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1、,英语教学课件系列,Go,for,it!,九年级,感叹句基本句型: 1.What+(a/an) adj. +n. +(主语+谓语)! 2.How +adj./adv. +(主语+谓语)! 注意: what引导的感叹句用来强调修饰名词 how引导的感叹句是用来强调修饰形容词或副词 Eg:1. What an interesting movie it is!=How interesting the movie is !2.How tall Yao Ming is! 姚明真高呀!,名词性从句noun clause,主语从句 subject clause,宾语从句 object clause,表语从句

2、 predicative clause,同位语从句 appositive clause,试比较:,We know him,We know (that)he likes English.,主,主,谓,谓,宾语从句,宾,一 定义:宾语从句:在复合句中,用一个句子来充当主句宾语,这个句子叫宾语从句。,简单句,复合句,什么叫宾语从句?,二、宾语从句三要素: 1.引导词(也叫连接词)2.时态 3.语序,宾语从句:一 定义:在复合句中,用一个句子来充当主句宾语,这个句子叫宾语从句。,注:that 在句中无词汇意义,在从句中不能充当成分,在口语当中往往省略。,1.I hear (that) he will

3、be back in an hour. 我听说他一小时后回来。 2.He said (that) he missed us very much.他说他非常想我们。,1.由that引导的宾语从句,1.引导词,2. 由whether, if(是否) 引导的宾语从句,I want to know if/whether she is right . 我想知道他是否对的They didnt know whether Tom could come back or not .,表示“是否” ,if/whether可互换, 但whetheror not为固定搭配.,3 .由特殊疑问词 Who, whose,

4、which, what和where, how, why, when等引导的宾语从句,1.Do you know whose book it is ?你知道它是谁的书吗?2.Please tell me when well have a meeting .你能告诉我我们什么时候开会.3.Could you tell me why the train is late?你能告诉我火车为什么晚点吗?,2.语序:宾语从句一律用陈述语序。,主现从不限。即:当主句是一般现在时,宾语从句的时态不受限制,我们可以根据句子的意思来使用需要的任何一种时态。,3. 时态的变化,主过从限过。即:当主句是一般过去时的时候

5、,宾语从句必须运用相应的过去的某一种时态,,the sun is much bigger than the moon .,Summer is after Spring .,the earth moves around the sun.,He told me (that),We kmew (that),The teacher told us (that),真金不怕火炼。即:宾语从句说明的是客观存在的事实或者是客观存在的真理时,就不用受到主句时态的限制,仍是用一般现在时态。,3.时态,Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!,Section A 1a

6、-3c,The Spring Festival,Look at the pictures and say what festivals they are.,The Lantern Festival,the Mid-Autumn Festival,The Dragon Boat Festival,The Water Festival,Christmas Day,April Fools Day,d,a,b,c,zongzi,Make a dialogue about one of the four festivals.A: What do you like best about the Drago

7、n Boat Festival?B: I love the the races. I think that theyre fun to watch.,Pair Work,1.关于节日: 在英语中,一般农历的节日或传统的节日,要+定冠词the, 阳历的节日,不+the eg: the Spring FestivalTeachers Day,Language points,感叹句基本句型: 1.What+(a/an) adj. +n. +(主语+谓语)! 2.How +adj./adv. +(主语+谓语)! 注意: what引导的感叹句用来强调修饰名词 how引导的感叹句是用来强调修饰形容词或副词

8、 Eg:1. What an interesting movie it is!=How interesting the movie is !2.How tall Yao Ming is! 姚明真高呀!,Listen and circle the correct words.,2a,Listen again and fill in the chart.,2b,Down sides,Fun activities,Eating out,Shopping,Dragon Boat Festival in June,put on weight,spent money,weather is hot,Pair

9、 Work,Do you know where Chiang Mai is?,Free Talk,It is the largest and most culturally significant city in northern Thailand. It attracts over 5 million visitors each year. Its on the list of 25 Best Destinations in the World.,Read 2d, answer the following questions.,Where is Clara going in two week

10、s?Why is she going there in the hottest month?Is there a Water Festival in China?Why do people go on street to throw water at each other?,Read and answer the questions.,2d,1.,1. wonder v. 想知道,Language points,I wonder if hes eating well every day. 我想知道他是不是每天都吃得好。 I wonder what they call those flowers

11、. 不知道那些花儿叫什么。 I wonder whether they will arrive on time. 我不知道他们能不能准时到。,I wonder ., I dont know . 这两个短语都可译成“不知道”。其区别是: I wonder .作“不知道”解时, 其中含有“想知道”的意思; I dont know只是用来陈述对某事“不知道”这一事实。例如: I wonder what you call this.不知道你们把这个叫做什么。 - Do you know what they call this?你知道他们把这个叫做什么吗? - I dont know. 我不知道。,wo

12、nder n. 惊奇;奇迹 There was a look of wonder in his eyes.他眼中露出惊奇的神色。 They were filled with wonder at the new waterfall.他们对新瀑布感到非常惊奇。 Its a wonder that the child came through without a scratch.这孩子竟能安然无恙地脱险,真是奇迹。,知识拓展,2. Guess what?,英语口语, “你知道吗?”、“想不到吧”、 “你猜怎么着?” 。 Guess what? I got through the exam.你猜怎么了

13、? 我考试过关了。,A: Guess what!你猜猜看! B: What?什么? A: I am going to the mountains with my family this weekend.这个周末我和我家人要去山上。 B: That sounds like fun.听起来很有趣。,3. Im going to Chiang Mai in two weeks.,in two weeks在这句话里的意思是 “两周之后” 。Hell be back in two weeks. 他两周后回来。“in+ 一段时间”和将来时连用,表示“多久之后”,用how soon提问,“in+一段时间”和

14、过去式连用,表示“在某段时间内” I finished my homework in 2 hours.我两小时内做完了功课。,知识拓展,4. Sounds like fun. 听起来很有趣。,省略了it这个形式主语,完整的句子是:It sounds like fun.sound like 听起来像 It sound like a nice room. Can we take a look at it? 听起来房间不错,我们能看一看房间吗? Their love story sounds like a fairy tale. 他们的爱情故事听起来像童话。,感官动词 + like feel lik

15、e 摸起来像 smell like 闻起来像 look like 看起来像taste like 尝起来像,知识拓展,5. be similar to 跟 . 类似的; 与 . 同样的. 反义短语是be different from (与不同),My problems are very similar to yours.我的问题与你的差不多。 His dress is very similar to mine in color. 他衣服的颜色和我衣服的很相似。,What are they? When do we usually eat them?,mooncakes,Mid-Autumn Fes

16、tival,How do you celebrate this festival?,Read and answer the questions.,How do people celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival?,3a,2. What story is the reading about?,By admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families.,The reading is about a traditional folk story of Hou Yi and Change for the Mid-

17、Autumn Festival.,4,2,5,7,6,3,dmire,raditional,agic,teal,aid,1. have been celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries,Language points,这是现在完成进行时,表示动作从某一时间开始,一直持续到现在。其构成为:主语+have / has + been + 动词的现在分词+其他。,I have been living in Shanghai for ten years.我在上海已经生活了十年。 Jack has been

18、practising Tai Chi for more than a year.杰克练太极一年多了。,2. is the most touching.,touching adj. 动人的;感人的 This is the most touching story I have ever heard.这是我听到过的最动人的故事。 His farewell speech was very touching.他的告别演讲非常感人。,touch v. 触摸;感动;触及;接触 Dont touch the paint until its dry.油漆未干, 切勿触摸。 His sad story touch

19、ed our hearts.他的悲惨的故事深深打动了我们的心。,知识链接,3. Whoever drank this could live forever, ,这句话里的主语是Whoever drank this whoever pron. 无论是谁;任何人 Whoever wants the book may have it.谁想要这本书都可以拿。 Ill take whoever wants to go. 谁要去我就带谁去。,4. steal v. 偷;窃取,She stole him an umbrella. 她给他偷了一把雨伞。 He stole something from me.他

20、偷了我的东西。,辨析:steal / rob steal: “偷窃” steal sth. from sb. rob:“抢劫” rob sb. of sth.He stole money from the rich to give it tothe poor.They robbed the bank of one milliondollars.,知识链接,5. lay out 摆开;布置,Dont lay out your clothes on the bed. Put them away. 别把你的衣服都摊在床上,把它们收起来。,区别:lay/lielaylaidlaidlaying v.

21、放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋) lie lay lainlying v. 平躺 lieliedlied lying v.撒谎,知识链接,6. admire v. 欣赏;仰慕,They stopped for a while to admire the scenery. 他们停了一会儿来欣赏风景。 He was very successful in his business and all his friends admired him.他的事业非常成功,他的朋友都很羡慕。 We admire (him for) what he has done. 我们对他所做的事很钦佩。,通常的结构是admi

22、re sb./sth.admire sb. for sth./doing sth.我钦佩她的勇气。 I admire her for her bravery.,知识链接,Object clauses withthat, if and whether,Exclamatory statements,1.定义:表示赞美、惊叹、喜悦等情感的句子。 2.分类:通常由what和how引导。,3.常用基本结构: What引导的感叹句: 1)What+ a/an + adj. +单数可数名词+(主语+谓语)! What a beautiful birthday present it is!,3.常用基本结构:

23、 2)What+ adj. +复数可数名词+(主语+谓语)! What beautiful birthday presents they are!3)What+ adj. +不可数名词+(主语+谓语)! What fine weather it is!,3.常用基本结构: (2) how引导的感叹句: 1)How + adj. /adv.(主语+谓语)! How tall he is! 2)How + adj./adv. +a/an+单数可数名词(主语+谓语)! How beautiful a birthday present it is! 3)How + 主语+谓语! How time fl

24、ies!,I dont know whether he will come for the festival.,I believe that Water Festival is the most fun.,I wonder if the mooncakes are delicious.,How exciting the races are!,What an interesting the city is!,(2010 河北省卷) This term _ over. The summer vacation is coming in two weeks.A. is B. was C. has be

25、en D. will be 【解析】句义为“这学期即将结束,暑假在两星期之后就要到来。” ,故选择D。,D,On my visit to Australia, I feel Australians are similar _ us in many ways.A. with B. in C. to D. at Can you tell the differences betweenthese two pictures? Differences? Oh, no. They look quite _. A. different B. similar C. strange D. interesting

26、,C,B,(2013山东烟台) 五、词语运用 A.根据句意和所给的中文提示,写出句子中的单词。 The customs in Qingdao are _ (相似的)to those in Yantai. Linda is her mother in many ways. For example, they are both tall and thin. A. similar to B. kind to C. friendly to,similar,A,On her way home Lucy saw a thief _ in a shop. She stopped _ 110 at once.

27、 (2010黑龙江绥化市)A. steal, calling B. stealing, calling C. stealing, to call,C,They knocked him down and _ him of this bag. A. rob B. robbed C. steal D. stole,B,【2012 江苏无锡】 Jason is toostubborn sometimes. I quite _. But hes alwaysfriendly to others. A. accept B. argue C. agree D. admire,C,用admire的适当形式填空

28、。 1. The school is widely _ for its excellent teaching. 2. I really _ the way she brings up those kids all on her own.,admired,admire,These planet will produce food and oxygen that we need to live on Mars. Scientists will develop plants that can grow on Mars. People think that humans on Mars have to

29、 wear special boots to make themselves heavier. We all know that Mars is a planet in the solar system. The journey to Mars could take only a very short time in space shuttles that travel at half the speed of light. Some scientists do not believe that the journey to Mars will be very comfortable.,Whi

30、ch of the following sentences has an object clause?,根据汉语句子的意思完成下列英语句子,1. 我认为玛丽不回来了。I dont think Mary _ _. 2. 山姆给我说他准备去上海。Sam told me that he _ _ for Shanghai. 3.我想知道今天晚上还有没有去北京的火车。I want to know _ there is a train to Beijing.,will,come,was,leaving,if / whether,1. I dont know if Mr. Wang _on a field

31、trip. If he _ on a field trip tomorrow, please call me. A. goes; will go B. will go; goes C. will go; will go D. goes; goes 2. She asked me if I knew _. A. whose pen was it B. whose pen it wasC. whose pen it is D. whose pen is it,B,B,3. They wondered if the teacher _ us English the next term.A. woul

32、d teach B. had taught C. will teach D. taught,A,Choose the right answers.,5. I havent decide _ Ill go out or stay at home.A. if B. when C. why D. whether 6. I want to know _ he loves you.A. that B. what C. if D. who,D,C,4. The boy asked _ any noise from outside.A. whether had I heard B. whether I ha

33、d heardC. whether have I heard D. whether I have heard,B,A,C,7. I wondered _ our teacher was going to attend our party.A. whether B. why C. where D. that8. Id like to know _ or not.A. whether will he come B. whether has he comeC. whether he will come D. if he will come,改为含宾语从句的复合句,1. Will the train

34、arrive on time? I want to know. I want to know _ the train _ on time. 2. Did Peter come here yesterday? Li Lei wants to know. Li Lei wants to know _ Peter _ here yesterday.,will arrive,if / whether,came,if / whether,Complete the sentences.,1. 我们不知道我们能否在火星上种植植物。We are wondering _ on Mars. 2. 你能告诉我是不是

35、有许多人打算搬到火星上去吗?Could you tell me _ _ to Mars?,whether / if we can,if / whether many people,are going to move,grow plants,3. 我不知道他在家洗不洗衣服。I dont know _ any washing at home. 4. 我担心是否伤害了她的感情。I am worried about _ _.,whether or not he does,whether I hurt her,feelings,1. Uncle Wang came up to see _ there w

36、as anything wrong with the machine. 2. The shop keeper asked my father _ or not he wanted to choose a big Christmas tree.,if / whether,whether,3. I dont know _ to go or stay. 4. _ that is true, what should we do?,whether,If,5. _ they will ever become future Olympic champions only time will tell.,Whe

37、ther,Complete the sentences with if / whether.,( )1. I wonder _. Im afraid well be late. (2011山东青岛)A. how we can be on time B. what we are going to doC. why we get to school late D. if we will arrive at the meeting on time,中考链接,D,( )2. Well plant trees tomorrow, and I dont know_ Tom will come and jo

38、in us. (2011天津)A. if B. which C. what D. where,A,( )3. Do you know _ tomorrow?Sorry, I dont know. You may surf the Internet. (2011湖南湘潭) A. whether will it rain B. if it will rain C. whether does it rain,B,( )4.Mum, can we go to the art museum tomorrow?Sure. But first we should find out _. (2011广西南宁市

39、)A. what can we do B. where we can goC. how can we go there D. if it will be open,D,( )5. We dont know _ the meeting will be held soon. (2011内蒙古包头)A. when B. what C. whether D. since,C,( )5. Mary, could you tell me if your mother _ our school sports meeting tomorrow? I think she will come to school

40、if she _ free.(2011山东滨州) A. will take part in; will be B. takes part in; is C. will take part in; is D. takes part in; will be,C,( )6. Do you know _ Guangzhou tomorrow? (2011肇庆) A. whether they leave for B. whether will they leave for C. whether they are leaving for,C,( )7. Ive decided to go to Lond

41、on next weekend. I was wondering _ you could go with me. (2011江西省)A. if B. when C. that D. where,A,( )8.Do you think _ Xiao Ming can pass the high school entrance exam or not?Sorry, Ive no idea. (2011广西百色)A. that B. which C. if D. whether,D,( )9. He said that light _much faster than sound. (2011山东枣庄

42、)A. has travelled B. went C. travels D. travelled,C,( ) 10. Over these years I have had a new understanding of _ people traditionally call a perfect person. (2012江苏淮安)A. how B. what C. who D. whom,A,( ) 11. Can you tell me in the future? (2012江苏宿迁)A. how life will be like B. how will life be likeC.

43、what life will be like D. what will life be like,C,( ) 12.Do you know _?At the end of July. (2012江苏连云港)A. how soon is your sister running back homeB. how often Nancy from her pen friendC. when the London Olympic Games will be heldD. when will the new computer game come out,C,( ) 13. -Peter, is there

44、 anything else you want to know about China?-Yes, I am still wondering _. (2012江苏南京)A. how is Chinese paper cut made B. how was the Great Wall built in ancient timesC. why the Chinese people like to play the dragon danceD. why do the Chinese people eat rice dumplings at Dragon Boat Festival,C,( ) 14

45、. We havent discussed yet _. (2012江苏苏州)A. where we are going to put our new tableB. where are we going to put our new tableC. what we are going to put our new tableD. what are we going to put our new table,A,( ) 15. I wonder _. (2012江苏镇江)A. if Dr Ma still works on the ORBIS planeB. how much does the

46、 tallest man in the world weighC. when Audrey Hepburn had entered the film industryD. that Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon,A,( ) 16. They wonder _ robots will make humans lose their jobs or not. (2013漳州) A. that B. if C. whether ( ) 17. Our physics teacher told us light _ faster than

47、 sound. (2013 黔东南) A. travels B. traveled C. traveling D. to travel,C,A,Section B,Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!,scary dress up haunted house black cat candy trick or treat ghost October spider,1a Look at the pictures and words related to Halloween. What do you think this festival is about?,

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