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BS ISO IEC 14662-2010 Information technology - Open-edi reference model《信息技术 开放电子数据交换(EDI)参考模型》.pdf

1、BS ISO/IEC 14662:2010 ICS 35.240.60 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW BRITISH STANDARD Information technology Open-edi reference modelThis British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 May 2010. BSI 2010 I

2、SBN 978 0 580 70667 7 Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication Date Comments BS ISO/IEC 14662:2010 National foreword This British Standard is the UK implementation of ISO/IEC 14662:2010. It supersedes BS ISO/IEC 14662:2004 which is withdrawn. The UK participation in its preparation was entrust

3、ed to Technical Committee IST/40, Data management and interchange. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct applica

4、tion. Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.BS ISO/IEC 14662:2010Reference number Numro de rfrence ISO/IEC 14662:2010(E/F) ISO/IEC 2010INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE ISO/IEC 14662 Third edition Troisime dition 2010-02-15 Information technology

5、Open- edi reference model Technologies de linformation Modle de rfrence EDI-ouvert BS ISO/IEC 14662:2010 ISO/IEC 14662:2010(E/F) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless

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12、us. COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT DOCUMENT PROTG PAR COPYRIGHT ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in wri

13、ting from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. / Droits de reproduction rservs. Sauf prescription diffrente, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut tre reproduite ni utilise sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procd, lectronique ou mcanique

14、, y compris la photocopie et les microfilms, sans laccord crit de lISO ladresse ci-aprs ou du comit membre de lISO dans le pays du demandeur. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switz

15、erland/Publi en Suisse ii ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reserved/Tous droits rservsBS ISO/IEC 14662:2010 ISO/IEC 14662:2010(E/F) ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reserved/Tous droits rservs iiiContents Page Foreword viii 0 Introductionx 0.1 General .x 0.2 The co-ordination needs of the Open-edi Reference Model xiv

16、 0.3 Technical requirements of the Open-edi Reference Model xv 0.4 Use of “Person”, “person”, and “party” in the context of business transactions and commitment exchange.xvi 0.5 Electronic business and Open-edi: Areas of activity and participationxvii 1 Scope1 2 Normative references1 3 Terms and def

17、initions .2 4 Symbols and abbreviations7 5 The Open-edi Reference Model8 5.1 Business Operational View 10 5.1.1 BOV-related standards10 5.1.2 Open-edi scenarios .11 5.2 Functional Service View .16 5.2.1 Functional concepts and capabilities .17 5.2.2 Implementation concepts .18 5.3 Open-edi Reference

18、 Model related standards21 5.4 Use of BOV and FSV-related standards21 6 Conformance statement .23 Annex A (informative) Standardization areas and types of standardization activities for Open-edi .25 A.1 Open-edi standardization areas.27 A.1.1 Legal environment for Open-edi 28 A.1.2 Generic Open-edi

19、standards 28 A.1.3 Sectoral Open-edi standards .28 A.1.4 Inter-sectoral co-ordination of Open-edi sectoral standards .29 A.2 Classification of Open-edi standards29 A.2.1 Environment.29 A.2.2 Activity models 29 A.2.3 Information models and representation29 A.2.4 Technology 29 A.3 Levels of activity29

20、 A.3.1 Meta-standards30 A.3.2 Standards .30 A.3.3 Guidelines 30 A.3.4 Conformity and certification 30 A.3.5 Implementation 30 A.4 Application to Open-edi30 Annex B (informative) Requirements for Open-edi standards.33 B.1 Business organizational requirements .33 B.1.1 Multi-sectoral electronic busine

21、ss 33 B.1.2 Open environment.33 B.1.3 Organizational flexibility.34 B.2 Business information requirements34 B.2.1 Integration of different data types .34 B.2.2 Modelling35 BS ISO/IEC 14662:2010 ISO/IEC 14662:2010(E/F) iv ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reserved/Tous droits rservsB.2.3 Registration of busine

22、ss models .36 B.3 Business interchange requirements36 B.3.1 Independence of business aspects from information technology aspects 36 B.3.2 Interoperability of business interchanges 37 B.3.3 EDI transactions.37 B.3.4 Standardized APIs .37 B.3.5 Conformance testing.37 B.4 Security.37 B.5 Legal aspects

23、.38 B.6 Migration.38 Annex C (informative) Example of formal description techniques for modelling role behaviour 39 C.1 Aspects of role behaviour based on a state transition FDT41 C.2 Aspects of role behaviour based on a Petri Net FDT.43 C.3 Aspects of role behaviour based on UML.47 Annex D (informa

24、tive) An approach detailing concepts of the FSV 50 D.1 Functional concepts50 D.2 Implementation concepts .53 D.3 List of FSV-related standards.55 D.4 Open-edi support entities - Examples .55 D.4.1 Role Trader .56 D.4.2 Role interpreter 56 Annex E (informative) Terms in French alphabetical order 58 B

25、ibliography 61 Figures Figure 1 Open-edi environment xiii Figure 2 The creation of BOV and FSV standards . 10 Figure 3 Open-edi system relationships 20 Figure 4 The use of BOV and FSV standards 22 Figure A.1 Relationships of Open-edi standardization areas with other standards and impact of the legal

26、 environment 26 Figure C.1 Concepts of role behaviour . 41 Figure C.2 Information Bundle sequence chart 42 Figure C.3 The Organ-Requester role 44 Figure C.4 The Donor role 45 Figure C.5 The Organ-Centre role 46 Figure C.6 Aspects of role behaviour based on UML . 48 Figure D.1 Relationships between f

27、unctional components. 52 Figure D.2 Functional Service View of the Open-edi systems environment. 53 Figure D.3 Open-edi system relationships 54 Tables Table 1 Areas of activity xviii Table 2 Types of bodies that should be involved in performing the different tasks for each cellxix Table 3 Current pa

28、rticipants.xx Table A.1 Positions of Open-edi activities 31 Table C.1 State/transition table for role 2 . 43 BS ISO/IEC 14662:2010 ISO/IEC 14662:2010(E/F) ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reserved/Tous droits rservs vSommaire Page Avant-propos .ix 0 Introductionx 0.1 Gnralits .x 0.2 Rle coordinateur du modle

29、 de rfrence pour lEDI-ouvert.xiv 0.3 Exigences techniques affrentes au modle de rfrence pour lEDI-ouvert.xv 0.4 Utilisation de Personne, personne, et partenaire en contexte de transaction daffaires et dchange dengagement.xvi 0.5 EDI et EDI-ouvert: Domaines dactivit et participation xvii 1 Domaine da

30、pplication 1 2 Rfrences normatives.1 3 Termes et dfinitions 2 4 Symboles et abrviations .7 5 Modle de rfrence pour lEDI-ouvert .8 5.1 Vue oprationnelle des affaires .10 5.1.1 Normes relatives la BOV10 5.1.2 Scnarios dEDI-ouvert .11 5.2 Vue fonctionnelle des services16 5.2.1 Concepts fonctionnels et

31、capacits de la FSV.17 5.2.2 Concepts de mise en uvre 18 5.3 Normes relatives au modle de rfrence pour lEDI-ouvert21 5.4 Usage des normes relatives la BOV et la FSV21 6 Dclaration de conformit 23 Annexe A (informative) Domaines de normalisation et types dactivits de normalisation pour lEDI-ouvert.25

32、A.1 Domaines de normalisation de lEDI-ouvert .27 A.1.1 Environnement juridique de lEDI-ouvert28 A.1.2 Normes gnriques dEDI-ouvert.28 A.1.3 Normes sectorielles dEDI-ouvert28 A.1.4 Coordination intersectorielle des normes sectorielles dEDI-ouvert.29 A.2 Classification des normes dEDI-ouvert .29 A.2.1

33、Environnement 29 A.2.2 Modles dactivit29 A.2.3 Modles dinformation et reprsentation29 A.2.4 Moyens techniques .29 A.3 Niveaux dactivit 29 A.3.1 Mtanormes .30 A.3.2 Normes .30 A.3.3 Guides.30 A.3.4 Conformit et certification30 A.3.5 Mise en uvre .30 A.4 Application lEDI-ouvert.30 Annexe B (informativ

34、e) Exigences des normes dEDI-ouvert 33 B.1 Exigences organisationnelles des affaires.33 B.1.1 Affaires lectroniques multisectorielles .33 B.1.2 Environnement ouvert 33 B.1.3 Souplesse dorganisation.34 B.2 Exigences dcoulant des informations daffaires34 B.2.1 Intgration de types diffrents de donnes34

35、 BS ISO/IEC 14662:2010 ISO/IEC 14662:2010(E/F) vi ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reserved/Tous droits rservsB.2.2 Modlisation.35 B.2.3 Enregistrement de modles daffaires.36 B.3 Exigences dcoulant des changes daffaires .36 B.3.1 Indpendance entre aspects daffaires et aspects de la technologie de linformatio

36、n36 B.3.2 Fonctionnement coopratif des services dchange de donnes37 B.3.3 Transactions EDI37 B.3.4 API normalises.37 B.3.5 Vrification de conformit 37 B.4 Scurit.37 B.5 Aspects lgaux.38 B.6 Migration.38 Annexe C (informative) Exemple des techniques de descriptions formelles appliques la modlisation

37、du comportement des rles 39 C.1 Aspects de comportement de rle exprims par une FDT transition dtats.41 C.2 Aspects de comportement de rle exprims par une FDT rseau de Petri43 C.3 Aspects du comportement de rles bass sur lUML47 Annexe D (informative) Une approche pour affiner les concepts de la FSV.5

38、0 D.1 Concepts fonctionnels 50 D.2 Concepts de mise en uvre.53 D.3 Liste de normes relatives la FSV.55 D.4 Exemples dentits de soutien dEDI-ouvert.55 D.4.1 Courtier en rles 56 D.4.2 Interprte de rle56 Annexe E (informative) Termes franais en ordre alpabtique 58 Bibliographie .61 Figures Figure 1 Env

39、ironnement de lEDI-ouvert. xiii Figure 2 Cration des normes de BOV et de FSV 10 Figure 3 Rapports entre les systmes dEDI-ouvert . 20 Figure 4 Usage des normes relatives la BOV et la FSV. 23 Figure A.1 Relations entre les domaines de normalisation de lEDI-ouvert et les autres domaines et impact de le

40、nvironnement juridique. 27 Figure C.1 Concepts relatifs au comportement des rles. 41 Figure C.2 Diagramme squentiel des faisceaux dinformations 42 Figure C.3 Rle de demandeur dorganes 44 Figure C.4 Rle de donneur dorganes . 45 Figure C.5 Rle de centrale dorganes . 46 Figure C.6 Aspects du comporteme

41、nt de rles bass sur lUML 49 Figure D.1 Relations entre composants fonctionnels . 52 Figure D.2 Vue fonctionnelle des services dans lenvironnement des systmes dEDI-ouvert 53 Figure D.3 Relations dans les systmes dEDI-ouvert 55 Tableaux Tableau 1 Domaines dactivit xviii Tableau 2 Types dorganismes qui

42、, pour chaque cellule, devraient tre impliqus dans la ralisation des tches .xix BS ISO/IEC 14662:2010 ISO/IEC 14662:2010(E/F) ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reserved/Tous droits rservs viiTableau 3 Participants actuels xxi Tableau A.1 Positionnement des activits relatives lEDI-ouvert .32 Tableau C.1 Tablea

43、u des tats et transitions pour le rle 243 BS ISO/IEC 14662:2010 ISO/IEC 14662:2010(E/F) viii ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reserved/Tous droits rservsForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for wo

44、rldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate

45、 in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. International Standards are d

46、rafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an Int

47、ernational Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

48、 ISO/IEC 14662 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 32, Data management and interchange. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO/IEC 14662:2004), of which it constitutes a minor revision. BS ISO/IEC 14662:2010 ISO/IEC 14662:2010(E/F) ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reserved/Tous droits rservs ixAvant-propos LISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) et la CEI (Commission lectrotechnique internationale)

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