例分析及开发第一套信息之后,卫生工作者参加了关于风险沟通原则的培训。 They also received a copy of the draft Guidelines on Risk Communication Principles. 他们同时拿到了风险沟通指南 征求意见稿 The health officials were then asked if they would change any of their messages based upon what they had learned about risk communication principle

25、s. 之后,我们询问卫生工作者基于他们学到的风险沟通原则,他们是否要对信息进行修改 Each group had the opportunity to rewrite their messages to reflect risk communication principles. 每个组都有机会重写信息以体现出风险沟通原则。,#1 Was training risk communication principles in the guidelines effective? Outcomes: 关于风险沟通原则的培训是否有效?,The risk communication training wa

26、s effective. The messages that health officials wrote after the training included 风险沟通原则的培训是有效的。培训后的信息包括:,More examples of risk communication principles 更多的体现风险沟通原则的 例子,#1 Was training risk communication principles in the guidelines effective? Outcomes: 关于风险沟通原则的培训是否有效?,The risk communication traini

27、ng was effective. The messages that health officials wrote after the training included 风险沟通原则的培训是有效的。培训后的信息包括: More and different types of principles. The press statement, bulletin and daily reports written following the training better addressed 3 psychological needs: 更多类型的原则。新闻发言稿,网络公告及每日疫情报告都更好的强

28、调了3种心理需求 Decrease feelings of uncertainty. 减少不确定感 Increase feelings of control. 增加控制感 Increased trust in health authority. 增加对卫生部门的信任度。,Outcomes: Post-Training Messages Included More Messages Designed to 培训后的信息包含更多的内容从而:,Decrease feelings of uncertainty. 减少不确定感 Where the public can go for more infor

29、mation 公众可以到哪里获取更多的信息 How the virus was transmitted 病毒是如何传播的 What actions the government was taking to control the outbreak 政府部门正在采取哪些控制措施 What agencies were in charge of activities to control the outbreak 哪些部门负责控制疫情 What the public should expect in days to come from health authorities and the outbr

30、eak 公众对未来几天内的疫情及卫生部门的信息/指导应如何预期,Outcomes Post-Training Messages Included More Messages Designed to 培训后的信息包含更多的内容从而:,Increase feelings of control. 增加控制感 Prevention steps that the public and communities should take to prevent the spread of the disease 公众及社区应采取的预防措施 Steps the health authorities were ta

31、king to prevent the spread of the disease 卫生部门采取的防控,Outcomes: Post-Training Messages Included More Messages Designed to: 培训后的信息包含更多的内容从而:,Increased trust in health authority. 增加对卫生部门的信任感 Demonstrating concern for publics worries about the outbreak 对公众的担心表示关注 Acknowledging the need for partnership wi

32、th the public to protect peoples health. 承认需要公众参与到保护人们健康的行动中来,# 2: Would Chinese audiences be more satisfied with messages that included more risk communication principles?,Message Testing January 24-26, 2007 2007年1月24-26日信息开发及测试 Hypothetical scenario: Human-to-human transmission of avian influenza

33、虚拟情况:人间禽流感的传播,Message development based on risk communication principles 基于风险沟通原则开发信息Testing messages with Sanming City and Zhanghou residents 在三明市及漳州市市民中对信息进行测试,Were Risk Communication Principles Effective with Chinese Audiences? 风险沟通原则对中国受众有效吗?,All 6 groups of citizens who participated in message

34、testing were more satisfied by messages that included more risk communication principles. 参加信息测试的6组市民都对包含有更多风险沟通原则的信息更加满意 Only 3 votes out of 174 cast by participants chose messages with fewer risk communication principles 受访者的174票中只有3票 选择了包含较少风险沟通 原则的信息,What the Public Wants to Know 公众想知道些什么,Topics

35、 from US Audiences What is the health threat?有什么健康危害? How does it harm people?会如何伤害人? How will I know if Ive been exposed?怎样才能知道我是否已经暴露于危害因素? Signs and symptoms (long/short term)征兆与体征(长期/短期) How can I protect myself/my family如何自我保护(保护家人) How is it treated事件是如何处理的 Where can I get more information?我可以

36、从哪里获得更多的信息?,Feedback from Fujian Province Audiences 中国受众的反馈 How can I prevent getting the disease?* 怎么样才能使我不被感染? How is the disease transmitted疾病是怎么传播的? Is what Im hearing about the disease true? 我听到的关于疾病的消息是真的吗? What is the disease? And how serious?这是什么疾病?严重程度如何? What is the government doing to pre

37、vent the spread of disease? 政府正在采取什么样的防止疾病蔓延的措施? Where can we go for more information?我们到哪里可以获取更多的信息? Is there a vaccine available? 有疫苗吗?,Where are people going for information? 人们到哪里寻求信息,Television news 电视新闻 CCTV 中央台 Newspapers 报纸 Website 网络 Health bureau, News Website, S, X,, Baidu searc

38、h engine 卫生部门网站,新闻网站,新浪,新华网,百度等 Local health bureau 当地卫生行政部门 Community residents committee 居委会 Telephone line for public inquiries (hotline) 公众咨询电话(热线) Local health department, national hotline 当地卫生部门,全国热线 CDC 疾控中心 Local hospital 当地医院 Emergency Center 急救中心 Neighbors 邻居,Channels Used by The Public to

39、 Seek Emergency Information 公众寻求应急信息的渠道,Distant threat: passive channels 威胁尚远时:被动性渠道 TV news, newspaper 电视新闻,报纸 Threat is close by, but not in our community: more active information seeking, but impersonal channels 威胁临近但尚未到达我们的社区:更主动的寻求信息 Internet, Website, Search engines 互联网(网站,搜索引擎) Threat is here

40、: pro-active search through interpersonal channels 威胁到达身边时:通过人际渠道更主动地寻求信息 Hotlines 热线 Visit local health bureau 到当地卫生行政部门询问 Call hospital 给医院打电话 Visit or call local community residents center and committee 到居委会询问或给居委会打电话 Call CDC 给疾控中心打电话,Rapid Assessment and application in outbreak settings 在疫情暴发时快

41、速评估及实施,What are the real risks? 真正的风险是什么?What are the concerns and perceived risks of the community? 社区的关注点及对风险的认识是什么?What messages can bridge these two questions? 什么样的信息是沟通上述两个问题的桥梁?,Rapid Assessment and application in outbreak settings 在疫情暴发时快速评估及实施,Development of standardized risk communication tools 开发出标准化的风险沟通工具 Collection of risk data collected from each outbreak 收集在既往的疫情暴发中获得的有关风险的数据Database of health messages available nation/worldwide 国家/全球 现有的健康信息数据库Rapid development of health materials for outbreak purposes 为应对疫情暴发而快速开发健康材料,Thank you 谢谢 Questions? 问题?,

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