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API MPMS 14.9-2013 Measurement of Natural Gas by Coriolis Meter (Second Edition Available through AGA (American Gas Association) only as AGA Report No 11 See Global Engineering D.pdf

1、 AGA Report No. 11 API MPMS Chapter 14.9 Measurement of Natural Gas by Coriolis Meter Prepared by Transmission Measurement Committee Second Edition, February 2013 AGA Report No. 11 API MPMS Chapter 14.9 Measurement of Natural Gas by Coriolis MeterPrepared by Transmission Measurement CommitteeSecond

2、Edition, February 2013 Copyright 2013 American Gas Association All Rights Reserved Catalog # XQ1301 iiiiiDISCLAIMERANDCOPYRIGHTThe American Gas Associations (AGA) Operations and Engineering Section provides a forum for industry experts to bring their collective knowledge together to improve the stat

3、e of the art in the areas of operating, engineering and technological aspects of producing, gathering, transporting, storing, distributing, measuring and utilizing natural gas.Through its publications, of which this is one, AGA provides for the exchange of information within the natural gas industry

4、 and scientific, trade and governmental organizations. Many AGA publications are prepared or sponsored by an AGA Operations and Engineering Section technical committee. While AGA may administer the process, neither AGA nor the technical committee independently tests, evaluates or verifies the accura

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13、iting and sent to: Operations full name of the document; suggested revisions to the text of the document; the rationale for the suggested revisions; and permission to use the suggested revisions in an amended publication of the document. Copyright 2013, American Gas Association, All Rights Reserved.

14、 ivFOREWORDThis report has been written in the form of a performance-based specification. If this performance-based specification is used, Coriolis meters shall meet or exceed the function, accuracy, and testing requirements specified in this report and designers shall follow the applicable installa

15、tion recommendations. This report is split into two distinct sections the main body of the report and a series of appendices. The main body should be considered normative as it describes working practice when applying and using Coriolis meters to measure natural gas flow. The appendices are informat

16、ive and contain additional material, background and examples of how Coriolis meters are installed and operated.Methods for verifying a meters accuracy and/or applying a Flow Weighted Mean Error (FWME) correction factor to minimize the measurement uncertainty are contained in Appendix A, “Coriolis Ga

17、s Flow Meter Calibration Issues.” Depending on the design, it may be necessary to flow-calibrate each meter on a gas similar to that expected in service. In order to guide the designer in the specification of a Coriolis meter, Appendix B, “Coriolis Meter Data Sheet,” has been provided. As a referenc

18、e for background information on Coriolis natural gas metering, Appendix C, “AGA Engineering Technical Note, XQ0112, Coriolis Flow Measurement for Natural Gas Applications,” is provided. Due to the unique principle of operation and atypical performance characteristics of Coriolis mass flow meters, in

19、 comparison to volumetric flow meters, readers who are not familiar with the technology are encouraged to read the Appendix C prior to applying the general concepts and guidelines of this report. This report offers general criteria for the measurement of natural gas by Coriolis meters. It is the cum

20、ulative result of years of experience of many individuals and organizations acquainted with measuring gas flow rate and/or the practical use of Coriolis meters for gas measurement. Changes to this report may become necessary from time to time. vACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe revision work of this report was un

21、dertaken by a task group the Transmission Measurement Committee (TMC). The task group was chaired by Angela Floyd who was with ConocoPhillips during the development and finalization of this report. Angela was supported by the vice chair, Karl Stappertwith Micro Motion. A special subcommittee of the

22、task group was formed later to assemble additional technical information, compose the drafts of the revised report for balloting and finally resolve the ballot comments and prepare the final report. The members of the special subcommittee who devoted an extensive amount of their time and deserve spe

23、cial thanks are Kerry Checkwitch, Spectra Energy Transmission Craig Chester, Williams Gas P/L John Daly, GE Sensing Robert DeBoom, Consultant Robert Fallwell, TransCanada P/L Ron Gibson, ONEOK, Inc. Terry Grimley, Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) John Hand, Spectra Energy Transmission Michael Kei

24、lty, Endress + Hauser Flowtec AG Allen Knack, Consumers Energy Brad Massey, Southern Star Central Gas P/L Paul LaNasa, CPL and Associates Stephanie Lane, Micro Motion, Inc. Dannie Mercer, Atmos Energy Corporation Gary McCargar, ONEOK, Inc. Bill Morrow, Telvent Mark Pelkey, National Fuel Gas Supply C

25、orporation Dan Rebman, Universal Ensco Don Sextro, Targa Resources, Inc. Martin Schlebach, Daniel Measurement and Control, Inc. Tushar Shah, Eagle Research Corp. James N. Witte, El Paso Pipeline Group AGA acknowledges the contributions of the above individuals and thanks them for their time and effo

26、rt in getting this document revised. Christina Sames Ali Quraishi Vice President Director Operations and Engineering Operations and Engineering viTABLEOFCONTENTSDISCLAIMERANDCOPYRIGHTIIIFOREWORDIVACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.V1 INTRODUCTION11.1 SCOPE11.2 PRINCIPLEOFMEASUREMENT.12 TERMINOLOGY,UNITS,DEFINITIONS i

27、.e., they are bidirectional. The inertial force that results is proportional to the mass flow rate. The mass flow rate, thus determined, is divided by the gas base density to obtain the base volume flow rate. The flowing density of a gas as indicated by a Coriolis meter is not of sufficient accuracy

28、 to be used for the purpose of calculating flowing volume from flowing mass of the gas and shall not be used for this purpose. 2 TERMINOLOGY,UNITS,DEFINITIONS rather it is an indication that a measurement is more accurate when it offers less error or uncertainty. Allowable Pressure The differential

29、pressure available for consumption by the metering Drop module, as specified by the designer. Ancillary Device A device intended to perform a particular function, directly involved in elaborating, transmitting or displaying measurement results. Application Gas A gas of known physical properties whic

30、h will be measured. Base Conditions Defined pressure and temperature conditions used in the custody transfer measurement of fluid volume and other calculations. Base conditions may be defined by regulation, contract, local conditions or organizational needs. In the United States for inter-state cust

31、ody transfer of natural gas, it is considered to be 60 qF and 14.73 psia. Baseline Point Clearly defined starting point (point of departure) from where implementation begins Calibration The process of determining, under specified conditions, the relationship between the output (or response) of a dev

32、ice to the value of a traceable reference standard with documented uncertainties. The relationship may be expressed by a statement, calibration function, calibration diagram, calibration curve, or calibration table. In some cases, it may consist of an additive or multiplicative correction of the ind

33、ication with associated measurement uncertainty. Any adjustment to the device, if performed, 3following a calibration, requires a verification against the reference standard. Any adjustment to the device, if performed, following a calibration requires a verification against the reference standard. C

34、alibration Factor Manufacturer flow calibration scalars that are applied to the meters output(s) value to adjust the output(s) value(s) to the as-built performance (i.e. zero, span, linearity, etc.) of the sensor. Confidence Level The degree of confidence, expressed as a percentage, that the true va

35、lue lies within the stated uncertainty. For example: A proper uncertainty statement would read: “mQ=500 lb/h 1.0% at a 95% level of confidence.“ This means that 95 out of every 100 observations are between 495 and 505 lb/h. Compressibility factor A factor calculated by taking the ratio of the actual

36、 volume of a given mass of gas at a specified temperature and pressure to its volume calculated from the ideal gas law at the same conditions. Cross Talk Vibration interaction of two Coriolis sensors that are mechanically connected and whose resonant frequencies are identical. Discrete Error Value A

37、n estimate of error for an individual measurement, expressed in “percent of reading” or in engineering units. Drift A slow change of a metrological characteristic of a measuring instrument. Drive Signal An electrical signal produced by the transmitter to initiate and maintain cyclic vibration of the

38、 sensor (measuring transducer) flow tube(s). Error The difference between a measured value and the true value of the measured quantity. (Note: Since the true value cannot be determined, in practice a conventional true or reference value is used, as determined by means of a suitable standard device.)

39、 Flow Pressure Effect The effect on accuracy when measuring mass flow at an operating pressure that differs from the calibration pressure Flow Pressure Effect A factor that adjusts mass flow for operating line pressure. Compensation Factor Flow Weighted Mean The calculation of the FWME of a meter fr

40、om actual flow test data is a Error ( FWME) method of calibrating a meter when only a single correction factor is applied to the meter output. FWME is only one of many techniques for adjustment of a Coriolis meter calibration to minimize the flow measurement uncertainty of the meter. Note: FWME is c

41、alculated per Equation A.1 in Appendix A. Influence Quantity A quantity that is not the measured quantity but that affects the result of the measurement. Installation Effect Any difference in performance of a component or the measuring system arising between the calibration under ideal conditions an

42、d actual conditions of use. This difference may be caused by different flow 4conditions due to velocity profile and perturbations, or by different working regimes (pulsation, intermittent flow, alternating flow, vibrations, etc.). Maximum The largest allowable difference between the upper-most error

43、 point and Peak-to-Peak Error the lower-most error point as shown in Figure 6.1 and Section 6.1. This applies to all error values in the flow rate range between tQand maxQ.Maximum permissible The extreme error of a meters indicated value in percentage of the Error (MPE) reference value with which it

44、 is compared. (see Section 6.1). Mean Error The arithmetic mean of all the observed errors or data points for a given flow rate. Measuring System A system that includes the metering module and all the ancillary devices. Measuring Transducer A device that provides an output quantity having a determin

45、ed relationship to the input quantity. Measurement Parameter associated with the result of a measurement that Uncertainty characterizes the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be attributed to the measured quantity. The dispersion could include all components of uncertainty including thos

46、e arising from systematic effect. The parameter is typically expressed as a standard deviation (or a given multiple of it), defining the limits within which the measured value is expected to lie with a stated level of confidence. Meter A measurement instrument comprised of the sensor, which includes

47、 the flow tube(s) and measuring transducers, and the transmitter intended to measure continuously, memorize and display the volume or mass of gas passing through the sensor at metering conditions. Meter Sensor Mechanical assembly consisting of vibrating flow tube(s), drive system, flow tube position

48、 sensors, process connections/flanges, flow manifolds, supporting structure, and housing Metering Conditions The conditions of the gas, at the point of measurement, where the flow rate is measured, (temperature, pressure, composition, and flow rate of the measured gas). Metering Module The subassemb

49、ly of a measuring system, which includes the sensor and all other devices (i.e., flow conditioners, straight pipe and/or metering tubes) required to ensure correct measurement of the measuring systems gas circuit. MUT Acronym for “Meter Under Test.” No Flow Cut-Off A flow rate below which any indicated flow by the meter is considered to be invalid and indicated flow output is set to zero. (Historically referred

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