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Surface-Role of Law Enforcement Officers in Identifying and .ppt

1、Look Beneath the Surface:Role of Law Enforcement Officers in Identifying and Helping Victims of Human Trafficking,Presentation Overview,Understanding human trafficking Identifying crime of human trafficking Communicating with victims of human trafficking Role of local law enforcement Evidence of suc

2、cess,Human Trafficking: What Is It?,Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery Victims of trafficking exploited for commercial sex or labor purposes Traffickers use force, fraud or coercion to achieve exploitationAfter drug dealing, human trafficking is tied with the illegal arms trade as the

3、 second largest criminal industry in the world, and it is the fastest growing.,Human Trafficking: What Is It?,Sex Trafficking: Commercial sex act induced by force, fraud or coercion, or in which person performing the act is under age 18. Victims can be found working in massage parlors, brothels, str

4、ip clubs, escort services Labor Trafficking: Using force, fraud or coercion to recruit, harbor, transport, obtain or employ a person for labor or services in involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage or slavery Victims can be found in domestic situations as nannies or maids, sweatshop factories,

5、janitorial jobs, construction sites, farm work, restaurants, panhandlingCrime of trafficking occurs with the exploitation of the victim. The physical movement of the victim is not a requisite. The TVPA protects both U.S. citizens and non-citizens.,Who Are Victims of Human Trafficking?,Approximately

6、800,000 to 900,000 victims annually trafficked across international borders worldwide; between 18,000 and 20,000 victims trafficked into United States annually. More than half of victims trafficked into United States are children; victims are probably about equally women and men. Victims can be traf

7、ficked into the U.S. from anywhere in the world. Victims have come from, among other places, Africa, Asia, India, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Russia and Canada. Many victims in the U.S. do not speak English and are unable to communicate with service providers, police, or others who might be able

8、to help them. Within the U.S., both citizens and non-citizens fall prey to traffickers.,Mindset of Trafficking Victims,Frequently victims: Do not speak English and are unfamiliar with U.S. culture Distrust outsiders, especially law enforcement fear of deportation Do not self-identify as victims; oft

9、en blame themselves for predicaments Although many victims have been beaten and/or raped, current situation may still be better than where they came from May be unaware of rights or may have been intentionally misinformed about rights in this country Fear for safety of families in their home countri

10、es, who are often threatened by traffickers,How Are Victims Trafficked?,Force, fraud and coercion are methods used by traffickers to press victims into lives of servitude, abuseForce: Rape, beatings, confinement Fraud: Includes false and deceptive offers of employment, marriage, better life Coercion

11、: Threats of serious harm to, or physical restraint of, any person; any scheme, plan or pattern intended to cause victims to believe that failure to perform an act would result in restraint against them; or the abuse or threatened abuse of the legal process.,Myths Associated with Human Trafficking,M

12、yth #1: All Prostitutes Are Willing Participants,Myths Associated with Human Trafficking,Myth #2: All Immigrants Smuggled into the United States Enter Willingly,Myths Associated with Human Trafficking,Myth #3: Human Trafficking Is Crime Prosecuted Only at Federal Level,Myths Associated with Human Tr

13、afficking,Myth #4: All Participants Involved in Human Trafficking Are Criminals,Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA),Signed into law October 2000 Prior to 2000, no comprehensive law to protect victims of trafficking or to prosecute traffickers Made human trafficking Federal crime Goals of law:

14、Prevent human trafficking overseas Increase prosecution of human traffickers in United States Protect victims, provide Federal and state assistance to victims,Trafficking Victims Protection Act,Law addresses three key areas:Prevention Public awareness and education Protection T visa, certification,

15、benefits and services to help victims rebuild their lives Prosecution New law enforcement tools and efforts,How TVPA Affects What You Do,Creates new laws that criminalize trafficking regarding slavery, involuntary servitude, peonage or forced labor Permits prosecution where non-violent coercion used

16、 to force victims to work in belief they would be subject to serious harm Permits prosecution where victims service compelled by confiscation of documents such as passports or birth certificates Increases prison terms for all slavery violations from 10 years to 20 years; adds life imprisonment where

17、 violation involves death, kidnapping, or sexual abuse of victim Requires courts to order restitution, forfeiture of assets upon conviction Enables victims to seek witness protection, other types of assistance Gives prosecutors and agents new tools to get legal immigration status for victims of traf

18、ficking during investigation, prosecution,How TVPA Affects What You Do,Often traffickers break state laws such as: Murder Kidnapping Battery Assault Sexual battery False imprisonment Prostitution Promoting prostitution,TVPA Reauthorized in 2003,Federal government authorized more than $200 million to

19、 continue domestic fight against human trafficking New law strengthens legal elements of TVPA Sex and labor trafficking now considered offenses under RICO statute Encourages nations 21,000 law enforcement agencies to investigate cases of trafficking,Identifying Crime of Human Trafficking,Immediate c

20、oncerns for law enforcement: Identify when crimes of trafficking taking place Identify and distinguish between victims and perpetrators Stop crimes of trafficking in progress Manage victims of trafficking as witnesses Secure evidence of trafficking for prosecutions and trials,Identifying Crime of Hu

21、man Trafficking,Non-verbal crime scene clues to link to human trafficking: Living conditions of potential victims Physical abuse Working conditions Restriction of movement indicators Behavior indicators of severe dependency Possession of others legal documentation Possession of false or fraudulent d

22、ocumentation Insistence on providing information to officer,Identifying Crime of Human Trafficking,Local law enforcers most likely first to come upon crimes of human trafficking Look beneath surface of other crimes and scenarios to expose crimes of human trafficking: Prostitution rings (brothels, es

23、cort services, massage parlors) Pornography Illegal operations of massage parlors, strip clubs Domestic abuse Vice raids involving foreign nationals Crimes involving immigrant children with no guardians,Identifying Crime of Human Trafficking,Evidence of control and lack of ability to move freely or

24、leave job Bruises or other signs of physical abuse Intense fear or depression Non-English speaking Recent arrival from Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Canada, Africa, India Lack of ID or immigration documents,Victims of Trafficking and Their Needs,There are four general areas of victim needs: I

25、mmediate assistance Housing, food, medical, safety and security, language interpretation and legal services Mental health assistance Counseling Income assistance Cash, living assistance Legal status T visa, immigration, certification,Communicating with Victims of Human Trafficking,Fear of deportatio

26、nDoes not Identify as VictimDistrust of law enforcementUnaware of rights,The TVPA authorizes special visas and other forms of immigration relief to certain to trafficking victims.You are a victim, not a criminal. What is happening to you is wrong.We can help get you what you need. We can protect you

27、. You can trust us.You have rights. You have the right to live without being abused.,Identifying Victims of Trafficking,Key Questions for Victims of Trafficking: How did you get here? Where do you live, eat and sleep? Do you owe someone money? Is someone keeping your legal/travel documents? Were you

28、 threatened if you tried to leave? Has your family been threatened? Were you ever physically abused? Were you ever forced to stay in one place? Who are you afraid of?,Your Role as Local Law Enforcement Officers,Keep doing what youre doing Take closer look beneath surface Help build and prosecute cri

29、mes at state level Cooperate with district attorneys, social services and Federal authorities if case becomes Federal Call Trafficking Information and Referral Hotline,1.888.3737.888, to connect victims to services they may be eligible to receive. For more information on human trafficking visit,Evidence of Success,Insert name of case study in which a victim was successfully identified and helped by local law enforcement,Questions and Answers,Looking Beneath the Surface:Role of Law Enforcement Officers in Identifying and Helping Victims of Human Trafficking,

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