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1、高考英语听力理解训练策略与技巧,主讲人: 北京化工大学附中 高海明,听力试题在全卷试题中属中、低挡题 03、04、05年的高考听力试题考查形式与要求保持基本稳定. 难度在保持一定的稳定前提下有适当的调整. 03年听力试题难度系数为0.68; 04年为0.61; 05年为0.66; 但历年听力试题整体区分作用良好, 具有较好的选拨功能作用.,听力试题理解,高考英语测试点: 1.考察语篇的理解; 2.考察具体信息和事情细节; 3.考察逻辑推理和判断的能力; 4.考察理解领会说话者的观点、态度及意图. 5.推理判断说话者之间的关系.,1.理解主旨大意: 对对话或独白的语篇的理解. 常见的设问有:1.

2、Whats the conversation about? 2. What are the speakers discussing about ? 3.What is the main idea of the talk? 4.What are the two speakers talking about? 5.What are the two speakers doing? 6. What do we know about the conversation?,2.考察具体信息和事情细节:根据所听内容捕捉细节信 息,如:时间、地点、人物、原因、结果、数字等 常见的提问方式有:1.Where/Wh

3、en/Who/Which/Why/How is (are)?2.What does the woman say about her department? (2005)3.How did the woman do the research?(2005)4.Where did the woman have her dinner?(2005)5.Where was the womans camera stolen? (Beijing 2005)6.What does the thief look like?(Beijing2005)7.When are the students leaving f

4、or London?(Beijing2005),3.考察逻辑推理和判断的能力: 推测谈话背景, 推理事情的结果, 或根据已有的信息 、数字等, 推理说话者的地点或简单的计算.常见的设问有:,1.Where does the conversation most probably take place? 2.Who do you think the man probably is? 3.What can we learn from the conversation? 4.How much will the woman pay if she buys two shirts? are t

5、he two speakers now ? 6. Where does this conversation take place?,4.考察理解领会说话者的观点、态度及意图:通过谈话的细节和具体事实以及说话者的语气来揣摩说话者的意图、观点或态度等常见的设问有:,1. What is the most probable result of the conversation? Whats the mans attitude towards? What does the woman think of the mans English? How many American writers have t

6、hey mentioned?,5.推理判断说话者之间的关系:根据说话者的语气、态度和一些细节内容判断说话者之间的关系常见的设问有:,1.What is the relationship between the two speakers? 2.Who is the woman? 3.Who is the man speaking to ?,高考听力训练及应对策略,1.听前抢读; 2.预测话题; 3.注意捕捉关键信息点; 4.排除重复信息和明显干扰信息的影响; 5.注意情绪调控, 防止过于紧张或个别信息听不清而思维停滞; 6.利用速记,防止信息遗忘; 7.注意发音差别的训练; 8.加大薄弱环节和针

7、对测试点的训练; 9.精听与泛听结合.,注意捕捉关键信息点: 有时似乎听懂了对话的所有内容,但没能捕捉关键信息点.平时注意影响关键信息准确性的词.如:,1)表时间及地理位置的副词,如: round, near, about 2)数词前的over, more than, less than, as much as, another; 3)句子中的连词 though, and, but, however, therefore, or , yet等;,听前抢读:,听力播放之前一定要充分利用时间把听力问题读一遍, 做到心中有数,并找出问题中的关键信息和关键词.如:What can we learn f

8、rom what the man said?,预测话题:,根据所给的问题预测听力内容,为找关键信息做准备如: 1.What are the speakers talking about?A. An interview; B. A meal ; C. A job 2.What time of the day is it now?A. Morning B. Afternoon C. Evening 3.How is the man feeling?A. Tired; B. Nervous; C. Hopeless,先听到的, 反复听到的, 清楚响亮的未必就是答案.,排除重复信息和明显干扰信息的影响

9、:,注意情绪调控, 防止过于紧张或个别信息听不清而思维停滞:,刚开始进入考试时,考生由于过度紧张,听力材料语速较快而且信息繁杂,以及考生过分注重听懂每个单词,结果造成思维停滞, 影响对后面内容的理解.平时训练时一定要注意情绪控制,养成将自己置身于对话情景之中,一旦进入情景,即使有个别词没听懂也不容易使听力和思维脱节; 即使本段对话没听懂多少,也不要慌, 应准备听下面的对话, 而不要停在眼前的思维空白中.,利用速记, 防止信息遗忘:,有时听力内容都听懂了,但是由于内容多, 篇章长, 听完时可能前边的信息忘了,为了防止遗忘,听的过程中应适当记录.平时就应训练摸索快速记录的方法. 可以用简写,数字,

10、符号,拼音,简图,拼写,缩写等.如: $ % # + _ NY 只要你自己能看懂就可以,注意发音差别的训练:,针对英美发音差别的训练在选择听力录音材料时,应兼顾两种发音的训练,加大薄弱环节和针对测试点的训练.,主旨要义把握不准; 数字不敏感; 篇幅较长.,Useful Expressions,Farewell Taking meals Preference Suggestions Language difficulties Making a plan,Seeing the doctorIdentifying peopleTalking about the weatherMaking telep

11、hone callsShoppingAsking the way,Farewell,I am afraid I must be leaving/ be off.I think its time for us to leave now.See you soon.Nice meeting you.Thanks for coming.Hope we will meet again.,Making a plan,What shall we do on Sunday? We could visit Id prefer to go to/ visit Id like to Cant we ? If we

12、go to , we can I think we should Youd/ Wed better take,Taking meals,Would you like another piece of (cake)?How about some moreHelp yourself to Just a little.No, thanks. Ive had enough.Im full, thank you.,Preference,Which do you prefer?How about (doing) ? I prefer (sth.) to (sth.) Hed prefer them not

13、 to (do)Id rather do . than do,Language difficulties,Would you please say that again?Pardon?What do you mean by ?How do you pronounce ?What does mean?I have some difficulty in doing Im sorry, I cant follow you.,Seeing the doctor,There is something wrong withIve got a headache.I feel terrible/ bad.I

14、dont feel well.This place hurts.Take this medicine three times a day.Drink plenty of water and have a rest.Its nothing serious.Youll be all right soon.,Identifying people,Are you from ?Where are you from?Whats his nationality ?What are you? Im fromIm a (an) ,Talking about weather,Whats the weather l

15、ike today?Hows the weather in ? Its fine/ cloudy/ windy/ rainy.Its getting cold/ warm.Its rather warm/ cold, isnt it?Its a beautiful day today.,Making phone calls,Can you ring up ?Could I speak to please?Can I take a message?Can you ask to ring me back, please? I cant get through.Ill try again later

16、. Hold on please.This is speaking.,Shopping,What can I do for you?May/ Can I help you? I want / Id like How much is it?Thats fine. Ill take it.Let me have ,Asking the way,Excuse me. Wheres the mens room?Excuse. Can you tell me the way to (spl.)?How can I get to (spl.)?I dont know the way to (spl.) ?

17、 Go down this street.Turn right/ left at the second crossing.Its about meters from here.Go straight ahead till you see,How to listen to dialogues?,数字 职业 地点 态度,因果 事件 比较 推理,数字,12,基数词,序数词 分数,百分数 年代,日期,时刻,编码:街道,房间号,电话号码 路程 价格,常见的“数字”提问方式,When? What time? How old? How much? How many?,注意一些常见的用于简单计算的词:,hal

18、f;double;twice;one-third;percent;a pair;a dozen;pound;cent,职业 身份,15,Doctor-patient Boss-secretary Shop assistant-customer Driver-policeman Taxi driver-passenger Teacher-student Friends Classmates Librarian-student Waiter-customer Host and guest,What is the man/ woman? What is the relationship betwee

19、n the speakers? Whats the mans occupation?,职业, 身份,地点和方向,Where is ? Where are the speakers? Where does the conversation take place? Where are they probably going?,高考话题中常见的地点:,At the hospital In the post office; At a hotel; At a restaurant In the library In the bank In the classroom At the airport At

20、home,Where? Headmaster, students , headteacher, classroom, subject, course, term, lab, library, lecture hall, playground, dining hall, exam, test, professor, degree, sports meet, homework,school,single/ double room, front desk, porter, clerk, Room 411, book a room,Where?,hotel,Goods, salesman, assis

21、tant, size, color, price, customer, shopper, cost, pay, cheap, expensive, bargain, storekeeper, charge,shop,Where?,Waiter, waitress, customer, table, order, menu, drinks , soup, fish, bill, full, delicious,Where ?,restaurant,* Kitchen, study, bedroom, living room, sleeping late, do homework till mid

22、night, parents,home,Where ?,态度和观点,Whats the mans attitude? How does the woman feel about ? Whats the mans opinion? What did the woman think of ?,原因,结果,What is the reason for ?Why did do?,事件,What is the man going to do? What does the woman plan to do? What will the woman probably do? What was the man

23、 doing at that time?How did the man do?,推 理,What does the man mean? What do we learn from this conversation? What do we learn from the mans reply? What can we infer from the conversation?,How to listen to monologues?,1.Read the exercise first and find the key words in the question. 2.Pay more attention to the first and last sentence. 3.Catch the key words. 4.Get the general idea.,注意练习时的策略,1循序渐进,长期练习 2精听与泛听结合 3.加强听力技巧的指导 4.培养健康的听力心理(过于自信,缺乏自信) 5.课上重视听力,增加练习频率(短小频繁) 6.平时注意单词读音的正确(重读音节),

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