1、正常胸部CT,胸部CT的优势,肺、纵隔、胸廓骨质及胸部软组织在身体中天然对比是较明显的部位,但仅靠胸部平片仍很难显示上述结果与病变之间的密度差异 CT能显示胸部正常结构和病灶的大体解剖,定位、定量准确,为定性分析帮助,有关胸部CT检查技术的几个问题,CT值与窗宽、窗位:肺窗和纵膈窗,双窗技术 轴扫及螺旋扫描,层厚和层距(容积效应) 吸气不同状态扫描(吸气末) 增强扫描,时相 高分辨CT(High Resolution ,HRCT),层厚 12mm,显示次级肺小叶结构;显示间质性病变、支扩,纵隔窗,纵隔分区,前纵隔 - 胸骨后、心脏大血管前,包括胸腺、淋巴结 中纵隔 -包括气管与主支气管、心脏、
2、主动脉及分支、淋巴结 后纵隔 - 食管前缘后、胸椎前及椎旁沟,包括食管、降主动脉、奇静脉、半奇静脉及淋巴结,主要层面和结构,主动脉弓及其以上层面:辨认头臂血管 主-肺动脉窗层面:窗空虚/潜在,气管分叉,奇V弓 右上叶支气管层面:左PA弓、右上PV前干,右上PA,上腔V 左上叶支气管层面:右中间段支气管,右PA,右下PA,左上PV,左PA降支 其他肺门层面:两侧大小基本对称(肺窗显示更佳),相伴随的支气管和PA分支,由近向远渐小,Can you find the right and left subclavian arteries? (click for answer),The right su
3、bclavian artery as it dumps into the brachiocephalic artery. (click to highlight),What are the 3 yellow air-filled (black) structures highlighted here? (click to highlight),This is contrast (white) being injected into the left subclavian vein.,Can you find the first 3 branches off the aortic arch? (
4、click for answer),Incidental lipoma (fat tumor) (notice it is the same density as fat in the chest wall),Can you find the left brachiocephalic vein as it dumps into the SVC? (click for answer),We are at the level of the top of the aortic arch (click to highlight),Can you find the right pectoralis ma
5、jor and minor? (click for answer),What is the structure in blue? (click to highlight),This is the Superior Vena cava,Can you find the azygous arch ? (where the azygous vein comes across to dump into the SVC) (click for answer),Notice the bifurcation of the trachea (corina) at this level (click to hi
6、ghlight),What is the structure in red? (click to highlight),This is the left pulmonary artery.,Can you find the pulmonary trunk and right pulmonary artery? (click for answer),Where are the ascending (A) and descending (D) limbs of the thoracic aorta? (click to highlight),We are at the level of the t
7、op of the left atrium. Notice The pulmonary veins dumping into it as they return from the lungs. (click to highlight),Can you find the left main coronary artery coming off the aorta? (click for answer),You can further see The left coronary branch into the Circumflex artery and the LAD artery (click
8、to highlight),Here is a good image of the aortic semi-lunar valve leaflets. Can you find them? (click for answer),Here is a good image of the left atrium dumping Into the left ventricle. Can you find it? (click to highlight),You can clearly see the left ventricular wall and septum with the projectin
9、g papillary wall muscles attaching to the mitral valve leaflets. (click to highlight),Contrast filling the right ventricle,Can you find the pericardial sac here? (click for answer),It is relatively easy to see because there is a fat layer around the heart and around the pericardium making the soft t
10、issue more visible,1胸廓入口平面,1,2主动脉弓上平面,3,3主动脉弓平面,5,4主、肺动脉窗平面,6,5肺门平面,6心房平面,图17-锁骨上和斜角肌组淋巴结,图17-29:是以1996年AJCC 胸内淋巴结分组法在CT中的 应用:扫描从锁骨上至膈上 层面,系增强CT扫描,以纵 隔窗显示锁骨上和斜角肌组:为肺尖 以上位于气管中线两侧的锁 骨上窝内和沿斜角肌排列的 淋巴结。,图18-1R/L组淋巴结,肺尖至左头臂静脉横过中线 汇入右头臂静脉之间层面, 沿气管中线两侧排列的淋巴 结-为最上纵隔组(分右侧/左 侧,缩写:1R/L),图19-1R/L组淋巴结,图20-1R/L、3A
11、/P组淋巴结,肺尖至主动脉弓上缘层面, 位于主动脉弓3个主要分支 (左锁骨下、左颈总、无名 动脉)前方的淋巴结-为血管 前组(3A组) 位于气管后方的淋巴结-为 气管后组( 3P组),图21-2R/L组淋巴结,位于1组以下至主动脉弓上, 沿气管两侧的淋巴结-为右/左 上气管旁组(2R/L组),图22-4R、6组淋巴结,位于主动脉弓上缘以下,升 主动脉、主动脉弓前方及两 侧的淋巴结-为升主动脉旁组 (6组),图23-4R/L、6组淋巴结,主动脉弓上缘到右/左上叶支气 管开口之间,位于气管周围的 淋巴结-为下气管旁组(4R/L组)还可以奇静脉弓为界,将右侧 (4R)组分为4上(S)和4下 (i)组
12、,图24-4R/L、5、6组淋巴结,位于动脉韧带、主动脉弓左 侧,肺动脉至左上肺动脉之 间的淋巴结-为主动脉弓下或 主肺动脉组(5组),图25-7组淋巴结,位于隆突下3cm范围以 内的淋巴结-为隆突下组 (7组 ),图26-7、10R组淋巴结,位于纵隔胸膜外肺门区 (包括右侧中间支气管 旁)的淋巴结-为右/左 肺门组(10R/L组),图27-8、10R/L组淋巴结,位于隆突下3cm范围以 下,紧邻食管周围的淋 巴结-为食管旁组,分 右/左(8R/L)组,图28-9、11R组淋巴结,位于两侧肺韧带附近(包括两 下肺静脉周围)的淋巴结-为 右/左肺韧带组(9R/L组)位于两侧肺叶支气管之间的淋 巴
13、结-为右/左叶间组(11R/L组),胸锁关节层面,S1尖段 S2后段,S1+2尖后段S3前段,主动脉弓层面,S1尖段 S2后段 S3前段,S1+2尖后段S3前段,右肺动脉、肺动脉干层面,S3前段 S5内段 S6背段,S4舌叶上段S5舌叶下段S6背段,肺静脉层面,S4外段 S5内段 S7内基底段 S8前基底段 S10后基底段,S4舌叶上段S5舌叶下段S6背段S7+8前内基 底段S10后基底段,心室层面,S4外段 S5内段 S7内基底段 S8前基底段 S9外基底段 S10后基底段,S5舌叶下段S7+8前内基 底段S9外基底段S10后基底段,谢 谢,肺窗,主要观察内容,CT肺门(肺野内带):第一、二
14、肺门之间的血管、支气管等内侧 - 与纵膈内支气管、血管相续(结合纵膈窗)外侧 - 段支气管开口处,与外周支气管血管束相续 支气管血管束(肺野中带)由肺门发出的、相伴行的支气管和肺A分支;向肺门/左房回流的、无支气管伴行的肺静脉 外周肺(胸膜下区):段以下的血管、支气管断面影,呈小条、星、叉、点状 阅片要点:抓住重点层面,观察每一层时,注意上下相邻层面,完整观察某一结构,主要层面和结构,标志:与肺门相续的支气管、血管 右上叶支气管以上层面: 两侧尖段支气管及其外侧的同名动脉 右上叶支气管层面:右主支气管,前、后段支气管, 右PA上干;右上PV前干左上前段支气管 右中间段支气管层面:叶间动脉(右下
15、PA 干) 左上叶支气管层面:左主、左上叶支气管 右中叶、左舌叶,两侧下叶背段气管开口层面: 中叶脊,左下肺A 以下层面:基底段支气管和PA分支,两侧基本对称;近水平走向的双下PV,由近向远渐小 几个注意点:,肺叶、肺段的判断,肺门邻近-叶、段支气管外周肺-叶间胸膜(裂)细线状稍高密度带状乏血管带(区),图1-16:正常胸部断层, 从胸锁关节至心底层面, 间隔3-10mm,以肺窗显 示;螺旋扫描;部分薄 层高分辨率重建T:气管 E:食管 S1:上叶尖段,图1-胸锁关节层面,图2:主动脉弓层面,ARCH :主动脉弓 S2:上叶后段 S1+2:左上叶尖后段,Az:奇静脉弓 B1:上叶尖段支气管 S
16、3:上叶前段,图3-主肺动脉窗层面,图4-奇静脉弓层面,S6:下叶背段,图5-近隆突层面,B1+2:左上叶尖后段支气管 B3:上叶前段支气管,图6-隆突层面,B2:上叶后段支气管 C:隆突 RMB/LMB:右/左主支气管 RULB:右上叶支气管,图7-隆突下1cm层面,Bi:中间支气管,图8-隆突下1cm层面,LUMB:左上叶支气管,图9-隆突下2cm层面,V3:上叶前段静脉的段间支,图10-隆突下2cm层面,S4:右中叶外段/左舌上段,图11-隆突下3cm层面,B4:右中叶外侧段/左舌上段支气管,图12-隆突下3cm层面,B6:下叶背段支气管,图13-隆突下3cm层面,图14-近心底层面,B5:右中叶内侧段/左舌下段支气管 BS:基底干支气管 MLB:中叶支气管 S5:右中叶内侧段/左舌下段,图15-近心底层面,B7+8:下叶前内段支气管,图16-近心底层面,B7:下叶内基底段支气管 B8:下叶前基底段支气管 B9:下叶外基底段支气管 B10:下叶后基底段支气管,
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