1、Unit One,Hotel Reservations and Tour of Cities,Model 1 English for Hotel Staff:Reservations,Task 1 Read the following useful words and expressions aloud. Then try to memorize them. Words 1. reservation n. 预定,保留 e.g. Do you have a reservation, sir/madam? 请问您有预订吗,先生/女士? Id like to change my reservatio
2、n. 我要更改我的预约。 2. arrival n. 到达,到来 e.g. The time of arrival is 6:30 p.m. 抵达时间是下午六点半。 The secretary informed me of his arrival. 秘书通知我他来了。 3. depart v. 离开,启程 e.g. Misfortunes come on wings and depart on foot. 【谚】祸来如飞行,祸去似步行。 The train to Beijing will depart from platform 3 in half an hour. 开往北京的火车将于半小时后
3、从三站台开出。,1. various adj. 各种各样的,多方面的 e.g. For various reasons Id prefer not to meet him. 由于各种原因,我不愿见他。 In our age, people depend more and more on computers to solve various kinds of difficult problems. 在当今时代,人们越来越多地依赖计算机来解决各种各样的难题。 2. type n. 类型,种类 e.g. He was not my type. 他不是我喜欢的类型。 There are two typ
4、es of rocks in this area. 这个地区有两种类型的岩石。,1. suite n. 酒店套房 e.g. presidential suite 总统套房 deluxe suite 高级套房 junior suite 简单套房 Which one do you want to reserve, standard suite, deluxe suite, luxury suite, or presidential suite? 您想订标准套房、高级套房、豪华套房还是总统套房? 2. deluxe adj. 豪华的,高级的 e.g. What are the deluxe and
5、middle level shopping centers around our hotel? 酒店附近有哪些高档和中档的购物中心? 3. guarantee n.& v. 保证,担保 e.g. I guarantee that youll enjoy yourself. 我包你玩得痛快。 We guarantee satisfaction to customers. 我们保证令顾客满意。,Task 2 Practise the dialogues by reading it aloud with your partner. Read through it at least twice, ch
6、anging your role each time.,Dialogue ANotes: 1. May I help you? 是主动提供帮助的用语。类似的表达还有:Can I help you ? What can I do for you? Can I do anything for you? Is there anything I can do for you? May I be of any service to you? 常用作服务性工作的招呼语。 2. Id like to 我想 I d like to make a reservation to London for July 5
7、. 我想预定7月5日飞往伦敦的机票。 3. look forward to 期望 期待,盼望 I am looking forward to your visit next week. 我期待着你下周来访。 I have been looking forward to seeing you. 我一直期待着和您见面。,1. Expressions about Connecting Telephone Calls 1) Good morning. This is Huating Hotel. Room number, please? 您好,这是华庭宾馆,请问您要哪个房间的电话? 2) Just a
8、 minute, please. Iput it through to 请稍等一会,我替您接。 3) I sorry, I cant hear you. Could you speak a bit louder? 对不起,我听不清楚。请您说得响一些,好吗? 4) May I take a message? 我能为您带个口信吗? 5) Im afraid youve got the wrong number? 对不起,您打错号码了。 6) We have got DDD system and IDD system in our hotel. 我们宾馆设有国内直拨电话和国际直拨电话系统。,Dial
9、ogue BNotes: 1. How long will you be staying in this hotel? 您将在我们宾馆住多久?will be doing sth. 此结构表示将来某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行的动作,即将来进行时,这结构在口语中也常用来表示预计将发生的动作。例如:I will be meeting him at the airport at two p.m. tomorrow. 明天下午两点我将在机场接他。 Will they be coming by air then? 到时候他们将乘飞机来吗? 2. take care of 照顾, 照料, 处理 Im go
10、ing to take care of the rest of the work. 我会处理剩下的工作。,1. 常见的国际信用卡:MasterCard(万事达卡)万事达国际组织于50年代末至60年代初期创立了一种国际通行的信用卡体系,旋即风行世界。1966年,组成了一个银行卡协会(Interbank Card Association)的组织,1969年银行卡协会购下了Master Charge的专利权,统一了各发卡行的信用卡名称和式样设计。随后十年,将Master Charge原名改名MasterCard。,VISA(威士卡或维萨卡)Visa是全球最富盛名的支付品牌之一。目前,全世界有超过2,
11、000万个特约商户接受Visa卡,还有超过84万个ATM遍布世界各地。Visa分别于1993年和1996年在北京和上海成立代表处。Visa在国内拥有包括银联在内的17家中资会员金融机构和5家外资会员银行。目前Visa在中国大陆发行的Visa卡约540万张,自动柜员机达17,000台,Visa在中国大陆交易额达32亿美元。,American Express(美国运通卡)自1958年发行第一张运通卡以来,迄今为止运通已在68个国家和地区以49种货币发行了运通卡,构建了全球最大的自成体系的特约商户网络,并拥有超过6,000万名的优质持卡人群体。,1961年,JCB作为日本第一个专门的信用卡公司宣告成
12、立。现其业务范围已遍及世界各地100多个国家和地区。JCB信用卡的种类成为世界之最,达5,000多种。,JCB(即Japan Credit Bureau),Diners Club(大来卡)大来卡于1950年由创业者Frank McNamara创办,是第一张塑料付款卡,最终发展成为一个国际通用的信用卡。1981年美国最大的零售银行-花旗银行的控股公司-花旗公司接受了Diners Club International卡。,Module 2 English for Tour Guides,Passage A Hangzhou City Background Information 杭州,别称武林、简
13、称杭,浙江省省会,全省政治,经济,科教和文化中心,全国重点风景旅游城市和历史文化名城,副省级城市。位于浙江省北部,钱塘江入海口,京杭大运河南端。杭州具有秀美的自然景观和深厚的历史底蕴,是中国七大古都之一,并拥有中国十大风景名胜之一的西湖风景区。,Passage A Hangzhou City,西湖位于杭州市中心,旧称武林水、钱塘湖、西子湖,宋代始称西湖。湖面南北长3.3公里,东西宽2.8公里,水面原面积5.66平方公里,包括湖中岛屿为6.3平方公里,湖岸周长15公里。水的平均深度在2.27米左右,最泞处有5米多,最浅处不到1米。,Passage A Hangzhou City,Notes an
14、d Phrases Grand Canal: 大运河 中国东部平原上的古代伟大工程。北起北京,南到浙江杭州,故又名京杭运河。 “Above is Heaven, Below are Suzhou and Hangzhou.“ 上有天堂,下有苏杭。,West Lake Sour Fish 西湖醋鱼 Dongpo Pork 东坡肉 Longjing Shrimp Meat 龙井虾仁 Jiaohua Young Chickens 叫化童鸡 Steam Rice Flower and Pork Wrapped by Lotus Leaves 荷叶粉蒸肉,Passage B A brief Introd
15、uction of Guilin,Background Information,Passage B A brief Introduction of Guilin,桂林是一座以山水秀丽和文物古迹众多为主要特征的风景游览城市和历史文化名城。桂林因“玉桂成林”而得名,每年农历八月秋风送爽的时节,正是桂花盛开、香飘四野的旅游黄金时节。桂林岩溶地貌最为发育,最为典型,辖区内洞穴、石峰数以千计,大小湖塘数百个,其间河谷开阔平缓,山多平地拔起,孤峰、流泉、峰丛、峰林环布,漓江依山势流转,江中为洲,间有险滩、流泉、飞瀑,是桂林山水精华之所在,形成了山青、水秀、洞奇、石美的“桂林山水”。,Passage B A
16、 brief Introduction of Guilin,漓江位于华南广西壮族自治区东部,属珠江水系。漓江发源于华南第一峰桂北越城岭猫儿山,那是个林丰木秀,空气清新,生态环境极佳的地方。漓江流经桂林市、阳朔县等地,并在梧州市与西江汇合,全长426公里。由桂林至阳朔的83公里水程是漓江风景最秀丽的一段,一般所称的漓江风景区就是指这段江面,人称“百里漓江、百里画廊”。,Guilin has always been a famous historic and cultural city in China, reputed as “the landscape in Guilin, the best
17、under heaven.” 桂林作为中国著名的历史文化名城,享有“山水甲天下”的美誉。 It is said that there are many cinnamon in Guilin City, so the name “ Guilin ”. 据说在桂林这个城市生长着许多的桂树,“桂林”这个名字由此而来。,Passage B A brief Introduction of Guilin,The diversity in dresses and social customs of different ethnic groups offers colorful folklife and at
18、tracts large numbers of tourists from home and abroad. 不同民族服饰的多样性及其社会风俗造就了桂林多样的民俗文化,吸引着国内外众多的游客。 Today, there are over 20 air routes connecting Guilin with Hong Kong and major domestic tourist cities. 桂林目前拥有国际国内航线20余条,可通航香港及国内主要旅游城市。,Unit Two,Checking in and Tour of Rivers & Lakes,Module 1 English f
19、or Hotel Staff Checking in,Task 1 Read the following useful words and expressions aloud. Then try to memorize them. Words 1. receptionist n. 接待,接待 e.g. He tipped the receptionist 5 .他给了接待员5英镑小费。 Visitors should inform the receptionist of their arrival. 来宾在到达时应当知会接待员。 2. rate n. 比率,速度,价格The train was
20、 going at the rate of 95 kilometers an hour. 火车正以每小时95公里的速度前进。The hotel doesnt rate four stars. 这旅馆不够四星级。,Module 1 English for Hotel Staff: Checking in,1. registration n. 登记,注册Send in your registration form within two weeks.在两星期内送出你的注册表格。 2. charge n & v. 费用,收取费用The price includes postage charges. 价
21、格包括邮费在内。service charge n.服务费 free of charge n.免费 3. discount n & v. 折扣,打折扣 They give discount to visitors in groups. 他们对团体来宾打折。扣。He sold the goods to her at a special discount. 他以特别优惠的价格把货卖给了她。,Module 1 English for Hotel Staff: Checking in,Task 2 Practise the dialogues by reading it aloud with your
22、partner. Read through it at least twice, changing your role each time. Dialogue A 1. check in 登记,报到 The couple went to check in at the front desk. 这对夫妻到前台登记入住。 check out 借出, 调查, 检查, 结账后离开I am checking out early tomorrow morning. 我明天一大早结账离开。 Im checking out today. Get me the bill, please. 我今天要结账出旅馆。请
23、把账单给我。,Module 1 English for Hotel Staff: Checking in,2. fill out填写; 充实Fill out the form in print type. 用正楷填写申报单。 Please fill out the registration card. 请填好记录卡。 3. sign n. 符号, 招牌,手势 vt. 签名, 打手势The postman asked me to sign for the parcel. 邮递员要我签收包裹。,Dialogue B 1. What kind of room do you prefer? 您想要什么
24、样的房间? 2. How long are you going to stay in our hotel? 您打算住多久? be going to do sth. 结构表示正在打算或即将发生的事情。例如:This is going to be a wonderful tour. 这次旅行一定会很愉快。Im going to reserve a room at Huating Hotel for my uncle from San Francisco. 我准备在华亭宾馆为我从旧金山来的叔叔订个房间。,3. How much do you charge for a single room per
25、night? 单人间多少钱一个晚上? 4. show sb. up 领某人上楼,Module 2 English for Tour Guides,Passage A The West Lake Words pearl n. 珍珠 明珠暗投 a bright pearl cast into darkness 翡翠 emerald; jadeite; green jade 玛瑙 agate 红宝石 ruby; red jewel, carbuncle 蓝宝石 sapphire 绿宝石 beryl; emerald; smaragdine 水晶 rock crystal; pebble; cryst
26、al 紫水晶 amethyst 玉 jade 琥珀 amber,seaside 海滨胜地,海边 (多指休养或游玩的海滨胜地) shore 岸,滨 (是紧靠海、湖或者大水流的陆地的一般名词,为最普通用语,指毗邻大片水,可以是土地、沙、石头的地段,常常有与水相对的意味。) coast 海岸 (地理上的名词,指海洋、海岸线,多指沿着海岸边缘生长的一长条陆地。尤指沿海边可作为界限的陆地,其着眼点是站在陆地的角度上来讲的。),beach 海滩 (和shore最难分辨了,两者都有指沙石,还指涨潮时或落潮时过水的部分上面多布满卵石和细沙。也常指游泳者日光浴者休息、玩耍、娱乐或度假的海滩,不指有泥土的陡坡。)
27、 bank 岸(河岸,江岸),seaside seaside前要加the 除了说a seaside之外,其余的比如at the seaside那些都是要加the 下面有一道题,The _of the lake is covered with reeds and rushes. (reed芦苇 rush 灯芯草) A.beach B.shore C.bank D.coast 按照前面的解释我们可以很容易就选B。,beautiful adj. 美丽的,精彩的 秀外慧中 intelligent within and beautiful without; both intelligent and be
28、autiful 倩影 beautiful image beauty spot 风景区; 美人痣 the beauty of 妙在,有意思的是 Beauty is truth, truth beauty. 美就是真,真就是美。,tiger n. 老虎,勇士 as fierce as a tiger 凶猛如虎 blind tiger 价廉质劣的威士忌 ;(禁酒时期)非法卖酒的酒店 have a tiger by the tail 落得意外的下场;处境比预想的困难得多 paper tiger 纸老虎,外强中干 ride the tiger 骑虎难下,陷于极其危险的境地,expensive 用于价钱、
29、价格,有形的 valuable 用于价值:贵重的(用价格不好定吧?) precious 珍贵的,还带有说话人舍不得的口气在里面 rock是指岩石,the rock is on the mountain. hard rock 剧烈摇滚音乐 soft rock 软性摇滚音乐 steady as a rock 稳如磐石,屹立不动,be built on the rock 建立在盘石上;基础巩固的 stone泛指石头,路上见到的都可以称为stone knock ones head against a stone wall 碰壁;白费力气 heart of stone 铁石心肠,冷酷无情 stroll
30、- 很闲适的散步 stroll in the park stroll along the beach,wander - 毫无目的的漫步,或者是不直接地去一个目的地 wander the forest wander towards the town storm, tempest 暴风雨 lightning 闪电 land wind 陆风 hurricane 飓风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 gale 季节风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风,Passage B The Amazon,Words and Notes freshwater
31、 淡seawater 海水mineral water 矿泉水purified water 纯净水 unboiled water 生水 boiling water 沸腾的水 hot water 热水 cold water 凉水,冷水cool boiled water 凉开水,disagree with 不同意 I dont agree with you. Im not on your side. Theres some difference between our views. I dont have the same opinion as yours. I cant accept your i
32、dea.,real 真实的,真的 certain 是的,对的,某一 virtual 虚拟的 actual 实质上的,本质上的,The president was so much under his wifes influence that she was the _ ruler of the country. A. real B. certain C. virtual D. actual 选actual,triple adj. 三倍的, 三方的, 三部分的 圆形 Round 方形Square 椭圆形 Oval 蛋形 Egg-Shaped 葫芦形 Pear-Shaped 长方形 Rectangl
33、e 三角形 Triangle 心形 Heart 星形 Star,overall一般用在句子前边. 例如: Overall, he is very good. total 是总共 例如: There are total of three apples. whole是整体 例如: The whole family is great. entire 是全部 例如: The entire family is great. whole 和 entire可以互换使用。,Unit Three,Bell Service and Traditional Chinese Holidays,Module 1 Eng
34、lish for Hotel StaffBell Service,Task 1 Read the following useful words and expressions aloud. Then try to memorize them. Words 1. luggage n. 行李,皮箱 e.g. Please put your luggage on the rack. 请将您的行李放在架子上。 Four pieces of luggage. 四件行李。 luggage 是不可数名词,美国人用baggage。 2. suitcase n. 手提箱 Stick a label on you
35、r suitcase. 把标签粘贴在你的手提箱上。 briefcase n. 公文包 She always carries an umbrella in her briefcase. 她总是在公事包里带着一把伞。,1. exactly adv. 精确地,确切地 I dont know what words Id use exactly. 我不知道该用什么言词来确切地形容。 The painter had painted exactly what he saw. 画家精确地画出了他所看到的事物。 2. garage n. 车库,汽车修理站 Each of the apartments has i
36、ts own garage. 每个公寓都有自己的车库。 3. park v. 停放(车辆等)You can park it in the basement. 你可以停在地下室。At last he found somewhere to park the car. 最后他找到了某个地方来停车。,Task 2 Practise the dialogues by reading it aloud with your partner. Read through it at least twice, changing your role each time. Dialogue A1. How many
37、pieces of luggage do you have? 您有几件行李? 2. Information Desk 问讯处 Front Desk 酒店的前台 3. A bellman will show you to your room when you have finished checking in. 您登记完了之后,行李生会领您进房间。,Dialogue B1. I booked a room in your hotel three days ago. 三天前我再您酒店预订了一个房间。 2. In the garage around the corner, thats at the
38、end of the drive. 请停到角落的车库,就在这条车道的顶头。 drive 在这里用作名词,表示“车道”。 3. Its my very first to drive. 我头次开车。 drive 在这里用作动词,表示“开车”。,4. Do you want me to give you a hand? 需要我帮忙吗? 询问客人是否需要帮助,类似的表达还有: Shall I carry the suitcase for you? 我替您提箱子,好吗? Shall I show you your room? 我领您去房间,好吗? May I lead the way, sir? 先生,
39、我来领路,好吗? Would you like to have a brochure of the hotel? 您要宾馆的介绍册吗?,5. Reception Desk 接待处 6. Let me carry the luggage for you. 我来给您提行李。 类似的表达: Let me help you with your luggage. 我来帮您提行李。 Let me give you a hand. 让我来帮你的忙。 Let me tell you about it. 让我来告诉您。,Module 2 English for Tour Guides,Passage A The
40、 Pure Brightness Day Background Information 清明节,又叫踏青节,按阳历来说,它是在每年的4月4日至6日之间,正是春光明媚草木吐绿的时节,也正是人们春游(古代叫踏青)的好时候,所以古人有清明踏青,并开展一系列体育活动的习俗。 清明节古时也叫三月节,已有多年历史。,Notes1. the 24 Seasonal Division Points 二十四节气 2. It falls in the third lunar month or around April 5th in the solar calendar, when the spring scene
41、 is radiant and enchanting and the air is refreshing, hence, its name. 清明节在农历三月(公历4月5日左右),此时正是春光明媚、空气结晶的季节,因此,这个节日叫做“清明节”。 3. The Chinese have the tradition to respect the aged, and cherish the memory of their forefathers and respect them. 中国人有敬老的传统,对去世的先人更是缅怀和崇敬。,New Words1.radiant adj. 艳丽的,光芒四射的 e
42、.g. the radiant sun 光芒四射的太阳 wear a radiant face 红光满面 be radiant with joy 喜气洋洋 2.enchanting adj. 使人着魔的,令人陶醉的 e.g. be enchanted with/by 为所陶醉 3.hence adv.因此 e.g. five years hence 五年以后 Hence these songs. 因而有了这些歌曲。,4.willow adj. 柳木的 【习语】wear the willow 痛失心爱的人,悲悼爱人的逝世 e.g. a weeping willow 垂柳 5.twig n.细枝,
43、嫩枝 【派生】twigged adj. 有细枝的 twiggy adj. 纤细的,苗条的,6.forefather n.祖先,祖宗(especially a male) 7.burgeon n.嫩芽,嫩枝 8.interment n.埋葬,葬礼 9.burial n.埋葬,坟墓 【例】a burial case 棺材 a burial service 葬礼 10.cremation n.火化,火葬 【派生】crematorium n. 火葬场,Unit Four,Checking out and Chinese Paintings,Module 1 English for Hotel Staf
44、f Checking out,Task 1 Read the following useful words and expressions aloud. Then try to memorize them. Words 1. cashier n. 出纳员,收银员 e.g. They are neither accountant nor cashier. 他们既不是会计员也不是出纳员。 2. total v. 总计,合计 adj. 总计的,合计的 e.g. Your debts total one thousand pounds. 你的债务合计为1,000镑。 We cant cover the
45、 total cost of advertising. 我们无法负担全部的广告费用。,1. invoice n. 发票,清单 e.g. He signed his name at the foot of the invoice. 他在发票的下端签上了自己的名字。 2. advance adj. 预先的 e.g. Seats can be booked one month in advance. 座位可于一个前预定。 Do I pay in advance? 我需要先交预付款吗? 3. deposit n. 预付金 v. 储蓄 e.g. I want to deposit 150 dollars
46、 in my account. 我想在我的账上存150 美元。 4. receipt n. 收据,收条 e.g. Now show me your receipt and let me check it. 给我收据核对一下。,Task 2 Practise the dialogues by reading it aloud with your partner. Read through it at least twice, changing your role each time. Dialogue A1. May I see the bill? 我可以看看账单吗? 2. Please hav
47、e a check. 请核对一下。check 在这里用作名词。 3. How would you like to pay your bill? 您想怎样付账?意思是询问客人用何种方式付账。付现金、用信用卡付还是旅行支票? 类似的表达:How do you wish to pay your bill? What is your idea to pay your bill? What is your way to pay your bill? 4. We hope you will come again. 希望您再次光临。 We hope that 宾语从句可以由从属连词that 或whether
48、、if引导,也可以用连接代词和副词who、whom、what、which、when、where 等引导。宾语从句为陈述语序,其时态必须与主句时态呼应。,e.g. He wanted to know whether he could pay in cash or with travellers checks. 他想知道他是否能付现款还是用旅行支票。 5. Have a nice trip. Goodbye. 旅途愉快,再见。 More expressions for bidding farewell: 1) Be sure not to leave anything behind, please
49、. 请当心,别遗留下东西。 2) We hope you enjoyed your stay with us and will visit here again some day. 希望您在我们宾馆住得愉快并且下次再来。 3) Hope youll have a pleasant trip home. 祝您旅途愉快。 4) Take care! Good bye and good luck. 保重!再见,祝您好运。,Dialogue B1. Did you sign any bills this morning? 今天早晨你签了账单吗? 类似的表达: Have you used minibar
50、 this morning? 您今早用过小冰箱里的食品吗? Have you used any room facilities this morning? 您今早用过房间内的设施吗? 2. Ill have to check with the department concerned. 我要和相关部门核对一下。 3. It totals 1,980 RMB, including 15% service charge. 总计1,980元人民币,包括百分之十五的服务费。 4. You have paid an advance deposit of RMB 2,500. 您已经预付了2,500元。,
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