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Chapter 12Nelson Quick.ppt

1、 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-1,ORGB2,Chapter 12 Leadership and Followership,0,Leadership & Followership,Leadership - the process of guiding & directing the behavior of people in the work environment Formal leadership - the officially sanctioned leadership based on the au

2、thority of a formal position Informal leadership - the unofficial leadership accorded to a person by other members of the organization Followership - the process of being guided & directed by a leader in the work environment, 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-3,Leadership,An i

3、nfluence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their shared purpose. (Daft, 2002),Purpose: the missing factor,Vision where we are going Mission who, when, how we will get there Values rules of engagement and norms of behavior Purpose why we do what we do,What

4、is the purpose of UNR?, 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-5,Examples of Purpose,University of Texas Austin: To transform lives for the benefit of societyMary Kay Cosmetics: Enhancing the lives of women around the world, 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-

5、6,Fundamental Act of Leadership,The leaders fundamental act is to induce people to be aware or conscious of what they feel to feel their true needs so strongly, to define their values so meaningfully, that they can be moved to purposeful action (James MacGregor Burns, Leadership, p. 44).,To manage m

6、eans “to bring about, to accomplish, to have charge of or responsibility for, to conduct.” Leading is “influencing, guiding in direction, course, action, opinion.” The distinction is crucial. Managers are people who do things right and leaders are people who do the right thing. The difference may be

7、 summarized as activities of vision and judgment effectiveness versus activities of mastering routines efficiency. (Bennis & Nanus, 1997) WSJ Articles: Lt. Withers, Col. Dowdy,Leadership vs. Management,To do the right thing, a leader needs to understand what it takes to do things right (Bob Sutton),

8、8, 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-9,Action Memo,Leadership is an everyday way of acting and thinking that has little to do with a title or formal position in an organization. Recognize the opportunities for leadership all around you and act like a leader to influence others

9、 and bring about changes for a better future., 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-10,Leadership vs. Management,Leadership & management are distinct, yet complementary systems of action,Effective leadership + good management = healthy organizations,Effective leadership produces

10、useful change,Effective management controls complexity, 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-11,Management Process,Reduces uncertainty Provides stability Components Planning & budgeting Organizing and staffing Controlling & problem solving,Manager an advocate for stability and th

11、e status quo, 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-12,Leadership Process,Creates uncertainty Creates change Components Setting organizational direction Aligning people with the direction via communication Motivating people to action Empowerment Gratify needs,Leader an advocate fo

12、r change and new approaches to problems, 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-13,Table 11.1 Leaders and Managers,0, 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-14,Trait Theories of Leadership,Attempted to identify what physical attributes, personality characteristics

13、, and abilities distinguished leaders from other members of a group. Some evidence that leaders are more intelligent, verbal, cooperative, and have higher level of scholarship. Very few valid generalizations can be made, however.,0, 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-15,Behavio

14、ral Theories of Leadership,Autocratic Style A style of leadership in which the leader uses strong, directive, controlling actions to enforce the rules, regulations, activities, and relationships in the work environment. Can have a benevolent dictator. Democratic Style A style of leadership in which

15、the leader takes collaborative, responsive, interactive actions with followers concerning the work and the work environment.,0, 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-16,Leadership Behavioral Theory: Ohio State Studies,Leadership Behavioral Theory: Michigan Studies, 2008 by South-W

16、estern, a division of Cengage Learning,11-18,Figure 11.1 The Leadership Grid,0,Traits and Behaviors,Derue, D.S. et al. (2011). Trait and behavioral theories of leadership: An integration and meta-analytic test of their relative validity. Personnel Psychology, 64: 7-52., 2008 by South-Western, a divi

17、sion of Cengage Learning,11-19,Traits and Behaviors,Although having certain traits may predispose individuals to certain behaviors, behaviors are the more important predictor of leadership effectiveness. Individuals who are high in Conscientiousness and Extraversion are more likely to be evaluated a

18、s effective leaders, and individuals high in Conscientiousness and Agreeableness tend to improve the performance of the groups they lead. (pp. 40-41). Overall, Conscientiousness was the most consistent trait predictor of leadership effectiveness, 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning

19、,11-20,Traits and Behaviors,Within the behavioral approach, transformational leadership was the most consistent predictor across a variety of effectiveness criteria (p. 37). Effective leaders must plan and schedule work, support and help their followers, and encourage and facilitate change (p. 41).

20、The largely negative relationship found between passive leadership behavior and effectiveness suggests that even engaging in suboptimal leadership behaviors is better than inaction. Thus, leadership development initiatives should encourage individuals to proactively assume their leadership responsib

21、ilities rather than passively waiting to act until problems develop (p. 41)., 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-21, 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-22,Contingency Theories, involve the belief that leadership style must be appropriate for the particular

22、 situation.,0, 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-23,Four Contingency Theories,Fiedlers contingency theory Path-goal theory Normative decision theory Situational leadership theory,0,Fiedlers Contingency Theory,Fiedlers Contingency Theory - classifies the favorableness of the le

23、aders situation Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) - the person a leader has least preferred to work with over his or her career Task Structure - degree of clarity, or ambiguity, in the groups work activities Position Power - authority associated with the leaders formal position in the organization Lead

24、er-Member Relations quality of interpersonal relationships among a leader and group members, 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-25,Figure 11.2 Leadership Effectiveness in the Contingency Theory,0, 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-26,Fiedlers theory,Fit b

25、etween leaders style (task or relationship) and the situation (favorable or unfavorable) Both relations and task oriented leaders can be effective in the right situation., 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-27,Figure 11.3 The Path-Goal Theory of Leadership,0,Contingency,Expecta

26、ncy Theory of Motivation, 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-28,Figure 11.4 The Situational Leadership Model: The Hersey-Blanchard Model,0,Vroom-Yetton-Jago Normative Decision Model,Consult individually,Consult group,Decide,Facilitate,Developments in Leadership Theory,In-groups

27、 Members similar to leader Given greater responsibilities, rewards, attention Within leaders inner circle of communication High job satisfaction and organizational commitment, low turnover Stress from added responsibilities,Out-Groups Managed by formal rules and policies Less attention; fewer reward

28、s Outside the circle More likely to retaliate against the organization Stress from being left out of communication network,Leader-Member Exchange,Build a positive, individualized relationship with each follower rather than treating people as members of an in-group or out-group. Forge a unique, const

29、ructive partnership with each person to create an equitable work environment and provide greater benefits to yourself, followers, and the organization. Beware of forming in-groups and out-groups. You will often be self-deceived into not believing that they exist., 2008 by South-Western, a division o

30、f Cengage Learning,11-32,New Research in Leadership,Transformational Leaders Leaders who inspire followers to transcend their self-interests and achieve exceptional performance. Charismatic Leadership A leaders use of personal abilities and talents in order to have profound and extraordinary effects

31、 on followers. Authentic Leader A leader who is guided by explicit values that emphasize collective interest (shared purpose?), enabling them to operate at high levels of moral integrity. Not egocentric.,0,Authentic Leadership,Authentic leaders show to others that they genuinely desire to understand

32、 their own leadership to serve others more effectively. They act in accordance with deep personal values and convictions to build credibility and win the respect and trust of followers. By encouraging diverse viewpoints and building networks of collaborative relationships with followers, they lead i

33、n a manner that followers perceive and describe as authentic., 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-33, 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-34,Figure 11.5 Five Types of Followers,0,Leaders usually lead as they are led. You will probably lead the way that you

34、follow.,Is it OK to offer work related, policy or performance based praise or constructive criticism in the following exchanges?,Effective Followers,Effective followers are active, responsible, autonomous in their behavior, and critical in thinking without being disrespectful (?) or insubordinate (?

35、) Effective followers share four essential qualities: Self-management and self-responsibility. Do not require close supervision. Other-centered, committed to the organization and its purpose. Not self-centered or self-aggrandizing. Invest in competence and professionalism (they assume the responsibi

36、lity to develop themselves) Courageous, honest, credible As a follower, you are responsible for your behavior, not the reaction of your leaders and peers. Do the right thing.,Loyalty of a follower,Both leaders and followers are entering into a contract to pursue the common purpose within the context

37、 of their values. The loyalty of each is to the purpose and to helping each other stay true to that purpose.,Followership (extra),A willingness to take risks, to challenge authority, and to believe ones own ideas are equal to or better than ones superiors typically marks a follower as a future leade

38、r (Daft, 2002). Effective followership requires the courage (Chaleff, 1998): To assume responsibility To serve To challenge To participate in transformation To take moral action, and possibly even leave Effective leadership requires the courage to listen to followers, 2008 by South-Western, a divisi

39、on of Cengage Learning,11-40,Courage: The ability to step forward through fear,Courage means accepting responsibility Courage often means nonconformity Courage means pushing beyond the comfort zone Courage means asking for what you want and saying what you think Courage means fighting for what you b

40、elieveWhether leading or following, strive to encourage, not discourage, those around you., 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-41,Excellence is a form of Deviance,From Robert Quinns Deep Change: Excellence is a form of deviance. If you perform beyond the norms, you will disrupt

41、 all the existing control systems. Those systems will then alter and begin to work to routinize your efforts. That is, the systems will adjust and try to make you normal. The way to achieve and maintain excellence is to deviate from the norms. You become excellent because you are doing things normal

42、 people do not want to do. You become excellent by choosing a path that is risky and painful, a path that is not appealing to others. (p. 176, emphasis added)., 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-42,Courageous followership,Courageous followership is built on the foundation of c

43、ourageous relationship The danger in the leader-follower relationship is the assumption that the leaders interpretation must dominate View of hero-leaders/villain leaders vs. view of common person heroes who stay true to their own lights while helping leaders follow theirs., 2008 by South-Western, a

44、 division of Cengage Learning,11-43,Courage of the follower,An individual who is not afraid to speak and act on the truth as she perceives it, despite external inequities, is a force to be reckoned with. Because courage implies risk, you should develop contingency plans “Courage muscle” develops to

45、the degree that we exercise it., 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-44,Courage to assume responsibility,Assume responsibility for themselves and the organization Do not hold a paternalistic image of the leader or the organization Initiate values-based, purposeful action to impr

46、ove processes The “authority” to initiate comes from the courageous followers understanding and ownership of the common purpose, and from the needs of those the organization serves.,Assume Responsibility,Unless and until you assume full responsibility for yourself, you force others to assume respons

47、ibility for you., 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-45,Courage to serve the leader (look inside yourself first),Assume new or additional responsibilities to unburden the leader and serve the organization Stand up for the leader and the tough decisions a leader must make for th

48、e org. to achieve its purpose Are as passionate as the leader in pursuing the common purpose Stay alert for areas in which their strengths complement the leaders and assert themselves in these areas.,Courage to challenge,Give voice to the discomfort they feel when the behaviors or policies of the le

49、ader or group conflict with their sense of what is right Willing to stand up, stand out, to risk rejection, to initiate conflict in order to examine the actions of the leader and group when appropriate Willing to deal with the emotions their challenge evokes in the leader and group Value organizatio

50、nal harmony, but not at the expense of the common purpose and their integrity, 2008 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning,11-48,Courage to participate in transformation of the leader,When behavior that jeopardizes the common purpose remains unchanged, courageous followers recognize the ne

51、ed for transformation Have to examine our own collusion with the leaders behavior, what we do that allows it to continue. The leader may be surrounded with advisors who have a strong vested interest in the leader not changing the status quo that is lining their pockets. They may attack the follower who is championing change. Examine our own need for transformation and become full participants in the change process,

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